Created By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Greg Ziobrowski
--Cynthia and Judith finally got to face off about Judith’s past affair with Michael. Cynthia made sure that Judith knew that she would do anything to keep Michael as her husband.
--Jennifer and Joshua came up with the theory that Philip’s hit and run may be connected to the murder of their parents. They then found out that the police had dropped Philip’s case.
--After being kicked out by her father, Lindsay moved in with Thomas. However, Thomas was confused when Lindsay received a phone call from Carter. That is because earlier in the day, Becky received a text from Carter, and when Thomas had asked Becky who he was, Becky told Thomas that Carter was her abusive ex-boyfriend.

Thomas picks up Lindsay’s cellphone. It is still ringing.

THOMAS: Why the hell is Carter calling my sister?
As Lindsay enters the living room, her phone stops ringing.
LINDSAY: (going to Thomas) Hey, is that my phone that’s ringing?
THOMAS: It sure is.
LINDSAY: Okay. Um…, are you going to hand it to me? I would like to return the call. It could be dad. Maybe he regrets his decision already.
THOMAS: It wasn’t dad.
LINDSAY: Then, who was it?
THOMAS: Carter Morrison.
LINDSAY: Oh. Maybe he wants to schedule another date.
THOMAS: Whoa. Whoa Whoa. Did you just say ‘date’?
LINDSAY: Yeah. Surprise! He’s my mystery guy. You know, the one I met on that dating app. (smiling) Gosh, the past couple of weeks with him have been so much fun.
THOMAS: Lindsay, you cannot see him anymore. You have to stop seeing him right now! He is a dangerous scumbag. You need to get as far away from him as possible.
Lindsay stares on at Thomas. She is very confused by his statements.
Cynthia is standing over by the bar cart. She is pouring herself a glass of water. Then, there is a knock at the door. She sets the glass down on the bar cart, turns around, and stands up straight.

CYNTHIA: Come in.
Carter enters. He shuts the door behind him.
CARTER: I got your message.
Carter and Cynthia walk over to one another.
CARTER: So, what did you want to see me about? I mean, you didn’t exactly go into great detail about why you wanted me to come here.
CYNTHIA: Well, I thought you liked surprises.
CARTER: What is that supposed to mean?
CYNTHIA: I’m giving you the money you need, Carter.
CARTER: Seriously?
CYNTHIA: Yes. But, it won’t be given to you in the way you think.

Stuart is laying in his bed and reading the newspaper. Then, there is a knock at the door. Andrea enters the room and goes to Stuart.
STUART: Good morning, doc.
ANDREA: Good morning.
STUART: (sighs/putting down the paper) Are you here to take my blood pressure? Or, are you here to stick me with another needle? Or…
ANDREA: Don’t worry, Stuart. I’m not here to put you in anymore pain. In fact, I’m here to relieve you of every issue you’ve had for the past few weeks.
STUART: I don’t understand. What do you mean?
ANDREA: I did it. I found you a heart.
STUART: (happily surprised) What?! Really?!
ANDREA: Yes. Stuart, I’m going to save your life after all.
STUART: Thank God. And, thank you.
JUDITH: (emerges from the hall) This is great news!
Judith rushes over to Stuart. She hugs him tightly. However, Stuart’s happiness fades away. He does not seemed very amused by Judith’s gesture. The camera zooms in on his unhappy expression. Judith continues to joyfully laugh.

The elevator doors ding open. Jennifer and Joshua step off of the elevator. The elevator doors shut behind them. The two walk up to the front desk.

