Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Jennifer told Andrea that she regretted turning Philip down when it came to his marriage proposal. However, Andrea told her perhaps it was for the best, because the wedding may not have been her sole focus at the moment.
--After failing to come fully clean about her past with Carter, Thomas walked out on Becky and broke things off with her.
--Meanwhile, Michael asked an associate to get a background check on Carter.
--Lindsay was upset to find out that Carter used to be married to Cynthia. In addition, she thought Carter got the job at Anderson Manufacturing because Cynthia wants him back.
--And, Judith told Stuart that she was not giving up on their marriage.

Philip enters the living room. He is walking with a cane. Then, there is a knock at the door. He lets out a sigh and goes to the door.

PHILIP: (opening the door) Amy.
AMY: Hi, brother. I’m home.
PHILIP: It’s so good to see you!
Philip and Amy hug one another.
Carter comes out from the bathroom. He is dressed in a suit and putting on a tie. He then walks over to the desk and puts on his suit jacket. He then grabs his briefcase and car keys. Carter walks to the door and opens it.
CARTER: What the hell are you doing here?

BECKY: We need to talk.
CARTER: I’m about to go to work. It’s my first day at my new job. So, whatever you need to say, just send me an EMail. Okay?
BECKY: I don’t care what you have to do or where you have to go. We need to talk right now. The secret about our past partnership could come out if we do not come up with a plan to protect ourselves.
Carter is taken aback by this admission.
BECKY: Well, if I’m not mistaken, it would appear as though I’ve got your attention. Funny how the thought of potentially going to prison can do that to someone.
There is a knock at the door. Jennifer enters the room. She is dressed for the day and is holding a cup of coffee. She goes to the door.

JENNIFER: (opening the door) Hello. Can I help you?
VERONICA: Maybe. Is this 2125 Prescott Street?
JENNIFER: Yes, it is.
VERONICA: And, are you Jennifer?
JENNIFER: I am. And, you are?
VERONICA: My name is Veronica Sterling. And, I am here today to interview for your assistant position. So, can I come in?
Veronica smiles on at Jennifer.
Back at Philip’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Philip and Amy sit down on the couch. Philip sets his cane aside.
AMY: I am so glad that you are awake and well.
PHILIP: I am too.
AMY: I’m shocked you came straight back to your apartment. I know that you and mom are at odds right now, and I am at odds with her too. But, I thought that you might’ve wanted to stay at a fully staffed house.
PHILIP: I can take care of myself. Plus, you’re right. Mom and I are at odds. And, I don’t really care to see her right now.
AMY: I hear that.
PHILIP: So, how was your honeymoon?
AMY: It was so amazing. I can feel this new beginning for Mimi and I. You know, I can feel this whole new chapter of our relationship beginning.
PHILIP: Really?
AMY: Yes.
PHILIP: And, where do you think this chapter will bring the two of you next?
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Becky enters the room. Carter closes the door, turns around, and goes to her.
CARTER: Does somebody know about your side job? And, do they know about my past involvement with you and your business?
BECKY: No. But, that does not mean they were close to figuring out the truth. Luckily, I broke things off with Thomas before he could figure everything out.
CARTER: Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Your boyfriend…, the brother of my girlfriend…, almost figured out your secret?
BECKY: Our secret. And, yes.
CARTER: How is that possible?
BECKY: Well, it all began when I told him the lie that you were my abusive ex-boyfriend from when I lived in California.
Jennifer and Veronica enter the room.
JENNIFER: I am so sorry if it seemed as though I was being rude at the door. I was just caught off guard by who you were.
VERONICA: That’s okay. No offense taken.
JENNIFER: Before we start the interview, can I get you anything? I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee. And, if you don’t want that, I can get you a glass of water or even orange juice.
VERONICA: I’m fine. Thank you though.
JENNIFER: Of course. Um, please, have a seat.
Jennifer sets her mug down on the coffee table. Veronica and Jennifer then take a seat across from one another on the living room chairs.
JENNIFER: (sighs) Do you have a resume handy?
VERONICA: Yes, I do.
Veronica gets a file from her purse and hands it over to Jennifer. Jennifer opens up the file and looks through Veronica’s resume.
JENNIFER: Oh wow. Your educational history is quite impressive. Harvard business school. What was that like?
VERONICA: (laughs) Very stressful.
JENNIFER: (laughs) But, yet, you graduated at the top of your class.
VERONICA: Yes, I did.
JENNIFER: You know, your resume is kind of like a world map. You have jobs and educational prospects that have taken you around the world. So, why Thorne HIll? Why have you moved to this small town?
VERONICA: Honestly, I moved here for family reasons.
JENNIFER: That’s nice. So, moving on, why would you like to work for me? What made you want to apply for this job?
VERONICA: I want to work for you because I think it’d be nice to work for someone I admire. And, someone that I hold close to my heart.
JENNIFER: Excuse me? I don’t know what you mean.
VERONICA: (sighs) I can’t do this anymore. Jennifer…, I think it is time I reveal the real reason I came here. In fact, I can’t let this interview go on till you know who I really am.
Back at Philip’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Amy crosses her legs.
AMY: To tell you the truth, I don’t know. At this moment, I am going along for the ride. I guess you could say that I am in the wedded bliss stage.
PHILIP: Ah…, I see. Well, I hope that you and Mimi stay in that stage forever. You two are so good for one another. I can see that. Your love for eachother shines through each and everyday.
AMY: Thank you for saying that. She is the best woman in the whole world. And, she is the best wife in the whole world. She’s helping me overcome some big obstacles in my life. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to share my life with.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Carter lets out a little laugh as he sets his briefcase down on the desk.
CARTER: You told him I was your abusive ex?
BECKY: Yes. And, if it wasn’t for Lindsay dating you, my lie would’ve never blown up in my face. You see, Thomas came to me after he heard Lindsay’s side of the story, and I told him that I lied.
CARTER: What happened next?
BECKY: He asked me to tell him the truth about how we were connected. I refused to do so many times. After about the third time, he had, had enough. He broke things off and walked out of the police station.
CARTER: What happens now?
BECKY: Well, now we count our lucky stars. No man is worth me giving up my secrets and then going to prison. I’m just happy that Thomas didn’t connect the dots.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Living Room, Jennifer closes Veronica’s file. She sets it next to her mug on the coffee table.
JENNIFER: Who you really are? I don’t get what you’re saying. What do you mean ‘who you really are?’ Is Veronica Sterling even your real name?
VERONICA: Yes, my name really is Veronica Sterling. What I have to say goes way beyond anything concerning stuff like my resume.
JENNIFER: (standing) Okay, you better start talking, lady. I am not understanding any of this. Who the hell are you?!
VERONICA: Do you remember a couple of minutes ago when I said that I came to this small town for family matters?
VERONICA: Well, those family matters concern you and your brother?
JENNIFER: Me and my brother. (confused) What?!
JENNIFER: My god! Enough! Who the hell are you?!
VERONICA: I’m your sister!
The camera pans to both of them. Jennifer is at a lost for words. Veronica has the feeling of her heart beating out of her chest. The tension continues to build and build.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 24***
***END OF EP. 24***
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