Episode # 100
Air Date: Friday August 14, 2019
Time of Day: Same Day; Afternoon
Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
Dear Readers,
Well, this is it, the 100th episode of ‘There’s Always Tomorrow.’ I can’t believe it! I originally came up with the concept of this soap opera in the summer of 2016. I quickly fell in love with the fictitious characters I had created in the made-up town of Thorne Hill, Illinois. I couldn’t stop writing episode after episode when I had gotten the bible for the show made out completely. And, I couldn’t imagine that from those pages of the long story document, to that first episode that I released in June of 2018, that the show would turn out to be one of the greatest things I had ever written.
Before you read this episode, I must send out a special thank you to Mike Larry. Mike is my energetic and creative executive producer and even better co-head writer. I can’t imagine doing this show without him. He is absolutely amazing. I’m not only lucky enough to have him work on this show with me, but also be a true and kind friend.
With all that being said, I won’t keep you any longer. So, without-further-ado, please enjoy the 100th episode of ‘There’s Always Tomorrow’!
At Philip’s Apartment, in the Bedroom, Philip is laying on top of Jennifer. Both of them are under the satin sheets, making love. They are kissing. Philip begins to kiss Jennifer’s neck. Seconds later, he gets off of her and lays next to her. Jennifer props herself up in bed by her arm.

JENNIFER: That was amazing.
PHILIP: Yes, it was.
JENNIFER: Totally worth the lunch break.
Philip lets out a laugh.
PHILIP: How is the boutique coming?
JENNIFER: It’s going good. I just can’t believe I have an actual store now.
PHILIP: You deserve it. You’ve worked very hard for it.
JENNIFER: Yes, I have. You know, Andrea stopped by today.
PHILIP: Oh yeah? How is she doing since giving birth?
JENNIFER: She’s doing quite well. And, my nephew is doing well too. But, she didn’t exactly come over to the boutique to talk about Pierce. She came to talk about my parents and the murder. Joshua told her everything.
PHILIP: About my parents?
PHILIP: Is she going to keep it quiet like you want everyone to do?
JENNIFER: She will. She knows that by doing so, all of us can move on from what happened and start fresh. It is what’s best.
PHILIP: Very good. Look, I hate to make love and dash, but I do have to meet up with my Uncle Quent and thank him for wanting to send all of us to Greece.
Philip gets out of bed and begins to get dressed.
JENNIFER: Thank him for me too. I still can’t believe he’s being so generous. And, I can’t believe that we’re actually getting married in Greece.
Philip leans over the bed.
PHILIP: We’re gonna have one of those epic weddings.
JENNIFER: And, it will only lead to an epic love story.
Jennifer smiles, leans in, and kisses Philip.
At Lindsay’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Lacey (Lindsay’s Split Personality) is looking in the living room mirror. She smiles.

LACEY: I can’t believe I’ve kept this masquerade up for so long. God, Lindsay’s family is so stupid. But, it’ll all be over soon. Before we know it, Lindsay will have everything she has ever wanted. We will have everything we ever wanted.
Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door. Lacey goes over to the door.
LACEY: (opening the door) Carter, hi. It’s good to see you.
CARTER: Hello, Lindsay. Can I come in?
LACEY: Certainly.
Lacey steps aside and lets Carter in. She then closes the door, turns around, and walks over to Carter, who is now by the coffee table.
LACEY: Well, you’re here by the deadline I requested that you make a decision about what you want in this life for us and (touching stomach) this baby.
CARTER: Yeah, you’re right, I am here.
LACEY: I take it that means you made a decision?
CARTER: I did. This all ends today.
On the Whitmore Private Island, at the Main House, Judith is standing on the porch that overlooks the private beach. She is sipping on a margarita.
JUDITH: I’ll be home by tomorrow. Oh, God only knows what’s waiting for me.
As Judith takes a sip of her margarita, Stuart walks up to her.
STUART: Hi, darling.
STUART: I just got the final call from the pilot. Everything is ready to go for later tonight. We’ll be home before you know it.
STUART: You seem a little shaken up today. Is everything okay?
JUDITH: I’m doing just fine, Stuart.
STUART: Judith, as of last month, we’ve been married twice. Also, we’ve been together for over 30 years. I know when something is wrong with you.
JUDITH: Can’t get anything passed you.
STUART: Exactly. So, tell me the truth. What’s going on? I thought we had settled all of your worries that you had.
JUDITH: Not even close, Stuart.
At a Law Office, in a Conference Room, Michael and Cynthia are sitting around a conference table with their lawyers, Mrs. Prescott (representing Cynthia) and Mr. Lang (representing Michael). Cynthia is looking through a pack of papers.
MR. LANG: As you can see, Mr. Anderson is being more than generous. You get half a million dollars, the summer home in Calabasas, and finally, you get to keep anything he ever gave you in the marriage. Such as, jewelry, clothing, novelty items, etcetera.
MRS. PRESCOTT: This is a very good offer, Mrs. Anderson. I advise that you sign the papers. That way, you walk out with a generous settlement.
Cynthia looks at Michael from across the table.
MR. LANG: If you need, we can give you two a moment?
MICHAEL: I think that’d be a good idea, Mr. Lang. Thank you.
MRS. PRESCOTT: I’ll be right outside if you need me.
Mrs. Prescott and Mr. Lang collects their things and leaves the room. They shut the door behind them. Cynthia closes the packet of papers.

