Created By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison

Both Judith and Philip are having a cup of tea.
PHILIP: What do you mean we’re broke?

JUDITH: Sorry, I shouldn’t have scared you like that. I should’ve said that we are going broke. We aren’t quite there yet.
PHILIP: Mom, both are scary.
JUDITH: Honey, I don’t want you to worry about this.
PHILIP: Too bad. I already am. How did this even start.
JUDITH: Now, that, well...that is quite the story.

Lindsay is sitting at a table. She is reading a fashion article on her tablet. Then, Mimi walks in the cafe and spots her. Mimi walks up to her.

MIMI: Hello.
Lindsay shuts off her tablet and looks up.

LINDSAY: Mimi, how are you?
MIMI: I’m good. Do you mind if I sit for a second?
LINDSAY: Of course. Go right ahead.
Mimi sits across from Lindsay.
MIMI: Thank you.
LINDSAY: By the way, you could’ve just sat down. You do own the place.
MIMI: Well, I do like the customers to act like it’s their place too.
LINDSAY: That’s sweet. Anyway, what’s up?
MIMI: Everything. My life is so crazy right now. In fact, that is why I wanted to sit down with you for a second. I’ve actually been meaning to call you.
MIMI: I need your help?
LINDSAY: My help? With what?
MIMI: Something very important.
Jennifer enters the bar. She walks up to the bar and sits on top of a stool. She puts her purse in the front of her. Then, a Bartender goes to her.
BARTENDER: What can I get you, miss?

JENNIFER: Dirty martini. Extra olives. Please and thank you.
The Bartender steps away to make Jennifer’s drink. Then, Andrea enters the bar. She walks up to Jennifer and sits down next to her.
ANDREA: Hey, Jenn.
JENNIFER: Hi. Thanks for coming.
ANDREA: Of course. I was happy too. I’ve had the shift from hell today. So, seeing you and having a very strong drink will make my day a whole lot better.
JENNIFER: I’m have a dirty martini.
ANDREA: Extra olives?
JENNIFER: You bet? Want one?
ANDREA: Damn right I do.
JENNIFER: Can you make that two martinis please?
The bartender nods his head.
ANDREA: So, why’d you call me to come here?
JENNIFER: Well, I need to talk to you about Joshua.
ANDREA: Okay. What about him?
JENNIFER: Well, I’m worried about him. Very worried.
Stuart is at the bar cart. He is pouring himself a glass of whiskey. Then, Amy enters the room. She goes to him and takes away his drink.
STUART: What do you think you’re doing?
AMY: Dad, you know you’re not supposed to be drinking?
STUART: Can’t I just have one little sip?
AMY: No.
Amy sets the glass down on the bar cart. The two then walk away from the bar cart.
STUART: Besides taking away my drink, what brings you by?
AMY: I just needed to have a little chat with you.
STUART: Okay. What’s up?
AMY: (sighs) I went to go put a down-payment on Mimi and I’s wedding cake. And, out of nowhere, this lady at the front desk said my credit card was declined. Can you even begin to imagine how embarrassed I was? And, all I could think to myself is, how can this be happening to me? So, tell me dad, why did that happen to me? What is going on with our finances?
Back at the Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Judith takes a sip of her coffee.
PHILIP: You know, I’ve got plenty of time for you tell me what happened to all of our money. And, I’m not going anywhere till you do tell me.
JUDITH: (sighs) It was a bad business move. Your father and I were planning to open some hotels in the Asian Pacific region. We were excited about the whole thing. This was supposed to be the beginning of a new era for the Whitmore name. In order to do that, we needed a lot of investors. Before your father and I knew it, investors were pulling out left and right, due to the local political climate. By this time, we had already sunk too much money into the project. In other words, my dear boy, we were left holding the bag.
PHILIP: So, this is what our family’s work was wasted on? Couldn’t you just have been happy with the other hotels this family owns all over the rest of the world?
JUDITH: I knew I shouldn’t have told you about this. I really did not want you worrying about something your father and I have under control.
PHILIP: That’s what you keep saying. Do you guys not understand that this whole thing impacts our entire family’s legacy?
