Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 5th, 2019 (Wednesday)
Carter and Cynthia are both pacing around the waiting room.

CYNTHIA: I can’t believe this. What if she knows?
CARTER: How could she?
CYNTHIA: (stops pacing) She was obviously there for a reason. And, why didn’t she ever make her presence known before she fainted?
CARTER: (stops pacing) We have no idea how long she was there before she fainted. Secondly, we only referred to what we did as our secret.
CYNTHIA: I just…
Before Cynthia can get another word out, Lindsay enters the room.
CARTER: Lindsay.
CYNTHIA: God, are you okay? We were worried.
LINDSAY: I’m sure. And, yeah, I’m fine.
CARTER: How about I go ahead and take you home.
LINDSAY: Not so fast. We need to talk. Now.
Michael and Kimberly are sitting at a table. They are each having a lovely meal and have begun eating their appetizer. Both of them are drinking red wine.
KIMBERLY: You are such a lovely brother to tear me away from my desk and take me out for a good meal. Mom would be so proud that you’re taking care of me.
MICHAEL: I help out where I can.
KIMBERLY: (smiling) I know that you do.
Michael takes a sip of his wine and then sets the glass in front of him.
MICHAEL: So, anything interesting happen today?
KIMBERLY: Funny you should ask. I got a visitor today.
MICHAEL: Really? Who?
KIMBERLY: Quentin.
MICHAEL: Why did he want?
KIMBERLY: For me to go out on a date with him.
MICHAEL: For the love of God, tell me you shot that son-of-a-bitch down.
Judith enters the living room. As she does, there’s a knock at the door. Judith lets out a sigh and goes to open the door.

JUDITH: (opening the door) Quentin, hello.
QUENTIN: Hi. I rushed over here as fast I could. What’s going on?
JUDITH: Please, come in.
Judith steps aside and Quentin enters the penthouse. Once he is inside, Judith shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to him.
QUENTIN: Is it about Stuart? Is he okay?
JUDITH: He’s doing fine. The doctors just want to keep him a bit longer for observation. They want to make sure everything’s right.
QUENTIN: That’s good. Anyway, why’d you call me over here?
JUDITH: Because, we need to talk. Quentin, I don’t know how to put this. But, since you’ve come back to town, you’ve been acting very strangely. I don’t know what’s going on with you. But, I’m giving you a chance to tell me the truth. And, I’d do it before things get messy.
Mimi is pouring some water into crystal water glasses and setting them on the table. Amy enters the room. She’s carrying a tray full of finger sandwiches. She sets the tray next to the water glasses.

AMY: Well, this is it. The big day.
MIMI: I thought I would never hear you say those words again passed our wedding day. But, this day is far bigger than that.
AMY: I agree. By the end of the night, we could know if we get to be parents or not. I’m so nervous. Yet, I’m so over the moon.
MIMI: Me too. I completely agree with all that you just said.
AMY: I love you. You’re gonna make a great mother.
MIMI: (smiling) You too.
Amy and Mimi hold hands and kiss one another. Then, the doorbell rings.
AMY: Well, (laughs) I guess it’s time to put our best foot forward.
MIMI: I think you’re right. Lets not keep Mrs. Lancaster waiting.
AMY: Agreed.
Amy walks over to the door.
Ava enters her suite in a hurry. She runs to the bed, drops her purse, and pulls out her gun. She then begins to unload the bullets from the pistol.

AVA: (looking up/in a way praying) God, I’m losing my mind. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep going around and around in this circle of not knowing what’s happening to me. I feel like I’m going insane. I just want to be free from him. I just want to be free.
Ava kneels down in front of the bed and begins to cry.
Back at The Painted Dock, in the Dining Area, a Waiter clears Kimberly and Michael’s table. The Waiter walks away with the empty plates.
KIMBERLY: I cannot believe you. Just because you have a feud with Stuart Whitmore does not mean that his brother is a terrible person.
