Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Stuart pulled through his heart transplant surgery.
--Judith, Amy, and Philip reconnected with Ava.
--Becky revealed to Carter that she decided to leave town.
--Michael paid JJ ten thousand dollars to spy on Carter.
--And, Veronica agreed to have a DNA test to prove to Jennifer and Joshua that she was in fact their sister and not a liar.

Becky is sitting on her bed. She is looking through her mail. She is surrounded by suitcases and clothes. Then, she takes out her cell phone from her blazer jacket pocket, dials, and puts the phone up to her ear.

BECKY: (on the phone) Hi, Chief Jones. I hate to do this over voicemail. But, I just thought you should know that I’m handing in my two weeks. I got another job and yeah. Anyway, give me a call back when you get a chance.
Becky hangs up the her cell phone.
BECKY: (sighs) I’m really gonna miss this town.
Becky stands up and walks over to her closet.

Michael and Thomas have just sat down at a table. Both of them pick up their menus from the table and open them.

THOMAS: Thanks for meeting me for breakfast, dad.
MICHAEL: No problem, son. And, are you sure your sister can’t join us? I know I kicked her out, and I know things are rocky, but she’s still my kid.
THOMAS: She wanted to come. She really did. But, you know, I just hired her at my company. And, she’s trying to get a feel for my vision.
MICHAEL: I understand. That’s your sister. The worker bee.
THOMAS: Very true. You know, I am glad it is just us. Truthfully, I organized this little get-together to ask you for a favor.
MICHAEL: Oh? What do you need my help with?
THOMAS: I want you to ask your contact, that JJ guy, if he could dig up some info for me on my now ex-girlfriend Becky Campbell.

The elevator doors ding open. Jennifer, Joshua, and Veronica step off the elevator and walk over to the front desk.
JOSHUA: Hey, Nurse Sheila.
SHEILA: Well, hello. Doctor Jackson, I didn’t think you were scheduled today. Did you get Mr. Patterson’s pacemaker surgery moved up?
JOSHUA: No, I didn’t. I’m just here on some other business. By the way, is exam room nine available? I need to start the steps for a quick procedure.
SHEILA: Uh, yeah, it’s available.
JOSHUA: Thank you very much.
SHEILA: Have a great day.
JOSHUA: You too.
Sheila walks off. Joshua turns around.
JOSHUA: Alright, let’s get this over with.

JENNIFER: I second that.
VERONICA: Yeah. Time for you two to figure out that I’ve been spouting out the truth ever since I moved to this town.
JENNIFER: We’ll see about that.

Stuart is laying down on the bed. He is sleeping. Judith is sitting next to him in a chair by his bedside. She is looking at Stuart, smiling. Stuart begins to slowly awaken.
JUDITH: Oh, you’re finally awake.
STUART: Judith. (coughs) What are you doing here?
JUDITH: I couldn’t just leave the hospital. I wanted to be by your side. (laughs) I’m still in my clothes from yesterday. I’ve barely gotten any sleep. But, I just couldn’t leave you, Stuart. (whispers) I just couldn’t leave you.
The camera zooms in on Judith and Stuart’s hands. Judith grabs Stuart’s hands and puts them in her hands.
STUART: Thank you for staying.

Ava enters the establishment. She lets out a sigh and walks up to Philip and Amy who are sitting down at a nearby table.

AVA: (sitting down) Hello.

PHILIP: Aunt Ava, thanks for meeting us.
AVA: My pleasure. I’m glad you two asked me here.
AMY: We just wanted to get the chance to reconnect with you.
AVA: Well, how about we get some coffee, and muffins, and chat?
AMY: Sounds like a plan to me.
PHILIP Sounds really good.

