Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Philip revealed to Jennifer and Joshua that the police dropped the investigation because of lack of state funding to the department. Later on, they all agreed that they would go to the scene of the crime to investigate.
--Stuart managed to get Amy to try and forgive Judith.
--Thomas made it clear to Lindsay that he found Becky odd.
--And, MIchael warned Carter to stay away from Cynthia.

Judith looks through the window of Stuart’s room. She sees him almost prepped for surgery. She enters the room, shuts the door, and walks over to him.
STUART: (sighs) Judith…, I…
JUDITH: Stuart, please. I want to be here. I won’t cause a scene or anything. I just feel as though, considering the history we share, that I should be here.
STUART: You put me here. You practically put me in this bed. My whole disease was under control. I was doing just fine.
JUDITH: I don’t want to fight with you. I just want to talk.
Judith sits in the chair next to Stuart’s bed.
JUDITH: Stuart, I know that things are not good between us right now. And, for good reason. (sighs) But, we share a history. You are the father of my children. You have given me everything. The day I met you, I knew that my life would change forever. And, it did.
STUART: We had some good times.
JUDITH: Yes, we did. Do you remember that time you gave me that diamond bracelet in New York? I had never been to New York before we went together. And, you took me in this jewelry store and you said I could pick out anything I wanted.
STUART: You smiled from ear-to-ear when I put it on you.
JUDITH: Yeah, I did. I wish I knew where it was. I lost it the night…
STUART: Yeah. That night. That night we ended two lives.
Then, Andrea enters the room. She is wearing scrubs.
ANDREA: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Judith and Stuart turn their attention to Andrea.
JUDITH: (standing) Oh, you’re fine. I know you have to get him to the operating room right now. I was just trying to cheer him up.
ANDREA: You’re fine, Judith.
Judith collects herself and begins to head for the door.
STUART: Judith…
STUART: Thank you for being here.
Judith smiles at Stuart.
JUDITH: Of course.
Judith exits the room.
ANDREA: Well, let’s finish getting you prepped.
STUART: Yeah. Let’s get this thing over with.
The camera zooms in on Stuart. All he can think about is Judith.

Amy and Mimi are sitting next to one another. Upon Judith entering the room, both of them stand and go to her.
AMY: I assume dad is now on his way up to the OR?
JUDITH: Yes, he is. Andrea came to get him a few minutes ago.
MIMI: I’m praying for him. I know he’ll pull through.
JUDITH: Thank you, Mimi.
AMY: Hey, honey, do you mind if I get a moment alone with my mom? We have a few things to discuss. I would like to do it in private.
MIMI: No problem. I’ll be back soon. Love you.
AMY: Love you too.
Amy and Mimi kiss. Mimi leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.
JUDITH: (sighs) What do we need to talk about?
AMY: I visited with dad earlier today. It was after our fight. I just needed to be with a parent who I knew could make me smile. And, I wanted to check on him.
JUDITH: I get it. No need to explain.
AMY: During our little visit, we talked about you. And, we talked about how our mother/daughter relationship is currently in shambles. Then, dad suggested something that I didn’t think of before.
JUDITH: What did he suggest?
AMY: He suggested I make peace with you. And, mom, well, I’m gonna do just that. So, from here on out, I forgive you for everything you’ve done to this family.

Jennifer, Joshua, and Philip get out of a car.

PHILIP: Well, here we are. The cite of the crash.

JENNIFER: Wow. It all seems so real.
PHILIP: You okay?
JENNIFER: Yeah. I...I...I’m good.
JOSHUA: Sis, if you don’t want to be here, you don’t have to be. One of us can take you back to the house right now. You just say the word.
JENNIFER: I can do this. I’ve come this far in the investigation. I’m not gonna pack up my emotions and walk away right now. Not when we’re this far.
JOSHUA: Okay. Then, let’s start digging for clues.

Cynthia and Carter are sitting in the chairs on the back wall of Cynthia’s office. There’s a table in the middle of the chairs and papers are scattered on the table. Cynthia is reading over a file. Carter is looking over a few things on his I-PAD.

CYNTHIA: Hey, do you have the contract of the Austin Dillon agreement? Specifically the section where they agreed to advertise our company logo on his car?
CARTER: It’s in there.
CYNTHIA: In where? This file?
Cynthia takes a deep breath and sets down the file she was reading.
CYNTHIA: Okay, what’s going on with you?
Carter shuts off his I-PAD and sets it down.
CARTER: I don’t know what you mean.
CYNTHIA: Really? You don’t? Come on, Carter. I know you like the back of my hand. I can obviously see that something is distracting you. What is it?
CARTER: (sighs) I had a run-in today with your husband.
CYNTHIA: You did? What’d he want?
CARTER: To issue me a warning. To stay away from you.

Lindsay is standing by the front counter. Seconds later, a Barista hands Lindsay a to-go cup of coffee. As she turns around, she notices Becky walking into the establishment. Lindsay lets out a little laugh and goes to her.
LINDSAY: Hey, Becky.

