Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 27th, 2019 (Thursday)
Lacey (Lindsay’s Split Personality) is sitting over by the bar. She is signing on the line of her receipt. She then closes the receipt book, hands it to the bartender, and takes one final sip of her wine. She stands and grabs her purse. As she turns around, she notices Cynthia. Cynthia is sitting, having a salad, and reading a book. Lacey smiles and goes to her.
LACEY: Hello, Cynthia. Having dinner alone?

CYNTHIA: (looking up/putting book down) I was trying to.
CYNTHIA: Can I help you?
LACEY: I was just passing through and noticed you. I thought I would say hello. Is there anything wrong with that?
CYNTHIA: After all we’ve been through, yes.
LACEY: I get it. (sitting) I do. You have some reasons to hate me. I have some reasons to hate you. But, I thought that we should patch things up.
CYNTHIA: Lindsay, you blackmailed me...and you kinda still are...over what you know about Carter and I. Why on Earth would we ever want to patch things up?
LACEY: Because, you’re going to be very close to me and Carter soon. Closer than you’ve ever been. Even in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.
CYNTHIA: Oh yeah? How’s that?
LACEY: Well, if you must know, here in nine months, you’re going to be a step grandmother to my child. That’s right. I’m pregnant. And, of course, the baby’s Carter’s.
Michael and Thomas sit on the couch. Both men are drinking a glass of red wine.
MICHAEL: This wine from your Paris vineyard is rather good.

THOMAS: I’m glad that you enjoy it, dad.
MICHAEL: I do. Now I can finally see why I was the first to ever front you a loan for this company. You’ve made me proud.
THOMAS: Thank you. I’m surprised your proud of me considering out of this whole Paris deal, I was mixing business with pleasure.
MICHAEL: You’re an Anderson, son. We always mix business with pleasure. I just don’t usually (laughs) come home married to some woman during an overseas business trip.
THOMAS: I didn’t expect to fall in love.
MICHAEL: I’m glad you have. But, did it have to be with some Black girl who seems like a golddigger? I thought that Melissa might go back to the hood after her little trip with you.
THOMAS: What the hell did you just say about my wife?
Judith and Stuart are standing in the foyer. It’s clear that Judith is about to leave.
STUART: Thank you for hooking us up with that system to help us track anytime Vargas uses a cellphone. It’ll up our chances. Even with his burner phones.
JUDITH: Vargas is smart. But, I’m smarter. Anyway, if you’ll excuse me, I just really want to go home and take a shower.
STUART: Of course.
Judith smiles and Stuart walks her to the door.
STUART: Good night.
JUDITH: Night.
Stuart opens the door. The two find Ava rushing up to the front door.
JUDITH: Ava, what on your earth are you doing here?

AVA: I thought that I might find you here. We all need to talk.
STUART: About?
AVA: I know that you tried to kill your son. My biological son. How the hell could you? When I handed over that child, you promised to always keep him safe. But, now, I see that you are dangerous and horrific people.
Emerson is driving through a neighborhood. Quentin is in the passenger seat.

