Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
Cynthia enters the establishment, lets out a sigh, and goes to the bar portion. She sits her purse down on the counter and takes a seat on one of the bar chairs. The Bartender comes up to her.
ANNOUNCER: The role of Cynthia Martin-Anderson is now being play by Alicia Silverstone.
CYNTHIA: White wine spritzer, please.
The Bartender nods and begins making Cynthia’s drink. Cynthia turns in her stool. As she turns back, her eyes look over at the door and she sees Michael entering. The two stare at one another, nervously.

Lindsay is standing over by her coffee table. She is pouring two glasses of red wine. As she finishes pouring wine into the second glass, there’s a knock at the door. Lindsay sets down the bottle, walks to the door, and opens it.
LINDSAY: I was wondering when you’d get here.
CARTER: There was a car accident downtown. Sorry I’m late.
LINDSAY: No worries. Come on in.
Lindsay moves aside and Carter enters. Lindsay then shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to Carter, who is standing by the coffee table.
CARTER: I was shocked to get a text from you.
LINDSAY: I can only imagine.
CARTER: Why did you call me over here exactly?
Lindsay picks up the two glasses of wine. She hands one to Carter.
LINDSAY: Well, I thought we could have a drink and talk about what’s gone down the past few weeks. We certainly have a lot to discuss.
Judith and Ava walk into the hotel room. Ava shuts the door behind them. The two women sit their purses down on the desk.

AVA: (sighs) Thank you for bringing me home.
JUDITH: Of course. I wanted to make sure you were doing okay.
AVA: I’m doing as well as I can. I just can’t wait till that security guy gets here.
JUDITH: When he does, I know that everything will be a whole lot better.
AVA: God, I hope you’re right.

Keith is laying down in his bed and drinking a beer. The laptop is sitting next to him. He is watching the live camera feed in Ava’s room.
KEITH: Oh, so you’ve got a security guy coming to protect you? Well, I’ll have to see what I can do about that. You won’t be protected for long.

Amy and Quentin take a seat at a corner booth.
AMY: Uncle Quent, I’m so glad you’re back in town. I haven’t seen you in years! It’s so nice to see that you’re doing well. And, thank you for all that jewelry you’ve sent me through the years.
QUENTIN: (chuckles) It helps when your uncle is a jewelry designer. And, I’m glad to see you too. I’m sorry that I haven’t been around.
AMY: Why is that?
QUENTIN: Oh, honey, my career just took off. I put my work down as my top priority instead of what matters. But, no more of that. I am moving onto a new chapter in my life.
AMY: Can I ask you something else? Something a little more personal?
QUENTIN: Go for it.
AMY: Will your new chapter include my dad in it?

Jennifer, Philip, Joshua, Andrea, and Veronica are in the room. Joshua and Andrea are sitting down. Veronica is sitting down as well. Jennifer is pacing. Philip enters the room, just as he hangs up his phone.
JENNIFER: (stops pacing) So, have you heard anything yet?

PHILIP: There was a slight delay in the money getting into Vargas’ account considering the dollar amount. But, I just heard from my accountant and the money has made it there.
JENNIFER: Why do you think that we haven’t heard anything?
JOSHUA: (standing) I knew it. I knew that this Vargas guy would play us.
PHILIP: He isn’t playing us, Joshua.
JOSHUA: Then, why hasn’t he called yet?
VERONICA: (standing) I’m with Joshua on this. This Vargas guy claimed to have some sort of game changing information. You gave him what he wanted. If he really had the info he claimed to have, he would’ve called by now.

