Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 17th, 2019 (Monday)
The party has officially begun! Guests have started to arrive to enjoy the music, food, cocktails, and of course celebrate the love between Jennifer and Philip. Jennifer and Philip are standing by the doors to the ballroom and greeting guests.

JENNIFER: Thank you for coming, Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan.
MRS. KAPLAN: We wouldn’t miss it for the world, dear.
MR. KAPLAN: Congratulations, you two. I wish you a lifetime of happiness.
PHILIP: Thank you.
As Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan walk off, Amy and Mimi enter the ballroom.

AMY: Look at you two!

MIMI: You guys look amazing!
JENNIFER: Thank you. So do you two.
PHILIP: Thanks for coming, sis.
AMY: I wouldn’t miss this for the world.
MIMI: Same here.
JENNIFER: Well, please, go and enjoy all the festivities. We’ll catch up with you two as the night goes on. We love you, guys.
MIMI: We love you too.
Amy and Mimi head off. As they are about to head to the bar, however, they spot Veronica who is enjoying a martini, as she sits on a bar stool.
AMY: Are you gonna be okay?
MIMI: Yeah. Like you said earlier tonight, tonight’s not about her.
AMY: Amen to that.
Mimi and Amy smile and walk off. Back at the doors, Quentin is about to enter the ballroom, when he gets a text from Kimberly. Quentin, upon hearing his phone ding, retrieves his cell phone from the breast pocket of his suit jacket. He reads the text.
Have fun @ the party tonight. I kinda wish I could b
there with you. My brother would explode if I was LOL.
Quentin smiles and puts his phone back into the breast pocket of his suit jacket. He then walks fully into the ballroom and greets Jennifer and Philip.
PHILIP: Hey, uncle Quent!
QUENTIN: Hey, bud. Congratulations.
PHILIP: Thank you.
QUENTIN: You really got lucky with this one.
JENNIFER: I like to think he got lucky too.
PHILIP: I definitely did.
QUENTIN: You two kids have your whole life ahead of you.
Philip kisses Jennifer on the forehead.
PHILIP: I think we do too.
QUENTIN: Well, I’m gonna go grab a drink. But, before I do, I want you both to know that I have a little surprise for you after the party.
JENNIFER: You didn’t have to get us anything.
QUENTIN: Nonsense.
Quentin smiles and walks off.
JENNIFER: What do you think he got us?
PHILIP: When it comes to Uncle Quent, you never know.
As Philip says this, Ava enters the ballroom.

AVA: I heard that last part. That’s so very true.
Ava hugs Philip and then hugs Jennifer.
AVA: Gosh, I’m so happy for the two of you. Thanks for inviting me tonight, so I could be apart of this amazing celebration of love and happiness.
JENNIFER: Ava, we love you. Thank you for always nurturing our love so that it can grow and grow. We appreciate that you care so much.
AVA: My pleasure, darling.
PHILIP: Hey, have you seen mom and dad?
AVA: I got here a little bit before they did. Your dad was actually going to pick up your mom for this little party tonight. He insisted.
PHILIP: Really?
AVA: Yes. I think something may be brewing between them again.
JENNIFER: Well, tonight is a night of love. Anything’s possible.
AVA: Certainly is. I’ll let you two finish greeting your guests.
PHILIP: Thanks, Aunt Ava.
Ava nods politely and walks off. Meanwhile, before they enter the ballroom, Stuart and Judith are linked arm and arm. They unlink, however, upon Stuart’s phone buzzing. Stuart retrieves his phone from his breast pocket and is revealed to have gotten a text from Vargas.
Tick Tock. Tick Tock. You only have till midnight.
If you can’t deliver, u know what happens.
JUDITH: Is that bastard still taunting us?
STUART: Yes. Let’s not try (putting phone away) to worry too much about it. I’m confident that the money will get to him in time.
JUDITH: God, I hope you’re right.
Judith and Stuart link arms again and enter the ballroom.
PHILIP: Well, well, well, are the rumors true?
JUDITH: What rumors are you referring to, darling?
PHILIP: Are you two back together?
STUART: (laughs) No. I just wanted to accompany your mom to such a special evening of our family gathering. I hope that’s okay.
JENNIFER: It certainly is. We’re happy that you two are presenting such a united front here tonight. It means a lot to us.
JUDITH: Good, we’re glad.
PHILIP: Are you sure you two will be okay?
STUART: We’re fine. Plus, tonight’s not about us.
JUDITH: Your father’s right. We’re here to celebrate the two of you.
JENNIFER: Thank you for that, Judith. And, Philip and I are so happy that everyone could come together tonight. This night is going to be amazing.
Philip pulls Jennifer in close.
PHILIP: Yes, yes it will be a night to remember.
Philip and Jennifer smile at one another.
Michael and Kimberly are standing in the foyer. They’re talking to one another, just as Cynthia and Lindsay enter the room. Cynthia and Lindsay walk over to them.
LINDSAY: I heard the doorbell ring. Is Thomas here?

MICHAEL: That was just a delivery man dropping off some contracts from the company. My lovely sister never takes a break from her job.
KIMBERLY: Hey, you hired me to be the CEO of your company, brother. I take this new position to heart. So, I told a delivery man that I would be here tonight, and that I wanted him to bring over some contracts for me to look over instead of leaving them on my desk all night.
LINDSAY: Learn to take a break, Aunt Kim.
KIMBERLY: I will when I’m dead.

CYNTHIA: I hear ‘ya there.
LINDSAY: We all can’t be so lucky...to rest that is.
As Cynthia side eyes Lindsay, there’s a knock at the door.
MICHAEL: That could be my son.
Michael smiles and walks to the door.
MICHAEL: (opening the door) It’s about time you got here!

