Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 25th, 2019 (Tuesday)
Lacey (Lindsay’s Split Personality) is still in full effect. She’s wearing edgy clothing and sporting her red wig. She and Thomas sit down at a table. Thomas, of course, believes it still Lindsay.

THOMAS: Thanks for agreeing to have breakfast with me, sis.
LACEY: No problem.
THOMAS: How was the staff meeting? Is there anything I should know? I know I don’t return to work until next week, but still.
LACEY: I’m sorry. Staff meeting? What meeting?
THOMAS: Remember, you left my welcome home party early last night because of the emergency staff meeting about how our company is being expanded overseas.
LACEY: Oh, right. Yeah. The staff meeting. It went well. Sorry. My mind was somewhere else for just a couple of seconds.
THOMAS: No problem. I get it. I’ll just look at your notes tomorrow. Anyway, tell me something, are you going through a phase right now?
LACEY: What do you mean by that?
THOMAS: You’re wearing a red wig. And, you’re dressing a little more risque.
LACEY: Ah, yes. I guess you could say it’s a phase. Plus, I better where all the tight clothing I can before I can’t do it anymore.
THOMAS: Why wouldn’t you be able to wear what you want?
LACEY: Well, if you must know, I’m pregnant.
THOMAS: (taken aback) Excuse me?
Michael is standing over by the bar cart. He is pouring himself a cup of coffee. Cynthia enters the room, dressed for the day. She walks over to the bar cart as well. As she begins to pour herself a cup of coffee, Michael kisses her on the cheek.

CYNTHIA: Good morning, baby.
MICHAEL: Morning.
CYNTHIA: Did you sleep okay last night?
MICHAEL: If I’m being honest, I did not.
CYNTHIA: Why’s that?
Cynthia and Michael step away from the bar cart.
MICHAEL: I was too worried about you. I hope that your friend is okay. You were out awfully late last night. What in the world was going on with this friend?
CYNTHIA: She’s having marital issues.
CYNTHIA: What was that ‘oh’ for?
MICHAEL: It was just me having a realization.
CYNTHIA: I see. Are you sure that’s all it was?
MICHAEL: Yes. What are you talking about, Cynthia?
CYNTHIA: Michael, I just have to point out that the way you said ‘oh’ was almost like you didn’t believe a single thing I just told you.
MICHAEL: I did believe everything you told me. Of course I did. Is there a reason I shouldn’t believe anything you just told me about your whereabouts from last night, Cynthia?
Judith and Stuart are standing over by a row of chairs.
JUDITH: They’re gonna be here any second.
STUART: I know.
JUDITH: We have to play it cool.
STUART: We’ve got this. Act normal.
Before Judith can get another word in, Philip, Joshua, Andrea, Veronica, Amy, and Mimi rush into the room and go right over to Stuart and Judith.
PHILIP: Mom! Dad! Is Jennifer okay?

AMY: What do you guys know?

MIMI: Has the doctor come in yet?

ANDREA: I’m gonna go see what’s taking my staff so long.

