Created By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison

Judith and Philip sit down at a table.

JUDITH: Thank you for taking me out to lunch. It has been ages since we had one of these little mother/son get togethers.
PHILIP: That is exactly why I suggested this.
JUDITH: Is that the only reason?
PHILIP: Oh, mother, you know me so well.
Jennifer and Joshua walk into the living room.

JENNIFER: Thanks for coming back home so quickly. And, I am so sorry that the rest of your busy workday was interrupted.
JOSHUA: Sis, this is way more important. Plus, I had someone cover my patients. So, what’s going? What does our private investigator know?
JENNIFER: Our PI and his team went back to further investigate the car our parents were driving that night. Anyway, they found a hair on the passenger seat. Apparently, the Thorne Hill Police Department does not know how to investigate part of a crime scene.
JOSHUA: And, we’ll talk about that later. I just want to know the facts.
JENNIFER: Yeah. I get that. (sighs) The PI sent the strand of hair to a friend of his at the hospital. His friend promised to put a rush on it. We should have the results soon.
JOSHUA: What does this all mean exactly?
JENNIFER: It means that we are one step closer to figuring out this whole thing. Joshua, I see the finish line to this big unsolved mystery. And, I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to cross that line.
Stuart is sitting on top of the examination bed. Andrea is taking his blood pressure. Once finished, she removes her stethoscope and puts it around her neck. She sets the blood pressure instrument back on its hook. She then goes to fill out the number on his chart. She then goes back to Stuart.
ANDREA: 150 over 92.
STUART: Seems like the meds aren’t working.
ANDREA: Stuart, it seems like you haven’t even been taking your medication. Do you not understand how serious your condition is? You have stage one hypertension. I’ve prescribed you beta-blockers to help with this issue. So, tell me, are you taking your pills?
STUART: If I am being honest...
ANDREA: Please, be honest with me.
STUART: I haven’t been taking my medication every single day. Sometimes I forget.
ANDREA: Stuart, I am guessing that you and your family have a lot of people that work for you at your home. I am sure that one of them can remind you to take your meds. If you don’t receive your pills every day, your blood pressure will skyrocket. Do you know what an increase in blood pressure could mean for you?
STUART: Heart attack or death. You’ve told me several times before.
ANDREA: May I ask you a question?
STUART: Go right ahead, Doctor Jackson.
ANDREA: Do you have a death wish?
Lindsay, Thomas, Cynthia, and Michael enter the room. Each of them is carrying some part of luggage. They all set them down. Michael walks over to the bar cart and pours himself a glass of bourbon. He then turns around.

MICHAEL: Thank you for helping Cynthia and I when it comes to carrying in the bags, kids. That was very nice of you two to do.

THOMAS: We kind of didn’t have a choice. You gave the staff the day off.

LINDSAY: Don’t mind, Thomas. Dad, it was our pleasure to help. Anyway, tell us everything. How was your honeymoon. Did you enjoy Paris?

