Created By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison
Jennifer is freshening up the place. She is straightening up pictures on the mantle and straightening up things on the desk. As she continues to clean up the room, Joshua enters.

JOSHUA: What are you doing?
JENNIFER: Well, tonight is the night that Philip and I are going to try to fix things. He should be here any hour now.
JOSHUA: And, are you sure this is the right thing to do?
Philip walks up to the door of the mansion. He is talking on his phone.
PHILIP: (on the phone) Hey, Jenn. Look, I will be there soon. My dad just called me to the house. He said he wanted to speak with me. Anyway, after that, I will pick up some desserts from Mimi’s Cafe. Alright. Seya soon. Bye.
Philip hangs up the phone and enters the home.
Philip enters the living room. All the lights are off. Stuart is on the couch, drinking a glass of scotch. The bottle is right in front of him.
STUART: Hello, son.
PHILIP: Why are you drinking?
STUART: Because, I’m in pain.
PHILIP: Pain? What’s causing you pain?
STUART: Your mother.
PHILIP: What’s going on, dad?
STUART: (sighs) Just a couple of hours ago, your mother revealed to me that she had an affair years ago with none other than Michael Anderson.

Mimi is pacing around the living room. Then, Amy enters the apartment. She shuts the door behind her. She sets her purse and keys down. The two walk over to one another.

MIMI: Hey. How did your meeting go with the pastor?
AMY: Good. We went over my vows.
MIMI: I’m so excited for my vow appointment tomorrow.
AMY: It was a lot of fun.
MIMI: By the way, I’m glad you’re home. Now, we have a chance to talk about something that has been weighing heavy on my heart.
AMY: What’s going on?
MIMI: Well, I found out something that kind of shocked me. And, it might shock you a lot too. I think you should sit down.
AMY: Mimi, just come out and say it.
MIMI: Your mom had an affair with Michael Anderson.
As Michael comes down the stairs, there is a knock at the door. He goes to the door and opens it. Standing there is Judith. She is crying.

MICHAEL: Judith, what is going on?

JUDITH: Oh, Michael, my marriage is over.
Judith falls into Michael’s arms.

Lindsay is sitting on the bench. She is looking through the file that contains the information on Cynthia. Thomas walks up to her.

THOMAS: Hey, sis.