JOSHUA: I’ll come with you.
JUDITH: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Wait a second, guys.
JOSHUA: Why? What’s up?
JUDITH: I think that we should tell you what happened to Jennifer. Don’t you want to know all the details about how I found her?
PHILIP: I don’t think that’s a bad idea. Mom, how did you stumble upon Jennifer?
JOSHUA: And, what state was she in when she was brought in?
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Cynthia sets her coffee cup down on the bar cart. Michael sets his on the desk.
CYNTHIA: Darling, I wasn’t suggesting anything like that. I obviously took what you said the wrong way. I’m sorry. I really am.
MICHAEL: You’re fine. It’s still early in the day. Both of us may not just be fully awake yet. Just know that I have always trusted you since you’ve come back into my life.
CYNTHIA: Thank you. Your trust is everything to me, Michael.
MICHAEL: And, your honesty is everything to me. I know that you would never lie to me again after what happened all those months ago with Carter.
CYNTHIA: (hugging Michael) That’s right. I would never lie to you again. Never.
Back at The Painted Dock, in the Dining Area, a Waiter sets two plates of breakfast hash in front of Lacey and Thomas. Lacey puts her napkin in her lap.
LACEY: You’ve barely said anything to me since we ordered. And, that was to see if I was getting the same thing as you. Do you hate it that I’m pregnant?
THOMAS: Of course I don’t hate it, sis. I was just…
LACEY: Caught off guard.
THOMAS: Exactly.
LACEY: Just how I was when you brought Melissa home.
LINDSAY: (speaking internally) Stop lying to him, you bitch! Or, whatever you are! Let me out of here! Let me tell the truth!
Lacey’s eyes twitch and she touches her forehead with her thumb and index finger.
THOMAS: Hey, are you okay?
LACEY: Yeah. Sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me just now.
THOMAS: You did this weird eye twitch and then rushed to grab your forehead. Are you still having those painful headaches? Do I need to fly in a specialist?
LACEY: Slow down. I’m fine. In fact, I think that as the months go on, and as a human starts developing inside of me, I will be even more fine.
THOMAS: I really am excited. And, I’m sorry for my initial reaction.
LACEY: It’s okay.
THOMAS: How do you feel about you being pregnant with Carter’s baby? I mean, I assume it is going to be Carter’s child. Right?
LACEY: It is. He’s the only one I’ve…
THOMAS: I get it. Last time we talked about him, you filled me in on you two ending things. Does this baby mean you’ll get back together?
LACEY: Definitely not. I don’t want him. It’s just going to be me and this baby.
THOMAS: Are you sure he won’t come for you or your baby?
LACEY: He better not. Carter doesn’t have a leg to stand on after the way he hurt me. He just needs to let me be at peace with this child.
THOMAS: I hope he lets you be at peace.
LACEY: Thank you, brother.
LINDSAY: (speaking internally) He’s not your brother! He’s the brother to me! Lindsay and Thomas are siblings! Not Lacey and Thomas!
LACEY: (whispers) God, shut up.
THOMAS: (taking a bite of food) What was that, sis?
LACEY: (smiling) Oh, nothing. I just sighed.
THOMAS: Oh. Okay then.
Lacey sips her orange juice, trying to keep Lindsay internally at bay.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Judith steps up to the crowd.
STUART: I know you all of a lot of questions. But, give Judith a moment to explain.
VERONICA: I guess we all did jump at you.
MIMI: Sorry, Judith.
JUDITH: It’s fine. I understand. Look, I decided to stay at the park for a bit after I bumped into Ava. I thought as though the fresh air would do me good. Anyway, I saw Jennifer come through the park. She was very upset about her ripped dress and her broken heel. Anyway, after I comforted her, I walked away and she ordered one of those Uber things.
PHILIP: Okay. But, how did she wind up passed out and with a gash on her forehead, as you mentioned in your text you sent to all of us?
JUDITH: I turned around and started to walk away. Seconds later, I heard this thud. I turned around and saw Jennifer on the ground. She had hit her head on a stone in the park. I assume that when she got up, she must’ve tripped over her broken heel.
ANDREA: God, I hope she’s okay. She just had a small accident. Yet, she could be very badly hurt. Look, I’ve gotta go and see what’s up. Judith, do you know who’s assigned to her case?
JUDITH: When she was brought in, a Doctor Meyers had taken over everything.
ANDREA: Daniel Meyers. He’s a good doctor.
STUART: That’s a good thing to hear.
ANDREA: I’ll go get him.
Just as Andrea goes to leave the room, Doctor Meyers enters.
DR. MEYERS: Hello, everyone. I’m Doctor Meyers.
AMY: Doctor Meyers, how is Jennifer?
DR. MEYERS: I need to prepare all of you for something.
PHILIP: What do you mean? What are you talking about? She just hit her head.
JOSHUA: Did she have to get a lot of stitches?
DR. MEYERS: It’s far more serious than that, I’m afraid.
ANDREA: Daniel, what’s going on?
DR. MEYERS: (sighs) Jennifer came to us unconscious. We did a CT right away and saw that the fall she took was a lot more severe than just the usual trip and fall. The impact from the stone slamming into her head was quite severe. Because of the speed and angle she fell at, there was a lot of swelling and internal bleeding on the brain. We’ve stopped the internal bleeding and stabilized her. But…
PHILIP: But, what, Doctor? What’s really going on here?!
DR. MEYERS: We’ve put Jennifer into an induced coma to bring down the swelling. We assumed she’d come out of it by now. However, she hasn’t yet. We are closely monitoring her. However, there’s no telling when she’ll come out of the coma.
PHILIP: (voice breaking) Oh god.
JUDITH: Darling…
Judith embraces Philip.
STUART: Everyone, come together. I think we should pray.
Doctor Meyers exits the room peacefully. Philip wipes a tear away.
MIMI: I think that’s a good idea.
Everyone in the room gets in a circle and joins hands.
JOSHUA: Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you now and ask you to protect Jennifer.
The prayer continues, as the camera zooms out in an aerial shot above everyone.
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