There’s Always Tomorrow Tuesday 7/2/2019
Episode 74
Time of Day: New Day; Morning
At The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Lacey (Lindsay’s Split Personality) and Carter sit down at a table. A Waiter sets two menus in front of them and walks off.

LACEY: I’m surprised you wanted to meet for breakfast.
CARTER: After the bombshell you dropped on me last night, I just had to see you as soon as I could today. We have a lot to talk about.
LACEY: You were pretty speechless last night.
CARTER: Do you blame me?
LACEY: Not at all.
CARTER: Thanks. Anyway, I think that I have a much cooler head now. So, let's get down to business. I’m not gonna hold back here. I’m just gonna come out and tell you how I feel. I want to be in the baby’s life, Lindsay.
At the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Michael is sitting on the couch. He is having a cup of coffee and looking over the morning paper. Cynthia enters the room and goes to the bar cart. She begins to pour herself a cup of coffee.

CYNTHIA: You must’ve gotten up really early this morning. I woke up around six for a split second and you weren’t there.
MICHAEL: I got up at five.
Cynthia turns around, with her cup of coffee, and goes to Michael. Michael folds his paper up and sets it on the coffee table.
CYNTHIA: Why’d you wake up so early?
MICHAEL: I couldn’t sleep.
CYNTHIA: Why not?
MICHAEL: You know how I get. Sometimes, I can very easily have a restless night.
CYNTHIA: Yes, I do know that about you. But, is that the only reason? Or, is there something more as to why you woke up so early this morning? Is it because you didn’t want to lay next to your wife any longer?
At the Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Stuart enters the penthouse. Judith shuts the door. She and Stuart walk over to the couch.
STUART: Is Ava here?
JUDITH: No. She went to Mimi’s Cafe for a bagel and a latte. She’s been very distant since last night anyway. This morning, when we crossed in the hall, she didn’t say a word to me.
STUART: I’m sorry to hear that.
JUDITH: Me too. But, I don’t blame her. Anyway, what brings you by?
STUART: (sighs) I could barely sleep last night. I was up most of the night hoping we’d get a hit on Vargas’ whereabouts from that phone tracking system you installed.
JUDITH: Those things take time.
STUART: Well, time is not a luxury for us at the moment. I propose that we hire someone to track down Vargas and ice him out as soon as humanly possible.
At Memorial Hospital, in a Hospital Room, Jennifer is still laying comatose. Philip is pacing around the room. He then lets out a deep breath and goes over to Jennifer.
PHILIP: Hi, baby. I hope you’re doing good this morning. I would give anything to make you breakfast right now. Anything.
Philip then becomes deep in thought.
At Philip’s Apartment, in the Kitchen, Jennifer and Philip are standing over by the stove. Philip whisking some eggs into a pot. Jennifer has her arms wrapped around him.
PHILIP: (laughs) You're gonna make me ruin these eggs.

JENNIFER: (laughs) Well, if you do, I’ll still give you something to eat.
PHILIP: Really? What do you mean by that?
JENNIFER: I think you know.
Philip turns around. Jennifer kisses him passionately.
JENNIFER: Still wanna cook those eggs?
PHILIP: I’m not sure now.
Jennifer bites her bottom lip and smiles seductively.
PHILIP: Damn, I really do miss those times. Hopefully, I get times like those back very soon. I can’t live without you, Jenn. I just can’t.
At The Grape Escape, in Thomas’ Office, Thomas is sitting behind his desk. He is looking over some spreadsheets and charts on his laptop. As he clicks over to view another chart, there is a knock at the door.

THOMAS: (calling out) Come in!
As the door opens, Thomas shuts his laptop.
THOMAS: Hey, you. What brings you up to my floor?
Melissa shuts the door and goes over to Thomas’ desk.

