Created By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Casey Hutchison

Stuart is standing behind his desk. Michael is right across from him. The two men shake hands. The camera pans out from their handshake. Once they are done shaking hands, they both sit down.
STUART: Thank you for coming.

MICHAEL: Anything for an old friend.
STUART: Well, I appreciate that.
MICHAEL: So, the message my assistant gave me said that you needed my help. What in the world do you need my help with?
STUART: My family is in danger.
MICHAEL: What kind of danger?
STUART: We’re on the brink of financial ruin.
MICHAEL: Okay. Um...how did this all start?
Then, Judith abruptly enters the room.

JUDITH: Don’t you dare finish that story!
Michael turns around in his chair. Stuart stands.
JUDITH: Don’t you say another word.
Lindsay is sitting behind the desk. She is filling out some paperwork. Then, the office phone on the desk makes a buzzing noise.
SHIRLEY: (over intercom) Ms. Anderson, your new stepmother is here to see you. Would you like me to send her in?

LINDSAY: (pushing a button) Sure...send her in. (sarcastically/to herself) Cannot wait to see her. I’m sure she’ll brighten my morning.
As Lindsay takes her finger off the button, Cynthia enters. She closes the door behind her and goes up to Lindsay. Lindsay stands.
LINDSAY: Cynthia, what brings you by?

CYNTHIA: We need to talk.
LINDSAY: What do we need to talk about?
CYNTHIA: I think it is time we called a truce.
Lindsay lets out a laugh.
Jennifer is pacing around the living room. She is also having a cup of coffee. Then, she walks up to the fireplace mantle and stares at the photo of her parents. She then becomes deep in thought. The camera zooms in on her.
JENNIFER: He said that strand of hair belongs to Philip.
ANDREA: What?! I can’t believe that for a second. Do you really think the powerful Philip Whitmore...your boyfriend...murdered your parents? What could possibly have been his motive for doing that?
JENNIFER: I don’t know. But, you best believe I’m gonna find out.
As Jennifer comes out of her thoughts, Joshua enters the room. He is adjusting his tie. He then goes up to Jennifer. She turns around.
JOSHUA: You still looking at that picture?

JENNIFER: I can’t seem to take my eyes off of it.
JOSHUA: Anyway, did our PI ever call you back?
JENNIFER: Yes, he did.
JOSHUA: Oh really? When?
JENNIFER: He called me last night. I was at Martin’s with Andrea. We were having drinks and he called me to tell me that the DNA lab got a match.
JOSHUA: That’s awesome!
JENNIFER: Yeah...I guess it is.
JOSHUA: You don’t seem too happy about this.
JENNIFER: That’s because I’m not.
JOSHUA: Why is that? What’s your reason?
JENNIFER: Because, I’m just so shocked about who the strand of hair belongs to. I really cannot get over the whole thing.
JOSHUA: Well, don’t keep me in suspense. Who does it belong to?