MICHAEL: I didn’t say that. I just don’t think that you should be getting into bed with the enemy’s brother. There are plenty of other men to date in this city. Join Tindr.
KIMBERLY: I’m a grown, successful woman. I’d rather eat nails than join Tindr. And, I did not say ‘yes’ to Quentin’s offer.
MICHAEL: That’s good.
KIMBERLY: I guess it is. I guess it’s good that I won’t need to hear you complain about who I choose to allow in my dating life.
MICHAEL: I didn’t mean it like that.
KIMBERLY: Yes, you did, Michael. If I want to go out with (leaning forward) Quentin, I’m gonna go out with Quentin. I’m an adult. I know how to do date. I know which men to allow into my life. This (whispering) is not like the Frank situation where I was scared out of my mind and you helped me to get that illegal abortion. I was so young back then. How I view men has changed.
MICHAEL: Frank was even worse. He was a thug that was trying to make a dollar at every turn. Just because he’s successful now doesn’t mean that he isn’t as ghetto as ever.
KIMBERLY: That’s awfully stereotypical of you to say. We all lived in the projects together. We all made it out of there together. His race...his being a Black man...doesn’t have anything to do with why he wasn’t the best man for me. I only broke up with him because I got that abortion.
Kimberly stands from the table and collects her things.
MICHAEL: Oh, come on! Where are you going?
KIMBERLY: Home. This conversation is over. And, guess what?
KIMBERLY: I’ll be giving Quentin a call very soon.
Kimberly rolls her neck and walks away.
Back at the Whitmore Penthouse, in the Living Room, Quentin rubs his fingers through his hair and lets out an awkward laugh.
QUENTIN: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
JUDITH: I think that you do. It’s been twice now that we’ve been involved in a conversation that ends with you taking a phone call.
QUENTIN: Sometimes that happens. I’m sorry if I was rude.
JUDITH: Cut the crap. I’ve seen your phone screen when you get that call. The caller ID always says ‘Unknown.’ Don’t you dare try to say it’s a telemarketer. You spend way too much time on the phone for that.
QUENTIN: Judith...I…
JUDITH: Is it the drugs again Quentin?
JUDITH: You heard me. Is it the drugs again? Are you dealing or taking? (meaningful) Tell me the truth. The pills are not the answer, Quentin.
QUENTIN: Fine. You caught me. I haven’t taken anything yet. But, I’ve been on the phone with a few dealers. I’ve been going back and forth for weeks now.
JUDITH: There you go. It’s okay to admit when you’re slipping. That’s how people help you. I know that things aren’t the best between you and your brother right now. But, before you left town, he helped you every step of the way in your recovery. If you need help again, or even if you want us to drive you back to the same rehab center, you let us know.
QUENTIN: Thank you. But, I’m good. I decided to not slip again.
JUDITH: Good. I’m proud of you. Sorry for calling you here so late.
QUENTIN: No problem. Look, I do have to go, Judith. I have an early conference call tomorrow with some associates at my jewelry store headquarters.
JUDITH: I understand. Have a good night.
QUENTIN: (going to the door) Thank you.
JUDITH: Anytime.
Judith smiles and Quentin smiles back. Quentin then opens the door and exits the penthouse. The camera stays with him.
Quentin steps out into the hallway. He then gets a call and answers it.
QUENTIN: (on the phone) Hey. Yes, it’s all good. I covered my tracks very well. Judith doesn’t suspect a thing. And, I promise, I’ll keep her very close. She’s always been the one to find out someone’s secrets. I won’t let that happen. I’ll dig her skeletons up before she does mine. Goodnight to you too, Special Agent.
Quentin hangs up his phone and walks off.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Ava’s Suite, Ava comes out of the bathroom with a tissue. She is wiping away her tears. She makes her way to the bed and sits down. She then opens the nightstand, and puts her gun next to the bible.
AVA: I’ll need it one day. Today is not that day.
As Ava stares down at the gun and the bible, the camera pans over to the desk and zooms in on the very small spy camera that is blinking red.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Carter is now standing over by Lindsay. Cynthia is standing across from the both of them.
