Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 21st, 2019 (Friday)
Back at Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Judith comes down the stairs with another suitcase. She stands it up next to the couch.
JUDITH: Almost done.
As Judith is about to head back up to the bedroom, there is a knock at the door. Judith looks up at the clock above the fireplace.
JUDITH: I’m not even finished packing.
She sighs and walks to the door.
JUDITH: (calling out) Stuart! I’m not ready!
Judith opens the door.
JUDITH: Jennifer? Honey, what are you doing here?

JUDITH: Know what? What’s going on?
Jennifer slaps Judith! She then stares her down.
JUDITH: (coming off the slap) Jennifer, what the hell is wrong with you?!
Jennifer brushes passed Judith and enters the penthouse. Judith steps away from Jennifer, just as Jennifer slams the door shut.
JENNIFER: Really? You’re asking what’s wrong with me? How about what’s wrong with you?! How could you do this, Judith? How could you lie for two years?!
JUDITH: Jennifer, I have no idea what you’re trying to say. But, it clearly has gotten you into a twist, whatever it is that is on your mind.
JENNIFER: Really? You’re trying to play dumb, bitch?! What’s dumb is how you thought you could get away with this forever! You murdered my parents! You are a cold-blooded-killer!
JUDITH: Jennifer, I...I...I…
JENNIFER: You what? What, Judith?! What could you possibly say at this very moment to make yourself look completely innocent of murder.
JUDITH: Jennifer, you have to understand…
JENNIFER: I don’t have to understand anything! But, I do want to know why you did it. Better yet, why you and Stuart did it. Why did you take my mother and father from my brother and I? And, why did you take me and Joshua’s father from our sister Veronica?
JUDITH: (sighs) Fine. I’ll tell you the whole story.
JENNIFER: Oh, yes, you will.
Back at the Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Jennifer sets her purse down on a table next to the door. She walks up closer to Judith.
JENNIFER: Go on. Tell me. Tell me why you and Stuart thought that you could play God with the lives of my parents that fateful night.
JUDITH: (sighs) Jennifer, this all goes back further than you know. The connection that Stuart and I had to your mother and father started exactly fifteen years ago. Your parents, unbeknownst to your whole family and this town, fell on hard financial times at that point in time. This happened while Joshua was still in medical school. They didn’t want your brother to fail. So, they needed to find a way to pay for his schooling and keep their financial hardships a secret. Your parents hatched a plan to steal from Stuart and I. They stole millions in valuable diamonds.
JENNIFER: I don’t understand. If what you’re telling me is true, the timeline doesn’t add up exactly. My parents died two years ago. However, you’re saying that them wronging you and Stuart happened fifteen years ago.
JUDITH: Let me finish. Stuart and I never found out who stole the diamonds up until three years ago. We had searched for about two years after they were stolen. However, your parents covered their tracks quite well. It wasn’t until you started getting reinvolved with my son on a more serious level that I became close to your parents again. Remember that cookout that Stuart and I were forced to go to that was held at your family’s home?
JENNIFER: Yes. It was a beautiful Summer day.
JUDITH: Yes, it was. Anyway, I had left a gift for you and Philip with your mother. Your mother told me that she hid the gift in the upstairs, master bedroom safe. She gave me the code and everything to retrieve it. She changed the code every 90 days anyway. This was day 89 of that thing she did. So, it didn’t matter that I knew it. Except, your mother had forgotten that it did matter that I knew the code because she had one diamond left from that robbery. And, it was locked in said safe. I kept what I knew a secret. However, that night, Stuart and I discussed things at home. We also hatched a plan.
JENNIFER: To kill my parents. That was the plan. Obviously.
JUDITH: That’s where you’re wrong.
JENNIFER: Excuse me?
JUDITH: That wasn’t always the plan.
JENNIFER: Then, what was?
JUDITH: The plan was to exact our revenge and get them to admit what they had done. I had read somewhere on the internet that if you cut someone’s brake line partially, the car will still stop at some point. However, my findings turned out not to be true.
JENNIFER: Clearly. So, that’s it? My parents stole from you. And, instead of going to the police when you found out, you set out to scare them which led to their death. Do I have it all right? Or, am I missing something?
JUDITH: No, that’s right. That’s what Stuart and I did.
JENNIFER: I can’t believe you. How could you do this? Better yet, how could you go on all this time acting as though nothing happened? Judith, I have spent so many sleepless nights searching for my parent's killer. I have spent so much time longing for the truth.
JUDITH: I know.
JENNIFER: How come you didn’t say anything? How come you and Stuart never once spoke up about what you had done? Even when your son…
JUDITH: What is it?
JENNIFER: Philip. Oh my god.
JUDITH: What about Philip?
JENNIFER: It all makes sense now. I can now see why Vargas ran him down. You wanted Vargas to do that because Philip was going to use every resource money could buy to find the killer.