CYNTHIA: The trip…
LINDSAY: Will all due respect, Cynthia, I was talking to my dad about the trip you two took. So, if you could please let him fill me in.
CYNTHIA: Lindsay, did you just hear yourself?
LINDSAY: I did. What are you getting at?
CYNTHIA: I’m just saying that your father and I did take that trip together as you pointed out. Because of that, I’d appreciate it if you included the both of us in the discussion.
MICHAEL: Alright, ladies. How about you two put the claws away.
THOMAS: I second that.
CYNTHIA: Oh, Michael...don’t worry.
LINDSAY: Cynthia’s right, dad.You see, the claws that Cynthia and I have, haven’t even begun to come out in the open.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Living Room, Jennifer and Joshua are now sitting on the couch. Jennifer is holding the picture of her parents.
JENNIFER: I can’t stop looking at this picture. Isn’t that crazy? It is like it just keeps staring at me...begging me to look at it...begging me to remember them.
JOSHUA: I can see why that’s happening. This photo is one of the main memorials of parents. It symbolizes their happiness and love. God, can you believe it has been a year?
JENNIFER: No, I can’t. Some days, it still seems like they’re still with us. Some days it doesn’t seem like last year ever happened. You know, our parents were two amazing people. And, when it came to how one should go about a marriage and raising a family, they were definitely the people to look up to.
JOSHUA: Isn’t that the truth. I used to have people come up to me and say, “how do your parents do it?” And, I would always say back, “there love is pure.”
JENNIFER: Yes, yes it was.
JOSHUA: Hey, I’m sure that this investigation has put your relationship with Philip on the backburner. Is everything okay there these days?
JENNIFER: Everything is just fine.
JENNIFER: Why do you ask?
JOSHUA: Well, I just want to make sure my little sis is happy.
JENNIFER: With him, I am. And, thanks for looking out for me.
JOSHUA: I always will.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area part of the restaurant, Judith and Philip now have drinks in front of them. Judith is having a glass of white wine. Philip is having a beer.
JUDITH: So, now that I discovered that you have a little ulterior motive, you can go ahead and spill why exactly you brought me here.
PHILIP: Alright. That’s only fair.
JUDITH: What’s going on?
PHILIP: I’ve decided that I want a bigger part in the family company.
JUDITH: You want a bigger part in Whitmore Hotels?
PHILIP: Yes. Mom, our family runs the largest chain of hotels and resorts in the world. I have played the same role in our family’s company for years. I’m tired of it.
JUDITH: It would appear that you’ve thought about this a lot.
PHILIP: I have.
JUDITH: You know, it’s a shame your father couldn’t join us. He would love to hear you talking like this. Like a real business man, that is.
PHILIP: You really think so?
JUDITH: Of course I do. Unfortunately, there is one downside to your whole future business plan. I’m just sorry you have to find out this way.
PHILIP: What do you mean? Why can’t I have a bigger role?
JUDITH: Because, pretty soon, there might not be a family company.
PHILIP: Mom, what are you talking about?
JUDITH: Honey, maybe it is time that I tell you the things you don’t quite know. The things that your father and I have been trying to shield you and your sister from.
PHILIP: Okay. You’re kind of scaring me. What do you need to tell me?
JUDITH: Well, I don’t want to share anything with you quite yet. In order to do this, I am going to need a full glass of wine.
PHILIP: Is it really that bad?
JUDITH: Oh, yes, darling. Oh yes it is.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Examination Room, Stuart stands up from the examination bed. He rolls down a sleeve on his shirt.
STUART: Andrea, I don’t have a death wish.
ANDREA: Really? Because, it seems like you do.
STUART: I’m a busy man. Sometimes, I forget to take my medication. That does not mean I have a death wish.
ANDREA: I get that you’re a busy man, Stuart. However, I truly believe that at your rate, your health should come first.
STUART: Don’t you understand?! My job as CEO of Whitmore Hotel comes first in my life. I don’t have time to worry about taking pills.
ANDREA: Stuart, what’s going on?
STUART: What do you mean?
ANDREA: Obviously, you have something major going on in your life. Because of my hunch, I am going to ask you again. What is going on?
STUART: With all due respect, I cannot tell you what is going on in my personal life. Frankly, it is none of your business.
ANDREA: Stuart, I am just trying to do my job as your doctor. I care about what happens to you. I really, really, really do.
STUART: I know that you care about me. I care about you too. We’ve been friends for many, many years now. I’ve known you since you were a baby.
ANDREA: That is why I want you to open up to me. If you open up to me, it would help me to form a better treatment plan for you.
STUART: And, I am just saying that you should back off.
