Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Judith was once again served divorce papers.
--Thomas overheard Becky talking about drugs on a phone call. When he asked her about it, she wrote it off and said it concerned a police investigation.
--Andrea told Joshua she was pregnant.
--And, Mimi came face-to-face with her ex-girlfriend, Veronica!
The camera pans throughout a small company office.
LINDSAY: (voice heard) Are we almost there?

THOMAS: (voice heard) Yes. Our office space is on the right.
Then, keys are heard unlocking a door. Moments later, Thomas and Lindsay step through the door and turn on the light. They both look around.
THOMAS: This place looks amazing.
LINDSAY: The interior decorators did a good job.
THOMAS: Yes, they did. And, it feels amazing not to work from my apartment anymore. Now, I can finally turn this company into a powerhouse.

Carter is sitting behind his desk and talking on his office phone.
CARTER: (on the phone) That’s wonderful. Thank you so much for managing to get those proofs to me before the end of business today. I will look over the mockups and get back to you. Have a good day, Brian. Bye.
As Carter hangs up his office phone and begins to look through a stack of papers, there is a knock at the door.
CARTER: (standing) Come in.
Michael enters the room and shuts the door behind himself.
CARTER: Mr. Anderson, can I help you?
MICHAEL: First off, please, call me Michael.
CARTER: Okay. Michael, what are you doing here?
MICHAEL: I’m here to tell you to stay away from my wife.

There’s a knock at the door. Philip rushes up to the door and opens it. Jennifer and Joshua enter the room.

PHILIP: Thank god you two are finally here.
Philip shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to them.

JENNIFER: Philip, what’s going on? When you texted Joshua and I, you sounded like what you needed us over here for was urgent.
PHILIP: This is a very urgent matter.
JOSHUA: Tell us. We’re waiting.
PHILIP: Our state-of-the-art-hacker guy Greg got a huge lead in the investigation. The tide is finally turning in our direction.

