There’s Always Tomorrow Friday 6/28/2019
Episode 72
Time of Day: Night
At The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Carter is sitting on the couch. He is talking on his cell phone. He is also drinking a glass of scotch.
CARTER: (on the phone) So, you can fit me in for an interview by Skype? Wonderful. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I’d love to work with your company to help design new programming software. You have a good night too. Bye now.
As Carter hangs up the phone, there’s a knock at the door. Carter puts his phone on the coffee table in front of him, sighs, and goes to the door.
CARTER: (opening the door) Lindsay, what are you doing here?
Lacey (Lindsay’s Split Personality), who has now taken off her red-hair wig, steps into the room, brushing past Carter.
CARTER: (to himself) Come in.
Carter shuts the door and turns around.
CARTER: What brings you by?

LACEY: I feel as though we should finally have that talk you’ve been wanting to have ever since we bumped into one another the night my brother came home.
CARTER: Really?
LACEY: Yes. And, you should know that there’s something I have to tell you too.
At the Anderson Mansion, in the Guest Bedroom, Thomas is propped up in bed by his pillows. He is looking over multiple spreadsheets. Melissa comes out from the guest bedroom. She is dressed for bed and putting on moisturizer on her hands and arms. She then climbs into bed next to Thomas, continuing to rub her hands.

MELISSA: Here I thought we made a promise to never bring work to bed.

THOMAS: I know, I know. I just needed to get my mind off of a few things.
MELISSA: Anything I can help with?
THOMAS: (sighs) Unfortunately, no.
MELISSA: I’m sure I can manage to do something.
THOMAS: (looking over at Melissa) No, you really can’t. And, that’s all because the ‘something’ I’m trying to get my mind off of concerns you.
MELISSA: What is that supposed to mean?
At the Whitmore Mansion, in the Foyer, Judith sets her purse down on the table in the middle of the foyer that also has a beautiful flower arrangement in a crystal vase. As she turns around to face Stuart, Stuart lets out a heavy sigh.
JUDITH: You know, you didn’t have to treat Ava like that. She’s my sister.
STUART: I love Ava. I always have. But, I needed to cover our tracks.
JUDITH: By being an asshole?
STUART: Yes! Judith, let me let you in on a little secret. No one survives by being nice. It’s time to roll up your sleeves and play a little mean in the name of desperation.
At Keith’s Motel Room, Keith enters the room. He slams the door behind him and goes straight over to a mini fridge in the room. He retrieves a beer and opens it. He takes a few hurried sips.

KEITH: I can’t believe this. I can’t believe he’s my son.
Keith looks over at the shrine he had previously built to worship Ava.
KEITH: (yells) You bitch! I will never forgive you for this!
Keith throws the bottle of beer at the shrine. It shatters into hundreds of pieces.
KEITH: I will get my revenge. I promise you that.
Keith then goes up to one of the photos on the shrine and licks it.
KEITH: You’re mine. Pretty soon, it’ll be me, you, and our precious son.
At Memorial Hospital, on the 5th Floor, Philip is standing over by the Nurses’ Station. He is tapping his foot, eagerly waiting. The elevator doors ding open and Joshua, Andrea, and Veronica rush over to Philip.

ANDREA: Philip, we got here as soon as we could. What’s going on?
PHILIP: She did it. Jennifer did it.

JOSHUA: What do you mean?
VERONICA: What’s going on? Is she awake?
PHILIP: No. But, she connected with me. She’s coming back to us. I just know it.
At Quentin's Home, in the Living Room, Quentin and Emerson enter the living room. It is clear that they just got to the house.
QUENTIN: So, why didn’t the equipment work? Why was the audio so scratchy?