Amy comes out of the bathroom. As she steps into the living room, there’s a knock at the door. She goes to the door. Upon opening it, Philip barges in.
AMY: Good morning to you too.
Amy shuts the door and turns around.
PHILIP: Sorry to barge in on you like this.
AMY: It’s fine. You’re my brother. You can barge in at any time. Anyway, what brings you by this early in the morning?
PHILIP: You’ll never believe what’s happening to our family right now.
AMY: I know, Philip. I know everything about the financial situation. And, I can’t believe it either. What’s going to happen to us?
PHILIP: Well, you may not have to worry about that much longer.
AMY: Wait...why do you say that?
PHILIP: Well, I had a peak at dad’s calendar last night. And, at this very moment, dad is meeting with Michael Anderson. According to dad’s notes, he’s hoping that Michael will bail our family out.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in Stuart’s Study, Michael and Stuart are both standing now. Stuart steps out from behind his desk. The two walk over to Judith.
MICHAEL: Judith, lovely to see you as always.
JUDITH: Yeah. Sure.
STUART: Honey, do you have a good reason as to why you have interrupted my meeting with Michael? I would love to hear it.
JUDITH: I think you know my reason. Michael, I don’t mean to be rude, but would you mind waiting out in the hall for just a minute?
MICHAEL: Not at all.
JUDITH: Thank you.
Michael steps out. He shuts the door behind him.
STUART: What the hell do you think you’re doing?
JUDITH: Do you really think I would let you take one dime from that man?
Back at Anderson Manufacturing, in the CEO Office, Lindsay is over by a small table. She is pouring herself a cup of tea. She then turns around.
LINDSAY: I would off you something. But, I only offer refreshments to company that I enjoy having around me.
CYNTHIA: I didn’t want anything anyway.
LINDSAY: (sighs) So, you want to call a truce?
CYNTHIA: Yes. I believe that it is high time you stop acting like a child.
LINDSAY: Oh dear Lord help me.
CYNTHIA: What is it, Lindsay?
Lindsay puts down her tea cup.
LINDSAY: You don’t expect us to act like mother and daughter do you? Because, if you do, then I think you are absolutely delusional. Have you been drinking?
CYNTHIA: No, I have not been drinking. I just want us to start being civil to one another. I think as two adult women, we can do that.
LINDSAY: Why start now?
CYNTHIA: Because, your father wants us to try and forge a relationship.
LINDSAY: Okay. I see. So, you came over here to impress my dad. Very clever of you. I would’ve never thought about doing that. You are so very smart.
CYNTHIA: I didn’t come here for your father. I came here with him on my mind. But, in truth, I just came here for me.
LINDSAY: (laughs) Brava! (clap, clap, clap) That’s the first time you’ve been truthful. I know you, Cynthia. I do. And, tonight, as you lay in bed with my father, you are going to talk about one thing. That one thing is going to be forgiveness. While on the subject, you’ll bring up our little chat here today. You’ll boast about the strides you made with me. Then, my dad will make sweet and tender love to you, all because you patched things up with his princess.
CYNTHIA: Lindsay...I…
LINDSAY: Don’t you Lindsay me, bitch. You listen here. And, you listen good. I don’t care how many days you want to come in my office and deliver that same speech. I don’t care. And, neither should you. Because, here is the cold truth. I want you gone. Things between us will never change. Am I making myself clear?
CYNTHIA: Crystal.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Living Room, Jennifer sets her coffee mug down. She then goes over to Joshua and begins fixing his tie.
JENNIFER: You never could get these things right.
JOSHUA: I know. Tell me about it.
JENNIFER: By the way, where is Andrea this morning? I thought that you two were going to ride into work together.
JOSHUA: She got paged at four this morning.
JENNIFER: We didn’t get home till one.
JOSHUA: Yeah. She was upset.
JOSHUA: Anyway, enough about her for now. I want you to finally tell me what our PI told you. Who does this strand of hair belong to?
JENNIFER: This isn’t easy for me to reveal to you.
JOSHUA: You know, I was afraid of this.
JENNIFER: Afraid of what?
JOSHUA: Is it someone we know?
JENNIFER: Yes...yes it is.
JOSHUA: Who is it?
JOSHUA: Whitmore? As in your boyfriend?
JOSHUA: Are you serious?
JENNIFER: I wish this wasn’t true. But, it is. That strand of hair belongs to Philip. God knows why it was there. That is a whole other mystery on its lonesome. I just feel so hurt and betrayed. I have so many questions. I don’t even know where to begin.
JOSHUA: I think I have an idea of where you should start.
JENNIFER: Okay. Where should I begin?
JOSHUA: Go to him.
JENNIFER: Are you crazy? I don’t think I could handle that right now.
JOSHUA: Jenn, you need to see him right away.
JOSHUA: Because, we need answers. Hell, we deserve some damn answers. Plus, if you don’t go, I will. And, I promise you this, that if I go to Philip right now, I will bash his face in. So, what will it be? Are you going? Or am I?
JENNIFER: Fine. I’ll go.
Back at Amy and Mimi’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Philip and Amy sit across from one another on the couch.
AMY: I can’t believe dad would meet with him.
PHILIP: Same here.
AMY: Doesn’t he know what will happen if he takes money from Michael?
PHILIP: Apparently not.
AMY: Michael will act as though he is on our father’s side. Then, next thing you know, our dad get the rug pulled out from under him.
PHILIP: Ten bucks says that after Michael writes dad a check, our family’s money troubles get leaked to The Thorne Hill Gazette. Our secret will not only be in print, bull all over the internet.
AMY: I’ll take that action. If I only had the money.
PHILIP: That’s not funny.
Amy lets out a laugh.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in Stuart’s Study, Stuart gets closer to Judith. He and Judith are no away from the door and by the desk.
STUART: You are being ridiculous. Michael is going to do us a favor by loaning us money. He is going to help us out.
JUDITH: I find it hilarious that you consider him a friend of the family.
STUART: Are you still holding that grudge?
JUDITH: Stuart, he tried to sabotage the opening of our first hotel. He tried to make investors pull out of our business when it was still in its beginning stages. Of course I still hold a grudge against him.
STUART: That was a lifetime ago.
JUDITH: Yeah...well...grudges are meant to be held for a very long time.
STUART: Judith, I am the man of this family. Men are supposed to save their family from tragedy. Do you really want to become penniless? This family could not handle something like that. Come on. Let me close this deal. Let me save this family.
JUDITH: (sighs) Are you sure you want to do this?
STUART: I am sure about this.
JUDITH: Then, by all means, do what you must.
Judith goes to the door and opens it.
JUDITH: Michael…
Michael reenters the room.
JUDITH: Have fun, boys.
Judith exits. She shuts the door. Then, Michael hands Stuart a check. Stuart takes the check and is shocked by the amount.
STUART: Wow. This is generous of you.
MICHAEL: I had a lot of time to think about the number in the hallway.
STUART: Sorry about Judith’s interruption by the way.
MICHAEL: Don’t be. I understand why she had to speak with you.
STUART: Thanks for being so understanding.
MICHAEL: No problem.
STUART: And, thank you for the check.
MICHAEL: Oh, you don’t have to thank me. That’s what friends are for.
STUART: I’m gonna pay you back every last cent of this money.
MICHAEL: Don’t worry about it, Stuart.
STUART: Michael…
MICHAEL: I said...don’t worry about it.
Back at Amy and Mimi’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Amy and Philip are standing by the door. Philip is on his phone. A couple seconds later, he hangs up.
AMY: Was that message important?
PHILIP: It was just Jennifer. She wants me to stop by her house.
AMY: Oh...that seems important. Everything okay between you two?
PHILIP: Yeah. Everything’s fine.
AMY: Good. That makes me really happy to hear.
Philip opens the door and steps out in the hall.
AMY: I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.
PHILIP: Sounds good to me. Love you, sis.
AMY: Love you too.
Philip and Amy hug one another.
Cynthia walks up to the elevator. She presses the DOWN button. The button glows a bright gold. She then becomes deep in thought.
Cynthia is a child in this flashback...about six years old. She is running through a home. A man is searching for her.
MAN: Cynthia! Get your ass over here, little girl! You made a mess! And, you have to pay when you make messes! Time for a beating!
Cynthia is a little shaken as she comes out of her thoughts. As the elevator doors open, she lets out a sigh. She gets on the elevator. The doors close.
CYNTHIA: I will not be held down like that again. I will not take abuse from anyone. It is time I get my revenge. Tonight, I will suggest to Michael that he overthrow Lindsay as CEO. I will take that position. It is time I get my way.
Cynthia smiles.

