Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Before Stuart went into surgery, he and Judith made some form of peace.
--In the waiting room, Amy decided to move forward and forgive Judith.
--Carter told Cynthia about the run-in he had with Michael.
--Lindsay came face-to-face with Becky and confronted her over the break-up she had with Lindsay’s brother Thomas.
--Jennifer, Joshua, and Philip canvassed the scene where Jennifer and Joshua’s parents passed away. During the canvassing, Jennifer found a diamond bracelet.
--And, Ava McClain-Carpenter, Judith’s sister, finally returned to town after years upon years away!
Jennifer is standing over by the fireplace. She is holding the diamond bracelet in her hands. She lets out a deep breath and goes to the couch. She sits down. Then, Joshua enters and goes to her.
JOSHUA: (sits down) I just got off the phone with the hospital.

JOSHUA: And, I did get someone to cover my shift. That way, we can spend the night together as brother and sister...cheering one another up a little.
JENNIFER: Yeah. You didn’t have to do that, you know?
JOSHUA: I wanted to. Still looking at that bracelet?
JENNIFER: Yeah. I’m just trying to figure out who it belongs to. And, I’m trying to figure out if it’s truly another clue.
JOSHUA: Good questions.
Jennifer nods her head. As she does so, she hears a knock at the door. She stands and sets the bracelet on the coffee table.
JENNIFER: I’ll go get it. I could use the distraction.
Jennifer enters the foyer and goes to the door. She opens the door.
JENNIFER: Veronica…, what are you doing here?
VERONICA: We need to talk.
Carter is look out the window. He is having a glass of scotch. As he takes another sip of his drink, there is a knock at the door. As he walks to the door, he sets his glass down on the desk. He then answers the door.
CARTER: What do you want?

BECKY: Didn’t you get my text? I need to discuss something important with you. So, can I come in? Or, are you just gonna come out here?
CARTER: I didn’t get your text. But, come in.
Carter backs away and Becky enters. Carter then shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to Becky.
CARTER: So, what’s so important that you needed to interrupt my very calm night? (laughs) This oughta be good.
BECKY: You may be delighted to hear that I’ve decided to leave town.
Michael is sitting on the couch. JJ is sitting on a chair next to him.
JJ: What’d you need to see me about, boss man?
MICHAEL: I have a job for you, JJ.
JJ: Really?
JJ: What is it?
MICHAEL: It’s a follow-up to the background check I had you do on Carter. This time around, I’ll be paying you ten thousand dollars to spy on him for me. I want to know if that man still has the hots for my wife. And, the bonus of course will be seeing if he keeps his nose cleaned. What do you say? Are you on board?
JJ: Always.
Michael and JJ shake hands.

Ava is standing in front of everyone.