EMERSON: We’re almost there. Are you nervous?
QUENTIN: Not really. I’m just spying on my brother at his own home. Nothing out of the ordinary to make me nervous there.
EMERSON: I get it. It’s a lot to ask of you. But, we need to see if Stuart makes any calls or draws up any paperwork concerning he and Judith’s former project.
QUENTIN: I get it. (sighs) What’s the game plan?
EMERSON: Once we get to Stuart’s house, I’ll tell you how to get past his security undetected. Then, I’ll give you some clothes to change into and a listening device.
QUENTIN: That’s it?
EMERSON: (looking over at Quentin) Yes. That’s it.
Doreen is sitting on the couch, reading a novel. Veronica enters the suite. She shuts the door behind her and goes to Doreen.
DOREEN: (putting down book/standing) Veronica, I didn’t expect you back here tonight. I thought you were staying at the hospital.
Veronica sets her belongings down on the bed.
VERONICA: I was going too. But, Andrea, Joshua, Philip, and I all decided to take shifts instead. Philip is going to take the first one. It won’t overwhelm any of us and it won’t overwhelm Jennifer’s mind. It’s for the best.
DOREEN: I see you’re being shut out again by White people minus Joshua.
VERONICA: Mom, I don’t have time for your racial stuff.
DOREEN: You’re a Black woman. Make time. You know, I read up on this Jennifer gal through the years. After all, she is your half sister. Anyway, she’s made quite the living for herself. She owns a very successful online boutique. She don’t need no White man.
VERONICA: Contrary to your beliefs mother, we can date men that are all different shades and of ethnic backgrounds. Get a clue.
DOREEN: Nick must’ve not set a good example for Black men if Jennifer feels as though she has to date a White man. Open your eyes.
VERONICA: Mom, you’ve always been okay with Mimi and I.
DOREEN: That’s different.
VERONICA: No, it isn’t. Relationships are relationships.
DOREEN: And, race is race.
VERONICA: Okay. Fine. Whatever. (sighs) I don’t feel like talking about this. My sister is in a coma. My love life is falling apart. I don’t have time for this.
DOREEN: (sighs) I’m sorry.
VERONICA: Thank you.
DOREEN: Anyway, speaking of your love life, I do want to talk about you and Mimi. And, I promise I won’t bring up race.
DOREEN: While you were out, I came up with a plan to steal Mimi away from that bitch Amy. She could go back to loving you before the end of this year.
Philip is asleep in a chair next to Jennifer’s bedside.

