Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 14th, 2019 (Friday)
Jennifer, Philip, Andrea, and Joshua walk into the ballroom. The ballroom is decorated with lovely accents of gold and silver. There are dining tables decorated with beautiful, candlelit centerpieces. Jennifer is dressed in an emerald green dress that has silver sparkles. Philip and Joshua are dressed in black suits. And, Andrea is dressed in a light pink dress with a white shawl.

JENNIFER: Oh my gosh. This place looks amazing.
PHILIP: Looks ten times better than I could’ve ever imagined.
ANDREA: Tonight’s going to be such a fun night.

JOSHUA: Yes, it is. I can’t wait for the party to begin.
Then, Veronica enters. She is wearing a red party dress.

VERONICA: I can’t wait either. Congratulations, sis. I’m so happy for you.
Mimi is standing over by a wall, looking into a mirror. She is putting on a pair of diamond drop earrings that much her gorgeous navy blue dress. Amy enters the room. She is putting her cell phone into her evening bag. Amy is dressed in a black cocktail dress. She is wearing a gold, sparkle, waist length evening jacket over it. She goes to Mimi.

AMY: You are a knockout!
Amy pulls Mimi in close and kisses her.

MIMI: You as well. I think we’re gonna show everyone up at this party.
AMY: I couldn’t agree more. Two bombshells painting the town red…
MIMI: (laughs) And, loving on the people they adore. (sighs) I know that tonight’s gonna be a good night. However, I can’t help but think about she being there.
AMY: We aren’t going to worry about Veronica tonight. Okay?
MIMI: Okay. Sounds good. And, hopefully, she won’t come up to me tonight. I swear...that if she does...I won’t be able to control myself.
AMY: Where did that come from? So far, I’ve been the strong headed one in this whole situation. What made you want to see things my way and not hold back? Did something happen between you and Veronica that I don’t know about?
Judith is sitting on the couch. She has her makeup compact out and she is applying some lipstick. Judith is wearing a purple formal dress with lace sleeves that go down to her elbows. As she finishes applying her lipstick, there’s a knock at the door. Judith closes her lipstick and compact and puts it into her silver evening bag. She grabs her bag and walks to the door.

JUDITH: (opening the door) Well, you still look good in that maroon suit.
STUART: Thank you. And, you look amazing.
JUDITH: Thank you. And, thank you for deciding to pick me up tonight.
STUART: We made a promise to one another this afternoon. I’m not about to start falling short on that promise so soon.
JUDITH: I’m happy to hear that. Would you like to come in for a pre-party drink? I have your favorite wine...our favorite wine...chilled and ready to pour at a moment’s notice.
STUART: I would love nothing more than to share a drink with you.
Judith smiles and steps aside. Stuart enters. Judith shuts the door.
Lindsay, Michael, Cynthia, and Kimberly are standing in the foyer. The maid enters and serves them all something to drink.
LINDSAY: I see you’re saving the champagne for Thomas’ actual arrival.

MICHAEL: Of course I am. Your iced tea will have to do for now.
LINDSAY: I love that you think this is just straight iced tea.
Michael lets out a laugh and smiles at his daughter.
KIMBERLY: I’m very happy that my nephew is on his way back to town. I haven’t seen Thomas in a long time. I miss him very much.
LINDSAY: He misses you too, Aunt Kim.
KIMBERLY: I’m happy to hear that.

