Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Cynthia came clean to Michael about her past with Carter. After coming clean, Michael decided to forgive her for lying to him.
--Joshua demanded that he and Jennifer get a DNA test before they believe anything that Veronica is telling them.
--Mimi revealed to Amy that she has thought about what it would be like for them to be parents. However, Amy got her to put the idea on hold.
--Andrea found out that she was pregnant.
--And, Thomas made the decision to hire Lindsay as the C.O.O. of his wine company, The Grape Escape.

Andrea is standing over by the stove. She has just made a fresh kettle of tea. As she pours some into a mug, Joshua enters. He grabs a mug and pours himself a cup of coffee.
JOSHUA: With the big day you have ahead of yourself, I’m surprised you aren’t having as many cups of coffee as possible.
ANDREA: Well, I was just wanting something different.
JOSHUA: By the way, I’m sorry I can’t perform Stuart’s surgery. I just have too much on my plate. And, I know you do to. But…
ANDREA: Honey, it’s fine. Plus, I want to see Stuart’s case through. He is someone so close to my heart. No pun intended.
JOSHUA: I know. Do you at least want a cup of coffee to go?
ANDREA: Joshua, I have no choice in this change. If I want a beverage in the morning, it has to be anything but coffee from now on.
JOSHUA: Why is that?
ANDREA: Isn’t it obvious? I’m pregnant, honey.
JOSHUA: Did you just say…
ANDREA: Yeah, I did.
Joshua and Andrea laugh. The two kiss and embrace.

Mimi is wiping down tables. Veronica enters the cafe and walks up to the front counter. She begins to look over the menu.
MIMI: I’ll be with you in just a moment.
Mimi grabs her rag and goes to the front counter.
MIMI: (putting the rag away) Sorry about that. I had to get some tables wiped down for the morning rush. (turning around) Anyway, what can I…
Mimi and Veronica look at one another. Both of them shocked.
MIMI: Oh my god. I can’t believe it’s you.
VERONICA: Hi, Mimi. Its been awhile.
MIMI: Yeah. Yeah, it has. What the hell are you doing in this town?

Becky enters the restaurant. As she is about to go up to the hostess podium, to be seated, she gets a call. Becky then steps off to the side to take the call.

BECKY: (talking quietly) What the hell do you need from me this early? What do you mean it hasn’t come in yet? We need to know all about the tracking of that shipment. If we don’t get that cocaine into our warehouse, our profits will plummet. I don’t care what you have to do, dammit! Just...get a hold of the damn drugs!
As Becky hangs up her phone, she turns around.

THOMAS: Hello, Becky.
BECKY: Thomas…, hi.
THOMAS: I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. But, since I kind of did, I do have to wonder about something. Why were you talking to someone angrily about getting a hold of some drugs?

