Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 24th, 2019 (Monday)
Carter and Cynthia are sitting on the couch. Cynthia is dressed. Carter is wearing black, boxer briefs and he is shirtless. Cynthia is curled up with him and laying on his chest.

CYNTHIA: I should’ve left about an hour ago.
CARTER: Michael texted you and said he was going to bed.
CYNTHIA: And, I told him I wanted to stop and see a friend that I met last year from the charity women’s luncheon.
CARTER: And he believed you. Everything is okay.
CYNTHIA: (looking up at Carter) Or, maybe he’s making us think that.
Michael enters the bedroom. He is dressed in his pajamas, and wearing a pair of slippers. Michael goes over to the bed, sits down, and removes his slippers. He then looks over at his alarm clock and notices the time. The clock reads: 11:45PM.
MICHAEL: How could Cynthia still be out with her friend?
Michael lets out a sigh. He then picks up his cell phone off of the nightstand and goes to his text messages. He then sends Cynthia a text.
Hey, darling. Going 2 bed right now...officially.
Wish u were here. Hope ur friend is ok. Luv u.
Michael sets down his cell phone on the nightstand.
MICHAEL: I hope everything’s alright.
Philip is standing over by the doors to the ballroom. Guests are walking by him and telling him goodbye and goodnight. The party has officially ended.

AVA: (walking up to Philip) Darling, this was a very good party.
PHILIP: Thank you. I’m sorry Jennifer couldn’t say goodbye to you tonight.
AVA: No problem. Where is your soon to be bride anyway?
PHILIP: She got a broken heel and her dress tore up the side. She texted me this big, long paragraph. Anyway, she wanted me to give everyone her best.
AVA: I can understand why she ran out of the room. I would’ve too.
PHILIP: (laughs) I get it. Anyway, I love you, Aunt Ava.
AVA: Love you too, dear.
Ava walks off. Quentin walks up to Philip.
QUENTIN: Your surprise will be delivered straight to your apartment.
PHILIP: Can’t wait to see what it is, Uncle Quent.
QUENTIN: I know you’ll be surprised.
PHILIP: Can’t wait. Have a good night.
QUENTIN: You too, Philip. Love you.
PHILIP: Love you too.
Quentin walks off. Amy and Mimi walk up to Philip.

AMY: Hey, bro. Well, the party was a success.

MIMI: And, so much fun!
PHILIP: I’m glad you two could make it.
AMY: Of course.
MIMI: We wouldn’t have missed it.
AMY: (sighs) Anyway, I hate to say goodbye. However, Mimi and I do have a meeting with our adoption counselor tomorrow morning.
PHILIP: I understand. Please, go home and get some rest.
MIMI: And, (laughs) try and get ahead of this upcoming hangover.
PHILIP: Right.
Philip hugs Amy and Mimi individually. Amy and Mimi smile and walk out of the room. Then, Veronica, Joshua, and Andrea walk up to Philip.

ANDREA: Philip, thank you for a great night.
PHILIP: Of course. Josh, did you hear about Jennifer’s incident?

JOSHUA: Yeah. You know how fashion forward my sis is. She probably felt as though she couldn’t come back from what happened.
VERONICA: Is she staying at your place tonight, Philip?
PHILIP: Yeah. My uncle Quent got us a surprise. So, I’m excited to get back to her so we can tear into it and see what it is.
VERONICA: Let us know.
PHILIP: Of course I will.
Philip gives a hug to Veronica and Andrea and then shakes Joshua’s hand. Joshua, Andrea, and Veronica walk off out of the room. Philip lets out a deep breath and smiles.
Judith and Stuart are standing over Jennifer’s unconscious body.