CYNTHIA: We can talk about anything you want, Lindsay.
LINDSAY: That’s exactly what we’re going to do, Cynthia. I don’t know what’s going on between you two. But, I now know that you’re hiding something more than that kiss you shared. That’s why I fainted. I became so overwhelmed with the fact that you two want to destroy lives all over again.
CARTER: That’s not it at all.
LINDSAY: Is it not? Really? You two are obviously hiding something. I know that you are. What is it? What is it you two are hiding?
CYNTHIA: I think you just misunderstood. Yes, the door was ajar back at Carter’s suite. However, it still might’ve been hard for you to hear. I just came over to Carter’s room to discuss how we both need to forget one another. I committed to your father and Carter is committed to you.
LINDSAY: I know he is. I just feel as though you’ve roped him into something that he doesn’t know how to find his way out of.
CYNTHIA: Carter is his own man, Lindsay. It’s better that you know that now before you get any further into your relationship.
LINDSAY: Oh! So, now you have a say in my relationship?! I don’t think so!
CARTER: Okay! Stop! We are not doing this here! Lindsay, let me take you home right now. You just recovered from fainting. You don’t need this stress. Cynthia, go home to Michael and tell him what happened and let him know that Lindsay is okay.
CYNTHIA: Fine. You got it. Excuse me.
Cynthia collects herself and walks out of the room.
CARTER: (sighs) Do you have everything?
CARTER: Alright. Lets go.
LINDSAY: Oh...just an FYI…, when we get back to my place, you will tell me what this secret is. If you don’t, then we’re done. For good. Understood?
CARTER: I understand.
LINDSAY: Good. I thought that you might.
Back at Amy and Mimi’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Amy and Mimi are sitting down on the couch. Mrs. Lancaster is sitting next to them in a sofa chair and taking notes.
MRS. LANCASTER: You two have a beautiful apartment. But, I do want to know if you ever plan to move. Taking care of a child requires a little more room than this.
MIMI: We completely agree and we’ve even begun the process of looking at homes in the suburban neighborhoods of the city.
MRS. LANCASTER: I’m very happy to hear that. There truly are some beautiful homes in the area. I also hope that you factor in the different school districts.
AMY: That’ll be our main factor. Mimi and I can work from anywhere. But, our future child can’t go to school anywhere. That is why we want to move into a neighborhood that has the best public and private schools available.
MRS. LANCASTER: I love to hear prospective parents be very passionate. And, I can see that you two are not only passionate about someone’s education but also about someone’s home life. What the two of you have said in the past hour has amazed me. (standing) I can see that both of you will make great parents.
Amy and Mimi stand as well. They are both smiling.
MIMI: So, what does that mean exactly?
MRS. LANCASTER: Look, I’m not ever supposed to say much until you get a call from the actual agent you’ve been paired with. But, as far as I’m concerned, there’s no reason why a child shouldn’t be in this home, being loved by two amazing women, very soon.
AMY: Mrs. Lancaster…
MRS. LANCASTER: Call me Betty.
AMY: ...Betty, I cannot thank you enough.
MRS. LANCASTER: I’m just doing the right thing. Any child would be lucky to be raised by you and Mimi. You two are the perfect couple. You’ll obviously make the perfect parents.
Mimi, Amy, and Mrs. Lancaster walk to the door. Amy opens the door.
MRS. LANCASTER: And, thank you for the amazing finger food.
MIMI: Our pleasure. Thank you for everything.
MRS. LANCASTER: My pleasure as well. Goodnight.
AMY & MIMI: Goodnight.
Mrs. Lancaster exits the home. Amy shuts the door.
MIMI: Oh my god.
AMY: Oh my god.
MIMI: This is all happening.
AMY: I can’t believe it’s real.
Mimi squeals and jumps into Amy’s arms. The two hug tightly. The camera cuts and zooms back and forth between both of their happy faces.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 55***