AVA: Do you really not recognize your aunt?
AMY: I’m so sorry, Ava. It has just been so long since I’ve seen you. But, anyway, I’d love for you to meet my wife, Mimi.
Ava and Mimi shake hands.
AVA: It’s so nice to meet you.
MIMI: You as well.
JUDITH: Ava, I had no idea you were coming back to town.
AVA: It was kind of a last minute decision. And, when you told me that Stuart was having this big surgery, I thought I’d be here for you.
JUDITH: Thank you, sis.
AVA: No problem.
AMY: Aunt Ava, aren’t you married? I know it has been a long time since I’ve seen you, but I do remember that detail.
AVA: I am, honey. But, your uncle Keith had to stay behind in New York. He has a lot of business to take care of. Where’s your brother by the way? I would love to see Philip.
AMY: Actually, I just got a text from him not too long ago. He’ll be here soon. Like uncle Keith, he had to take care of some business too.
AVA: I see.
JUDITH: Amy, Mimi, do you mind giving Ava and I some time alone?
AMY: No problem, mom.
MIMI: You got it.
Amy and Mimi exit the room. They shut the door behind them.
JUDITH: (sighs) I didn’t think you would be able to get away.
AVA: I escaped by the skin of my teeth.
JUDITH: (hugging Ava) I’m so glad you’re here. And, I’m so glad you’re safe. (coming off the hug) You look pretty good.
AVA: Yeah. The bruises that Keith inflicted upon me are mostly on my back these days. He no longer hits me in the face. People were starting to ask too many questions.
JUDITH: (getting choked up) I am so sorry.
AVA: For what?
JUDITH: That I got too caught up in my own life to come and save you. I should’ve been there to personally get you out of the mess you were in. I should’ve been there to kick that creep where the sun don’t shine.
AVA: Judith, you’ve had your own problems. Your past with Michael came out. Which, by the way, I was blindsided by. And, your husband had a heart attack…, my nephew was hit by a car…, you were served divorce papers.
JUDITH: Twice.
AVA: Exactly. And, I survived Keith’s abuse. And, I’m here. I’m safe. And, now we both can care for one another. Just like we’ve always done.
JUDITH: True. Even with all of our siblings, we always managed to be as thick as thieves. I love you, sis. I really do.
AVA: I love you too. Now, let’s go see if Amy and her beautiful wife have managed to find Philip. I’d love to see my nephew.
Ava and Judith collect their things and walk out of the room.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Michael stands up and buttons his suit jacket. JJ stands up as well.
MICHAEL: The first half of the ten thousand will be wired to your account. The second half will be wired to you once I get some good info on this guy.
JJ: Of course. And, trust me, I’ll get some good info.
MICHAEL: You’re the best.
JJ: And, don’t you forget it.
MICHAEL: Anyway, I have a conference call in about half an hour with the hospital board. So, if you’ll please show yourself out, that’d be great.
JJ: No problem, boss. Have a good one.
MICHAEL: You too.
As JJ walks out of the living room, Michael looks over at a wedding photo of he and Cynthia that sits on the fireplace mantle. He then lets out a sigh.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Becky sets her purse down.
CARTER: You’re leaving town? You know, my birthday isn’t until next month. So, what’s with the early gift?
BECKY: Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny.
CARTER: In all seriousness, what brought this on?
BECKY: First off, I’m trying to expand my operation. And, secondly, I think things are getting too complicated between me and the Anderson siblings. They’re both better detectives than I am.
CARTER: What is that supposed to mean?
BECKY: This morning, I went to The Grand Piano to have breakfast. I stepped over to a corner to take a call about the operation. Thomas overheard me. I wrote it off as a police investigation when he asked me why I was talking about drugs.
CARTER: Did he believe you?
BECKY: I thought he did. But, I learned from Lindsay that he now deems me suspicious. I can’t have that. I can’t have someone hot on my trail.
CARTER: I completely understand.
BECKY: Anyway, I have booked a flight. I’ll be going to Madrid.
BECKY: I’d love it if you would come with me.
CARTER: No chance.
BECKY: That’s what I thought. But, hey, it was worth a shot.
CARTER: Yeah. It was.
Becky picks up her purse and walks to the door. Carter follows her.
BECKY: I better get going. I have a lot of packing to do.
CARTER: Be safe.
BECKY: Thanks. And, real quick, sorry I was such a bitch when you first came into town. I didn’t mean to blackmail you or make up that horrific abuse story.
CARTER: You always mean to do the things you do. But, thanks for the apology. That was something I believe you’ve never tried.
BECKY: You got that right.
Carter opens the door. Becky steps out into the hall.
BECKY: Have a nice life, Carter.
CARTER: You too.
Becky smiles at Carter and walks down the hall. Carter shuts the door.
CARTER: Thank god she’s gone.
Carter walks back over to the desk and picks up his scotch.
CARTER: I’m finally free.
He takes a sip of the scotch.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Judith, Andrea, Amy, Mimi, and Philip reenter the waiting room. All of them are laughing.
AVA: And, then, at your fifth birthday party, I remember you smashing your face into your cake and then chasing me around saying: aunt Ava, look! I’m Icing Man!

PHILIP: I can’t believe I did that.
AVA: I miss those days so much.
AMY: Well, now, we can create new memories.
JUDITH: Yes, we can. We all can.
PHILIP: I totally agree.
Then, Andrea enters the room. Everyone turns their attention to her.
MIMI: Andrea.
JUDITH: Andrea, how did it go?
PHILIP: How’s dad?
ANDREA: Everyone, you can now breathe. Stuart did very well in the surgery. He is now back in his room recovering.
JUDITH: Oh thank god.
Everyone begins to hug one another.
AMY: This is amazing news!
PHILIP: So happy dad pulled through!
MIMI: Nothing can keep him down.
AVA: I know that’s right.
JUDITH: When can we see him?
ANDREA: Tomorrow. Stuart definitely needs his rest.
JUDITH: Okay. And, Andrea, thank you for everything.
ANDREA: (smiling) My pleasure. Have a good night.
JUDITH: You too.
As Andrea exits the room, the camera zooms out. Everyone is still celebrating Stuart’s recovery. They are all beaming with happiness.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Living Room, Joshua stands as Jennifer and Veronica enter the room.
JOSHUA: I didn’t know you were coming over.
JENNIFER: Same here. Apparently, Veronica wants to talk to us.
JOSHUA: Okay. Start talking.
VERONICA: (sighs) I know that when I revealed the truth to Jennifer, and when you found out from her, it couldn’t have been easy.
JOSHUA: You got that right.
JENNIFER: It was a shock.
VERONICA: I can’t even imagine. With someone shocking another person like that, comes doubt. I know that you two must be doubting my whole story. It’s only right for you to do just that.
JOSHUA: Can you cut to the chase?
JENNIFER: We’ve had a very long day. So, please, get on with it.
VERONICA: (sighs) I’m willing to get a DNA test done.
JOSHUA: Seriously?
VERONICA: Yes. I’m not holding anything back from the two of you. You two are my siblings. So, book an appointment and lets get on with it. I have nothing to hide.
The camera pans to everyone in the room. Veronica is hopeful. But, Jennifer and Joshua are still doubting her.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 30***
***END OF EP. 30***
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