Judith has just finished a phone call. As she hangs up her phone, Michael taps her shoulder. Judith turns around.
JUDITH: Hello, Michael.
JUDITH: I assume your business here today is finished?
MICHAEL: Yes, it is. Who was that on the phone?
JUDITH: If you must know, it was Tracy Hofstetter.
MICHAEL: The owner of the newspaper?
JUDITH: Yes. I was calling her to make sure she wasn’t going to take any future quotes from you about this family.
MICHAEL: Do you really believe I would do something like that? Do you really think that I would blab your secrets to Tracy?
JUDITH: You tell me. Would you do something like that to my family, Michael? Would you hand over Whitmore family secrets at the drop of a hat?
MICHAEL: Judith, your family’s secret is safe with me. It will not come out. Not from me anyway. I promise you that.
JUDITH: The last time you made a promise to me, you broke it. Or, did you forget about that whole promise you made to me years ago?
MICHAEL: I thought we were never going to talk about that again.
JUDITH: We had an affair. You promised me that you would leave your wife. I promise you I would leave Stuart. We were going to run away together.
MICHAEL: My wife got sick.
JUDITH: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, then you sweet Susan passed away. You make promises and then you break them. So, forgive me for not trusting you.
MICHAEL: I won’t break this promise.
JUDITH: You better not. Because, if you do, I will reveal to your children that their daddy had a one year affair behind sick mommy’s back.
MICHAEL: What about Stuart and your children?
JUDITH: Us Whitmores are strong.
Judith begins to walk away. But, she turns around.
JUDITH: Oh, and by the way, you can show yourself out.
Judith walks off. The camera zooms in on Michael.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Living Room, Jennifer is still standing by the desk. Then, she hears the door open and shut.
PHILIP: (off screen) Jennifer?
JENNIFER: In here!
Philip enters the room. He goes to Jennifer. Philip moves in to kiss Jennifer. But, Jennifer ends up turning away before the kiss comes.
PHILIP: What’s wrong?
JENNIFER: We need to talk.
PHILIP: What about?
JENNIFER: I need to ask you a question. And, I need you to be 100 percent honest with me. I’m actually begging you to be honest with me.
PHILIP: Jennifer…, what’s going on?
JENNIFER: I don’t know how to ask you this.
PHILIP: You can just come out and say what you need to say.
JENNIFER: Okay. Fine. Did you murder my mother and father?
PHILIP: What? How the hell could you ask me something like that?
JENNIFER: I wouldn’t ask you something like this unless I had some form of evidence. And, I do. I have evidence that puts you at the top of the suspect list.
PHILIP: Do you now?
JENNIFER: Yes, I do. So, you might as well start answering my questions right now. So, once again, I will ask you, did you murder my parents?
The camera zooms back and forth on the both of them. It then stays on Jennifer and zooms on her. She is determined to get answers.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 4***
***END OF EP. 4***
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