There’s Always Tomorrow Friday 7/5/2019
Episode 76
Time of Day: Same Day; Night
At the Whitmore Mansion, in Stuart’s Study, Stuart is sitting behind his desk. He is wearing a pair of reading glasses and looking at the tracking software on his computer. As he clicks around, there is a knock at the door.
STUART: (calling out) Come in!
Judith enters the room and shuts the door behind her.
STUART: (looking up) Hey.
JUDITH: Hi. The maid let me in. I see you got a new one.
STUART: Yeah. The other maid stole a piece of silver.
JUDITH: You know that I never liked her.
STUART: (laughs) Yes, I know.
JUDITH: (sighs) Anyway, why’d you call me over here?
STUART: Well, I think I found Vargas. He’s being awfully sloppy today.
At The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Kimberly and Quentin sit down at a table.

KIMBERLY: This place is really packed tonight.
QUENTIN: Everyone is anticipating how this new chef will do.
KIMBERLY: I had a feeling that might be it. I’m glad you could make time for me today. I know that I chewed you out for not calling or texting since the engagement party, but…
QUENTIN: No, it was my fault.
KIMBERLY: A man who can admit his faults. I like that. By the way, how is your nephew’s fiance doing? I heard about the accident. The headline in this morning’s paper was…
QUENTIN: What you would expect.
QUENTIN: She’s doing just fine. They are considering moving her to a more longtime facility, according to my nephew.
KIMBERLY: Are things that bad for Jennifer?
QUENTIN: I think so.
KIMBERLY: That’s really sad. She seems like a sweet girl.
QUENTIN: She really is. Anyway, onto other stuff. What are you going to have?
KIMBERLY: (laughs) I don’t know yet. Let’s see.
As Kimberly and Quentin open their menus, Michael enters the establishment. Before he even moves another inch, he notices Kimberly and Quentin.
MICHAEL: (to himself) What the hell is my sister doing with that scum?
At Lindsay’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Lacey (Lindsay’s Split Personality) is standing over by the bar cart. She is pouring herself a martini.
LACEY: (sighs) Gosh, I’ve had quite the productive day. I’ve lied about my pregnancy, took off that itchy wig, bought too many shoes. I can’t wait to see what comes next.
As Lacey takes a drink from her martini, she begins to sense a headache.
LACEY: Ah! What the hell!
The headache is so painful that it makes Lacey drop the martini glass at her feet, which makes it shatter in pieces. The camera pans up from the broken glass.
LINDSAY: What the hell has been happening to me?
Lindsay has reemerged. Lindsay then goes up to a standing mirror in her living room. She touches the glass. Lacey appears.
LACEY: Well, well, well, look who managed to get out of her own head.
Lindsay looks on at Lacey, horrified.
At the Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Ava and Keith are now in the living room. They are standing across from one another.

KEITH: Thanks for letting me in so we could talk about this.

AVA: How do you know that he’s our son?
KEITH: Same way I know that you confronted your bitch of a sister and her husband about Philip’s hit and run. Now, tell me, how did you keep this from me?
AVA: I’m not telling you a damn thing! You beat me. We are divorced. You’ve been stalking me since I got back into town. You don’t get a vote on what I tell you and don’t.
KEITH: Ava! Ava! Ava! Ava! Don’t you get it?! You hold none of the cards here! I have them all now! Start talking! I assure you that it’ll be in your best interest.
At The Grape Escape, in Thomas’ Office, Thomas is putting files and papers into his briefcase. Melissa enters the room, shutting the door behind her. She has her purse on her shoulder.

MELISSA: Almost ready to go home?