Carter is standing over by a small table and pouring himself a cup of coffee. Then, there’s a knock at the door.
CARTER: Come in!
Seconds later, Lindsay enters. Carter turns around.
CARTER: Hello there.
Lindsay shuts the door behind her and goes to Carter.
CARTER: Can I get you some coffee?
LINDSAY: No, I’m fine. Thanks.
CARTER: No problem. So, what brings you by?
LINDSAY: Can’t a gal just visit her boyfriend?
CARTER: Yes, a gal can. But, I know that you are super busy these days. After all, you just got a new, top position at your brother’s company.
LINDSAY: You’re right. I did. But, I needed a break. And, speaking of my brother’s company, I wanted to talk to you about said company.
CARTER: Why is that?
LINDSAY: Because, I was wondering if you wanted to ditch Anderson Manufacturing and come be the head of marketing at The Grape Escape?
Back at Becky’s Apartment, in Becky’s Bedroom, Becky is looking through boxes. She has two piles in the room, a keep and throw away pile. Next, she opens up a box labeled photos. Sitting on top of the stack of photos is a photo of she and Thomas.
BECKY: (sighs) I was so close to saying “I love you”. But, I let my mistakes get the best of our relationship. Goodbye, Thomas. Goodbye forever.
Becky then rips of the photo and tosses it aside. She takes a moment to glance down at the ripped up photo. She then bites her bottom lip and goes back looking through the rest of the photos in the box.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Amy, Ava, and Philip are each having a muffin and drinking a cup of coffee. Ava is looking through a stack of photos. She then puts the stack down.
AVA: Thank you for bringing me these photos. I truly have missed a lot. But, now that I’m back in town, I’m hoping I can make up for some lost time.
PHILIP: You know, Amy and I understand why you moved away. You fell in love with Keith. Plus, you had your writing career taking you in a different path. Mom has told us all about you chasing your dreams.
AMY: I think it’s pretty cool.
AVA: Thanks for the support.
AMY: How is your writing career these days?
AVA: It’s going great. I’m set to release my 12th book in January of 2019. And, I’ve got a lot of great projects on the horizon. Of course, you two will be invited to the launch party. I do have to go back to New York for that.
AMY: Aunt Ava, if you don’t mind me asking, how come you keep talking as though you’re here permanently? I thought you were just popping in to help our mom for a short time?
AVA: (sighs) I’m moving back full time. Things haven’t really been going so well between your Uncle Keith and I. And, right now, I just need family.
PHILIP: I’m sorry to hear that.
AVA: Thank you. But, I don’t want to burden you two with that. You two are so young. You have your whole lives ahead of you. The last thing you need to worry about is your aunt getting separated from your uncle.
AMY: We’ll still be there for you though.
PHILIP: Definitely.
AVA: Awww, thanks so much. Now, can (picking up a photo) we please move onto more pressing matters and discuss your mom’s hair in the 90s? (laughs) What was she thinking?
They all share a laugh as they look at the photo.
Back at Anderson Manufacturing, in Carter’s Office, Carter sets his coffee mug down on the small table. He and Lindsay take a few steps away from the table.
CARTER: You want me to quit my job and come work for your brother?
LINDSAY: Work with. Not for. Thomas wants his employees to feel as though they are a partner in his operation.
CARTER: That’s very kind of him.
LINDSAY: It’s a good way to do business.
CARTER: I have to agree.
LINDSAY: So, what do you say?
CARTER: I’m gonna have to turn you down flat.
CARTER: Lindsay, I know you hate her. But, Cynthia did stick her neck out for me. She gave me this position right away. She gave it to me before she looked over hundreds of resumes. I can’t just abandon her.
LINDSAY: Yeah, you can.
CARTER: No, I can’t.
LINDSAY: Carter…
CARTER: Lindsay, what is this really about?
LINDSAY: What do you mean?
CARTER: I mean, why did you offer me this job?
LINDSAY: Because, I want to spend as much time around you as possible.
CARTER: See, I don’t think that’s it. I think that you are getting a tad jealous of the history Cynthia and I have. Even though, I’ve told you and everyone else time and time again that she means nothing to me anymore.
LINDSAY: Well, can you blame me?
CARTER: Yeah, I can. Lindsay, I keep telling you that you are the only woman I’m setting my sights on. But, you continue to not believe me. It’s hurtful.