JUDITH: Do you not think that I have been up night after night thinking about that? Look, your father and I will get our family’s fortune back. We already have plans in place to get this family back in the black.
PHILIP: Are those plan illegal?
JUDITH: I don’t want you worrying about that either.
PHILIP: Please, be careful.
JUDITH: We will be. Let us fix the mess we’ve created.
PHILIP: (to himself) Oh my god.
JUDITH: What? What’s wrong?
PHILIP: You and dad are paying for most of Amy and Mimi’s wedding. What’s going to happen there? What’s going to happen when Amy finds out about all of this?
JUDITH: Philip, your father and I will deal with that situation when the time rolls around. For now, I just want everybody to act like things are normal for this family.
PHILIP: (laughs) Mom, nothing will ever be normal for this family ever again.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Lindsay puts her tablet in her purse.
LINDSAY: So, you’ve come to me for help.
MIMI: You bet.
LINDSAY: Well, give me the details.
MIMI: Um…, do you remember when we made that pact in college?
LINDSAY: Ah, yes, the ‘BFF Pact’. We promised to be friends forever.
MIMI: Does that pact still exist by chance?
LINDSAY: Of course it does.
MIMI: Well, good, because I still don’t have a maid of honor for my wedding. And, I was hoping that you would want to fill the position.
LINDSAY: Are you kidding?
MIMI: No. So, what do you say?
LINDSAY: (excitedly) I say ‘yes’! Yes...a thousand times!
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Living Room, Stuart and Amy sit down on the couch. Amy crosses her legs and Stuart turns her way.
AMY: Dad, what’s going on?
STUART: Your mother and I were going to wait and tell you about our troubles after your wedding. But, I don’t think either of us planned on your credit card being declined.
AMY: So, we are having financial troubles?
AMY: Since when?
STUART: It all started about five months ago.
AMY: Oh god. Why did you tell me about this?
STUART: You have enough stress with the wedding.
AMY: Dad, you an mom are paying for most of this wedding. You didn’t think that I should’ve known about these troubles before I stepped into a bridal planners office?
STUART: I’m so sorry.
AMY: Are these financial issues the reason that you have been having these major heart problems these days?
AMY: (standing) Okay, that’s it.
STUART: Pardon?
AMY: I’m making an executive decision?
STUART: (standing) And, what decision is that?
AMY: From here on out, you and mom will no longer be paying for anything else concerning this wedding. You won’t even be paying for my bouquet.
STUART: No. We will drain every last dime we have into this wedding.
AMY: Dad, I’m asking you not to fight me on this.
STUART: Honey, don’t be absurd.
AMY: I’m not being absurd. I am being real here. Now, will you let this decision stick? Or, will you go against my wishes? So, what is it going to be?
STUART: (sighs) If you insist.
AMY: Thank you.
STUART: Now, come here.
Stuart and Amy hug one another.
STUART: I love you.
AMY: I love you too, dad. I love you too.
Back at Martin’s Bar, Jennifer eats one of her olives.
ANDREA: Why are you worried about Josh?
JENNIFER: I’m sure he told you about what the PI found.
ANDREA: He did. And, I’m so happy for you two. I truly believe that it is high time that you two got some sort of break in this case.
JENNIFER: I hear that. Anyway, I’m just worried about how he’ll react once the results come back from the lab at the hospital.
ANDREA: What do you mean?
JENNIFER: I...we...don’t know who the strand of hair belongs to. But, when we do find out, there is no telling how he will react. Will he be sad? Will he be angry? Will he go completely off the rails?
ANDREA: Let me ask you this, do you think that hair belongs to someone that you and Joshua know? Do you think someone you guys know cut your parents brake line?
JENNIFER: Andrea, Thorne Hill isn’t a huge city. It very well could be someone that we know. And, if it is, (sighs) I…
Then, Jennifer’s phone rings. She digs through her purse and retrieves it.
JENNIFER: Speaking of the case, this is our PI. Excuse me.
Jennifer walks off to answer the call. Andrea finishes off the rest of her martini. She then eats her olives. Then, she sets the glass back down on the table.
ANDREA: Hey! Can I get another, please?
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Mimi and Lindsay are both eating a muffin.
