Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 20th, 2019 (Thursday)
Lacey (Lindsay’s Split Personality) is still in full affect. Lacey is standing over by the bar cart, pouring herself another martini. As she does so, there’s a knock at the door. Lacey smiles, puts down the martini shaker, and walks to the door.
LACEY: Doctor Evanston, thank you for coming.
DR. EVANSTON: No problem, Miss Anderson. Is everything okay? It’s unusually late for me to be making a house call. But, I know that you’ve been so worried about your headaches lately. And, your father is a member of the board at the hospital.
LACEY: That’s all correct. But, I didn’t call you over for anything headache related.
DR. EVANSTON: I don’t understand. What’s going on?
LACEY: Why don’t you come in, and I’ll tell you.
Lacey (pretending to be Lindsay) smiles mischievously.
Jennifer, Philip, Amy, Mimi, Stuart, and Quentin are all standing over by the bar.
PHILIP: Hey, I just got a text from aunt Ava. She should be back here soon to tell us what mom told her in the park when they bumped into one another.

JENNIFER: I really hope that Judith is alright.
QUENTIN: Me too. Ava will tell us the truth though.

AMY: Yes, she will. We all care about mom. Ava does too. They have that type of sibling relationship where they share everything with each other.
STUART: I’m sure that Ava will tell all of you what I’ve been telling you all along. Judith told me that she was feeling a little light headed and ill.
PHILIP: Dad, we believe you. But, we all know that Ava can get anything out of mom. We just want to make sure it’s not something a bit more serious that mom is hiding.
Stuart lets out a deep breath and looks away from everyone. As he turns his attention back to everyone, Ava enters the room and rushes up to them.

MIMI: Ava, thank God you’re back.

AVA: Hi, everyone.
JENNIFER: How’s Judith?
AVA: Well, I was definitely shocked by what she revealed to me in the park. And, I can see why she felt like she was feeling ill.
Judith enters the home in a hurry. She slams the door behind her. She then looks around and tosses her keys and evening back on the couch.
JUDITH: I don’t have much time to bail.
Judith rushes upstairs.
Carter is shirtless and naked. He is covered up by the silk, white sheet on the bed. He is propped by his left arm. Meanwhile, Cynthia is sitting on the bed. She is putting on a pair of black pumps. She is also dressed in a black pencil skirt and silk, red blouse.
CARTER: Do you really have to go so soon?