THOMAS: Just about. I have a few more things to put in my briefcase. I have this huge conference call tomorrow.
MELISSA: (smiling) Good luck. I’ll meet you in the parking garage. Okay?
Melissa gives Thomas a kiss on the cheek.
Before Melissa walks off, her phone makes a dinging sound. She retrieves her phone from her purse and looks at the text message.
THOMAS: Everything okay?
Melissa shuts her phone off and puts it back in her purse.
MELISSA: Yes, everything’s fine. That was my mother. She told me that any day now, my family will be here. And, they got us a post-wedding gift. You’ll never guess what it is.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in Stuart’s Study, Judith has now pulled up a chair next to Stuart, who is showing her the tracking software.
JUDITH: I told you that my tracking software would work wonders in time. And, now look at it. It has pinpointed his exact location. He was in Turin, Italy at 8:47 AM.
STUART: I wonder if he’s still there, or if he was just passing through.
JUDITH: My guess is that he was just passing through. However, I know Vargas. When he worked for us, he used to use the same burner phone for two months. He has probably shortened that to one month now that he exposed our secrets to Jennifer.
STUART: True. What do you think we should do now?
JUDITH: You’re asking me for once?
STUART: Ha, ha, ha.
JUDITH: I think we should monitor this as closely as possible. Pretty soon, Vargas will slip up more than he already has. And, when he does, we’ll be there to catch him.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, as a Waiter gives Kimberly a white wine, and Quentin a scotch on the rocks, Michael walks up to them. The Waiter nods and walks away.
MICHAEL: Hello, you two.
KIMBERLY: Hi, big brother. What are you doing here?
MICHAEL: I was grabbing some takeout. What about you two?
QUENTIN: We’re on a date.
MICHAEL: Are you now?
KIMBERLY: Yes. Quentin, do you mind giving Michael and I a moment?
QUENTIN: Not at all. I’ll go freshen up.
Quentin stands and walks off. Michael comes around the table and sits.
MICHAEL: What are you doing out with him?
KIMBERLY: Is this irking you as much as it irks me that you think you can run my love life like I’m Lindsay when she was a teenager?
MICHAEL: It does bother me that you’re out with a Whitmore, yes.
KIMBERLY: Michael, I am not the one who had an affair with Quentin’s brother’s wife. You are. End of story. You don’t get to throw stones here.
MICHAEL: Who said I was throwing stones?
KIMBERLY: For weeks you have warned me to stay away from him. You know what? I initially wanted to go out with Quentin to get under your skin. However, I really do like him. And, I’m going to give things a shot. If you ever loved me, Michael, you would go away and behave like a normal brother.
MICHAEL: I’m just trying to protect you. Kimberly, please, don’t go down this road. You’ll only get hurt. I can promise you that.
KIMBERLY: You can’t promise me anything.
MICHAEL: I can promise you job security.
KIMBERLY: Excuse me?
MICHAEL: Just because I retired early doesn’t mean I still can’t pick who I want as CEO. It’s in the bylaws of Anderson Manufacturing that I get to pick the CEO. I am still the majority shareholder after all.
KIMBERLY: Are you threatening me now? All because I want to be with whoever I want to be with? Stay classy, Michael. And, get the hell away from me.
MICHAEL: Kimberly…
KIMBERLY: Don’t you ‘Kimberly’ me. You can’t control everything all the time. And, you don’t want to start a battle with me all because I’m dating someone from a family you don’t like. Now, please leave. Now!
MICHAEL: Very well then.
Michael stands and walks away. Kimberly takes a drink of her wine.
Back at The Grape Escape, in Thomas’ Office, Thomas comes out from behind his desk and walks over to Melissa.
THOMAS: Your family got us a mansion?
MELISSA: Yes. They bought it so everyone can stay there. You, me, my brother, my mother, my father, and anyone else we want. We’ll even have our own wing.
THOMAS: Damn. That’s nice. They didn’t have to do that, though.
MELISSA: It’s my father. I can tell. He just wants to make us happy.
THOMAS: Very kind of him. Anyway, I didn’t think your family was going to settle down roots here. I thought they were only staying temporarily.
MELISSA: Me too. After all, the family business is based in St. Helena, California.
THOMAS: Do you think they’ll ever move it here?
