There’s Always Tomorrow Monday 7/1/2019
Episode 73
Time of Day: Same Day; Night
At Mimi’s Cafe, Mimi is wiping down the table. Two customers are beginning to walk out of the establishment, as Mimi checks her watch.

MIMI: Have a good night, guys.
Mimi smiles at the customers. She then lets out a sigh and goes over to the coffee bar. She begins refilling the straws and different sweeteners.
MIMI: (to herself) Ten minutes till close. Thank God.
As Mimi finishes refilling the Splenda for the coffee bar, she hears the bell of her front door to the establishment. She turns around.
MIMI: How can I help you, miss…? Oh my god.
DOREEN: Hello, Mimi.
MIMI: Doreen. Doreen Sterling. What are you doing here?
DOREEN: Have you not heard?
Doreen walks up to Mimi.
MIMI: Heard what?
DOREEN: I sold my house, Mimi. (smiling) I’m here in Thorne Hill to stay. So, do I get a free cup of coffee for coming all this way?
Amy enters and sees Mimi and Doreen. She walks up to them.

AMY: Hey, honey.
AMY: Who’s this? It looks like you two know one another.
DOREEN: Yes, we most certainly do. You have a good eye.
AMY: It’s nice to meet you. I’m Mimi’s wife, Amy Whitmore.
Amy and Doreen shake hands.
AMY: And, you are…?
DOREEN: I’m Doreen Sterling.
Amy and Doreen stop shaking hands.
AMY: Sterling? Mimi, is this…
MIMI: Yes, it is. This is Veronica’s mother.
At The Painted Dock, in the Dining Area, Quentin is still sitting over at the bar. The Bartender is pouring him another glass of scotch on the rocks.
As he takes a sip, Kimberly enters the establishment. She notices Quentin and walks over to him. She then sets her handbag down on the bar. Quentin looks up.

KIMBERLY: Hello, Quentin. Did my number get lost in your phone or something? Its been an awfully long time since I’ve heard from you.
Kimberly smiles on at Quentin. Quentin lets out an awkward laugh.
At The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Cynthia enters the room, having apparently just arrived. Carter shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to Cynthia who is by the desk. Cynthia sets her purse down on the desk.