Stuart puts Jennifer’s phone in his pocket after shutting it off.
JUDITH: Did you text Philip?
STUART: Yeah. I covered our bases for now. I also saw where Jennifer had a 15 minute phone conversation with Vargas. He must’ve come forth with every little bit of information.
JUDITH: (sarcastic) You think? Anyway, what are we gonna do?
STUART: Don’t worry, I have a plan.
JUDITH: You do?
STUART: Yes. There’s a doctor at Memorial who owes me a favor. I’ll have said doctor transport Jennifer to the hospital, so he can make it look like she had an accident on her way back to Philip’s apartment. But, we have to do something before she’s brought into the hospital.
STUART: We have to break one of her heels and tear her dress. We have to cover all of our bases. If we’re gonna stack our lies, we have to make them look like the truth. So, (bending down) let’s get to work.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Cynthia and Carter are now standing. Cynthia is standing over by the desk. She is turns around. Carter is standing by the couch.
CARTER: Do you think Michael knows about us?
CYNTHIA: (turning around) No, I don’t think that at all. But, like I said to you earlier, I believe that sometimes he may get suspicious.
CARTER: Why are you here?
CYNTHIA: (walking to Carter) What do you mean? You know why I’m here. I’m here for you. I’m here because I love you, Carter.
CARTER: I know that. I love you too. But, if you’re so worried about Michael all the time, then how can we ever take pleasure in the rekindling of our relationship?
CYNTHIA: I have to worry about Michael. Let’s not forget what he did when we just kissed one another. He lost it. And, rightfully so. He fired me and you from Anderson Manufacturing. He brought in his bitch of a sister to replace me. And, she was having a nice life out of the country. Do you see what I mean? Do you see how the ripple effects have not stopped since our kiss happened? And, now, there’s Lindsay who knows we slept together. She’s a loose cannon. Point is, you and I both have a long way to fall because we still love one another.
CARTER: I guess you have a point there.
CYNTHIA: Damn right I do. The future is unknown. But, how I feel for you must always be known. I’ve forgiven you for the affair you had when we were married. And, I know you’ve forgiven me (laughs) for burning your clothes in that fire pit.
CARTER: (laughs) We all have strong reactions sometimes.
CYNTHIA: True. Point is, you’re everything to me.
Cynthia leans in and hugs Carter.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in Michael and Cynthia’s Bedroom, Michael is now laying in bed. He is reading with the lamp on his nightstand on. As he turns a page in the book he is reading, he lets out a sigh. He then puts down the book, takes off his reading glasses, and picks up his cell phone.
MICHAEL: Still nothing. Cynthia what is going on?
Michael bites his bottom lip. He is wondering why Cynthia isn’t home yet.
Philip unlocks the door and enters the apartment. He shuts the door behind him. He is also holding an envelope that says: TO JENNIFER AND PHILIP, FROM QUENTIN.
Philip makes his way to the living room and sets the envelope down on the coffee table. He begins to loosen his tie.
PHILIP: (calling out) Jenn?! Are you here, babe?!
Seconds later, he enters the bedroom.
PHILIP: (turning on the light/looking around) Jenn? Where are you?
Philip reenters the living room.
Philip takes his cell phone out of his pocket and text Jennifer.
Where r u? Thought u were at the apt. Did u have
to go back to your home & grab some clothes? I
thought u had some clothes here. Anyway, txt me
when u get a chance. Luv u.
Philip puts his phone back in his pocket and walks off to the bedroom.
Back at the Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Judith is bent down over Jennifer’s body. She is breaking off one of her heels. Stuart is ripping up the side of her dress.
STUART: (standing) Okay. Perfect. Good job.
JUDITH: (standing) Thank you. Not my first rodeo.
STUART: Same here.
JUDITH: I know. So, is Doctor Levinson on his way?
STUART: Yes. Fingers crossed Jennifer has amnesia when she comes out of this.
JUDITH: If she comes out of it at all.
STUART: Don’t think like that. We must think positive.
JUDITH: Are you kidding me? How can we think positive about this? What just happened here tonight cannot be found in a self help book at Barnes and Noble. Stuart…, you…
Then, there’s a knock at the door.
STUART: There’s no time left to talk. We have to move now.
Stuart walks off. Judith stares down at Jennifer’s body. The camera zooms in on her. It appears as though she feels a little remorse for what has happened.
I just read this episode it was awesome.