MELISSA: I don’t know. But, my father is always unpredictable. However, I don’t think that he would change the location of the headquarters after 35 years.
THOMAS: We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
MELISSA: I guess so. After all, I’m very excited for the future.
THOMAS: Me too.
Thomas smiles and kisses Melissa.
Back at The Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Ava wipes away a tear from her right cheek. She tries to hold back the rest of her tears.
AVA: Judith will be home any minute now.
KEITH: I don’t care. You’re still gonna tell me what’s going on here.
AVA: Keith…
AVA: Okay! Okay! Okay! Yes! It’s all true. I am Philip’s biological mother. And, you are his biological father. When I was pregnant with him, we were still on very uncharted territory in our marriage. You weren’t even abusing me yet. (sighs) We had split up for just a bit because of money troubles. It seemed like there was no chance for us to get back in the black in our finances when we first got married.
KEITH: Yeah, I remember. We lived in that God awful trailer.
AVA: Yes. Anyway, I decided to take that trip here. Remember? And, when I thought we were not going to make it, marriage wise, I decided to stay with Judith and Stuart for almost a year.
KEITH: My God, it all makes sense now. I never found anything suspicious, because we still kept in contact during that time.
AVA: I made sure of that. Judith and Stuart took good care of me when I was going through our financial struggles and my pregnancy. When my water broke, they took me to the hospital. A day later, I gave them Philip. It was the endgame in our plan, for them to raise that boy.
KEITH: What plan?
AVA: Judith always knew my fears about taking care of a child with you, during that period of financial strain. The moment the plane wheels touched down here in Thorne Hill, she took it upon herself to execute this plan to make it look like she was pregnant. She and Stuart mostly hid me away in that house for all of those months. When I would step out of the house, I always wore bigger clothes to hide my stomach.
KEITH: Damn. That’s all it took. You know, I would’ve accepted that child. I really would’ve. I would’ve loved him with every fiber of my being.
AVA: Keith, please! You would not have accepted that child as ours. You would’ve turned him down flat in a second. Judith and Stuart did me a favor. They did us a favor.
KEITH: I’m gonna go tell Philip.
Keith goes to walk out the door. In a hurry, Ava goes over to her purse, which is on the coffee table. She pulls out her gun. Keith hears her cock the gun. He turns around.
KEITH: What are you gonna do? Shoot me?
AVA: If you tell him, yes.
KEITH: Ah! Please!
Ava fires a shot and the bullet barely misses Keith.
AVA: Don’t screw with me.
KEITH: Fine. I won’t tell him.
AVA: That’s what I thought. For once, I knew you’d be able to see things my way.
Back at Lindsay’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Lindsay backs away from the mirror. She is shocked and horrified at seeing Lacey.
LINDSAY: Who the hell are you?! Tell me!
LACEY: You know who I am, Lindsay. I’m the one who has been protecting you for weeks now. A man that you fell in love with went crawling back to his ex-wife…, your stepmother. Your brother stepped away from your family to heal his wounds. You didn’t have your other half. Then, to top it all off, you were once kicked out of the CEO spot at your family’s company when your stepmother took over. And, yes, I know she was ultimately fired. However, it still left you with scars. Everything has caused you so much stress in life. Because of that overwhelming stress, I manifested.
LINDSAY: I was dealing with my stress. I was managing it well. I truly was. I didn’t need you. I didn’t need another personality. I had my own. You have caused so much destruction for me. You aren’t helping me.
LACEY: I am helping you, Lindsay. By faking that pregnancy, and by finally showing the world who we can be, things are going right for you.
LINDSAY: Enough! Enough! Enough! Enough! I am my own person!
Lindsay picks up a candle stick holder and throws it at the mirror. It shatters the mirror. A laugh from Lacey is heard.
LACEY: (calling out) You’ll never get rid of me!
Out of nowhere, Lindsay begins to sway back and forth. She then faints. The camera zooms in on an unconscious Lindsay. She then abruptly opens her eyes. It is clear that Lacey has taken over once again. Lacey smiles.
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