Thomas sits next to her. Lindsay puts the file down.
THOMAS: How long have you been here?
LINDSAY: All day.
THOMAS: Did you meet with Cynthia?
THOMAS: Did you get the truth from her?
LINDSAY: Yeah. But, it is by far not the truth we wanted.
THOMAS: What do you mean?
LINDSAY: Well, for starters, the person that Cynthia murdered all those years ago was in fact her uncle.
THOMAS: (shocked) What?
LINDSAY: Now, before you go off on a witch hunt like I did, you have to know that it was in self defense. Thomas, Cynthia killed her uncle because he raped her.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Living Room, Jennifer walks from where she is, over to Joshua.
JENNIFER: Didn’t we have a deal? Didn’t you agree to stay out of my relationship with Philip for good? What did you do exactly?
JOSHUA: I went to Philip’s apartment today. We talked.
JENNIFER: You know, I don’t need you to fight my battles. And, honestly, I’m getting really tired of you thinking you get to do just that.
JOSHUA: It isn’t like I punched the guy in the face. I just wanted him to know that I think now would be a good time to set some boundaries.
JENNIFER: You have no right to be setting boundaries with he and I.
JOSHUA: I’m only looking out for your best interest. Plus, we even ended up coming to an agreement.
JENNIFER: Okay. What was this supposed agreement?
JOSHUA: We agreed that I would back off. Just like you told me to.
JENNIFER: So, Philip told you what I’ve told you all along. Wow. Imagine that. Look, I love it that you have such love for me. But, I really can’t have my brother
meddling in my relationship. Can you just find a way to understand that?
JOSHUA: I guess.
JENNIFER: Good. Now, you have to go.
JENNIFER: Yes. I have to make things look good for Philip. So, go somewhere else. Go catch a movie with Andrea. Take her out to dinner. I don’t care what you do. Just find something.
JOSHUA: Before I do leave, I need to tell you something.
JENNIFER: What is it?
JOSHUA: Both Andrea and I got promotions today. Andrea is now the Chief of Staff. And, I am the Head of Cardiology.
JENNIFER: Oh, Joshua, that is wonderful news!
Jennifer and Joshua hug one another.
JENNIFER: I’m so happy for you. Congratulations!
Michael and Judith walk into the room. Michael heads toward the bar cart.
MICHAEL: What can I get you?
JUDITH: Whiskey. On the rocks.
MICHAEL: You got it.
Michael puts a handful of ice in a glass. He then pours the liquor in the glass. He takes the glass and goes to Judith. Judith is now sitting on the couch. He hands it to her.
JUDITH: Thank you.
MICHAEL: Of course.
Michael sits next to her.
MICHAEL: I assume that you told him everything?
JUDITH: I really didn’t have a choice.
MICHAEL: Judith, I really am sorry. But, I had to tell Lindsay.
JUDITH: I get it. You were backed into a corner.
MICHAEL: Yes, I was.
JUDITH: Tell me something. Why’d you keep the photo?
MICHAEL: Honestly…, I don’t know why I’ve kept it all this time.
JUDITH: Thank you, by the way.
MICHAEL: For what?
JUDITH: For keeping it. That actually means a lot to me.
As Judith takes a drink from her glass, she sees a picture on a table of Michael and Cynthia on an end table.
JUDITH: Are you sure it’s okay that I’m here right now?
MICHAEL: Yeah. In fact, Cynthia’s pulling an all-nighter.
Then, Michael and Judith hear the front door slam. As Cynthia enters the living room, the two stand from the couch.
ANNOUNCER: The role of Cynthia Martin-Anderson is now being played by Elizabeth Bogush.
CYNTHIA: Michael, I am so glad that you’re home.
Cynthia and Michael embrace.
CYNTHIA: (coming off the hug) Judith... , what are you doing here?
Judith sets the glass on the table and grabs her purse.
JUDITH: Maybe I should go.
MICHAEL: I think that’s a good idea.
CYNTHIA: No. Don’t go. You look upset. What’s happened?
JUDITH: I really do have to get home. I have a lot of work to do. Besides, I’m just fine. Please, excuse me.
Judith hurries out of the room. Cynthia then looks back at Michael.
CYNTHIA: What the hell was that about?
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Living Room, Philip takes the glass and bottle from Stuart. He puts it back on the bar cart. He also turns the lights on. Stuart squints.
STUART: Now, why do you have to come in here and disrupt a perfectly wonderful night filled with great alcohol?
PHILIP: Hey, you called me, remember?
Philip sits next to Stuart.
PHILIP: Now, tell me, what did you mean exactly when you said mom had an affair with Michael?
STUART: Really son? Do I have to spell it out for you?
PHILIP: No. Sorry. I’m just...in shock.
STUART: I reacted the same way.
PHILIP: I’m really sorry this happened to you, dad.
STUART: Thanks. But, you're not the one who needs to be sorry. You’re not the one who caused all of this drama.
PHILIP: Who else knows about this?
STUART: To my knowledge, it’s just you, me, Michael, and your mother.
PHILIP: Wow. Amy doesn’t know yet. Do you want to break the news to her? Or, would you like me to take over the reigns for ‘ya?
STUART: No. I’ll take care of it.
PHILIP: Look, I have a date with Jennifer tonight. But, I can cancel it if you want. I can stay here with you. It’s no trouble.
STUART: No. I’m a big boy. I can take care of myself. You just go ahead an go on your date with Jennifer.
PHILIP: Are you sure?
PHILIP: If I do go, you have to make me a promise.
STUART: Okay. What promise?
PHILIP: No more alcohol, dad. It’s dangerous for someone with your condition. And, it also isn’t healthy to mix your medication with booze.
STUART: Fine. I won’t.
PHILIP: Thanks.
Stuart and Philip stand.
PHILIP: I love you, dad.
STUART: I love you too, son. Now, go on. Get out of here. Go enjoy yourself. Go be the man I know you can be.
PHILIP: Alright. Seya.
Philip walks out of the mansion. Once the door shuts, Stuart makes a face that signals that he feels ‘off’. Stuart then grabs his arm.
STUART: Oh god! What the hell is happening to me?!
He then begins to breath heavily. He collapses. The camera zooms in on Stuart’s unconscious face and non-moving body.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Cynthia throws her handbag and keys down on the coffee table.
CYNTHIA: Are you going to tell me what’s wrong with Judith?
MICHAEL: Like she said earlier, she’s fine.