BECKY: You’re, Lindsay, right?
LINDSAY: Yeah. I am. It’s nice to formally meet you.
Lindsay and Becky shake hands.
BECKY: Yeah. Same to you.
LINDSAY: Too bad we couldn’t have met before you broke my brother’s heart. I would’ve love for this chat to have been under better circumstances.
BECKY: Lindsay…, I have a job to get back to. So, if you will excuse me, I’m just going to get a cup of coffee and leave.
LINDSAY: You’re not going anywhere. Not till we talk.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Judith sets her things down on a chair. She then turns around and goes back over to Amy.
JUDITH: You want to forgive me?
AMY: Yes, I do. I think it’s time we move on.
JUDITH: You have no idea how grateful I am to hear you say that. Ever since you vowed to disown me, I have been sick over how I hurt you. It took me a long time. But, I finally saw how my actions hurt others. Especially you and Philip. You two are my children. I carried you both for nine months. I raised you for years upon years. There isn’t a single thing I wouldn’t do for the both of you.
AMY: I know, mom. I know that. And, hopefully, this apology that I am giving to you can be a step in the right direction.
JUDITH: I know it can. I know it can. Come here, honey.
Amy and Judith embrace. As they do, Mimi reenters the room and stares on at them. She smiles as they continue to hug.
Back at Anderson Manufacturing, in the CEO Office, Cynthia stands from her chair. Carter follows shortly after.
CYNTHIA: I cannot believe him. Did he really do that?
CARTER: Yes, he did.
CYNTHIA: So typical of a man to take over a situation where there isn’t anything to take over. We feel nothing for one another anymore.
CARTER: That’s exactly what I told him.
CYNTHIA: I’m sorry. I am. I’m sorry that you had to face an interrogation by my husband. That shouldn’t have happened.
CARTER: It’s fine. Hopefully, I got the chance to assure him that we no longer love one another. We’ve been done for a long time. I just wish people would see that.
CYNTHIA: Me too. There’s no feeling left. Absolutely…
CYNTHIA: Exactly.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Becky and Lindsay walk over to a corner table.
LINDSAY: You know, my brother finds you odd.
BECKY: Does he now?
LINDSAY: Yes. And, I don’t blame him. You broke off a great relationship because you couldn’t tell him the truth about the past you shared with my boyfriend. And, then, he told me about that conversation he overheard you having this morning at The Grand Piano.
BECKY: First of all, what Carter and I shared was complicated.
LINDSAY: So complicated that you concocted this lie to frame him as an abuser. It takes a sick person to do something like that.
BECKY: You don’t even know me.
LINDSAY: You’re right. But, then again, no one really knows you.
BECKY: Like I said, I have a job to get back to. And, my job includes that thing I was talking about this morning over the phone. Have a good night.
Becky walks off.
LINDSAY: You too, detective. You too.
Lindsay stares on at Becky and takes a sip of her coffee.
Still in town, on Old Mill Road, Jennifer, Joshua, and Philip are still canvassing the scene. They are digging around trees, looking through bushes, etc.
PHILIP: Anyone find anything yet?
JENNIFER: No, not yet.
JOSHUA: Nothing.
JENNIFER: (sighs) Maybe we should just give up for the night.
PHILIP: How about we search for another 20 minutes?
JOSHUA: Okay. Sounds good.
JENNIFER: Same here.
Jennifer goes to step up a hill. As she does so, she hears a cracking noise. She steps back, gets out her phone, and turns on a flashlight. She bends down and shines the flashlight on what she is seeing.
JENNIFER: (to herself) What is this?
Jennifer picks up what is on the ground. It’s a diamond bracelet.
JENNIFER: Joshua! Philip! I found something!
Joshua and Philip rush over to Jennifer.
JOSHUA: What’d you find?
Jennifer hands the bracelet to Philip and stands.
PHILIP: It’s a diamond bracelet.
JOSHUA: Yes, it is.
JENNIFER: The real question is, is this connected to that night?

The elevator doors ding open. The camera follows a woman walking in black stilettos. The camera pans up to reveal the back of the woman. The woman looks around and spots a door with a plaque that reads PRIVATE WAITING ROOM. The woman walks over to the door and begins to enter the room.
Amy, Mimi, and Judith are all walking around the room. However, they stop walking around and turn their attention to the door, thinking a doctor might be walking in.
MIMI: Oh, you’re not a doctor.
WOMAN: No, I’m not.
AMY: Who are you?
WOMAN: You don’t recognize me? Has it really been that long?
AMY: Mom, who is this?
JUDITH: I can’t believe it. It’s your aunt, Ava.
AVA: In the flesh.
The camera pans over to finally reveal the woman.

AVA: So, who’s gonna give me my first welcome-home-hug?
Ava smiles on at everyone. The camera pans to everyone. Amy and Mimi are still a tad confused. Meanwhile, Judith is still a bit shock.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 29***
***END OF EP. 29***
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