MICHAEL: Are you doing okay?

CYNTHIA: How do you think I’m doing? Michael, we’re ending our marriage. We’re calling it quits. You expect me to sign these papers and walk out that door like nothing ever happened.
MICHAEL: Cynthia…
CYNTHIA: I know what I did was wrong. I know that. And, I probably poured salt in your wounds by moving in with Carter. By the way, you should know that ended.
MICHAEL: Ended? What do you mean?
CYNTHIA: Carter told me that your daughter offered him the chance to go back to her and be a father to their baby, only if he left me. He couldn’t exactly refuse not being in his child’s life.
MICHAEL: I’m sorry.
CYNTHIA: No, you’re not. You know, Michael, I know that the person who had the affair is never supposed to have feelings, right? Never supposed to air their grievances. Well, after everything we’ve been through, I think I deserve to do that much. And, before I even open the ink pen to sign these papers, I’ve got a few things to say.
At the Jackson Family Home, in Andrea and Joshua’s Bedroom, Andrea is at the foot of her and Joshua’s bed. She is laying Pierce down in his crib.

ANDREA: Shhh. Shhh. Shhh. Go to sleep, darling. Mommy loves you.
Andrea leans down and kisses Pierce on the forehead.
ANDREA: (singing) You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please, don’t take my sunshine away.
Andrea looks down at Pierce in his crib. He is sound asleep. Andrea smiles at her precious, baby boy. She then walks out of the room.
In the Hallway…
Andrea shuts the door peacefully. In the mirror, across from her, she sees that she is clearly a mess. She walks up to the mirror.
ANDREA: Well, you’re definitely mom.
Back on the Whitmore Private Island, at the Main House, Judith sets her margarita down on the porch’s table. She then sits down across from Stuart at the table. They hold hands.
JUDITH: This has been hard for me, you know. It has been hard to try and navigate where we stand with those back in Thorne Hill. Stuart, we’re going home to a place where only a few key people know our darkest secret. Those people could rock our world at any moment. However, I still feel as though it’s one-hundred percent necessary to go back. I still have a lot of life left in me. You do too. We still have to make something of this second round of marriage. I just need to know that you’re still on my side.
STUART: Judith, I will tell you this until I’m blue in the face, I am completely committed to you and this journey you want to take us on to mend fences.
JUDITH: Thank you, darling. I love you.
STUART: I love you too. Now, let's tie up loose ends, so we can get back to Thorne Hill and kick some ass to jumpstart our lives all over again.
Back at Lindsay’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Lacey comes off from hugging Carter. She has a wide smile on her face.
LACEY: I’m so glad that you’re coming home to me and this baby.
CARTER: Lindsay, you must know that I appreciate you letting me back into this baby’s life. But, I do feel bad for what I had to do to Cynthia. Things didn’t end well for us. It was difficult to kick her out essentially.
LACEY: Carter, it was the right thing to do. Plus, even though it pains me to give her a compliment, she is smart. She was very well off before she married my father. And, she can be that once again. She’s resourceful.
CARTER: That she is. She started over after we ended our marriage. She always comes out swinging. No matter what.
LACEY: Yeah, that’s great. Paying her one compliment was quite enough. Let’s not make it a ‘woo-hoo for Cindy Lou’ party.
CARTER: I guess you’re right.
LACEY: Of course I am. So, when can we move your stuff in?
CARTER: I can do it today.
LACEY: Good. Very good. Before you know it, our family will be complete. You, me, and this baby. Absolute perfection.
Back at the Law Office, in the Conference Room, Michael leans back in his chair.
MICHAEL: Go ahead. I’m all ears for whatever you have to say.