EMERSON: I think it has to do with either the equipment, or…
QUENTIN: Or, what?
EMERSON: Or some other technical interference.
QUENTIN: Okay. What do we do now?
EMERSON: If I’m being honest, it might be too risky to go back there. This was kind of a one shot type of thing. We can’t keep going to your brother’s home in hopes of getting some much needed information. But, if we don’t get that information we need, this investigation may be over before it truly gets its legs.
QUENTIN: Well, that’s not an option?
EMERSON: What do you mean by that?
QUENTIN: I’ve already sacrificed too much for you people. I’m not stopping now just because your equipment couldn’t live up to its standards. You find a way to help me finish this, Special Agent. And, you find a way now.
Back at Memorial Hospital, on the 5th Floor, Philip, Joshua, Andrea, and Veronica walk over to a small set of chairs.
JOSHUA: So, that’s it? She grabbed your hand?
PHILIP: Multiple times. Especially when I would mention my parents. I think that’s because she really feels close to them after everything they’ve helped with concerning our wedding. I’m telling you guys, she’s coming back.
ANDREA: Honey, that might be true. However, Joshua also told me that she grabbed his hand as well. It’s essentially the body’s way of just reacting when someone is still in a coma. It shows good signs that she grabbed your hand multiple times. But, lets not get ahead of ourselves.
VERONICA: I’m glad you called us here, though. Just like you, I also have high hopes for the future and Jennifer waking up.
JOSHUA: Philip, I know she’ll come back to us. It just doesn’t seem like she’ll wake up tomorrow, for example. But, we all know she’s getting stronger.
PHILIP: She’s my Jennifer. She’s always so strong and resilient.
JOSHUA: Damn right she is. That’s my sister. The fighter.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Guest Bedroom, Thomas gathers up his papers and puts them into a file. He puts the file on the nightstand.
THOMAS: Clearly, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.
MELISSA: I sure hope not. What did you mean by your comment?
THOMAS: My dad said something about you today. It was very hurtful.
MELISSA: What did he say about me?
THOMAS: I almost don’t want to tell you.
MELISSA: Thomas, we’re currently staying under your father’s roof. If he has a problem with me, I want to know. This house is big enough to avoid him. I just need to know if I have to.
THOMAS: (sighs) My father made some racist comments towards you. He said that you should’ve gone back to the hood.
MELISSA: Excuse me?
THOMAS: That was my reaction too.
MELISSA: Your father is way out of line. I’m sorry, Thomas. But, that was mean and very hurtful. I am the heiress to a luxury goods store and a multi million dollar fortune. Your dad needs to check himself real quick.
THOMAS: I know, baby. It was all so strange. He was never this way when I was a kid. I’ve never heard anything racist come out of his mouth.
MELISSA: (sighs) He probably hid it well, no offense.
Melissa turns over on her side and shuts off her bedside lamp.
THOMAS: I’m sorry.
MELISSA: Not your fault. I just wanna go to bed and forget I heard what you just told me. I’m so over stuff like this. Love you.
THOMAS: Love you too.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Carter steps closer to Lacey.
CARTER: What is it that you have to tell me about us?
LACEY: I think that maybe you should sit down. You see, when I told Cynthia, she looked like she was going to faint had she not been sitting.
CARTER: Lindsay, what are you talking about?
Lacey grabs Carter’s arms and leads him to the couch. They sit.
LACEY: (sighs) So, you know how I’ve been getting a lot of tests done at the hospital these past few months? They even did some when you brought me into the ER one day.
CARTER: Yes, I know. Is this something serious? Are you ill?
LACEY: Well, it is something serious. However, I’m not ill. In fact, I feel fine for the first time in all of these past few months.
CARTER: Okay. It’s a relief to hear you aren’t sick.
LACEY: Thank you.
CARTER: Anyway, what did the test say?
LACEY: Congratulations, Carter. You’re gonna be a dad!
CARTER: You’re pregnant?
LACEY: Oh, yes. Yes, I most certainly am.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Foyer, Judith takes a deep breath. She has also recollected her things in preparation to leave.
JUDITH: Things will be okay. And, I get what you’re saying. However, we can’t jump the gun in the light of desperation. Ava may be a wild card. I’m not saying we should’ve told her the truth. But, I think that we should’ve been a little more delicate with her.
STUART: I get where you’re coming from. I do. I’m just not sure where any of this stands right now when it pertains to the Jennifer situation.
JUDITH: I know that the future is so uncertain. Yet, we power through.
STUART: Yes, we do.
Stuart and Judith walk over to the door.
STUART: I’ll call you tomorrow. Okay?
JUDITH: Okay. Have a goodnight.
STUART: You too.
Judith opens the door and leaves, shutting the door behind her.
At The Painted Dock, in the Dining Area, Quentin walks over to the bar. He sits down on a stool and a Bartender walks over to him.
QUENTIN: Scotch on the rocks. Make it a double.
The Bartender nods and walks off to grab a bottle of scotch and a glass.
QUENTIN: I can’t take this damn investigation anymore.
Back at Keith’s Motel Room, Keith sits on the bed. He is looking at a picture of Judith, Stuart, and Philip from the early 1990s.
KEITH: This could’ve all been mine. This could’ve been me, Ava, and our little boy. One day, I’m gonna have this. I’m gonna have it all.
The camera zooms in on Keith’s mischievous smile.
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