Created By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Greg Ziobrowski
--Mimi and Lindsay prepared for Mimi’s wedding.
--Amy decided to shut Judith out of her life for the foreseeable future.
--Becky got Detective Roberts on her side when it came to dropping the Philip Whitmore hit-and-run investigation.
--Judith made Vargas vow that he would leave town.
--And, Veronica decided to apply for a job at Jennifer’s boutique.

Judith is still standing by the door. She turns around. She walks over to Philip. She sits on the stool that is by his bed.

JUDITH: If you heard all of that, then I apologize. You know, I don’t blame your sister for acting out. I have truly caused a lot of pain lately. I just...I never meant for things to get this out of hand. I never meant to hurt so many people. Especially, so many people that I love. What I regret most is hurting you. That is one thing that I need to pay for. Hurting you was never my intention. Darling, I promise you that I will make everything right. I will make up for what I’ve done. I promise. I promise.
Carter is sitting on a stool at the bar.

CARTER: Can I get a beer, please?
As a Bartender hands Carter a beer, Becky enters the establishment. She then walks up to the bar and takes a seat.

BECKY: I’ll take a glass of chardonnay. Thanks.
CARTER: (looking over at Becky) Oh my god. It can’t be.
BECKY: (looking over at Carter) Well, well, well, if it isn’t Carter Morrison.
CARTER: Hello, Becky.
BECKY: Hello, Carter. Long time no see.
CARTER: How are you?
BECKY: I’m good. But, let’s cut the small talk. We have a lot to catch up on. Now, are you going to come to me. Or, do I have to come to you?
The Bartender hands Becky her glass of chardonnay. She takes a sip of her chardonnay and smiles over at Carter.
Mimi and Amy enter the community garden area of the park. The area is beautifully decorated for their wedding. Mimi and Amy walk up to an arch decorated with flowers and lights.

MIMI: I can’t believe this was all put together in such a short amount of time. This is absolutely gorgeous. I couldn’t ask for a more beautiful looking area for our wedding.
AMY: (deep breath) It really is beautiful.
Then, Reverend Logan walks up to the two women.
REVEREND LOGAN: Hello, ladies.
MIMI: Father Logan, hello.
AMY: Hello.
LOGAN: Hi, you two. How are you doing?
MIMI: I’m doing great.
AMY: Same here. What about yourself?
LOGAN: Oh, I can’t complain.
AMY: You know, Father Logan, before we get on with the festivities tonight, I do want to take the time to thank you. Not too many priests would be up for officiating a wedding under these circumstances.
LOGAN: Amy, I’m going to tell you something very important. And, I want you to listen to me very closely. I don’t care that you and Mimi are a lesbian couple. This to me is a great love story that you both want to make more official. I am here to help you and Mimi celebrate your love. That is all I am here to do. Got it?
AMY: (smiling) Yes, I do.
LOGAN: Good. Well, I’m going to finish setting up my part of the ceremony. And, I will meet you two back here in just a moment.
MIMI: (smiling) Sounds good.
As Reverend Logan walks off, Mimi smiles at the scenery around her. She then looks over at Amy. The two smile at one another. They then grab one another by the hand and lean in for a kiss.
Lindsay is sitting on the couch. She is having a glass of wine. She is also reading a magazine. Cynthia enters and goes to the bar cart. She pours herself a glass of water.

LINDSAY: Hello, Cynthia.
CYNTHIA: (turning around) Hello, Lindsay. I didn’t see you there.
LINDSAY: (sighs/setting down her magazine) Do you by chance know where my father is? I haven’t seen him all day.
CYNTHIA: He had to attend a board meeting at Memorial Hospital. He’ll be gone for quite awhile. He told me that they have a lot to discuss.
LINDSAY: A board meeting this late? That’s odd.
CYNTHIA: Lindsay, busy people meet at all parts of the day.
LINDSAY: I guess that’s a believable excuse.
CYNTHIA: Excuse? What do you mean?
Lindsay gets up from the couch and goes to Cynthia.
LINDSAY: Let me ask you this, Cynthia. What makes you so sure that he isn’t with Judith Whitmore at this very moment?
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Philip’s Hospital Room, Judith takes Philip’s hands in her hands. She holds them close.
JUDITH: You know, when you were a really little boy, you climbed up to the highest point of the oak tree in our backyard. Before I knew it, you were on the ground. I rushed you to the hospital. In fact, I had never driven so fast in my whole life. I was so scared. It turns out, you had a broken arm. The doctor ordered lots and lots of bed rest for you. I didn’t leave your bedside for weeks. I saw that you needed your mother. And, I was right there by your side till that arm fully healed. The point I am making is that I see that you need me now. And, I am going to be here for you, darling. I am going to be right here. I promise.
Then, Michael enters the room. It is apparent he has been listening in to what Judith has been saying to Philip.