CYNTHIA: Yes, I do. Michael may not even be in bed yet. That means he is waiting for me. He’s probably wondering where I am too. I told him that I was going out to clear my head…
CARTER: You’re a grown woman. Why should he care?
CYNTHIA: Carter, he allowed me back into his life after I betrayed him. Right now, he’s like a father waiting up for a sixteen year old girl who’s prom date hasn’t brought her home by curfew. Even though I want our affair to continue now, I don’t blame him.
CARTER: Can I ask you something?
CARTER: I know your answer to this question before was a huge ‘yes.’ But, considering where we are now, do you still love Michael?
Back at Lindsay’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Dr. Evanston is now fully in the room. Lacey has shut the door. She now has a martini glass in her hand, fully filled. She has another one in her other hand as well. She hands it to Dr. Evanston.
LACEY: Here you are…, one of my world famous martinis. Now, I prefer an onion over an olive. I know I’m in the minority, but it gives the drink more of a kick.
DR. EVANSTON: I’ll agree with you there, Miss Anderson.
LACEY: Please, call me Lindsay.
DR. EVANSTON: Very well, Lindsay. By the way, I like your new hair.
LACEY: Excuse me?
DR. EVANSTON: You dyed it red.
LACEY: (laughs) Right. It's actually a wig. I'm trying something new. But, thank you.
DR. EVANSTON: Of course. Anyway, you told me that you called me over here for some other reason than your recent headache and dizzy spells. What on Earth is going on?
LACEY: I need your help, Doctor Evanston. Do you remember that man who brought me into the ER that one night you saw me immediately?
DR. EVANSTON: Yes. What about him?
LACEY: Well, you may not know this information. But, that man used to be married to my now stepmother. Anyway, I tried to be with that man. I tried to give him my all. However, he just kept going back to my trampy stepmother. Turns out, they’ve been having an affair behind my back. I need to exact revenge on them. I need to show them that they messed with the wrong bitch.
DR. EVANSTON: Lindsay, I can understand where you’re coming from. You’ve been burned. However, I’m just your doctor. I do things like give you monthly check ups. Or, prescribe you medication for your headaches.
LACEY: I know that, Doctor. But, you also have access to something I need. You have access to a DNA lab. And, you have access to my medical records.
DR. EVANSTON: What are you asking me to do?
LACEY: I’m asking you to make it look like I’ve been pregnant ever since you saw me that night in the emergency room.
DR. EVANSTON: (putting down the glass) I should go. (going to the door) I should’ve never come here. No one can be in their right mind this late. Especially with a full moon out tonight.
LACEY: Doctor, I wouldn’t go if I were you.
DR. EVANSTON: (turning around) What you’re asking me to do is wrong and illegal. I just can’t change a patient’s records to something that isn’t truthful. And, I just can’t break into the DNA lab and use resources that I don’t need. I’d be fired, arrested, and lose my license.
LACEY: That’s only if you’re caught, Doctor Evanston. But, I know that you can sneak around rather well. After all, you’ve been doing it for about six months now.
DR. EVANSTON: What are you talking about?
LACEY: Much like my ex-boyfriend and my step mother, you like to have affairs as well. Tell me, how is your whore doing? Sasha? Isn’t that her name?
DR. EVANSTON: How do you know about her?
LACEY: I’m an Anderson. I know everything that goes on in this town.
DR. EVANSTON: You’re blackmailing me!
LACEY: Calm down. I’m putting an offer on the table for you. I just happen to need a little insurance to get you to accept this offer. Look, Doc, in exchange for you doing this for me, I will pay you ten million dollars, and I won’t expose your affair.
DR. EVANSTON: Why are you doing this to me?
LACEY: Because! I need to get even with those who have wrong me. You’re like the golden ticket for my journey of revenge. Come on, Doc! What do you say? (extending right hand) Partners?
Dr. Evanston looks on at Lacey for a few seconds. He then, reluctantly, shakes her hand.
LACEY: Very good. Here’s to a bright future.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Cynthia is still sitting on the bed. She turns around to face Carter fully.
CYNTHIA: Yes, I still love Michael.
CARTER: Really?
CYNTHIA: Is that so hard for you to believe?
CARTER: Kinda. I mean, look what we’re doing to him.
CYNTHIA: I’m well aware of what we’re doing to him, Carter. I’m right here in this bed with you. Look, Michael gave me love and happiness after I thought I wouldn’t have that anymore after we got a divorce. However, when you came back into my life, something changed. I felt love for Michael still. I felt the spark that we had the moment we got married. But, I also felt our spark. I’m in love with two men, Carter. Madly...deeply...passionately.
CARTER: Do you ever think you’ll choose just one?
CYNTHIA: That’s the thing, I don’t know.
Cynthia leans over and kisses Carter.
CYNTHIA: I don’t know anything about the future anymore.
Philip, Amy, Mimi, Jennifer, Stuart, Quentin, and Ava are all still standing over by the bar. Ava has just filled them in on what Judith told her in the park.
QUENTIN: So, that’s it? Judith was just worried about catching feelings for Stuart?
STUART: Ava, are you sure that’s what she really told you?
AVA: I’m sure. I listened to her loud and clear.
PHILIP: This is kinda amazing, dad.
AMY: How do you feel about mom?
STUART: Okay, can we discuss this later? There’s still a lot of partying left to do. Plus, this party is about Jennifer and Philip, not me and Judith.
PHILIP: Dad, trust me, we all want to know about your future with mom.
JENNIFER: Even I would be happy for the two of you, if you got back together.
STUART: (sighs) It certainly is something I’ve thought about for awhile now.
MIMI: I can understand why. You and Judith share a lot of history.
QUENTIN: Mimi’s right.
Before anyone can get another word in, Quentin’s phone rings.
QUENTIN: Excuse me.
Quentin takes his phone call and steps away.
JENNIFER: Honey, I’m gonna go talk with Andrea and Josh for a bit. Okay?
PHILIP: Okay. I’m gonna stay over here.
JENNIFER: Okay. I hope everything works out, Stuart.
Jennifer smiles and steps away.
AVA: So, tell us more about how you long for Judith.
STUART: Ha, ha, ha. Very funny, Ava.
Meanwhile, over in a corner of the ballroom, Quentin holds his cell phone up to his ear. He plugs his other ear with his index finger.
QUENTIN: (on the phone) Hello?