ANDREA: Why won’t you listen to anyone?
STUART: Because, this is my life. And, I can live it how I see fit.
ANDREA: Look, I know that you say you understand the consequences. But, I don’t think you really do. So, since you won’t listen to me, listen to this. I am done sugarcoating your disease. It is time you know the real evil of this whole thing.
STUART: What do you mean?
ANDREA: It means that I am going to tell you everything you need to know about your condition. And, this time, you are going to listen to me.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Lindsay is standing over by a small table. She picks up a pitcher of water and pours herself a glass. She then sets the pitcher down, grabs the glass, and turns around.
MICHAEL: Why can’t you and Cynthia get along?
THOMAS: Dad, I don’t think that will ever happen.
MICHAEL: Well, it better happen...and soon.
Then, Cynthia’s phone rings. She looks down at her phone.
CYNTHIA: I gotta take this. It’s Mister Wu from the Hong Kong office. I’ve been waiting for this call all day. Please, excuse me.
LINDSAY: (sarcastically) You’re excused.
Cynthia rolls her eyes and walks out of the room.
MICHAEL: Lindsay, you are too much.
LINDSAY: And, you are unbelievable.
MICHAEL: Excuse me.
THOMAS: Sis, watch what you say.
LINDSAY: No! I am done with that. I am not going to watch what I say in this situation. It is high time dad knows how I really feel about this marriage.
MICHAEL: Alright, go ahead. Tell me how you really feel. I will stand here and listen to this nonsense. However, when you are finished, you better be prepared to listen to what I have to say to you about your behaviour.
LINDSAY: Fine. You have a deal.
MICHAEL: Good. Now, what exactly do you dislike about my new wife?
LINDSAY: For starters, she’s a liar.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Examination Room, Stuart puts on his suit jacket. He then adjust his tie and turns around.
STUART: (sighs) Alright, Doc, the floor is yours. Tell me why you think I have something to worry about concerning this disease.
ANDREA: Stuart, do you think this is a joke? Well, I’m here to tell you that this is not a joking matter. If your condition is left untreated, it could end up damaging your organs. It could even lead to you dying. Do you really want to die and leave your wife and children behind, Stuart? If you don’t start taking care of yourself right now, you’re going to experience headaches and dizziness. Then, you will begin to experience fatigue. Then, when you least expect it, you will have a heart attack or a stroke. Even if you managed to survive that, your life would never be the same again. This is why you need to take your meds. Stuart, you need to take them before you get worse. You need to take them before it is too late!
Back at the Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, a Waiter clears Judith and Philip’s table. The Waiter then walks off with plates on a tray.
PHILIP: I don’t know how you did it.
JUDITH: Did what?
PHILIP: Went through a whole lunch without mentioning this family bombshell.
JUDITH: My mouth was full.
PHILIP: Well, it no longer is. So, will you tell me what is going on?
JUDITH: Alright, fine. I will. But, you aren’t going to like what you’re about to hear.
PHILIP: What’s wrong? You’re starting to scare me, mom. Just tell me. Will you just go ahead and rip the band-aid off.
JUDITH: Are you sure that you want to know?
PHILIP: Yes! I want to know.
JUDITH: (deep breath) We’re broke.
PHILIP: What do you mean?
JUDITH: Our family...we’re running out of money.
Philip is shocked at his mother’s admission. Judith then picks up her wine glass and takes a sip of her wine. She then sets the glass down in front of her.
JUDITH: So, there, now you know the ugly truth.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Michael sits on the couch.
MICHAEL: Don’t you dare call my wife a liar, young lady.
LINDSAY: You know, it’s quite funny to me.
MICHAEL: What is?
LINDSAY: How blind you are to this woman. I can’t believe that you don’t see right through her. My god, this isn’t the dad I know and love. The dad that I grew up with had a person pegged long before they walked into a room.
THOMAS: She’s got a point there.
MICHAEL: Lindsay, I’m still the same dad.
LINDSAY: As far as I’m concerned, you have changed; and not for the better. Cynthia has turned you into this unrecognizable person. But, I have to give credit where credit is due. She knows how to play mind games very well. I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.
MICHAEL: (standing) Darling…, (going to her) I just want you to like her.
LINDSAY: It’ll be a cold day in hell before that happens.
Cynthia reenters the room. It is apparent she has been eavesdropping.
CYNTHIA: And, why is that, Lindsay?
LINDSAY: Because, I don’t trust you, Cynthia. And, I know what is right for my father. And, you, you are so not right for him.
CYNTHIA: (innocently) What does that mean for me?
LINDSAY: It means I’m comin’ for you.