MICHAEL: And, I will be here for you.
JUDITH: (turning around) What the hell are you doing here?
Back at Martin’s Bar, Becky and Carter walk over to a corner booth and sit down. Both of them have their beverages in hand.
BECKY: So, when did you get back in town?
CARTER: Last week. You?
BECKY: A couple of weeks ago. So, how is the business world treating you these days? I sometimes see you in the papers.
CARTER: Becky, let’s not talk about my personal life.
BECKY: Wow. I was just asking you a simple question. And, I was just trying to make some innocent small talk. But, I guess it is kind of laughable of me to ask you anything. After all, I’ve kept tabs on you.
CARTER: Really?
BECKY: I like to keep up with my old employees.
CARTER: Becky, back off.
BECKY: There’s no need to get defensive.
CARTER: This conversation is over.
Carter stands from the table. Before he can leave, Becky grabs his arm. It is apparent that she has a tight grip on his arm.
BECKY: This conversation is far from over. Now, sit your ass down.
Carter hesitates. However, he sits down anyway.
BECKY: (smiles mischievously) Good. Now, we have a lot to discuss still. Therefore, the next round is on me. What will you be having?
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Philip’s Hospital Room, Judith stands from the chair and walks over to Michael.
JUDITH: Again, I have to ask, what are you doing here in my son’s hospital room? Why would you even think about coming in here?
MICHAEL: There was a late night board meeting. There are some new department heads. With new department heads, comes some big changes and long board meeting hours.
JUDITH: Oh. Okay. So, why didn’t you just leave the hospital after you were done? Why come in here and interrupt my time with my son?
MICHAEL: I saw you through the window. I saw how much pain you were in. Is there a problem with me comforting you?
JUDITH: Damn right there is. My husband’s room is right across the hall. Unlike my son, he is not in a coma. So, he could awake from his late night slumber and see you coming in this room. And, the last thing my husband needs right now is any extra stress. Stuart’s heart isn’t the best right now. In fact, he needs a heart transplant because of the stress I’ve already caused him.
MICHAEL: I’m sorry. I had no idea.
JUDITH: I know you didn’t. But, do you see why you should’ve just gone home after your board meeting ended?
MICHAEL: Yeah. I do. But, before I go, we need to talk.
JUDITH: About what?
MICHAEL: This whole situation.
JUDITH: Michael, I am very tired right now. The last thing I want to talk about is the affair that we had, and the fallout that has happened ever since the truth came out.
MICHAEL: We need to devise a plan to protect ourselves from this secret getting out to the press. It could damage our public reputations.
JUDITH: Don’t you get it?! I don’t care! I don’t care who gets a hold of this story! My life might as well be over by now! Don’t you get that?!
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Cynthia and Lindsay get closer to one another. Lindsay sets her glass down.
CYNTHIA: Why do you do things like this?
LINDSAY: Like what?
CYNTHIA: I mean you trying to prey upon my insecurities.
LINDSAY: I am only throwing something out there for your consideration. This is just an idea you should think about.
CYNTHIA: Lindsay, we both know you are doing much more than that. Come on, I wasn’t born yesterday. You know, for a hot second, I thought that we were cool. I thought that we had put all of that bad stuff behind us. Yet, here you are, trying to start more drama.
LINDSAY: Cynthia, I feel awful about getting the wrong idea about you murdering your uncle. However, that day we had in the park where you explained everything to me is not going to change my feelings about you. I still view you as a threat.
CYNTHIA: That is ridiculous.
LINDSAY: How are my feelings about you ‘ridiculous’?
CYNTHIA: Maybe childish was the right word.
LINDSAY: Really?
LINDSAY: Do you view this as childish?
CYNTHIA: View what…?
Lindsay then picks up Cynthia’s glass of water and throws it in her face. She then sets the glass back down.
CYNTHIA: How dare you!
LINDSAY: Maybe you should go towel off before you get the floor completely wet. Well, I have a wedding to get ready for. Have a good night.
CYNTHIA: You little, bitch! I am so done with you!
Cynthia slaps Lindsay.
Back at Martin’s Bar, the Bartender hands both Carter and Becky a bottle of beer. The Bartender walks off.
BECKY: Don’t be afraid to have a sip or two of your beer. It isn’t like I poisoned it or anything. I didn’t pay the bartender off.