JUDITH: Jennifer…
JENNIFER: You’re a monster! Philip almost died from that accident! He was in a coma! (pushing Judith) What the hell is wrong with you?!
JUDITH: I... (voice breaking) I had to do it.
JENNIFER: Are you trying to justify running down your own son?
JUDITH: I wasn’t behind the wheel!
JENNIFER: What difference does it make?! And, then, the investigation. Did you fix that too? Did you make that Detective Becky stop investigating the crime? One day, she was all over it. The next, she dropped it like a hot potato.
JUDITH: I was blackmailing Becky to stop the investigation. I knew before anyone that she was really a drug lord. I knew the size of her operation.
JENNIFER: It’s funny how all of this makes sense to me now. Even that day we ran into one another at Mimi’s Cafe. You were acting so odd around Veronica and I. I now know why. It’s because you couldn’t stand the thought of seeing two women who hadn’t known that you were the one who changed their lives forever.
JUDITH: Jennifer, I’m sorry! I’m sorry for all of it!
JENNIFER: It’s a little too late for all of your “I’m sorrys!”
Jennifer picks up the vase from the fireplace and throws it to the ground. The noise of the shattering makes Judith jump.
JENNIFER: God dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! You and Stuart killed my parents! You both hid it for two years! You almost killed your own son! You messed with two police investigations! Is there anything you won’t do?!
JUDITH: Jennifer, if I could take it all back I would in a heartbeat. I didn’t mean (sobbing) to murder your parents. I didn’t mean for them to die. Stuart and I just wanted to scare them a little. In retrospect, it was a stupid plan!
JENNIFER: (crying) You took my mom and dad from me! They will never see anymore of my life on this Earth! They won’t see my wedding day! They won’t see the birth of my child someday! They won’t see me take my boutique to new and exciting heights! You took that from me, them, your possible future grandchild, my brother, and my half sister! You stole what could’ve been the best years of all of our lives!
JUDITH: Jennifer, what can I do to make it up to you?
JENNIFER: Are you kidding me right now? You can never make this up. It’s not like you dropped my iPHONE into water while helping me take a beachside selfie. You killed my parents. And, now, I have to kill you!
JUDITH: What do you mean?
JENNIFER: I have to avenge their deaths. It’s only right.
JUDITH: You’re crazy.
JENNIFER: No, bitch. I’m perfectly sane.
Jennifer runs up and tackles Judith to the ground. She begins to slap her and pull her hair.
JENNIFER: You psychotic, bitch! I hate you! You murdered my parents!
As Jennifer is about to bang Judith’s head into the floor, Judith flops her over and gets on top. She manages to secure Jennifer enough to get up. However, Jennifer gets up and runs after her. Jennifer knocks Judith into a wall table which shatters crystal animal figurines that sit on top.
JUDITH: Get off of me!
JENNIFER: Not until you’re dead!
Judith and Jennifer make their way over to the couch. Jennifer climbs on top of Judith. Feathers start to fly everywhere as Jennifer rips open a feather pillow. Judith pushes Jennifer off of her. Judith tries to run for the door. Jennifer rushes after her and pulls her back by her hair. Judith manages to break free. Judith then slaps Jennifer and runs for the stairs.
JENNIFER: You’re not getting away from me! Not after all this time!
Judith is halfway up the mini, spiraling staircase when Jennifer comes rushing for her. Jennifer kicks her heels off and comes up the stairs. The two lock arms and start to go back and forth.
JUDITH: Let go, Jennifer!
JENNIFER: I’ll be damned if I do!
JUDITH: Get off!
JUDITH: I said, get off!
Jennifer lets out a gasp as she trips over the bottom of her evening gown. As she trips, she is still locking arms with Judith. So, instead of going backwards, she goes to the side. Jennifer goes over the railing. Judith lets out a scream as she watches Jennifer fall from the railing. Jennifer ends up on the floor, unconscious. Judith rushes to the bottom of the stairs and then over to Jennifer.
JUDITH: (crouching down) Jennifer?! Jennifer?!
Judith rolls Jennifer over. Jennifer has a huge gash on her forehead. She is also unconscious. Before Judith can react, the front door opens. Judith gasps and looks up. A shocked Stuart enters the room.
STUART: Judith…
JUDITH: (standing) Stuart…
STUART: What the hell happened here?
JUDITH: Everything.
STUART: What do you mean?
JUDITH: Jennifer knows everything. Vargas told her. He followed through on his promise. Anyway, she paid me a visit. Everything came out into the open and then she went after me. We made it over to the stairs and she tripped over her evening gown. She went over the railing.
STUART: Dammit all to hell. Another mess to clean up.
The camera zooms out in an aerial shot, just as Stuart and Judith look down at Jennifer’s almost lifeless body.
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