MICHAEL: (trying to interrupt) Lindsay…
LINDSAY: Mark my words, Cynthia, you will not be his wife forever. I can guarantee you that. Do I make myself clear?
CYNTHIA: Lindsay, I love your father.
MICHAEL: And, I love the both of you.
LINDSAY: (talking over Michael/to Cynthia) You love him? Well, we will have to see about that. If I were you, I would hop on the next plane out of this town, before I run you out myself. (checking the clock) Look, I’ve had enough you for one day, Cynthia. I have a meeting to get to. Oh, and one more thing…
CYNTHIA: What’s that?
LINDSAY: Watch your back.
Lindsay walks out.
MICHAEL: Thomas, will you go after her? I think someone besides me needs to try and get through to her right now.
THOMAS: I’ll see what I can do.
MICHAEL: Thank you.
Thomas walks out of the room. Cynthia turns around and faces Michael.
CYNTHIA: Do you now see why I was so worried on our trip home? I knew that her hatred for me would boil over the moment we got back into town. I’m so scared of what she is going to do, Michael. She want me out of your life.
MICHAEL: That is not going to happen.
CYNTHIA: How can you still be so sure about that after what she just said to me?
MICHAEL: Because, I’m not going to let that happen. I said that on the plane. And, I’ll keep saying just that till you believe me.
CYNTHIA: It seems to me that she just wants to play a huge game with all of our lives. And, she will stop at nothing till she comes out on top in that game.
MICHAEL: Well, there’s one thing she doesn’t have that I do.
CYNTHIA: And, what’s that?
MICHAEL: An unbreakable bond. She’s never had that. My daughter doesn’t know that what we have cannot be broken.
CYNTHIA: Are you sure about that?
MICHAEL: Damn right I am.
Lindsay is standing over by the small table by the stairs. She is putting files into a large purse. Thomas walks up to her and leans on the stairs.
THOMAS: That was some scene you made in there.
LINDSAY: Yep. I know that.
THOMAS: I thought you said that you wanted everything to go as smooth as possible for now. What happened to that whole thing?
LINDSAY: I couldn’t take it anymore.
THOMAS: Couldn’t take what?
LINDSAY: Them acting like they’re the perfect couple.
THOMAS: I’ve got news for you sis, to them, they’re the perfect couple.
LINDSAY: Yeah, well, even perfect couples break away at some point.
THOMAS: Where you gonna go from here?
LINDSAY: What do you mean?
THOMAS: I mean, what’s your next move?
LINDSAY: There’s only one move I can make.
THOMAS: And, what’s that?
LINDSAY: I have to dig up some damn good dirt on Cynthia. I have to dig up something that I can hold over her head for a long time to come.
THOMAS: How do you plan on getting that dirt?
LINDSAY: I don’t know. But, I’ll figure something out.
THOMAS: You always do.
LINDSAY: You know why I’m so good at figuring something out?
THOMAS: How are you so good at that? Tell me.
LINDSAY: I inherited mom’s wise and smart mind.
THOMAS: I’ll agree with you there.
LINDSAY: I miss her so much.
THOMAS: I know you do. I do too.
LINDSAY: Before I leave, I have to thank you.
THOMAS: For what?
LINDSAY: For having my back.
THOMAS: I always will.
LINDSAY: You’re the best brother ever.
THOMAS: I know.
Lindsay lets out a little laugh and smiles.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Examination Room, Andrea collects her things and then walks over to the door.
ANDREA: I’ll leave you alone for a couple of minutes to collect yourself.
STUART: Andrea, wait…
ANDREA: What’s up?
STUART: I want to apologize.
ANDREA: For what?
STUART: For being an ass.
STUART: Please...let me apologize.
ANDREA: Fine. I guess it couldn’t hurt.
STUART: Look, you are a close friend of mine. And, I know that you are only trying to help me out and save my life in the process. When you were telling me about what this hypertension thing could do to me, I got scared. And, I lashed out at you. For that, I am terribly sorry. I hope you can accept my apology.
ANDREA: Of course I can accept your apology. And, I get why you are scared. This is a scary condition. But, I am not going to let this condition take you down. I will give you the best care possible. I just need you to trust me enough to do my job. Got it?
STUART: I got it.
Stuart and Andrea hug one another.
STUART: (coming off the hug) Thank you for everything you’ve done.
ANDREA: No problem. Well, I better get out of here. I do have other patients to attend to. After you’re done in here, stop by the front desk. They’ll tell you when your next appointment is. Okay?
ANDREA: Seya later.
Andrea exits the room. She shuts the door behind her.
STUART: This disease has met its match. I’m not going anywhere. A little high blood pressure isn’t going to take me down.
The camera zooms in on Stuart. A determined expression comes across his face.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 2***
***END OF EP. 2***
damn, Andrea is pushy and nosy as all hell! And Lindsay has no self control! She is beyond impulsive. She cant take down Cynthia if she is unable to hide her cards!