CARTER: Yeah, like I’d ever believe you.
BECKY: Suit yourself.
CARTER: Look, whatever you have to say, you better say it fast.
BECKY: Why can’t I just take my sweet time?
CARTER: Because, I don’t plan to be in your presence everyday of my life. In fact, I just want to get as far away from you as possible.
BECKY: I think I’ll decide that. You know, I was very disappointed in you when you left my business. You used to be my top employee. Then, one day, you just left me high and dry. It was so damn hard to find your replacement. Hell, the guy I have now is not coming close to making the quotas you provided. I miss those days. We made a great team.
CARTER: I’ll give you that one. We did make a good team. But, your business just wasn’t for me. I couldn’t keep breaking the law like that.
BECKY: I wish you would come back.
CARTER: You and I both know that will never happen.
BECKY: Are you sure? I can make you one hell of an offer.
CARTER: I don’t want anything from you.
BECKY: I could make you a millionaire, Carter. (sighs) How about your just take some time to think about joining me once again? (standing) I’ll be in touch.
CARTER: You don’t have my phone number.
BECKY: You keep thinking that.
Becky walks off. Carter takes a deep breath.
CARTER: What the hell am I gonna do?
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Cynthia is sitting on the couch. She is now cleaned up from her fight with Lindsay. She is having a glass of whiskey. Then, Michael enters.
Michael walks over to an end table and sets his briefcase down.
MICHAEL: How are you, darling?
CYNTHIA: I’ve had better days.
MICHAEL: (going to her/sitting) Oh? What’s got you so down?
CYNTHIA: I don’t want to talk about it.
MICHAEL: You can tell me anything. Remember?
CYNTHIA: I got into a fight with your daughter.
MICHAEL: What happened this time?
CYNTHIA: I came downstairs to get a glass of water. I was very thirsty. Lindsay was already down here. She was reading a magazine and having a drink. Anyway, she asked me where you were. When I replied that you were at the hospital for a board meeting, she then decided to provoke me.
MICHAEL: How did she provoke you?
CYNTHIA: She asked me how I could be so sure that you were not spending the night with your former mistress.
MICHAEL: I’m sorry she did that to you. But, what she does not know is that you are not worried about my past with Judith. You’re not insecure like that.
CYNTHIA: (standing/walking away) Yeah. I’m not so sure about that.
MICHAEL: (standing/going to her) What do you mean by that?
CYNTHIA: Well, I assume Judith was at the hospital tonight, considering that her husband is sick and her son is in a coma. So, did you go see her?
MICHAEL: Cynthia…
CYNTHIA: Did...you...see her?
MICHAEL: (sighs) Yes. I went to see her.
MICHAEL: I felt as though I had to see her.
CYNTHIA: That makes no sense to me whatsoever. What was so important? I mean, were you thinking that you could reignite your flame with her in a supply closet at the hospital?
MICHAEL: That is absurd.
MICHAEL: Cynthia, my best kept secret just came out. I wanted to meet with Judith to do some damage control. I don’t want this story getting leaked to the press.
CYNTHIA: It appears that you need to take some time to make up your mind. You need to decide who you love. I deserve to know if you still want to be married to me. I deserve to know if you want me or Judith. And, don’t act like you do not know where this is coming from.
MICHAEL: There is no question of who I want. I want you. And, Judith doesn’t want me. She wants to work things out with Stuart.
CYNTHIA: You are a very attractive man. And, you and Judith share this history. I feel as though I can’t compete with her.
MICHAEL: If there was a competition, which there is not, you would win. There is no question about that. You are my wife. You are who I am loyal to. That will never change.
CYNTHIA: I’m sure you probably told Susan all of this at one point before she passed away from her cancer.
MICHAEL: You have no right to throw that in my face!
CYNTHIA: The hell I do! Look, I think that I should go take a shower and go to bed. I’ll sleep in the guest room.
Cynthia brushes passed Michael and exits the room.
Back at Thorne Hill Park, in the Community Garden section, Mimi and Lindsay walk over to the arch. Reverend Logan is standing there in the center. Mimi is to his right. Lindsay is standing behind her. Next to Lindsay is a small table. On the small table is a radio. Lindsay turns on the radio. The wedding march begins to play. Jennifer begins her walk down the aisle.