Stuart is laying in his hospital bed. The television is on. On TV is an old episode of One Life To Live. In the episode, Viki is just about to have her heart transplant. As Stuart hears someone entering his room, he shuts off the TV. Amy full enters, shuts the door, and walks over to him.
ANNOUNCER: The role of Stuart Whitmore is now being played by, John Wesley Shipp.
AMY: Dad, I know you are in this hospital bed 24/7. But, you should stop watching all those soap operas. They might fry your brain.
STUART: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. They’re the only thing on at this time of day. So, I have no choice in the matter.
Amy pulls up a chair next to Stuart and sits down. Stuart then puts his now empty cup of jello in front of him.
AMY: Tonight’s the big night.
STUART: Yes, it is.
AMY: How are you doing, dad?
STUART: Fine. Just a tad nervous.
AMY: You have every right to be nervous. You know, everyone is gonna be here tonight. We will all be rallying around you and supporting you.
STUART: I assume your mother will be here too?
AMY: I don’t think anyone can stop her. Not even those divorce papers I saw her receive this morning. I’m proud of you for deciding to separate yourself from her.
STUART: You are?
AMY: Yeah. I am. She is nothing but trouble, dad. And, all she has ever done is hurt you. It’s high time she gets kicked to the curb.
STUART: Young lady, I don’t want you concerning yourself with the issues I have with your mother. Life is too short to not love her. She did a terrible thing to me. But, this is our fight. Not your’s.
AMY: So, what are you saying exactly?
STUART: I’m saying that I think you should forgive your mother.
Back at The Grape Escape Offices, Thomas and Lindsay are sitting at individual desks that are near to one another. Both of them are typing on their computers. Then, Thomas phone dings.
LINDSAY: That is the fifth time in the past hour that your phone has received a text message. Yet, you continue to ignore them. Why is that?
THOMAS: Because, I already know who the texts are from. And, I don’t want to talk to said person. Okay?
LINDSAY: Okay. (stops typing) Who are they from?
THOMAS: (stops typing/a little ignored) Lindsay.
LINDSAY: What? I’m just a little curious.
THOMAS: (sighs) It’s Becky.
LINDSAY: Why is she texting you? You two broke up.
THOMAS: She wants to meet with me to talk. But, I have nothing left to say to her. And, after the awkward encounter we had this morning, I really don’t want to talk to her at all.
LINDSAY: What made your run in with her so awkward?
THOMAS: You know, it was the weirdest thing. I was at The Grand Piano and I was waiting to be seated. As I was waiting, I overheard her voice. She was talking on the phone.
LINDSAY: And, you just couldn’t help but eavesdrop?
THOMAS: Exactly.
LINDSAY: What was she talking about?
THOMAS: Drugs. Everything about them. Shipments, crews, all that good stuff. It was just odd. When she got off the phone, I asked her to explain to me what was going on. She said she was talking about a police investigation.
LINDSAY: She is a hot shot detective, brother. It could’ve been possible that she was on the phone with a colleague.
THOMAS: That’s what I thought too. But, as I thought about it more and more, none of it added up to me.
LINDSAY: What are you saying?
THOMAS: I think that Becky is somehow connected to what she was discussing with this mystery person over the phone. And, I don’t think she was connected to an investigation.
LINDSAY: Do you think Becky does drugs?
THOMAS: I don’t know. Sis, I’m gonna find out what’s going on here. And, if I turn up with nothing, feel free to call me a whacked out conspiracy theorist. But, if I’m right...if there is something going on here...then break out a bottle of champagne and call up someone to give me a badge at the police department.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Stuart’s Hospital Room, Amy is standing over by a portable table and pouring herself a cup of water. She takes a sip from the cup and turns around.
AMY: Dad, I don’t want to have this conversation with you. Can’t we turn back on the television? Or, maybe we can tell bad jokes.
STUART: Amy, we do need to talk about this. You and your mother’s relationship is falling apart. Pretty soon, they’ll be nothing to salvage.
AMY: That’s the way I want it to be. What mom did was so horrible that she ruined the relationships that she had with everyone around her.
STUART: Your mom can be a difficult woman. I’ve put up with her for almost 35 years. I am still standing. You will be too. Just give her a second chance. Do it for me. Please. I’m begging you.
Amy sets down the cup and walks back over to Stuart.
AMY: Okay, dad. Okay.
Amy kisses Stuart on the forehead.
Back at Anderson Manufacturing, in Carter’s Office, Carter comes out from behind his desk and walks over to Michael.
CARTER: Michael, I no longer have feelings for your wife. And, she no longer has feelings for me. What we once had is now dead in the water.
MICHAEL: You really must be good at marketing. Hell, you almost sold me on that huge pile of steaming BS.
CARTER: I am telling you the truth. The only contact I have with your wife is through this job. And, notice that I said your wife.
MICHAEL: Carter, I am a very powerful man. And, I love Cynthia more than words can say. I will also do anything to keep her. That means I will do away with anybody who tries to get in between us.
CARTER: Are you threatening me?
MICHAEL: I don’t make threats. I make promises.
Michael walks over to the door.
MICHAEL: Now, get back to work. You’re on the clock, bud.
Michael exits the office and shuts the door.
Back at Philip’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Jennifer sets her purse on the couch. She then lets out a deep breath.
JENNIFER: I can’t believe this. The police dropped our parents’ murder investigation because of lack in state funds?
JOSHUA: They were ready for our parents’ murder to become some type of cold case. This is completely insane.
JENNIFER: I’m with you on this one.
PHILIP: Same here.
JOSHUA: What exactly do we do now?
PHILIP: I was hoping one of you would ask that. I do have a plan. You may think I’m crazy at first. But, it is with a shot.
JENNIFER: Just tell us.
PHILIP: I say we go back to the crime scene.
JOSHUA: One year later? That is crazy.
JENNIFER: (sighs) It maybe the only option we have left.
PHILIP: Bingo.
JOSHUA: Fine let’s do it.
PHILIP: Good. Let’s grab our coats and go.
The camera pans to each of them. They’re each a little nervous. But, they’re also a little excited at the prospect of what they might be able to find.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 28***
***END OF EP. 28***
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