EMERSON: (over the phone) Quentin, it’s Special Agent Emerson Clark. Before I ask for an update, I wanted to inform you that District Attorney Russell Portsmith will no longer be involved in the investigation, as he is dealing with business out of the country right now. Anyway, speaking of the case, did you get an update on Judith?
QUENTIN: (on the phone) Yes. First, thank you for letting me know about Russell. Anyway, it turns out Judith was not ill at all. She left the party for other reasons.
EMERSON: (over the phone) To take care of illegal business reasons? Or…
QUENTIN: She actually left because she’s unsure about what she feels for my brother. It’s more of a butterflies in the tummy situation.
EMERSON: (over the phone) God. Fine. Whatever. Do you believe her?
QUENTIN: (on the phone) After all that those two have been through, I kinda do.
As Quentin finishes up his call, the camera pans over to Joshua, Andrea, and Jennifer at the main table. Andrea takes a sip of her sparkling water.

JOSHUA: So, that’s why Judith left?

ANDREA: I had no idea that Stuart and Judith still felt that strongly about one another.
JOSHUA: True love never dies, I guess.
ANDREA: You’re so sweet.
JENNIFER: I’m happy for them. And, I’m happy for Philip. It has taken he and Amy a long time to forgive Judith for the whole Michael Anderson thing. But, they finally accept her as their mother again. I think the Whitmore family will heal soon.
JOSHUA: That’s good news.
Before anyone says anything else, Jennifer feels her phone buzzing in her evening bag. She opens the bag and retrieves her phone. The caller ID reads VARGAS.
JOSHUA: Sis, what is it?
JENNIFER: Unfortunately, I have to take this. It’s important.
ANDREA: You have to take a call at your engagement party?
JENNIFER: I’ll just be a few minutes. Excuse me.
Jennifer smiles and walks off. The camera follows her.
In a continuous scene, Jennifer walks over to a corner of the lobby. She sets down her evening bag and finally takes the call, just as it gets to the last ring.
JENNIFER: (on the phone) Vargas, hi.
VARGAS: (over the phone) Hi, Jennifer. I couldn’t get ahold of your future husband. That’s why I thought I would contact you.
JENNIFER: (on the phone) What is it? I’m in the middle of my engagement party.
VARGAS: (over the phone) Trust me, you’ll want to hear this. I’m ready to reveal all to you.
JENNIFER: (on the phone) What does that mean?
VARGAS: (over the phone) I’m ready to put an end to the madness. I’m going to tell you who murdered your parents exactly two years ago today.
Back at the Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Judith is walking down the small staircase with a suitcase. She enters the living room and sets the suitcase on the couch.
JUDITH: (sighs) Okay. Two more suitcases to go and I’m home free to the airport. God, I can’t wait to get out of this damn town.
Judith reaches for her phone that is on the coffee table. She goes to her text messages and clicks on Stuart’s name. She begins to text him.
Almost rdy to go. I have 2 more bags to pack.
Lmk when the jet is fueled and I will order a
car. Luv u <3
JUDITH: Well, it really is do or die time, isn’t it?
Judith shuts her phone off.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in the Lobby, Jennifer is still on the phone.
JENNIFER: (on the phone) How do I know that I can trust you? How do I know that you’re not just feeding me a load of bull.
VARGAS: (over the phone) I admitted to running your husband down all those months ago. Do you think I’d really feed you BS at this point after incriminating myself?
JENNIFER: (on the phone) Good point.
VARGAS: (over the phone) Jennifer, you can trust me. You just have to say ‘yes.’ You just have to tell me that you want to know this information.
JENNIFER: (on the phone) Of course I do. Of course I do. Yes.
VARGAS: (over the phone) Okay. It was two people who murdered your parents.
JENNIFER: (on the phone) What?
VARGAS: (over the phone) Yes. And, it’s someone very close to you. Someone who you even invited to your wedding.
JENNIFER: (on the phone) Who?! Who?! Who are they?! Who killed my parents?! Tell me! Tell me right now! I can’t take it anymore!
VARGAS: (over the phone) It was Judith and Stuart Whitmore.
A shocked, stunned, and speechless Jennifer has no idea what to do! She is reeling hard from this reveal. After a short pause, Jennifer slowly hangs up the phone. She then runs out of The Palace Hotel.
The screen fades in and out from the previous scene.
Back at Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Judith comes down the stairs with another suitcase. She stands it up next to the couch.
JUDITH: Almost done.
As Judith is about to head back up to the bedroom, there is a knock at the door. Judith looks up at the clock above the fireplace.
JUDITH: I’m not even finished packing.
She sighs and walks to the door.
JUDITH: (calling out) Stuart! I’m not ready!
Judith opens the door.
JUDITH: Jennifer? Honey, what are you doing here?
JUDITH: Know what? What’s going on?
Jennifer slaps Judith! She then stares her down. The camera cuts back and forth between Judith and Jennifer. Jennifer has an angry expression on her face. Judith is reeling from the slap across the face.
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