Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Michael discovered that Cynthia used to be married to Carter.
--Lindsay warned Cynthia to not try and win Carter back.
--Jennifer did not believe a word Veronica had to say about she and Veronica being sisters. This lead to Jennifer throwing Veronica out of the Jackson home.
--After being served divorce papers, Judith ripped them to shreds. She went onto tell Stuart that she was not giving up and that she would even see him through his heart transplant surgery.
Michael is standing in the living room and drinking a glass of scotch. Cynthia enters the room and sets her purse down on the couch. She walks over to Michael and begins to make herself a drink. She kisses him on the cheek.

CYNTHIA: Hello, darling.
MICHAEL: Hi. How was your day?
CYNTHIA: It was okay for the most part. But, I don’t really want to talk about it. How was your day, honey?
MICHAEL: I’ve had one of those days. But, that’s usually what happens when you find out that your wife has been lying to you.
CYNTHIA: What are you talking about?
MICHAEL: I know. I know that you and Carter were once husband and wife. So, tell me, why did you lie to me about being married to that man?
Jennifer is sitting on the couch. She is reading the letter that Veronica handed her. It details how proud Nick Jackson was that his little girl graduated from high school. Then, Joshua enters the room.
JOSHUA: Hey, sis.

JENNIFER: Hi. You’re home early.
JOSHUA: Yeah, I got out of surgery earlier than I expected.
JENNIFER: That’s nice.
JOSHUA: (sitting on the couch) What do you have there?
JENNIFER: A letter that was written by our father.
JOSHUA: Oh, I see, you dug out the letters that mom kept that dad wrote to her in high school. What’s the occasion?
JENNIFER: It’s not one of those letters. This is a letter that dad apparently addressed to his illegitimate daughter.

Lindsay and Thomas are sitting on the couch. Lindsay is playing a game on her phone. Thomas is typing up an E-Mail on his laptop.

THOMAS: Hey, I thought you were going to spend time with Carter tonight. What happened to those plans?
LINDSAY: I cancelled them. Are you trying to get rid of me?
THOMAS: No. I was just wondering what your plans were for tonight. But, (looking up) since you’re not leaving the apartment tonight, I need to talk to you.
LINDSAY: (looking up) Really? About…?
THOMAS: My business. I want to give you a job, sis.

Mimi is sitting on the couch. She is looking through photos of babies on a website. Then, Amy enters the room. She takes a seat next to Mimi.
AMY: Hello.
AMY: What are you looking at?
MIMI: Just these baby photos.
AMY: Awww, they’re adorable.
MIMI: Yeah, I think so.
AMY: Which website did these come from?
MIMI: An adoption website.

