
Friday, October 25, 2019



Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 12th, 2019 (Wednesday)

The camera pans throughout the bedroom. The sun is slowly creeping in from the curtains that are slightly opened. The camera goes over to Cynthia. She is sleeping with her right hand slightly on her forehead. She begins to slowly awake as the sun catches her eyes. As she begins to turn in the bed, Michael puts his arm around her. He then leans in close to her and begins to kiss her neck.

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CYNTHIA: Mmmm...good morning.

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MICHAEL: Morning, baby.

Cynthia and Michael slip down in their bed and their eyes meet.

CYNTHIA: I thought I would never be in this bed again.

MICHAEL: I’m glad you are.

Cynthia and Michael smile at one another.

Lindsay is walking through the park. She is on her phone and is carrying a to-go cup of coffee. Carter is also texting someone on his phone. The two end up bumping into one another. This spills Lindsay’s coffee all over the ground.

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LINDSAY: (looking up) There goes the good day I was wishing for.

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CARTER: (looking up) I’m sorry. I didn’t…

LINDSAY: It seems that everytime I see you, you’re saying ‘I’m sorry’ to me. Frankly, Carter, I’m so over your apologies.

Stuart comes down the stairs. He walks over to a mirror in the foyer that is above a small table with a beautiful floral arrangement in a gold vase. Stuart is straightening his tie. As he does so, there is a knock at the door. Stuart lets out a deep breath and goes to the door. He opens it.

STUART: Judith…, what are you doing here?

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JUDITH: I think we should talk. We both know what today is.

STUART: Yes, it’s the engagement party for Jennifer and our son.

JUDITH: Exactly. And, we also know that if we don’t get that money to Vargas by tonight, everything will blow up in our faces at this party.

Jennifer is laying down. She is naked and under the covers. Philip is on top of her. He is naked as well and he is also under the covers. Philip is thrusting forward and kissing Jennifer. Seconds later, Philip thrust forward one more time. Jennifer moans. Then, Philip gets off of Jennifer and lays next to her.

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JENNIFER: That was hot.

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PHILIP: Good way to start the morning.

Philip props himself up with an extra pillow.

JENNIFER: You still know how to hit all the good spots.

PHILIP: I hope so.

JENNIFER: I can’t believe today’s the day.

PHILIP: Same here.

JENNIFER: We’re one step closer to our wedding day.

PHILIP: Yes, we are.

JENNIFER: And, after this day happens, everyone will see how close we are to one another. You’re my heart. You’re my soul. You’re the air that I breathe. You’re my everything, Philip. I can’t wait to see the magical life that God has planned for us.

PHILIP: How did I get so lucky to have a woman like you in my life?

Philip leans in and kisses Jennifer.

Veronica enters the establishment. She walks over to the bar area and sits down. She sets her purse next to her. A Bartender walks over to her.

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VERONICA: Coffee. Black. Thank you.

A Bartender sets a mug in front of Veronica. He begins to pour black coffee into the mug. Once done, Veronica picks up the mug and takes a sip. After she does so, her phone begins to ring. She sets down her mug and retrieves her phone from her purse. She answers the call.

VERONICA: (on the phone) Mom, hi.

DOREEN: (over the phone) Hi, baby. I hope it’s not too early.

VERONICA: (on the phone) Not at all. I had to get an early start today anyway. I have lots of work to do. Enough about that though. What’s up?

DOREEN: (over the phone) Well, there’s something you should know.

VERONICA: (on the phone) Okay. What’s going on?

DOREEN: (over the phone) It’s about the sale on the house. I know it’s only been on the market for a short time. However, I found a buyer already. It’s a young man who wants to raise a family here. We’re signing all necessary documents throughout next week.

VERONICA: (on the phone) Oh.

DOREEN: (over the phone) Oh? Are you not excited about this?

VERONICA: (on the phone) Honestly, I’m not sure how to feel.

Back at the Anderson Mansion, in Michael and Cynthia’s Bedroom, Cynthia and Michael are curled up in bed. Michael has his arms wrapped around Cynthia.

CYNTHIA: I love how my ring sparkles in the morning sun.

MICHAEL: It looks amazing on you.

CYNTHIA: Thank you for giving me this ring. It means so much to me. It really does symbolize a new beginning for us, Michael.

MICHAEL: It most certainly does. You know, I wasn’t quite sure if we could survive what we went through. But, now that I know that Carter is out of our lives, I’m okay with us going back to the life we truly wanted to build for ourselves in the first place.

Cynthia becomes deep in thought for a moment.


CYNTHIA: Make love to me.

CARTER: Seriously?

CYNTHIA: Yes. I told you I need to lean on you. This is how I plan to lean on you. Please. Make love to me, Carter.