She makes her way to the back left. Then, Amy makes her way down the aisle. She goes to the front left. Once there, Lindsay and Jennifer take Amy and Mimi’s bouquets. Amy and Mimi join hands. Lindsay shuts off the radio.
REVEREND LOGAN: Today is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two people who are in it forever. You don’t have to have a traditional ceremony to have a marriage. And, when you think about it, the whole thing is kind of strange, right? Here you two are, standing under this arch, holding hands. Not to mention, you have two people staring at you who have known you almost your whole life. So, why do we do it then? Well, the marriage ceremony has been an important feature across nearly every culture, religion, generation, and society. We have thousands of important moments that happen throughout our lives. However, this one is regarded as one so critical, that we acknowledge its special status by sharing it with others. One of the things that must be shared during this special time is something called vows. I know that each of you has taken the time to write your own vows. Mimi, how about we start with you.
MIMI: (slight laugh) Okay. Amy, from the first moment that I met you, I knew you were the love of my life. And, I know that sounds so cheesy. But, it is the truth. Every morning that I wake up to you, I think to myself, ‘How did I get so lucky? How did I get so lucky to have a woman in my life who cherishes me as much as you do?’ Since the first day we met, these feelings of mine have not changed. You have always cherished and loved me. (begins to cry) For that, I cannot thank you enough. You are my everything. You are the reason I live. You are the reason I get out of bed in the morning. You are the reason I strive to be a better woman. And, I am so happy with our life. And, I am so thrilled that the life we share with one another will go on for decades to come.
AMY: I can’t believe we made it here. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be spending my life with someone who loves me more than words can say. I remember as a little girl, I was asked if I believe in love at first sight. I said ‘no’. But, that all changed when you came into my life. (getting choked up) I am so happy that you chose to spend the rest of your life with me. I am so happy that you chose me above everybody else. But, most importantly, I am so happy to grow with you in this marriage. Thank you for standing by me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being the woman of my dreams.
As Amy and Mimi smile at one another, the screen flashes.
LOGAN: It is now time for the exchanging of the rings. Please, repeat after me. I, Mimi, take you, Amy, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward.
MIMI: (putting a ring on Amy’s finger) I, Mimi, take you, Amy, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward.
LOGAN: In sickness and in health.
MIMI: In sickness and in health.
LOGAN: In joy and in sorrow. In tragedy and in triumph.
MIMI: In joy and in sorrow. In tragedy and in triumph.
LOGAN: Forsaking all others, till death do us part.
MIMI: Forsaking all others, till death do us part.
LOGAN: Amy, it is now time for you to put the ring on Mimi’s finger.
AMY: Okay.
LOGAN: Repeat after me. I, Amy, take you, Mimi, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward.
AMY: (putting a ring on Mimi’s finger) I, Amy, take you, Mimi, to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to from this day forward.
LOGAN: In sickness and in health.
AMY: In sickness and in health.
LOGAN: In joy and in sorrow. In tragedy and in triumph.
AMY: In joy and in sorrow. In tragedy and in triumph.
LOGAN: Forsaking all others, till death do us part.
AMY: Forsaking all others, till death do us part.
LOGAN: Now, by the power vested in me, and by the state of Illinois; I now pronounce you wife and wife. (to Amy) You may kiss your bride.
Amy and Mimi smile and laugh. The two then kiss. Everyone claps. Happiness, joy, and love are very much apparent. The camera pans out in an aerial shot.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 20***
***END OF EP. 20***
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