Andrea is sitting on top of the examination bed. Seconds later, Dr. Langford enters. She’s holding Andrea’s chart.
DR. LANGFORD: Chief Jackson, good evening.
ANDREA: Good evening, Dr. Langford.
DR. LANGFORD: I was shocked to see you on my rotation of patients today. What’s up? Is everything okay with you lately?
ANDREA: Everything has been going fine. However, lately, I’ve been under a lot of stress. And, I think it has caused me to be ill.
DR. LANGFORD: What are your symptoms?
ANDREA: Well, I’ve been throwing up a lot lately. I get nauseous easily. I can’t remember the last time I could eat a decent meal.
DR. LANGFORD: Chief, with all due respect, I think you already know your own diagnosis. You just named off symptoms that point to you being pregnant.
ANDREA: You think I’m pregnant?
DR. LANGFORD: Yes, I do. Now, of course, we’ll get a blood test done. But, it would appear that you have a bun in the oven.
Andrea lets out a nervous laugh.
Back at Amy and Mimi’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Mimi shuts off her phone and sets it down on the table in front of her.
AMY: You were looking at an adoption website?
MIMI: Yes, I was.
AMY: Why were you doing that?
MIMI: I just wanted to see what kind of adoption services are available these days. I wanted to get a good feel for adoption agencies around us.
AMY: Mimi…, do you want to have a baby?
MIMI: (sighs/standing) Truthfully, yeah. I do.
AMY: (standing) How come you never told me this?
MIMI: It’s always something that I’ve thought about. However, I was never really sure of what I wanted until after we walked down the aisle and said ‘I do.’
AMY: What made you so sure at that point?
MIMI: Amy, I know that if we bring a child into our lives, we will be so happy. We have the foundation to give a child a good life. We have the financial means. And, we have the means to give that child everlasting love. Is having a child something you’ve ever considered?
AMY: Not really. Sure, the thought has crossed my mind once or twice. But, it has never really been something at the top of my life checklist.
MIMI: I see.
AMY: I hope I didn’t upset you just now.
MIMI: No. No, you didn’t. I get it. You just haven’t thought about it enough to give me a straight answer. And, I don’t blame you for that.
AMY: Maybe someday I’ll be ready to bring a child into our lives and home. But, before that day comes, I need to seriously think about this to myself. And, we need to have more serious talks.
MIMI: I totally agree.
AMY: And, no matter what we decide on this subject, I want you to know that I will love you and cherish you for decades to come.
MIMI: I’m so happy to hear that.
Mimi and Amy kiss one another.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Michael and Cynthia set down their glasses. The two walk away from the bar cart.
CYNTHIA: How did you find out?
MICHAEL: That’s your first question? Really? You aren’t going to try and deny this? You aren’t going to try and throw this whole thing back in my face?
CYNTHIA: Michael, I’m upset that you went digging into Carter’s past and in turn violated my privacy. But, I’m even more upset with myself that I haven’t been completely forthcoming with you.
MICHAEL: I appreciate you being honest with me thus far.
CYNTHIA: You deserve the truth. (sighs) I was married to Carter. It was a long time ago. Years before I met you. We got married very young. He had an affair. We got a divorce. I moved here. End of story.
MICHAEL: Okay. So, he was your first love and he broke your heart. But, why has he come back into your life all these years later? And, why did you give him a job?
CYNTHIA: Carter is a smart businessman. He knows what he’s doing at all times. And, I’ve chosen to forgive him. I’m tired of hanging onto that part of my past. I’m just trying to do what’s right for my mental state and what’s right for the company. Plus, he has given me some great proofs on a new campaign he wants to start next month.
MICHAEL: Well, I can’t wait to hear all about that. But, first, I want to take you out for a night on the town. So, what do you say?
CYNTHIA: I say let me change and I’ll meet you back down here in about half an hour. Does that sound good to you?
MICHAEL: Sounds good.
Cynthia and Michael kiss one another.
Back at Thomas’ Apartment, in the Living Room, Thomas closes his laptop. Lindsay sets her phone on the table in front of her.
LINDSAY: You want to give me a job at your company?
THOMAS: Yes, I do.
LINDSAY: Thomas, this all seems like it’s coming out of left field. Why do you want me to come and work for you?
THOMAS: Well, you are an exceptional leader. And, you need to start making money of your own. You need to show dad that you have drive and ambition…, even if we are filthy rich.
LINDSAY: Not a bad point, brother.
THOMAS: Come on. Join me. I could use you.
LINDSAY: Okay. Sure. (excitedly) Let’s do it!
THOMAS: Awesome!
LINDSAY: When do you want me to start?
THOMAS: Tomorrow?
LINDSAY: Sounds good. I can’t wait.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Examination Room, Andrea is playing a game on her phone. Dr. Langford knocks on the door and enters. Andrea shuts her phone off.
ANDREA: Wow, the blood test is done being ran already?
DR. LANGFORD: It sure is, Chief.
ANDREA: Okay. And?
DR. LANGFORD: Just as I suspected.
ANDREA: So, I am pregnant?
Andrea takes a deep breath.
DR. LANGFORD: Andrea…, is everything okay?
ANDREA: Yeah. Everything’s fine.
DR. LANGFORD: Really? Because, to me, it would appear as though you look a bit tense. You do want this baby, don’t you?
ANDREA: Oh god, yes. Of course I do. But, my career has just taken off at this hospital. I’m the Chief of Staff for Heaven’s sakes. This news has just thrown me for a loop. You know?
DR. LANGFORD: As an OB, I hear that everyday. I hear it from the strongest women in the state of Illinois. However, they manage. And, they know that I am here for them. So, if you need me, you know where to find me.
ANDREA: Thank you, Doctor Langford.
DR. LANGFORD: Of course.
Dr. Langford smiles at Andrea and then proceeds to walk out of the room. Andrea takes another deep breath. Her nerves are beginning to show.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Living Room, Jennifer and Joshua have now stood from the couch. They’re standing face-to-face. Joshua has just finished looking over the letter.
JOSHUA: Did dad really write this?
JENNIFER: That’s the first question I asked too. But, the more I think about it, and the more I read it, this all starts to make sense.
JOSHUA: So, you do believe this Veronica chick?
JENNIFER: Yeah. I do. I can’t look at this situation through rose colored glasses. And, neither can you. We have to face the ugly truth.
JOSHUA: Well, I got news for you, sis, I am not believing a damn word out of this Veronica lady’s mouth until we get a DNA test.
Joshua crumples up the piece of paper and tosses it on the floor. He then walks out of the room angrily. Jennifer crosses her arms and bites her bottom lip.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 26***
***END OF EP. 26***
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