Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 26th, 2019 (Wednesday)
Stuart closes the doors to the living room. He then walks over to Judith, who is by the bar cart, pouring each of them a scotch on the rocks. She hands one to Stuart. They clink glasses.
JUDITH: Cheers.
STUART: Cheers.
They both take a small sip.
JUDITH: How do you think we did?
STUART: Fine. That’s a nice story you concocted.
JUDITH: Thank you. And, remind me to send Doctor Levinson a little thank you gift for his discretion and getting that other doctor to take Jennifer’s case.
STUART: I will. Anyway, enough about that. We need to chat about our next steps. We clearly have to scrap what we were originally going to do, which was getting you out of the country.
JUDITH: I agree. I think our next step has to be to find Vargas and eliminate him.
Joshua enters Jennifer’s hospital room. He shuts the door behind him and walks over to a comatose Jennifer.

He pulls up a chair next to her and rubs her forehead.

JOSHUA: Hi, sis. I’m here now.
Veronica is packing a bag in her hotel room. It’s a small Victoria Secret tote that she’s throwing clothes, shoes, and hygiene products into. She is also on the phone.
VERONICA: (on the phone) Yes, I can pick us up some sandwiches and coffee. No problem, Andrea. I should be back at the hospital in about 45 minutes. Alrighty. Seya then. Bye.
Veronica hangs up her phone and finishes collecting the rest of her items. She is about to head out when there’s a knock at the door. Questioning who is at the door, Veronica charges on with her bags packed.
VERONICA: Who could that be?
Veronica opens the door.
VERONICA: Oh my god. Mom. Hi.
DOREEN: Hi, baby! Miss me?
Andrea walks over to Philip. She sits down next to him and hands him a bottle of water.

ANDREA: I would’ve gotten you some coffee, but Veronica is bringing some, and the coffee here sucks. So, I hope that water will do.
PHILIP: It’ll do just fine. Thank you. Can I get you anything?
ANDREA: I’m fine. I just want to be here for you right now.
PHILIP: I just couldn’t believe how lifeless she looked in there.
ANDREA: I know. It can always be hard seeing a loved one in a comatose state. I remember when Jennifer first saw you in your induced coma, she was heartbroken and distraught.
PHILIP: That’s how I’m feeling right now.
ANDREA: Philip, if there’s anything you want to talk about, I just want to know that with me, you can feel like you have a bit of a safe haven. No question is off limits.
PHILIP: Okay. I do have one question.
ANDREA: Go for it.
PHILIP: You saw her chart. You’ve been a doctor for a long time. With all of that in mind, do you think that Jennifer will ever come out of her coma and survive this?
Ava unlocks the door and enters the penthouse. She walks into a cleaned penthouse. There’s no evidence of what happened between Jennifer and Judith. Even the furnishings are back to how they used to be.

AVA: Wow. Judith must’ve gotten a new cleaning lady.
As she sets her stuff down on the table, there’s a sudden knock at the door.
AVA: (turning around) That’s odd. No one was behind me when I was coming up.
Ava walks to the door and opens it.