CYNTHIA: Thank you. Michael, when I met you, I didn’t know that I could love any man ever again. Carter cheated on me. That’s why our marriage ended. And, the night he showed up on our doorstep, I was shocked to see him. I couldn’t believe it. Better yet, I couldn’t believe Lindsay was dating him.
MICHAEL: That was a shock to all of us.
CYNTHIA: Yes, it was. Anyway, when I saw him again, all those feelings for anger and sadness came flooding back. I was a mess. My first mistake was hiring him during my CEO tenure at Anderson Manufacturing. I should’ve never made the head of Public Relations. I should’ve never kissed him that night he took me out to dinner. I should’ve never had sex with him in the first place. And, I should’ve never engaged in that affair after you took me back. I’m admitting what I did wrong here. I just want you to know that I’m not fully to blame. I know that sounds selfish.
MICHAEL: There’s the word of the day.
CYNTHIA: But, it’s true. You practically pushed me away. You took your daughter’s side every time. You, in many regards, never even forgave me for just kissing Carter. Michael, I have dreaded this day for a long time. However, I realized this morning that I was so prepared for it.
MICHAEL: What does that mean?
CYNTHIA: It means that I knew all along that this day would come. The writing has been on the wall for a long time now. I’m just sorry that we couldn’t erase it.
Cynthia opens up the packet of papers and flips a couple of pages. She then picks up a pen and signs her name in full. Cynthia then gets up and goes to Michael. She leans in and kisses him passionately.
CYNTHIA: Goodbye, Michael. I will always love you, darling.
Cynthia collects her things and walks out of the room. As Michael watches on, a tear strolls down his cheek. He sniffs and wipes it away.
Back at Philip’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Jennifer is sitting on the couch. She is drinking a glass of red wine and looking through a fashion magazine. As she flips to the next page in the magazine, there is a knock heard at the door. Jennifer sets the magazine next to the glass of wine on the coffee table. She then gets up and goes to the door.
JENNIFER: (opening the door) Hi, can I help you?
MAN: I have a delivery for Miss Jackson.
JENNIFER: I’m she.
MAN: Great. Will you sign for it?
JENNIFER: Of course.
The Man hands Jennifer a clipboard. She signs with a pen and hands it back to him. The man then puts the clipboard under his right arm and picks up a rather large and long box.
MAN: Where would you like this?
JENNIFER: On the couch is fine.
Jennifer moves aside and the Man enters with the box. The side of the box reads Lillian’s Bridal Shop. The Man sets the box on the couch.
JENNIFER: Thank you so much.
MAN: Certainly. Have a good day.
JENNIFER: You too.
The Man leaves. Once Jennifer hears the door shut, she begins to open the box. She then picks up the top part of the gown that’s in the box.
JENNIFER: Oh my gosh. It’s finally coming together. Finally.
Jennifer smiles down at the wedding gown.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Bathroom, Andrea is now wearing a pink robe. She puts her hair up into a hair clip and then turns on the shower. She feels the water to make sure it’s hot enough. She then takes off her robe and puts it on the robe hook that is on the door. She then slowly walks over to the shower and opens the shower curtain. She gets in and closes the curtain. Andrea then begins to go under the water and let’s it cleanse her face. She then reaches for a shower loofah bath sponge. She then reaches for a bar of soap and rubs it into the loofah. Andrea sets the soap down, and starting at her legs, begins to rub the loofah on her body. She makes her way up to her arms and raises her right arm. She washes it. And, then, moves onto her left arm. She washes the arm and then begins to wash underneath it. But, she stops.
ANDREA: What? What was that?
Andrea sets the loofah down. She then takes her hand and feels around the inner part of her left breast.
ANDREA: Oh my god. That’s a lump. I have a lump in my breast.
The camera zooms in on a concerned Andrea.
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