He is holding her hand. The camera zooms in on their hands holding. Jennifer squeezes Philip’s hand. Philip slowly wakes up.
PHILIP: Jenn? Was that you?
Philip rubs Jennifer’s forehead.
PHILIP: I’m glad you’re still with me in some way. God, I miss you, baby.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Veronica’s Suite, Veronica and Doreen sit on the couch.
VERONICA: So, that’s it? That’s what you think I should do?
DOREEN: I know it’s a drastic measure. But, it could really work.
VERONICA: (standing) Damn right it’s a drastic measure! I just can’t put the moves on Mimi and flirt with her openly. Not while Amy continues to watch me like a hawk circling its prey. It’ll never work, mother.
DOREEN: (standing) You just don’t know until you try. It’s worth a shot. I’m not asking you to unhook Mimi’s bra. I’m asking you to slowly make yourself known to her.
VERONICA: Maybe this is a bad idea. Since I’ve come to Thorne Hill, I’ve wanted to do one thing. That one thing is to just connect with the ones I love. I still love Mimi. But, she did give me a chance. She proposed and I walked away from that. Maybe I had my shot and I blew it. I’ve tried everything. I even spoke highly about them to their adoption counselor.
DOREEN: Honey, a person is never out of chances when it comes to love. Plus, when Mimi proposed to you, you just weren’t ready. You were young. You didn’t know if it was love or just a game.
VERONICA: It wasn’t a game. Mimi is so passionate. I took her for granted. Now, Amy has her. And, probably has her for good.
DOREEN: Not unless you intervene, darling. I promise you that you still have a shot.
VERONICA: You really think that I do?
DOREEN: I would not be telling you this if I didn’t.
VERONICA: (sighs) Okay.
DOREEN: What does that mean?
VERONICA: It means that I’m gonna take Mimi for my own.
DOREEN: (laughs/smiling) That’s the spirit!
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Thomas stands abruptly. Michael stands after him. It is clear that Thomas is frustrated.
THOMAS: How could you say something like that? I know damn well you’re not judging who anyone gets with after what you did to mom when she was dying. And, just to let you know, my wife is independent and very smart. Also, she’s a millionaire. Did you know that, dad? She only took the job as my assistant because she wants to work in the wine business. She doesn’t need me. I need her. Her family, the Hudsons, own a huge operation of furniture chains. Luxury furniture, I might add.
MICHAEL: Son, I’m so sorry. I said something in the heat of the moment.
THOMAS: You were outwardly racist about my Black wife. It’s 2020, dad. This isn’t some passage from James Mcpherson’s Elbow Room. Times have changed.
MICHAEL: Son, I truly am sorry.
THOMAS: Are you? It seems you kinda meant what you said.
MICHAEL: Look, there have been people who have been after this family for generations. People come in and think they can handle the Anderson family life all because they want a quick pay out from our fortune. Forgive me that I get skeptical of everyone.
THOMAS: But, would you have said the same comments if I was married to a White woman? Don’t worry. I already know the answer.
Thomas walks out of the room. Michael goes to sit down. He smiles as he sips his wine.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Cynthia is looking up at Lacey.
CYNTHIA: You’re pregnant with Carter’s baby?
LACEY: (sitting down/smiling) Yeah! Are you gonna throw us a baby shower? Or, better yet, maybe you could keep screwing him and get pregnant too! We can make it a family affair.
CYNTHIA: You’re sick.
Cynthia puts her book in her purse. She’s hurrying to collect her things.
LACEY: No, I’m real.
CYNTHIA: Unlike that bad wig you’re wearing. What’s up with that anyway?
LACEY: I was just trying something new before I make it permanent. Is that what you’re doing with this affair? Trying Carter on for size again before you permanently leave my father?
CYNTHIA: I’m not leaving Michael. Ever.
LACEY: You’re right. He might just throw you out.
CYNTHIA: (standing) We’re done here.
Cynthia walks off. Lacey smiles.
LACEY: We’ll never be done, bitch. Never, ever.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Jennifer’s Hospital Room, Philip is rubbing Jennifer’s hands.
PHILIP: You know what I miss the most about you? Your voice. I miss you walking into my apartment and telling me about your day. I miss you telling me about how my black tie clashes with that navy suit you hate. (laughs) I miss it all. You know what else I miss? I miss how kindly you treat my parents. I know that it isn’t always easy for you, considering what happened to your parents. I know it’s hard for you to see my parents there for my big milestones. But, there here for you too. Always.
Jennifer begins to grab Philip’s hand as tight as she can.
JENNIFER: (narration) Philip, please! Find out what happened to me!
PHILIP: Jennifer? Jennifer? Honey? Come on. Come back to me. You grabbed my hand. Now, I just need you to open your eyes. Please. (voice breaking/whispering) Please.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Foyer, Ava, Stuart, and Judith are standing by the stairs. Ava has a cellphone out. She is playing the recording. Ava shuts the phone off.
JUDITH: So, Keith came to you with this recording?
AVA: Yes.
STUART: Why didn’t you tell us he contacted you?
JUDITH: And, how did he get up on the private floor of the penthouse suites?
AVA: Stop it. Stop trying to deflect. For once, none of this is about how dangerous and how much Keith scares me. This is about you two being equally as scary. How could you do this to poor Philip?
STUART: We can’t tell you, Ava.
JUDITH: (whispering to Stuart) Stuart! Stop.
STUART: Ava, we aren’t going to tell you why we had Philip run down.
AVA: You admitted to it. Why not tell me?
STUART: Because, it’s none of your damn business.
AVA: I don’t know what you two are involved in. But, you need to tell me what is going on here. I have to know why you put my son in danger.
STUART: Oh, so now he’s your son?
AVA: You son-of-a-bitch.
JUDITH: Stuart, that’s enough!
STUART: She never took care of him.
AVA: But, you know why I had to give him up.
STUART: You’ve always tried to justify you giving that boy up. It’s never really worked in your favor. I’m his father. Judith is his mother. You’re just the aunt. Butt out.
AVA: Don’t make an enemy out of me, Stuart.
STUART: Or, what?
AVA: Or, you’ll regret it.
Ava walks to the door and opens it.
AVA: You two are awful.
Ava exits the mansion in slams the door.
The camera moves over to a row of bushes on the right side of mansion. Quentin is ducking behind the bushes. He then puts on his hearing piece.
EMERSON: (through the piece) Are you ready?
QUENTIN: Yes. I’m about to hear everything they say. Hopefully, I can figure out why Judith’s sister just left angrily.
EMERSON: (through the piece) Let me know what you find.
QUENTIN: Copy that.
The camera pans over to Keith’s car. It is discreetly parked across the street. Keith is also wearing a hearing/recording device. He then takes off a pair of headphones.

KEITH: Oh my god. So, that’s another secret this family has been hiding. And, Ava, you bitch. How could you keep Philip from me? My own son.
The camera zooms in on Keith’s upset expression.