JENNIFER: I can’t believe the police dropped the case.
JOSHUA: Same here. But, thanks to them doing that, we have to see Philip right away. We have to question him. If we don’t…
JENNIFER: Then, we won’t get the answers we need to solve two big mysteries.
JOSHUA: Correct. His room number is 1175.
JENNIFER: Okay. Let’s go.
Jennifer and Joshua walk off.
Back at Anderson Manufacturing, in the CEO Office, Cynthia walks away from the bar cart and over to her desk. She leans up against her desk.
CARTER: I don’t understand. How am I going to get this money from you?
CYNTHIA: Simply put, you are going to earn it.
CARTER: How so?
CYNTHIA: I’m giving you a job.
CARTER: You are?
CYNTHIA: Yes. For 32 years, Linda Kranski headed up our marketing department. However, she officially retired last month. Since then, this company has been scrambling to find a new marketing executive.
CARTER: And, you want to give me that position?
CYNTHIA: Correct. On one condition though.
CARTER: Great. What is this one condition?
CYNTHIA: As soon as your finances are stable enough, I want you to quit the job and move far, far, far away from this town.
CARTER: That’s quite the condition.
CYNTHIA: I drive a hard bargain. But, I think this is a damn good deal. So, tell me, do you accept my condition? Or, are you going to act a fool and turn me down?
Back at Thomas’ Apartment, in the Living Room, Lindsay snatches her phone out of Thomas’ hand. She then puts her phone in her back pocket.
LINDSAY: Let me get this straight. I get a call from my new beau…, who you’ve never met. But, you seem to know his name somehow. And, you allegedly seem to know enough about him to the point where you think you can act like he is Satan’s offspring. What gives?
THOMAS: Lindsay, I’m telling you, he is a bad guy.
LINDSAY: Where the hell is this coming from? How do you know this? How do you know anything about this guy? Again, you’ve never met him.
THOMAS: (sighs) Earlier this morning, Becky got a text from Carter.
LINDSAY: What? What does your girlfriend have to do with my boyfriend?
THOMAS: I wondered that too. Come to find out, Becky and Carter used to date when they both lived out in California. And, it turns out that their relationship wasn’t a good one.
LINDSAY: Relationships go through ups and downs all the time. The girl forgets to pick up her things around the bathroom sink. And, the man forgets an anniversary. It happens. But, I don’t understand what their former relationship has to do with me.
THOMAS: Lindsay, Carter isn’t a good guy because he’s an abuser.
LINDSAY: Excuse me?
THOMAS: The reason Carter and Becky broke up was because he used to beat her. Look, Carter is so obsessed with her that he followed her from California to here.
LINDSAY: (laughs) Seriously?
THOMAS: What’s so funny about this?
LINDSAY: You honestly expect me to believe this gal? I don’t doubt that she was possibly Carter’s girlfriend at one point. What I doubt is her ‘crazy ex-boyfriend abuser claim’. Yes, I’ve only known Carter for a few weeks. But, what I do know is that he does not have an evil bone in his body.
THOMAS: Lindsay…, please…, you have to believe me.
LINDSAY: No. No, I don’t. I don’t have to believe anyone. I certainly don’t have to try and believe the people who tell lie upon lie.
Lindsay grabs her purse.
THOMAS: Where are you going?
LINDSAY: I’m going to see my boyfriend. (going to the door) You know, it will be nice to be with someone who doesn’t lie to me. Seya later.
Lindsay walks out of the apartment. She slams the door.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Stuart’s Hospital Room, Judith finally lets go of Stuart. She then grabs his hand and holds it.
JUDITH: Andrea, thank you for searching all this time.
ANDREA: My pleasure. Well, I guess I’ll leave you two to discuss the most recent development. Congratulations, Stuart. I mean that.
STUART: Thank you, dear. I mean that.
Andrea and Stuart smile at one another. Andrea exits, shutting the door behind her. Stuart then forcefully takes his hand away from Judith’s. Judith turns around to face him.
JUDITH: Congratulations.
STUART: Thank you.
JUDITH: You know, I have laid awake at night praying for this to happen. And, now, my prayers have been answered. I couldn’t be more thrilled. I am…
STUART: Judith…, stop.
JUDITH: Excuse me?
STUART: Just stop. We need to talk.
JUDITH: About the surgery?
STUART: No. About us.
JUDITH: What about us?
STUART: Our future. I’ve made up my mind.
Still at Memorial Hospital, in Philip’s Hospital Room, Philip is walking around his hospital room. He is in a hospital gown and socks. He is currently packing a bag. Jennifer and Joshua enter the room. Philip turns around. He and Jennifer stare into one another’s eyes for a moment. Then, the two walk up to one another and embrace.