LINDSAY: I still can’t believe that you are getting married.
MIMI: Tell me about it. It still seems so crazy to me.
LINDSAY: Well, I’m very happy for you.
MIMI: Ah, thanks so much.
LINDSAY: Are your parents still upset about this?
MIMI: They are. But, Amy and I agreed that we’re not going to worry about my parents. We’re just going to do this wedding, no matter what. It’s a celebration of our love. It’s not a get-an-approval-by-your-parents kind of wedding.
LINDSAY: Good for you. You have to stand up for your relationship.
MIMI: True that. Anyway, tell me about your love life these days. Is there anyone special that you are crushing on lately?
LINDSAY: Thank you.
MIMI: For what?
LINDSAY: (laughs) Making me feel like a teenager again.
MIMI: My pleasure. But, in all seriousness…, is there someone?
LINDSAY: No...not really. And, I don’t think there ever will be anyone special. Plus, you know me, I am more of a career type woman.
MIMI: What if we changed that?
LINDSAY: How would we go about doing that?
MIMI: Let’s sign you up for a dating site.
LINDSAY: Are you for real?
MIMI: You better believe I am.
LINDSAY: You know what? Let’s do it.
MIMI: (kind of shocked) Wait. Really?
LINDSAY: Yes! Let’s put me back on the dating scene!
MIMI: This is going to be so much fun. I already know it.
LINDSAY: Yeah, I bet it will be. Can’t wait to see what type of guy clicks on my profile. This will definitely be interesting.
Back at the Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Philip signs the check and closes the booklet. He then puts the booklet on the edge of the table.
JUDITH: Honey, I really with that you would try and be a little optimistic about this situation. We can make things work. Our family has always been able to make things work.
PHILIP: Mom, I can’t be optimistic about our family losing everything we have worked so hard for. It is unfair for you to even ask me to be optimist about this.
JUDITH: Money doesn’t buy happiness.
PHILIP: That’s bull and you know it.
JUDITH: We can be happy.
PHILIP: Really? Can you be happy without your trips to Rome? Can you be happy without purchasing the newest designer handbag? Mom, money really can buy happiness. And, if you don’t believe that, then you are lying to yourself.
JUDITH: Philip, have I ever told you the story of what my life was like long before I even met your father? Long before I was a Whitmore?
PHILIP: You briefly filled me in at one point.
JUDITH: Well, allow me to fill you in a little more.
PHILIP: Go right ahead.
JUDITH: I was your father’s personal assistant. That’s all I was in this world. I came from a broke family. The only thing special about us was that we had two trailers that we owned in our
trailer court. In fact, we were considered the rich people of our neighbourhood. It was so uncommon to own two dumpster trailers on the outskirts of town. Now, let me tell you who my parents were.
PHILIP: Shayla and Bob McClain.
JUDITH: That’s right. Your grandmother and grandfather. My mother was a stripper. Do you know how hard that was? To grow up with that burden? Children teased me. They teased me like I was lower than they were. But, hey, my mother had four mouths to feed. Stripping was the only way she could make enough cash.
PHILIP: What about granddad?
JUDITH: Mechanic. I didn’t get teased as much when it came to my father. A mechanic was your average job. How can you tease someone for that?
PHILIP: Mom, you never talk about what happened to them. Are they still alive?
JUDITH: My mother contracted HIV about three years ago. Every month, I make sure she is okay. Anyway, my father died of a heart attack. He smoked too much and drank enormous amounts of whiskey.
PHILIP: I’m sorry, mom.
JUDITH: It’s okay, baby. I just don’t ever want to go back to that point in my life. I just want you to understand that.
PHILIP: I understand.
JUDITH: Oh, honey, I hope that you do.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Mimi and Lindsay are at the front counter. Mimi is putting brownies into the display case. Lindsay is leaning up against the counter. She is on her phone.
LINDSAY: Okay. This is not working.
MIMI: What do you mean?
LINDSAY: I’ve said ‘no’ to 19 guys already.
MIMI: Talk about setting your standards high.
LINDSAY: I think it is a good thing to have the bar set high sometimes. Especially in this day and age when anyone’s profile could be fake.