KEITH: Hello, beautiful.
Ava tries to close the door quickly. However, she’s no match for Keith’s strength. Keith makes his way into the penthouse and slams the door.
AVA: Get out now, or I’ll scream!
KEITH: This is a private floor. I know that no one can hear us.
Ava runs to her purse to grab her phone. However, Keith runs after her and gets there first. He throws the purse across the room.
AVA: (sobbing) What do you want from me?!
KEITH: I just want to talk!
AVA: (wiping tears away) About what? What is there left to say? Why won’t you just turn your crooked, little heels around and get out of this town?!
KEITH: Because, I’m not done with you yet. And, I’m not here to talk about us. I’m here to talk about your shady sister and her even shadier ex-husband.
AVA: What about Judith and Stuart?
KEITH: They did something. They did something bad.
AVA: What is that supposed to mean?
KEITH: Do you remember when you came back to town to comfort Judith because Philip had been hit by a car and then put into a coma?
AVA: Yes.
KEITH: Well, I hate to tell you, sweetheart; but that was all Judith and Stuart’s doing.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Philip takes a drink of his water. He then puts the cap back on the bottle.
ANDREA: Truthfully, and it pains me to say this, I don’t know where Jenn will come out of her coma. What I do know is that she’s perfectly healthy. She’s strong. Her vitals look good for the condition she’s in. And, we all know she’s one hell of a fighter.
ANDREA: Philip, I’ve encountered a lot since I got into medical school. Every case is different. And, I’m not just saying this because Jennifer is like a sister to me, but I do believe she’ll come out of this coma soon. We just have to wait and see.
PHILIP: And pray.
ANDREA: Exactly. The power of prayer is everything.
PHILIP: Do you mind if we pray again right now? I know we all did when we got here…
ANDREA: Philip, of course I’ll pray with you. Say no more.
Andrea takes Philip’s hands and they bow their heads.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Veronica’s Suite, Doreen brushes passed Veronica and enters the room. Veronica sighs, drops her bags, shuts the door, turns around, and goes to her mother.
VERONICA: Mom, I wasn’t expecting you so soon.
DOREEN: I know. But, the people I sold the house to were in such good financial shape that I worked as fast as I could to close the deal. The second it was closed, I hopped on the next plane to Thorne Hill, Illinois.
VERONICA: That’s good to hear that the deal worked out.
DOREEN: God is good, child. Anyway, I was hoping that you’d let me take a nap for a few and then we could restaurant hop! I hear the best onion rings are at Martin’s Bar. I hear the best short ribs are at The Painted Dock. And, I hear that the best strawberry cheesecake is at The Grand Piano. Do I have that right?
VERONICA: Yes, you do. But, I can’t be your tour guide tonight.
DOREEN: Why not?
VERONICA: As you could probably see, before you got here, I was just about to head out. I have a lot of errands to run before I get back to the hospital.
DOREEN: Hospital? Are you okay, baby?
VERONICA: I’m fine. But, Jennifer is not.
DOREEN: What’s wrong with your half sister?
VERONICA: She took a bad fall last night and she has gone into a coma. At least, that’s the short story of it all. She’s even gone through a surgery to remove bleeding on her brain.
DOREEN: Oh, Dear Heavenly Father. That poor girl.
VERONICA: Yeah. So, you can understand why I have to go.
DOREEN: Wait a second. Now, the bellboy is bringing up my luggage. But, he has the key to the room. I’ll come with you.
VERONICA: I don’t think that’s such a good idea.
DOREEN: And, why not?
VERONICA: Because, Joshua is there too. I already threw them for a loop almost a year ago when I revealed that I was there sister.
DOREEN: I get it. I’m good in small doses.
VERONICA: Exactly. Thank you for understanding.
Veronica kisses her mother on the cheek.
VERONICA: I love you. We’ll have breakfast tomorrow. Okay?
Veronica goes over and picks up her things and leaves the hotel room.
DOREEN: Well, I’m gonna go take a bath.
Doreen smiles and walks off to the bathroom.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Hospital Room, Joshua is now holding Jennifer’s hands in his hands. He is as close as he can get to her.
JOSHUA: Doctor Meyers notified me that you’re doing a bit better this afternoon than you were this morning. I view that as a good thing. But, I will view this as an even better thing when you wake up. Oh, how I wish you would wake up.
Joshua kisses Jennifer’s hands.
JOSHUA: You have so much life left to live, sis. You have a soon-to-be-husband. In two months, you’ll be an aunt. You have so many people who care about you. Even Philip’s parents love you.
JENNIFER: (internally speaking) Oh, Joshua, if only you knew the truth.
Jennifer squeezes Joshua’s hand tightly.
JOSHUA: (looking up/voice breaking) Thank God you’re still with us. I couldn’t live life without you, sis. Not after what happened to mom and dad. I love you. Just come back to us. Please, Jenn. Please.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Living Room, Stuart and Judith are over by the furniture. Stuart sits in a sofa chair. Judith sits on the arm of the couch, next to Stuart.
STUART: When I had suggested we eliminate Vargas, you said it wouldn’t be a good idea to have more blood on our hands. What’s changed?
JUDITH: Seriously? You have to ask me that question? A lot has changed. Jennifer has figured everything out with a little help from our ex-henchman.
STUART: True. I do know someone who takes people out that owes me a favor. You say the word and I’ll give them a call.
JUDITH: No. Don’t.
STUART: Why not, Judith? Make up your mind.
JUDITH: Stuart, I want to be the one to find Vargas.
STUART: Are you saying you want to ice him out?
JUDITH: Not at all. I just want first dibs at anything concerning him.
Judith takes a small sip of her scotch.
Back at the Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Ava crosses her arms.
AVA: Yeah, like I would believe that. You’re sick.
KEITH: That may be true. However, I’m not sick when it comes to this. That honor goes to your sister and her ex-husband.
AVA: I take everything you say with a grain of salt.
KEITH: That’s all fine and good. (pulling out cell phone) However, I’ve got the receipts, baby. Here’s your copy of the recording that incriminates them on this burner phone. (smiling) Enjoy. I’ve gotta run for now. But, I’ll be back.
Keith walks out of the penthouse. A shaken up Ava backs up and takes a seat on the couch. She wipes away her tears. She then turns on the cellphone.
AVA: I swear if that bastard is lying.
Ava goes to the recording app and sees that there is one recording that lasted about a minute and fifteen seconds. She takes a deep breath and presses PLAY.
STUART: What was your thought?
JUDITH: We need to eliminate one of these issues that’s causing us so much stress. I would contact Vargas. However, I don’t feel like having someone connected to our son’s hit and run that we caused is a good idea. That means we have to eliminate Keith ourselves.
AVA: Oh my god.
Ava sets the phone down.
AVA: It’s true then. Judith and Stuart almost had their son killed.
The camera zooms in on Ava’s shocked and confused expression.
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