CYNTHIA: Darling, did Thomas say how the deal went in Paris?
MICHAEL: It went well for him. He now owns a vineyard in Paris. I’m so happy that my son is expanding his business overseas. It makes me glad to see his success.
LINDSAY: You played a big part in that, dad. You were the first investor in The Grape Escape. You really helped Thomas to launch his vision.
MICHAEL: Yes, I did. But, you’re the Co-CEO. You’re there day in and day out. You get to see that success first hand. And, you get to be a major part of it.
LINDSAY: Nothing makes me happier than to see his success.
As Lindsay takes a sip of her drink, Cynthia’s phone begins to ring. She retrieves the phone from the pocket of the suit jacket she’s wearing. She looks down at the Caller ID.
MICHAEL: Everything okay?
LINDSAY: Yeah, Cynthia...everything okay? Who is it?
CYNTHIA: Just a business call. Excuse me.
Cynthia walks off to take the call. Lindsay turns around and watches her walk off. She is suspicious of who is really calling Cynthia.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in the Ballroom, Jennifer, Philip, Joshua, and Veronica are drinking champagne. Andrea is having a glass of sparkling water.
JENNIFER: This champagne is amazing, baby.
PHILIP: Thanks. I got it imported from this chateau in Ireland.
JOSHUA: It really is something.
ANDREA: So is this sparkling water.
JENNIFER: (laughs) Hey, don’t knock sparkling water with some lemon in it. I could drink that for the rest of my life.
VERONICA: And, it pairs well with the fish we’ll be having as the main course tonight.
PHILIP: Veronica’s right. (checking watch) Well, the guests should be arriving shortly.
JENNIFER: I can’t believe this party starts soon. After tonight, it’s non-stop happiness from here on out. After this, comes our wedding. And, after our wedding…
PHILIP: Comes the rest of our lives.
JOSHUA: To Philip and Jennifer.
ALL: To Philip and Jennifer.
Everyone clinks their glasses.
Back at Amy and Mimi’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Mimi turns away from Amy. She takes a deep breath and turns around.
MIMI: Veronica came into my establishment today. She was just there to get something to eat and a hot beverage. But, I clearly didn’t want her there. We talked about everything that has gone on and I told her off. I’m also...from now on...refusing service to her.
AMY: Good for you. She needs to stay out of our lives. If it was up to me, I’d run her out of this town the first chance I got. But, I know this town can be big enough for the three of us. She just has to not cross any lines.
MIMI: Even though I told Veronica off, I know she won’t give up. Also, Veronica clearly knows nothing about boundaries. I wish that I never knew her. I wish that I would’ve never popped the question to her all those years ago. Thank God I’m not married to her.
AMY: Look, everything’s going to be fine. And, I will protect you. She won’t come between us. We are strong. We are one hell of a united front. Veronica Sterling doesn’t scare me. She can go ahead and live her life. We’re gonna live our’s. Got that?
MIMI: Yeah.
Mimi hugs Amy.
AMY: (coming off the hug) Now, let’s go celebrate.
MIMI: Sounds good to me.
Mimi smiles. She and Amy collect their things and head to the door.
Cynthia is ending her phone conversation. As Lindsay enters the room, Cynthia hangs up the phone. She turns around at the sounds of Lindsay’s heels clacking on the hardwood floor.
CYNTHIA: Eavesdropping on a private conversation?
LINDSAY: Not at all. I just came in here to get the ice bucket.
CYNTHIA: Yeah...I bet.
LINDSAY: Is there something you need to get off of your chest, Cynthia?
CYNTHIA: Lindsay, I know that you want to know if the person I was speaking to on the phone was actually Carter. Just admit it.
LINDSAY: Fine. I was wondering about that. Who was that on the phone?
CYNTHIA: It wasn’t Carter. It was Javier. He’s the new gardener of the grounds. We’ve been trying to come up with a plan for a complete reconstruction of the garden.
LINDSAY: Are you gonna cheat with him too?
CYNTHIA: Shut up. Just shut the hell up.
LINDSAY: You’re awfully demanding for a woman who doesn’t hold any of the cards in the situation we’re both currently in. If I were you, I’d watch myself.
Then, Lindsay and Cynthia hear the doorbell ringing.
LINDSAY: That must be Thomas.
Lindsay and Cynthia stare one another down for just a moment.
LINDSAY: Seya in there, Cynthia.
Lindsay turns around, flips her hair, and walks back off to the foyer.
Back at the Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Stuart and Judith are sitting on the couch. They are both drinking a glass of red wine.
JUDITH: So, how’s the money situation?
STUART: It’s good. We have eight million.
JUDITH: That makes me feel a little better.
STUART: I still think it’d be a good idea to do what you mentioned this morning.
JUDITH: Oh yeah? And, what did I mention this morning again?
STUART: Coming up with a plan. Just in case.
JUDITH: If you’ve got one, go ahead and tell me.
STUART: I think you should leave town. That’s only if we can’t get the full ten million by Vargas’ deadline of midnight tonight.
JUDITH: Stuart, I’m not leaving your side in this.
STUART: You need to. I can be strong enough for the both of us. You can go to our home in Italy. I will join you there soon after if all the money doesn’t come together.
JUDITH: Are you sure about this?
STUART: It’s the only thing we can do that’ll protect us both.
JUDITH: Stuart…
STUART: I’m serious, Judith. I’m not letting you fight me on this.
JUDITH: You are so stubborn.
STUART: Damn right I am.
Stuart smiles on at Judith.
JUDITH: Thank you for wanting to protect me.
STUART: Of course. I still love you.
JUDITH: I love you too.
Stuart and Judith get closer. But, before they can kiss, the grandfather clock in the living room dings into the next hour.
JUDITH: (sighs) We should get going. We don’t want to miss the party.
STUART: You’re right. Everything has to go normal tonight.
JUDITH: Yes...yes...it does.
The camera cuts back and forth between Stuart and Judith, still caught up in their affectionate moment with one another.