MIMI: Lindsay, I thought you were just looking for a quick date. I didn’t know you were looking for your potential soulmate.
LINDSAY: Of course. Who isn’t looking for their soulmate? I would love to have what you have with Amy. Something I could hang onto for life. I just want someone that will make me happy, you know?
MIMI: But, if you remember correctly, it took me a very long time to find someone that special. It is not easy finding the love of your life.
Then, Lindsay swipes right on her phone.
LINDSAY: Oh my gosh.
MIMI: What?
LINDSAY: I think I found the perfect guy.
Mimi comes out from behind the front counter. She then goes up to Lindsay and looks down at Lindsay’s phone with her.
MIMI: Oh, he’s cute.
LINDSAY: You can say that again.
MIMI: Do you think you wanna meet this Carter Morrison guy?
LINDSAY: Sure. Why not?
Lindsay taps the YES button on the dating app.
LINDSAY: Okay. Now what?
MIMI: Now, we wait.
LINDSAY: Is there a way to speed up the waiting game?
MIMI: Sure.
MIMI: Send him a message.
LINDSAY: What do I say?
MIMI: (laughs) Whatever you want.
Lindsay smiles and bites her bottom lip.
LINDSAY: Message time...here we come.
Lindsay begins typing out a message on the app.
Back at the Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Philip takes a sip of his coffee.
JUDITH: Thank you for this long lunch, son.
PHILIP: My pleasure, mom.
JUDITH: This was fun.
PHILIP: Besides the news you broke, yeah, it was fun.
JUDITH: We’ll get through this, Philip.Our family is still powerful. Our family is still sticking together. Money troubles will not be the end of the Whitmore name.
PHILIP: I hope that you are right about that.
Philip and Judith stand from the table.
JUDITH: I know that I am, dear.
PHILIP: Um…, do you want me to give you a ride home?
JUDITH: No, that’s quite alright. I’ll call for a car. Plus, I think I am going to make a stop on the way home at my favorite bakery. They aren’t quite closed yet.
PHILIP: Alright. Goodnight, mother.
JUDITH: Goodnight, darling.
PHILIP: God, I hope mother was right about our family getting through this whole mess. We can’t lose everything we’ve worked so hard for. I will not stand for that.
Back at Martin’s Bar, Jennifer is standing in a corner. She is still on the phone.
JUDITH: Hey, Frank. Did you find out who that strand of hair belongs to? Well, who does it belong to? Who killed my parents? Wait? What did you say to me? Oh my god. Are you sure? It just can’t be.
The camera zooms in on Jennifer’s face. She is trying to process what has just been revealed to her. She then hangs up the phone. She walks back over to the bar. She sits on the bar stool.
ANDREA: So, what did the PI say?
JENNIFER: I can’t believe what he just said to me.
ANDREA: Jennifer, what’d he say?
JENNIFER: He said that strand of hair belongs to Philip.
ANDREA: What?! I can’t believe that for a second. Do you really think the powerful Philip Whitmore...your boyfriend...murdered your parents? What could possibly have been his motive for doing that?
JENNIFER: I don’t know. But, you best believe I’m gonna find out.
ANDREA: Are you sure you don’t want to take a breather first?
JENNIFER: What do you mean?
ANDREA: I think that you should just calm down first. Maybe you should just step back and take a look at the big picture.
JENNIFER: What do you mean by ‘big picture’?
ANDREA: The love of your life possibly murdered your parents. You are gonna have to go after him hard to discover the truth. Are you prepared to do that?
JENNIFER: I’ll do what I have to do.
ANDREA: Jennifer, you need to be absolutely certain before you make your next decision when it comes to this whole thing.
JENNIFER: I guess you’re right.
ANDREA: You’re like a sister to me. I’m just trying to look out for your best interest here. I don’t want to see you hurt again.
JENNIFER: I know. I just have to find out the truth as soon as I can. If I sit on the information that I now know for too long, then this whole investigation could be compromised. I just wanna know the damn truth! Is that too much to ask?!
Jennifer takes a sip of her martini. The camera zooms in on her face. She is obviously determined, but afraid of what the future holds.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 3***
***END OF EP. 3***
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