THOMAS: Hi, dad!
Thomas and Michael immediately embrace.
MICHAEL: Welcome home, son.
THOMAS: Thanks, dad.
MICHAEL: (coming off of hug) Come on in…, please.
Thomas enters the home. Before Michael can shut the door, a woman stops the door from closing. She begins to enter the home.
WOMAN: Sorry. Wait for me.
MICHAEL: Can we help you, miss?
THOMAS: Dad, she’s with me.
MICHAEL: Oh. And, who is this?
THOMAS: My wife. Melissa Hudson.
LINDSAY: Did you just say the ‘w’ word?
THOMAS: You bet I did.
Thomas smiles over at Melissa.

MELISSA: (entering fully) It’s nice to meet all of you.
KIMBERLY: You too, Melissa.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in the Ballroom, the party continues to be in full swing. People are dancing, drinking, and laughing it up. Joshua and Andrea are sitting at a table. Andrea is drinking a sparkling water.

JOSHUA: Can I get you anything, honey?

ANDREA: No...I’m good. Thanks.
JOSHUA: You wanna dance or something?
ANDREA: No...I’m good.
JOSHUA: (laughs) Okay then.
ANDREA: I’m sorry that I’m not in the party mood. When someone gets this late in their pregnancy, it’s normal to be tired. And...hungry.
JOSHUA: I understand. Well, I better head to the stage and get ready to make my speech for Jennifer and Philip. I’ve got something good written up.
ANDREA: I bet you do. I love you, baby.
JOSHUA: Love you too.
Joshua gives Andrea a kiss and walks off.
The camera pans over…
Judith and Stuart are standing over by the bar. Stuart is scrolling through some information on his cell phone. Judith takes a sip of her martini.
JUDITH: Any updates yet?
STUART: Vargas has exactly nine million, three-hundred-thirty-three dollars, and sixty-two cents in his bank account right now.
JUDITH: We’re almost there.
STUART: I know. But, we only have three and a half hours left on our deadline. And, I don’t think Vargas will care about our secrets if we are so much as a dollar short.
JUDITH: I agree. Let’s just put the phone away for now and let the night carry on as if nothing is happening right now. Okay? It’s the best thing we can do in this moment.
STUART: You’re right.
Stuart shuts off his phone and puts it on the bar counter. He takes a deep breath and then takes a drink of his whiskey. He sets the glass back down on the bar counter.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Foyer, Michael pops a champagne cork. He begins to pour champagne in glasses on a table. He then hands the glasses out.
MICHAEL: A toast.
Everyone raises their glasses.
MICHAEL: To my son. I’m so proud of you for running your own company and turning it into a success. When you were a little boy, I constantly dreamt of the moment where you would be conquering the world. You’ve done just that. And, though I was shocked by your surprise, I wish you and Melissa a lifetime of happiness. Congratulations. To Thomas...and Melissa.
LINDSAY: I’ll drink to that.
Everyone laughs and takes a sip of their champagne.
CYNTHIA: Okay, so, I need to hear the story of how you two met.
MELISSA: (laughs) It’s a good one.
THOMAS: It truly is. When I was in California, I found myself completely out of my mind when it came to the stress of this deal with the Channings. I couldn’t believe the string of meetings I had everyday and all the paperwork I had to fill out. So, I went on this app and quickly found a personal assistant.
MELISSA: As you can tell, we hit it off romantically quicker than he found me on this app. We got married within a month of knowing one another.
LINDSAY: A month? Seriously?
LINDSAY: Did Thomas tell you that by the time he left this town, he was romantically fragile? I mean, his cop girlfriend did try to kill him to get away with her drug cartel crimes.
MELISSA: I know everything…, Lindsay. But, I like to think that I healed your brother.
THOMAS: You certainly did, my dear. You certainly did.
Thomas leans over and kisses Melissa.
CYNTHIA: Well, I am thrilled for you two.
LINDSAY: (whispers) Sure you are.
THOMAS: Thank you…, Cynthia.
CYNTHIA: Of course. Well, I better go get another bottle of champagne.
MICHAEL: And, I should check with the chef and see how our dinner is coming along. I had the chef make all of your favorites, son.
THOMAS: Thank you, dad.
As Michael and Cynthia walk off, Thomas and Lindsay stare at one another from across the room. Hiding her true opinions, Lindsay takes a sip of her champagne.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in the Ballroom, everyone turns their attention to Joshua, as he steps onto the stage and angles up the microphone to his mouth.
JOSHUA: Hello, everyone! Are we all having some fun?!
Everyone claps and responds to Joshua.
JOSHUA: Good! I’m glad we are! You know, tonight has been absolutely amazing so far. And, it’s only the beginning. There’s so much more fun times ahead of us tonight and so much more fun times ahead for my sister and her future husband. Jennifer and Philip are an amazing couple. They let their love shine through every single day. That’s what makes them amazing. You can always see the love. My sister came to me a few days ago and asked me to help her with something. She asked me to help her pick a song for she and Philip to dance to tonight. Thank God she didn’t ask me for anything more than that. I’m terrible at wedding stuff.
Everyone laughs.
JOSHUA: (laughs) No...it’s true. Anyway, enough about me. This is about my sister and Philip. It’s their time. It’s their time for everyone to see how much they love one another. So, without-further-ado, please give a warm welcome to my sister and her soon-to-be husband.
Everyone begins to clap. Jennifer and Philip smile at one another, join hands, and walk to the center of the dance floor. Jennifer and Philip begin to dance, as the band begins to play a romantic, orchestrated piece of music.
Then, the camera zooms out from them dancing.
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