JENNIFER: I’m so happy to see you awake.
PHILIP: I’m so happy just to see you again.
The two come off of their hug. Joshua goes to them.
JOSHUA: What are you doing out of bed, Philip?
PHILIP: I’m packing my things. After all…
JOSHUA: You don’t get out of here for another two days.
PHILIP: Seriously?
JOSHUA: Seriously.
JENNIFER: I’ll help you back to your bed. Come on.
Jennifer wraps her arms around Philip and walks him back over to his bed. Philip sits on the bed. Joshua goes to them.
PHILIP: So, what brings you two over here?
JENNIFER: Well, I’ve been dying to see you since I heard the news that you were awake this morning. Gosh, I still can’t believe you’re awake.
PHILIP: It’s nice to be awake again. I do feel a little groggy still. And, my (coughs) throat still hurts a little. But, other than that, I’m good.
JENNIFER: Glad to hear it.
PHILIP: Anyway, why are you two here besides wanting to see me?
JOSHUA: Philip, there’s something you should know. Jennifer and I were going to wait to see you. We wanted you to get more of your strength back. However, the discovery Jenn and I made this morning had to be shared with you right away.
PHILIP: What discovery?
JOSHUA: I got a text from a buddy of mine at the police station. It turns out that they dropped your case. The police are no longer investigating.
PHILIP: What? How can they stop investigating my hit and run?
JENNIFER: That’s the thing. We’re thinking that someone forced the police to drop your case. And, we’re thinking that someone is the person or persons...who murdered me and Joshua’s parents.
Back at Anderson Manufacturing, in the CEO Office, Cynthia is straightening up a couple of files on her desk. She then turns around.
CYNTHIA: You’ve been awfully quiet. I mean, you even gave me time to organize the top of my desk. (laughs) I don’t think you’ve ever been this quiet.
CARTER: I’ve given a lot of thought to your offer is all.
CYNTHIA: And…? What did you decide?
CARTER: I’ll do it. I’ll agree to your terms.
CYNTHIA: I thought you might see things my way.
CARTER: So, when do I start?
CYNTHIA: How about tomorrow?
CARTER: Sounds good to me.
CYNTHIA: Oh, by the way, there will be a meeting for you to attend first thing in the morning. (hands Carter a file) Here is the file that details the quarterly budget for the marketing division. Memorize it. Every single little detail. Make sure you know every word of that file.
CARTER: You got it. Seya tomorrow, boss.
CYNTHIA: Yeah. Whatever. Seya.
CARTER: Thank you.
CYNTHIA: Don’t mention it.
Carter smiles politely and exits the office. Cynthia stares on.
CYNTHIA: (sighs) I really hope I’m doing the right thing.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Philip’s Hospital Room, Jennifer is sitting on Philip’s bed. The two are holding each other’s hands. Joshua is now out of the room.
PHILIP: I can’t believe that my hit and run could be connected to the murder of your parents. I thought whoever ran me down might’ve just been a drunk civilian.
JENNIFER: I thought that at first too. But, when Joshua proposed the theory to me, it all started to finally make sense. The dots began to connect themselves.
PHILIP: I just wonder who did it.
JENNIFER: Me too. (sighs) But, I think we should just take a break from all of this investigative talk. After all, my brother has left the room.
PHILIP: Yes, he has. (laughs) Is there anything you want to do?
JENNIFER: I can think of a few things. But, you may not be up for them.
PHILIP: Probably not yet. But, I am up for something else.
JENNIFER: Oh yeah? And, what is that something else?
PHILIP: That ‘something else’ just happens to be a question I’ve wanted to ask you for a very long time. In fact, it has been something I’ve wanted to ask you since before I went into the coma.
JENNIFER: Okay. Well, go ahead and ask me what you need to.
PHILIP: Jennifer Alexandra Jackson, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?
Jennifer sits up in the bed. She is taken aback.