CYNTHIA: Michael, I’ve had a very stressful day. The last thing I need is lies on top of lies. I see that she was drinking some whiskey. And, when I came into this room, she was very shaken up. Just tell me. Who knows? Maybe I could help her out.
MICHAEL: Cynthia, you’re right. There is something going on with Judith. And, it is all because of me.
CYNTHIA: What are you talking about?
MICHAEL: Judith and I had an affair at one point.
CYNTHIA: And, when was this ‘one point’?
MICHAEL: We had an affair when Susan was dying.
CYNTHIA: Michael, oh my god. Is that why she was over here?
MICHAEL: Yes. You see, she told her husband. But, to be fair, she had no choice but to come clean to Stuart.
CYNTHIA: Why do you say that?
MICHAEL: Because, I told Lindsay. And, it was only going to be a matter of time before the secret came out to everyone. She was just trying to tell her husband her side of the story before things got too out of hand.
CYNTHIA: I can understand that. But, what I don’t understand is why you told Lindsay. You could have kept this secret till the day you died.
MICHAEL: You’re right. I could have.
CYNTHIA: So, why didn’t you?
MICHAEL: Do you remember when we were trying to find out who rummaged through our things in the bedroom?
CYNTHIA: Yes. And, it was Lindsay…, I assume.
MICHAEL: You would assume correctly. Anyway, she found a picture of Judith and I in my safe. In the picture, we were kissing.
CYNTHIA: Oh. I see. (sighs) Can I ask you a question?
MICHAEL: Certainly.
CYNTHIA: Why have you kept the photo all this time?
MICHAEL: I haven’t intentionally kept the photo all this time. I’ve just forgotten to pitch it in the trash can.
CYNTHIA: Michael, you put it in your safe. In that safe, you keep money and diamonds, among other valuables. Obviously, your most important possessions are in there. So, you must consider that photo of you and Judith an important possession.
MICHAEL: At one point, I did. I won’t lie to you about that.
CYNTHIA: Okay. Then, don’t lie to me when it comes to your answer on the next question I’m about to ask you.
MICHAEL: What’s your next question?
CYNTHIA: Do you still love Judith?
Back at the Community Park, in the Private Area, Lindsay stuffs the file in her purse. She then sets her purse on the other side of her.
THOMAS: I can’t believe this.
LINDSAY: I couldn’t believe it either.
THOMAS: Do you think she’s telling the truth?
LINDSAY: Thomas, you didn’t see the look on her face when I confronted her earlier today. She was so shaken up. I actually felt kind of sorry for her.
THOMAS: Really? Wow. I never expected to hear you say something like that about Cynthia of all people.
LINDSAY: This is a terrible thing that happened to her. And, I’m not about to go to dad and throw this in his face. This isn’t my story to tell. So, I am going to let her tell it.
THOMAS: That’s really cool of you.
LINDSAY: Yeah. Yeah...it is.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Living Room, zooms out from Stuart’s body. The door is heard slamming.
JUDITH: (voice only) Stuart! Are you still here?!
Upon entering the living room, Judith stops in her tracks.
JUDITH: Stuart?
Judith rushes to Stuart.
JUDITH: (shaking him/sobbing) Stuart? Stuart?! Stuart?! Oh my god! Come on! Wake up! Please!
Judith digs through her purse to find her phone. Once she gets it, she dials 9-1-1, and puts it to her ear.
JUDITH: (on the phone) Hello. This is Judith Whitmore. I just found my husband unconscious. Please, send an ambulance right away. The address is 1413 Prescott Lane. Please, hurry!
Judith hangs up quickly and leans Stuart up against her knees.
JUDITH: Everything is going to be just fine. I promise. Help is on the way, darling. Help is on the way.
Back at Amy and Mimi’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Amy and Mimi sit down beside one another on the couch.
AMY: Is this for real?
MIMI: I’m afraid so.
AMY: When did this happen?
MIMI: It supposedly happened when Lindsay and Thomas’ mother was battling cancer. They also broke it off when she passed.
AMY: How long have you known about this?
MIMI: Amy, I…
AMY: How long?!
MIMI: Not long. Just a week or so.
AMY: Who told you about this?
MIMI: Lindsay. She found out through her father.
AMY: Why didn’t you come to me right away?
MIMI: I couldn’t.
AMY: Why not?
MIMI: Because, Lindsay told me that she wanted to get more facts first. So, I agreed to keep silent till she got those facts.
AMY: (standing) So, your friendship with Lindsay trumps our relationship? Is that what you’re telling me, Mimi?
MIMI: (standing) No. Not at all.
AMY: Sure seems like it.
MIMI: I promise you, that is not true.
Amy grabs her purse and walks to the door.
MIMI: Where are you going?
AMY: To visit my dad. He needs me. And, if you would’ve told me about this sooner, I could’ve been by his side comforting him.
MIMI: I made a promise to a friend, Amy.
AMY: My parents are involved in this mess. Not your’s! Therefore, I don’t expect you to know what this betrayal feels like.
Amy opens the door to the apartment and exits. She slams it behind her. Mimi then takes a deep breath. She’s trying to hold back tears.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Living Room, Jennifer is sitting on the couch. She is having a glass of wine. Then, she picks up her cell phone, dials, and puts it to her ear. She then hears a beep.
JENNIFER: (on the phone) Hey. It’s me. I cannot wait to see you. The wine is all set to pour. And, it’s chilled...just the way you like it. Anyway, I’ll see you soon. Bye.
Jennifer hangs up the phone and smiles.

Philip walks out of the cafe with a pink to-go box. He then hears his phone beeps. His screen reads: JENNIFER (top part) VOICEMAIL (bottom part). He smiles.
PHILIP: Oh Jennifer, I can’t wait to renew the hope and passion of our relationship tonight. Everything is going to go great. I love you, baby. I really do.
Philip then puts his phone back in his pocket. As he begins to step out into the parking lot, a car revs its engine. As Philip steps fully out into the lot, a car speeds up and comes right for him. Before he can jump out of the way, Philip is hit by the car! The car then speeds off.
The camera zooms in on Philip’s almost lifeless body. Then, the camera, in an aerial shot, zooms out. People begin to crowd around Philip and call 9-1-1. Sirens can be heard wailing on.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 15***
***END OF EP. 15***