Cynthia and Carter share another short pause. Then, they kiss passionately. Both of them continue to kiss on and off as they stand up. They make their way over to the bed, still kissing. Cynthia rips open Carter’s shirt. He begins to kiss her neck, as she unbuttons her blouse.



LINDSAY: I’ll give you time. Plenty of time. I’ll bow out gracefully for quite awhile. But, if you don’t say anything, I’ll have no choice but to step in to protect my father. Are we clear?

CYNTHIA: Crystal.


Cynthia gets closer to Michael.

CYNTHIA: Yeah. He’s out of our lives. For good. You got it.

Back at Philip’s Apartment, in the Bedroom, Philip and Jennifer are both still covered up. They are now in their pajamas. They are also eating muffins and drinking coffee.

JENNIFER: This is the breakfast of champions.

PHILIP: Muffins from my sister-in-law’s cafe…, freshly squeezed orange juice…, there’s nothing better. Oh, and having a hot girl by my side makes my morning all the much better. I couldn’t ask for more.

JENNIFER: You really are a charmer. Now I know why I chose to accept your proposal in the first place. You are so smooth. And, you’re very hot too.

PHILIP: Are these the only reasons you’re choosing to marry me?

JENNIFER: I can’t even begin to tell you all the reasons.

PHILIP: (smiling) Now who’s the charmer?

Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Veronica takes another sip of her coffee. She then sets it back in front of her.

VERONICA: (on the phone) I feel like everytime I talk to you, you get defensive because you think I’m not happy about you selling the house and wanting to come here. Are you ever going to approach things differently?

DOREEN: (over the phone) Well, when you stop making it seem as though you’re so upset about my moving, then I won’t be so defensive.

VERONICA: (on the phone) Mom, I was shocked at first that you decided to move here. I even got a little bit of a headache. But, I’m good now. I’ve accepted it. I’m even a bit happy.

DOREEN: (over the phone) I’ll take your word for it. Remember, I’m mostly moving to Thorne Hill in order to help you out with your issues with Amy being in the way of your affection for Mimi.

VERONICA: (on the phone) I could use all the help I could get. Anyway, I gotta go. I’m gonna be late for work pretty soon. Bye.

DOREEN: (over the phone) I love you.

Veronica hangs up the phone.

VERONICA: Yeah. I love me too.

Back in Thorne Hill Park, at the Private Area, Lindsay throws her to-go coffee cup away in a nearby trash can. She then turns back around to face Carter.

LINDSAY: The least you could do is offer to buy me another cup.

CARTER: Okay. Sure. There’s a coffee and bagel cart up (pointing) the path. I can get you anything you want from there.

LINDSAY: Thanks but no thanks. I was testing you to see if you would show me some human decency. However, it clearly wasn’t the first thing you thought of. Maybe you were too busy thinking about your lover...Cynthia.

CARTER: Oh come on! Seriously?

LINDSAY: Yeah! Seriously! It’s clear that you’re so hung up on her. I bet she’s all you think about. I bet you’re the Prince Charming to her Cinderella.

CARTER: Lindsay, enough! What I did was a mistake! I know that now! I’m sorry! I truly am! I love you! I always have! I just have feelings I can’t seem to get over when it comes to Cynthia.

LINDSAY: You know why you can’t get over them? Because, you’re not thinking with your brain. You’re thinking with your ‘you-know-what.’ Just get out of my way, Carter. I have to get to work. I have a company to run.

As Lindsay walks off, Carter stops her by grabbing her arm.

CARTER: Wait. Please.

As he lets go of her, Lindsay begins to grab her head.

CARTER: Linds?

LINDSAY: Just leave me alone.

CARTER: What’s going on?

LINDSAY: Nothing. It’s just my everyday headache.

CARTER: Are you gonna be okay?

LINDSAY: Yeah. I’m gonna be just fine.

As Lindsay begins to walk off, she begins to faint. Carter rushes to her and catches her in his arms. He sinks to the ground with an unconscious Lindsay.

CARTER: Lindsay? Lindsay? Wake up. Wake up!

Carter slightly shakes Lindsay. However, she doesn’t wake up.

Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Foyer, Judith enters the foyer. Stuart shuts the door. Judith turns around to face him. Stuart goes to her.

JUDITH: So far we have none of the money ready.

STUART: It’s a lot of money.

JUDITH: It’s money connected with huge stakes. We have to get this money to him, Stuart. We cannot fault on giving him these millions.

STUART: I know that. I just hope we can get it to Vargas in time.

JUDITH: I’m so nervous. I don’t know what the hell we’re gonna do.

STUART: Same here.

JUDITH: I think it’s time.

STUART: Time for what?

JUDITH: I think it’s time we came up with a plan to get out of this mess.

STUART: Now that I think about it, I couldn’t agree more.

The camera cuts back and forth between Stuart and Judith. Both are growing more and more nervous as the camera finally zooms in on Judith.


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