Judith comes down the stairs. She hears the doorbell and goes to the door. Upon opening the door, Amy brushes past her and enters the home. Judith shuts the door, turns around, and goes to Amy.
JUDITH: Honey, what are you doing here?
AMY: I wanted to grab some things for dad before his surgery tonight. I thought he could use some things to make him more comfortable as he heals in the hospital.
JUDITH: That’s a great idea. I’ll help you look around for some stuff.
AMY: Frankly, I don’t need your help. Nor do I want it.
AMY: Mom, I’m serious.
JUDITH: Okay. Fine. I get it.
AMY: Do you? Do you really ‘get it’?
JUDITH: What is that supposed to mean?
AMY: I mean, do you understand how dad got to this point in his health? Do you really get how your actions caused all of this?
JUDITH: Of course I understand.
AMY: You know, you keep saying that every time someone confronts you about what you’ve done. However, I somehow don’t believe you. And, I don’t think you can blame me for not believing anything you say!
Amy walks away from Judith and goes up the stairs.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Kitchen, Andrea and Joshua come off of their kiss. The two are still gleaming with happiness.
JOSHUA: I can’t believe you’re pregnant. This is amazing!
ANDREA: You really think so?
JOSHUA: Of course I do. I can’t wait for our little child to come into this world. This news is the best I’ve ever gotten in my life.
ANDREA: I am so lucky to have a man like you.
JOSHUA: When did you find out?
ANDREA: Yesterday actually.
ANDREA: Yeah. So, the news is still very fresh.
JOSHUA: You can say that again. I really can’t believe this. I really can’t believe that God is giving us something so special. I can’t wait to be a dad.
ANDREA: You know, initially, the news did throw me for a loop. I can’t lie to you about that. But, now that I stand here, and see you so very happy about this, it has made my nerves go away. I am now so thrilled to be the mother of your child.
JOSHUA: I love you so much.
ANDREA: I love you too.
Joshua and Andrea kiss passionately once again.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Mimi comes out from behind the counter. She and Veronica walk over to one of the corner tables for some privacy.
MIMI: I’ll ask you this again, why are you here? Are you trying to win me back or something? You probably heard that I got married and thought to yourself, ‘Oh, I’ll go wreck her life.’
VERONICA: First of all, congratulations on your wedding. I had no idea you got married. Second of all, this isn’t about you. I’m in town on family matters.
MIMI: Family matters? The only family you have is in Minnesota.
VERONICA: That’s where you’re wrong. I have family here too. I have a brother and a sister. In fact, I got to meet my sister yesterday.
MIMI: Wait a second. Who are your siblings?
VERONICA: You may know them. Jennifer and Joshua Jackson.
MIMI: Excuse me? (laughs) I’m supposed to believe you’re related to them? My wife Amy has known them forever. Jennifer is her brother’s girlfriend. She has told me everything about them. Jennifer and Joshua are the only children of…
VERONICA: God, I’m so tired of hearing that. I get that my father was held in high regards in this town. It even puts a smile across my face. But, he had a secret. And, that secret was me.
MIMI: I see you’re still the same person you’ve always been. You have always wanted to make the lives of people around you complicated.
VERONICA: Mimi, we were together for six months. And, we’ve been broken up for years now. Yet, you still hold a grudge against me. So, yeah, of course you don’t believe that I am the illegitimate daughter of Nick Jackson. However, you don’t believe me because you’re still mad that I didn’t accept your marriage proposal all those years ago.
MIMI: This isn’t about you leaving me stranded in an airport, while I was down on my knees, just as we were about to go on a trip. This is about the real you. You have always made up stories to fit this fictitious life you’ve created for yourself. Well, I won’t let you do that to Jennifer and Joshua. And, I certainly won’t let you do that to me. It took me a long time to get over you. I had to move here, open my own business, start fresh, and even meet someone new to get over you. I won’t let you inflict so much pain on someone else. Especially not those good people. Watch your back, Veronica. Oh, and, get the hell out of my cafe.
Mimi walks off.
VERONICA: I am telling the truth. And, I am not going to let Mimi stop me from connecting with my family.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Becky puts her phone back in her purse. She and Thomas walk off a little more to the side.
BECKY: I was actually dealing with a confidential police investigation. I hope you didn’t overhear anything major about it.
THOMAS: Just the part I asked you about.
BECKY: Good. I can’t believe I got that sloppy.
THOMAS: It’s fine. I’ll forget what I heard.
BECKY: Thank you. By the way, how are you?
THOMAS: Yeah, we are so not doing this.
BECKY: Doing what?
THOMAS: Acting as though we’re on good terms. You lied to me. You made it so easy for me to make the choice to end things between us. And, now, I’m ending this conversation. Goodbye, Becky.
Thomas walks off.
BECKY: Thomas, wait!
Becky is about to chase after him. But, she decides to hold back.
BECKY: (sighs) It’s not even worth it anymore. I had him and I lost him. It’s time to get over it. It’s time to move on.

Veronica is sitting in her car. Before she starts her vehicle, she retrieves her phone from her purse. She goes to her camera roll and finds a picture of she and Nick from when she was a child.
VERONICA: I’m trying, dad. I really am. But, this is all getting too hard for me to bare. But, I’m gonna soldier on. I want a life with my siblings so bad. And, I’m gonna get one. I really will get one. I promise. I love you, dad. And, I miss you everyday.
Veronica kisses the photo on her phone.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Foyer, Judith re-enters the room. She is wearing a pair of reading glasses and carrying a book. As Amy comes down the stairs holding a box, Judith takes off her reading glasses. She proceeds to set the glasses and the book down on a table.
JUDITH: I hope you found what you needed.
AMY: Yeah, I did. Now, I’m gonna go.
JUDITH: Amy, please. Don’t go yet.
AMY: Why not?
JUDITH: Because, we need to talk.
Amy sets the box down on the floor.
AMY: Really? You want to talk? Fine. Let’s talk. Let’s talk about how your actions put my father in the hospital. Let’s talk about how you have yet to pay for what you’ve done. Let’s talk about how you think karma is not gonna come up and bite you in the ass.
JUDITH: Don’t talk to me that way. You have every right to be mad at me. However, I am still your mother. You are not allowed to treat me like this.
AMY: I can treat you any way I want. I am a grown woman. And, unlike you, I know what being a grown woman means. I take responsibility for my actions. And, I don’t backstab the ones I love.
Then, there’s a knock at the door.
AMY: You better get that.
Judith takes a deep breath and goes to answer the door.
JUDITH: Hello. Can I help you?
MAN: I think so. Are you Judith Whitmore?
JUDITH: Yes, I am. And, you are?
MAN: A messenger.
The Man hands Judith a manila envelope.
JUDITH: What is this?
MAN: Ma’am, I don’t know. I just deliver stuff to people.
JUDITH: Okay. Sure. Yeah. Have a good day.
MAN: You too.
Judith shuts the door and turns around.
AMY: What’s in the envelope?
Judith opens up the envelope and pulls out a packet of papers.
JUDITH: I can’t believe this. He had another copy drawn up.
AMY: (laughs) Oh my god. Those are divorce papers. Aren’t they?
JUDITH: Yes, they are.
AMY: Well, I take back my comment from earlier. I think you are finally getting what you deserve. Karma’s a bitch, mom. Have a rotten life.
Amy picks up her box and leaves the home. Judith begins to get choked up. She then clears off the table in the foyer, shattering a vase. The camera zooms in on the broken vase.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 27***
***END OF EP. 27***
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