MELISSA: I had to come drop off the Denver Winery file.
Melissa puts a file on Thomas’ desk.
THOMAS: Thanks.
MELISSA: No problem.
THOMAS: God, you really are the hottest looking CFO I’ve ever seen.
MELISSA: Thank you. And, you are the hunkiest CEO I’ve ever seen.
Thomas smiles and gets up from his chair. He comes out from behind the desk, walks over to Melissa. The two kiss one another.
THOMAS: I love you.
MELISSA: I love you too.
As Thomas goes in for another kiss, there’s another knock at the door.
THOMAS: I wonder who that could be.
Thomas walks over to the door and opens it.
THOMAS: Hi. Can I help you?
DELIVERY MAN: Are you Thomas Anderson?
DELIVERY MAN: Good. I have a package for you.
The Delivery Man hands Thomas a rather large box.
THOMAS: Do I need to sign anything?
DELIVERY MAN: Nope. All good. Thank you.
THOMAS: Have a good day.
The Delivery Man smiles politely and walks off. Thomas closes the door by kicking it with his foot. He then brings the package over to his desk and sets it down.
MELISSA: My goodness. Who sent you that?
THOMAS: I don’t know what it is. But, the box is postmarked coming directly from the family mansion. It must be from my dad.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in a Hospital Room, Philip has now pulled up a chair next to Jennifer’s bedside. He is sitting down and holding her hands in his hands.
PHILIP: You know, I felt as though I couldn’t wait any longer. So, I decided to open up the gift that Uncle Quent got us. Turns out, he’s paying for us and multiple guests to go on a destination wedding to Greece. He paid for the entire thing. And, he even paid for us to spend our honeymoon there. Isn’t that amazing? Gosh, I can’t wait to see you on our wedding day. You are going to look absolutely amazing. One day, I am going to make you Mrs. Philip Whitmore. And, that day will be the happiest day of our lives. I know it will happen. I know it will. You just have to come back to me.
Philip leans over and kisses Jennifer’s forehead.
Back at The Grape Escape, in Thomas’ Office, Thomas and Melissa are standing over the package that has just been brought to Thomas’ office.
MELISSA: That is one hell of a way for your father to say sorry for the comments he made about me and my family.
THOMAS: Yes, it is. I’m glad he sent us this package. I knew something was up when he made those comments to me. It was so unlike him.
MELISSA: I don’t forgive him a hundred percent.
THOMAS: Same here.
MELISSA: But, I do have to admit, this was a nice gesture. I can’t believe he bought us both the newest iPAD, iPHONE, and Apple laptop.
THOMAS: I can’t either. And, the card was rather sweet.
MELISSA: Yes, it was.
THOMAS: Look, I know it’s difficult for you to have heard what my father said about you. It was even difficult for me at the moment. But, I am willing to give him a second chance. That is of course provided that this was a one time slip, and from now on he’ll be more educated on the ways of the world.
MELISSA: I hope you’re right, Thomas. I love you. However, I won’t put up with your father’s behavior when it comes to stuff like this.
THOMAS: And, I don’t want you to.
MELISSA: Thank you for supporting me in this.
THOMAS: Of course. (hugging Melissa) You’re my wife. I love you.
MELISSA: I love you too, baby.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Cynthia is leaning up against the arm of a chair that is next to Michael.
MICHAEL: What makes you think I wouldn’t want to lay next to you?
CYNTHIA: I don’t know. You’ve just seemed distant recently.
MICHAEL: Like I mentioned before, it’s just how I get when I get restless in bed. I just don’t want to keep you up all night with my tossing and turning. Is that so bad?
CYNTHIA: No, no, I guess it isn’t. Thank you.
MICHAEL: You’re welcome. Now, is there anything on your mind? I have been worried about you lately. It seems that you are taking everything I say out of context recently. What’s that about?
CYNTHIA: Look, I don’t want to play 20 questions. I’ve just been under some stress lately. That’s all. I’m sorry that I’ve questioned you when it has turned out to be nothing.
MICHAEL: I’m glad that you come to me though. When we started to rebuild our marriage, we agreed to come to one another with anything.
CYNTHIA: Yes, we did. I appreciate you telling me what’s going on with you lately. It does put my mind at ease a little bit more.
MICHAEL: Same here. I’m glad we’re being honest with each other.
CYNTHIA: Me too, darling. (sipping coffee/whispering) Me too.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Lacey is eating a fruit salad. Carter is eating a plate of breakfast hash. Both of them are drinking water.
LACEY: You want to be in the baby’s life?
As Carter continues to speak, Lacey dozes off from the conversation, as she begins to hear Lindsay internally in the mind.
LINDSAY: (narration) You’re not even pregnant, bitch! Stop this! Stop this now! Let me out of here! I don’t need protection! I can take care of myself!
CARTER: So, what do you think about that?
LACEY: I’m sorry. What’d you say?
CARTER: I said that I would love to not only give the child any financial support it needs, but I’d also love to be an active father.
CARTER: Are you okay? If need be, we can table this discussion. I don’t want anything to be too much for you right now.
LACEY: Carter, I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. Anyway, financial support won’t be needed. I have more money than you could ever dream of. And, as for you being an active father, I don’t think you should see this child for awhile. After all, I wouldn’t want it to pick up the behaviors that some people have when it comes to being against a commitment.
CARTER: I get it. You want to punish me.
LACEY: I didn’t say that. I’m just being honest. You should try it sometime.
CARTER: Lindsay…
LACEY: Don’t. Don’t go to a place where you’ll only dig a hole for yourself. As far as I’m concerned, you may be the father of this baby, but I’m the one who will be its sole provider. Capiche?
CARTER: Yeah. Sure. Whatever.
LACEY: (smiling) Good. Very good.
Lacey continues to eat her food and interact with Carter. But, another internal narration begins to come up in her mind.
LACEY: (internal narration) See that, Lindsay? I’m making him want me. It’ll only be a matter of time before I have Carter eating out of the palm of my hand.
LINDSAY: (narration) Newsflash, bitch! I won’t let you get that far!
LACEY: (internal narration/laughing) We’ll see about that, darling.
Back at the Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Judith lets out a sigh.
JUDITH: Stuart, I have everything taken care of where Vargas is concerned. You just have got to have a little more patience. Now, before you go lecturing me on about the shortness of time, I just want you to know that the phone tracking software I installed is state-of-the-art. We’ll have Vargas found in no time.
STUART: I have no doubt. I just want this whole thing resolved. I feel as though, if we tap into our resources, we can do just that a little quicker than your software can.
JUDITH: Don’t you trust me?
STUART: Of course I do.
JUDITH: Really?
STUART: I promise. Why do you ask?
JUDITH: Because, it seems like you feel as though you are the only one who can call the shots. Stuart, I know that you’ve bailed me out of a lot of messes. However, I am not someone who can be underestimated. I hold a lot of the cards here. And, it’s time that you started acting as though I’m valuable. You don’t have the luxury to not think of me that way. Are we clear?
Judith raises her left eyebrow. The camera cuts back and forth between Judith and Stuart. It eventually zooms in on Judith’s determined expression.
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