LINDSAY: I’m sorry. I really am.
CARTER: Don’t just say it. Show it. Believe me.
LINDSAY: Okay. Fine. From now on, I believe you. Scouts honor.
CARTER: Do you trust me too?
LINDSAY: Of course I do. You haven’t betrayed me y…
CARTER: And, I never will.
LINDSAY: (smiling) Good.
Lindsay and Carter kiss one another.
LINDSAY: Now, get your things. I’m treating you to lunch.
CARTER: Sounds good to me.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Thomas takes a sip of his tea. He then sets the tea cup back in front of him.
MICHAEL: Why do you want JJ to look into Becky’s past?
THOMAS: I get the feeling that she’s hiding something from me. We had a falling out a couple weeks ago. The one that lead to our break up. And, then, yesterday, we had a very awkward encounter. The more things like that, that show up, the more I get suspicious. The more I want to know who I was really involved with.
MICHAEL: Why didn’t you want to know from the get-go?
THOMAS: Because, I was blinded by feelings for this girl.
MICHAEL: And now?
THOMAS: And, now I’m blinded by curiosity.
MICHAEL: Son, let’s say there is something there. Something dark. Something horrific. Then what? What would you do with that information?
THOMAS: I would confront her with it. Look, dad, even though we’re broken up, I still deserve answers. I could be helping the next guy out there.
MICHAEL: I get it. Say no more. I’ll put JJ on the case.
THOMAS: Thanks. I appreciate that.
MICHAEL: No problem. Good luck.
THOMAS: Thanks again.
Thomas takes another sip of his tea.
Veronica is sitting on the examination bed. Jennifer is standing next to her. Seconds later, Joshua enters the room. He shuts the door.
JOSHUA: Alright, I just took Veronica’s sample and our samples down to the lab. I had them put a rush on it. We should have our answers in about an hour.
VERONICA: Look, even though I agreed to do this, I do feel hurt. I really want you guys to know that. I didn’t grow up in the best home. My whole life, all I wanted was siblings. And, when I moved here, I thought I was finally going to get my wish. But, I guess the wish partially came true.
JENNIFER: Veronica, I’m sure you’re a great person. And, maybe you are telling the truth. But, you have to understand why Joshua and I are so hesitant.
VERONICA: I do. But, that doesn’t mean that I’m going to hide how I feel.
JOSHUA: We get it. We do. (sighs) I’m gonna go grab a cup of coffee. Does anyone else want one right now?
JENNIFER: I’m good.
VERONICA: Same here.
JOSHUA: Okay. Seya in a bit.
As Joshua exits the room, Veronica and Jennifer look at one another.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Stuart’s Hospital Room, Judith lets out a deep breath. Stuart sits up a little in his bed.
JUDITH: Can I get you anything? Perhaps some water?
STUART: No, I’m fine.
JUDITH: Are you sure?
STUART: Yeah. I’m sure.
STUART: Judith, there are some things I have to say to you.
JUDITH: Oh, Stuart, you need to save your strength. Don’t talk right now. I just want you to rest up and then we can talk tomorrow.
STUART: Judith, I didn’t think I was going to survive this surgery. I didn’t think I was going to live to see another day. I didn’t think I was ever going to get a chance to say these things. The things I need to say.
JUDITH: Okay. Go ahead. Say what you need to say.
STUART: My mother always said to my brother Quentin and I that she didn’t care who we fell in love with, as long as we loved them faithfully and truthfully. But, she also told us that if one of those factors should ever disappear, then there’s no point in staying in the relationship with that person. When I was on that operating table, and under all that anesthesia, I became alone with my thoughts. And, I was only thinking about you. I was only thinking about the life we’ve built together. The empire we’ve built together. And, I also thought about how none of that was enough for you. Judith, I appreciate you for staying here at this hospital to see me through this. I love that you care that much. And, I will always care that much for you too. But, I no longer truthfully love you. And, you couldn’t love me faithfully. It’s time to let go. It’s time for us to go down our own paths. I need to let go. You need to let go.
Judith begins to cry silently. She then lays down on Stuart’s chest. Stuart runs his fingers through her hair. The camera zooms out.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 31***
***END OF EP. 31***
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