CYNTHIA: Carter, I just want you to know that I don’t have that much time. I wouldn’t want Michael getting suspicious. So, if we’re gonna do this…
CARTER: Cynthia, hold on. I don’t want to make love tonight. We have more pressing matters to get to right now.
CYNTHIA: Okay. No problem. What’s going on?
CARTER: I got a visit from Lindsay today.
CYNTHIA: God, was she still wearing that awful wig?
CARTER: What? No. What are you talking about?
CYNTHIA: Never mind. Anyway, what did Lindsay have to say for herself? Did she reveal her little secret to you about the bun in the oven?
CARTER: How much do you know that I don’t? And, why the hell aren’t you telling me anything? Especially something that has changed my life so much.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Mimi is behind the main counter. She is restocking a pastry plate on top of the counter with brownies and cookies. Amy is leaning up against the main counter.
AMY: You seem awfully frazzled right now. Here I thought I would just pick you up after work and take you home for a nice, quiet dinner.
MIMI: Yeah, I wanted something like that too. Instead, I made the mother of my ex-fiancee two caramel macchiatos. That was exciting.
AMY: Are you okay, Mimi?
MIMI: No, I’m not okay. Veronica is one thing to handle. But, you have no idea how Doreen operates. She is hell on wheels. After all, look what she did to the Jackson family. You know, Veronica and I first started chatting in college. And, Doreen got jealous because she thought that I didn’t like Veronica all because I was spending more time with Lindsay. Lindsay was my roommate and my best friend, for God’s sake!
AMY: Wow. I’m sorry. It looks like Veronica can’t operate without her mother scheming in her love life. I almost feel sorry for her.
MIMI: Don’t be. Veronica blindly goes along with whatever her mother does. She always has. She always will. We just have to keep our eyes open for that.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Veronica’s Suite, Veronica is sitting at the desk. She has turned her chair to face her mother, who is sitting in a chair.
VERONICA: This is the best caramel macchiato I’ve ever had.
DOREEN: Me too.
VERONICA: Where’d you go for these? I know the Starbucks on 4th street doesn’t make them this good. (laughs) If I’m being honest.
DOREEN: Well, you’d be right. I didn’t go to Starbucks. I actually went to Mimi’s.
Veronica sets down her drink and stands abruptly.
VERONICA: You went to Mimi’s Cafe?
DOREEN: (standing) Yes. Is there a problem?
VERONICA: I don’t know. Was Mimi there?
DOREEN: She was. I reintroduced myself to her and also introduced myself to her wife. That Amy girl is very cute. But, I don’t think she possesses the bite her family has. She seems to be all bark to me.
VERONICA: I can’t believe you did this, mother.
DOREEN: What seems to be the problem?
VERONICA: The fact that you don’t think there is a problem is the problem.
Back at The Painted Dock, in the Dining Area, Kimberly is now sitting by Quentin. She is having a glass of chardonnay.
QUENTIN: I’m sorry that I haven’t been in touch.
KIMBERLY: Try nonexistent.
KIMBERLY: You know, I thought I saw something more in you for a second. I really did. I was willing to take a chance on one of you Whitmore brothers.
QUENTIN: Again, sorry. I’ve just been so caught up in work. If it makes you feel better, I did enjoy the text you sent me the night of my nephew’s engagement party.
KIMBERLY: You’re welcome. And, I guess thank you for offering to buy me another drink. I love this very expensive chardonnay.
QUENTIN: I haven’t offered yet.
KIMBERLY: (smiling) I know.
Kimberly takes another sip of her drink.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Cynthia tucks her hair behind her ears and then walks up closer to Carter.
CARTER: Did you know that Lindsay was pregnant?
CYNTHIA: Yes. But, I just found out. It isn’t like I was there, holding her hand at her doctor’s appointment. It shocked me too.
CARTER: So she said.
CYNTHIA: Did she say how far along she is?
CARTER: No. But, we did it not too long ago. We did it before we broke up. You know, from when she found out that we were still going strong.
CYNTHIA: I can’t believe this is happening. There’s so many obstacles in our way. My feelings for Michael. Your feelings for Lindsay. Lindsay’s pregnancy.
CARTER: We’ll never catch a break, will we?
CYNTHIA: No, no, I don’t think so.
Cynthia goes up to Carter and kisses him. She then hugs him.
Still at The Palace Hotel, in Veronica’s Suite, Veronica lets out a sigh.
VERONICA: What happened to you letting me work at my own pace? You just concocted this plan for me to get Mimi back and now you’re blowing it all sky high.
DOREEN: Honey, I just wanted some coffee from a good establishment. You know how much I love local stuff. Mimi wasn’t even on my mind.
VERONICA: It’s her place. She owns it. She does it for a living. My god, mother. You gave me the blueprint of how to win Mimi back. Just let me do it by myself. On my terms. Please, I beg of you.
DOREEN: (sighs) Fine. I apologize if I overstepped any boundaries.
VERONICA: You did. But, I appreciate your apology.
DOREEN: At least I know what we’re up against now concerning that Amy woman.
VERONICA: I guess there is a bright side to this thing after all. Thank God for that.
Back at The Painted Dock, in the Dining Area, Kimberly is collecting her things. Quentin is signing the restaurant's copy of his adult beverage purchases. After he is done signing, the two stand.
KIMBERLY: Thank you for the drinks.
QUENTIN: Thank you for the company. Even though I have been in touch, I really did enjoy seeing you. I hope you allow me to keep doing just that.
KIMBERLY: (smiling) I’ll see if I can make that happen.
Kimberly starts to walk off. However, Quentin grabs her left hand.
KIMBERLY: (turning around) Yes, Quent?
Out of nowhere, Quentin kisses Kimberly. He does so passionately.
QUENTIN: (coming off the kiss) Call me sometime.
KIMBERLY: I definitely will. Goodnight.
QUENTIN: Goodnight.
Quentin watches as Kimberly walks off. The camera zooms in on him smiling.
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