Andrea is leaning up against her desk. She is talking on her office phone.
ANDREA: (on the phone) Yes, Dr. Mills, I have found Stuart a heart. And, thank you for calling some connections to help me narrow down that long list of candidates.
Then, there is a knock at the door. Joshua enters.
ANDREA: (on the phone) Uh…, Dr. Mills, I’ve gotta go. But, I do want to thank you again. Oh, and, um…, I will have to treat you to lunch sometime. You have a great day too. Bye.
As Andrea hangs up the phone, Joshua goes to her.
JOSHUA: Hey, baby.
ANDREA: Hello.
Andrea and Joshua kiss one another.
JOSHUA: I just heard the good news. Congratulations on finding Stuart a heart. I knew that you could do it. I believed in you all along.
ANDREA: I know you did. That’s because you’re the best husband a gal could ask for. I love you so much, honey.
JOSHUA: Hey, about we go out for a celebratory drink?
ANDREA: That sounds good to me. I’ll grab my purse and meet you in the lobby in fifteen minutes. How does that sound?
JOSHUA: Sounds good to me.
Andrea and Joshua kiss one another again.
JOSHUA: Congrats again.
ANDREA: Thank you.
Joshua walks out of the office. Andrea stares on at him. She is smiling.
Still at Memorial Hospital, in Philip’s Hospital Room, Jennifer gets up from Philip’s hospital bed. She straightens herself up a little.
JENNIFER: Did you just ask me to marry you?
PHILIP: Yes, I did. So, what do you say?
JENNIFER: Philip…, I…I...I can’t marry you.
PHILIP: Why the hell not?
JENNIFER: It just isn’t the right time. I’m still searching for whoever killed my parents. And, on top of that, we’re all searching for whoever tried to kill you. And, we never really got the chance to find out where we stand. There’s just a lot of mysteries to solve. And, honestly, if I would’ve said ‘yes’ right now, our wedding would’ve been a very low priority of mine.
PHILIP: I understand.
Jennifer sits back down next to Philip.
JENNIFER: Look, in time, we will get married. And, when we do, it will be the biggest, splashiest wedding to be seen in decades. I’m talking ‘Meghan Markle and Prince Harry television event’ splashy.
PHILIP: (laughs) If that’s what I’ve got to look forward to, then I guess I can hold out for just a bit longer. Plus, I will always be around to propose again.
JENNIFER: That is one of the sweetest things you’ve ever said to me.
PHILIP: I love you, Jennifer.
JENNIFER: I love you too.
Jennifer and Philip get really close and kiss one another passionately.

Carter is sitting on his bed. He is taking his dress shoes off. Then, there is a knock at the door. He sets his shoes aside, stands up, and goes to the door.
CARTER: (opening the door) Lindsay.
LINDSAY: (entering) Hello.
Carter shuts the door, turns around, and goes to Lindsay.
CARTER: What brings you by?
LINDSAY: (sighs) I’ve had a very crappy day. Anyway, I was thinking that you could possibly be the cure to this crappy day. Maybe we could go out for a very expensive dinner. Or, we could always order in Chinese food and toss back a few beers.
CARTER: As much as I would love to have dinner with you, I am very tired. And, I have a report to go over for a meeting tomorrow.
LINDSAY: Oh. I see.
CARTER: I’m sorry.
LINDSAY: No, don’t be. It’s okay. I understand.
CARTER: I can at least come down to the hotel bar for one drink.
LINDSAY: It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. We’ll reschedule.
CARTER: Are you sure?
LINDSAY: Yes. (sighs) I should be going.
CARTER: Have a good night.
LINDSAY: Yeah. You too.
As Lindsay heads for the door, she notices a file on the desk. She then picks up the file. Carter walks up to her.
LINDSAY: What is this?
CARTER: It’s the info for my meeting tomorrow.
LINDSAY: Your meeting is at my family’s company?
CARTER: Yes. Yes, it is.
LINDSAY: And, when were you going to tell me this?
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Stuart’s Hospital Room, Judith sets her purse down on the counter in front of Stuart’s hospital bed.
JUDITH: Is there anything I can get you? Perhaps some water?
STUART: Cut the crap, Judith. This is serious.
JUDITH: You’re right. The state of our marriage is serious. The impact my secrets and lies have had on this family is serious. However, I think we should not talk about the state of our marriage until you have more strength. Our conversation could get ugly.
STUART: Judith, I could die tomorrow on that operating table.
JUDITH: Don’t say that. Don’t even think that.
STUART: This is a very risky procedure. Things could go south very quickly. I need to be realistic here. (sighs) Judith, I don’t want to die without saying what I need to say.
JUDITH: Okay. Fine. What do you need to say?
STUART: I want you to know that if I come out of this thing alive, our marriage is over. Instead of receiving flowers for a post-op gift, I want to receive divorce papers. We’re done.
The camera cuts back and forth between a smiling Stuart and a horrified Judith. The camera then zooms in on Judith.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 22***
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