ANDREA: (standing) Everyone, just calm down. The money just made it into Vargas’ account less than 10 minutes ago. We can give him some time. He’ll probably call any minute now.
There is a short pause in the room. Then, a phone begins to ring. Philip looks down at his phone and realizes it is not his phone ringing.
JENNIFER: Is it Vargas?
PHILIP: It wasn’t my phone.
Andrea retrieves her cell phone from her back pocket.
ANDREA: It’s mine. (answering the call) Hello? Yes, this is Dr. Pierce-Jackson. What do you mean you gave the patient the wrong dosage? That is unacceptable. I’ll be right there. I’ll be bringing Dr. Joshua Jackson along since that is his department. These patients already have enough issues involving their hearts. The last thing they need to worry about is someone screwing up their medication.
Andrea hangs up the phone.
JOSHUA: What’s going on?
ANDREA: We need to get to the hospital ASAP.
Andrea and Joshua collect their things.
JOSHUA: Call us if you hear anything. Okay, guys?
JENNIFER: Of course we will.
Joshua and Andrea exit. Just as they shut the door behind them, Veronica collects her things and begins to head to the door.
VERONICA: I do have to be up early in the morning. I have a job interview to get to. Can you fill me in if Vargas calls, please?
JENNIFER: Sure thing.
Veronica exits the apartment.
PHILIP: (sighs) And, then there were two.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Amy takes a sip of her coffee.
QUENTIN: So, your wife really owns this place?
AMY: Yes. And, I wish you would stop deflecting the question I asked you just a second ago. Why won’t you give me an answer about your relationship with my father?
QUENTIN: Because, it’s complicated. Your father and I just aren’t your average brothers anymore. Its been five years. I went off to further the success of my company QW Designs. Your father stayed here and continued his local and international hotel and resort chain.
AMY: Why didn’t you two ever visit one another?
QUENTIN: We would always plan stuff. But, one of us would cancel at the last minute. Like I mentioned earlier, my work came before family and friends.
AMY: Well, it makes me happy that you mentioned that you want things to change. Maybe you and my dad will come to love another again. This family could use some cheering up.
QUENTIN: So I’ve heard.
Then, Quentin’s phone rings. He looks down at his phone, which is on the table.
QUENTIN: I can get that later.
Quentin hangs up his cell phone.
AMY: Who was that?
AMY: I noticed your phone had the number as unknown.
QUENTIN: Yeah. We like to keep it unlisted.
AMY: Oh.
Amy smiles, knowing deep down something is off.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Michael is sitting next to Cynthia. He is having a glass of whiskey. Cynthia is drinking her white wine spritzer. After she takes a small sip, she sits the glass down in front of her.
CYNTHIA: I’m surprised that you’re still here. I thought that after you saw me, you would run out and get a drink at Martin’s or something.
MICHAEL: I like the whiskey here. Just because I temporarily threw you out, doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be civilized out in public.
CYNTHIA: Temporarily, uh? Does that mean you’re going to let me move back into the mansion someday? You know, so we can continue to build our life together?
MICHAEL: I’ve actually thought a lot about us lately.
CYNTHIA: Really?
CYNTHIA: And, what conclusion have you come to?
MICHAEL: I’m considering letting you move back in. I’m not going to lie to you, I did call my lawyer. Then, I had a thought. You’re remorseful. I can see that. I’m just not sure what I want.
CYNTHIA: Michael, what I want is you. That’s what I want. And, I’m so sorry for what I did. (voice breaking) Please, forgive me. Please.
MICHAEL: We’ll see what happens. I just need more time.
CYNTHIA: You take as much time as you need. But, for now, the next round is on me. Would you like another whiskey?
Michael finishes off his first whiskey.
MICHAEL: I would love one.
Cynthia and Michael smile at one another.
Back at Lindsay’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Lindsay and Carter are still drinking wine. They are now sitting next to one another on the couch.
LINDSAY: It’s been hard lately. I’ve had to come to terms with a lot of stuff involving who you are. You kissed my step mom, your ex-wife. You lied to everyone about your past...let’s just say...job experience. I’m not sure you’re even the man that I met on that dating app my friend Mimi helped sign me up for. I want to get to know you again, Carter. It’s just not gonna be an easy road.
CARTER: What do you mean you want to get to know me again?
LINDSAY: I really liked the person I came to know over these past couple of months, but not these past weeks. It took me a long time to put me first instead of my career. I was trying to impress to many people. It was hard for me to like anyone and get to know anyone. I don’t want to go back to that place.
CARTER: Are you saying you want to give us another shot?
LINDSAY: Yes, I do. I just need to know if you’re over Cynthia. I need to know if this is something that you want.
CARTER: What I did with Cynthia was stupid. I should’ve realized that we had something good going on. I would love to give things another shot with you.
There’s a short pause between the two. Carter begins to notice that Lindsay is zoning out. Lindsay then grabs her forehead and breathes in.
CARTER: Hey, are you okay?
LINDSAY: Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. That was strange. I just got this sudden wave of a headache. But, not it’s gone. Anyway, like I was going to say, how about we consider this a second version of a first date?
CARTER: Sounds good to me.
Lindsay and Carter smile at one another.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Ava’s Suite, Ava is looking out the window. She is having a glass of wine. She is also in her silk pajamas. As Ava takes a sip of her wine, she walks over to the desk. She sets the glass down and picks up a photo of she, Judith, and Philip (when he was a little child).
AVA: (sighs) I hope Keith never finds out my secret. If he ever did, I would be signing my own death certificate. Hopefully this bodyguard can protect me.
Back in Keith’s Motel Room, Keith is still in the same position, watching the live camera feed to Ava’s suite at The Palace Hotel.
KEITH: So, you’ve got a secret, darlin’? Let’s see if I can dig up the skeleton that’s in your closet. Oh, this is gonna be fun.
Back at Philip’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Jennifer and Philip are curled up on the couch. Philip has his phone right by his side.
JENNIFER: Is this guy ever going to call?
PHILIP: That’s a great question.
JENNIFER: You know, this silence has given me some time to think.
PHILIP: Oh yeah? About what?
JENNIFER: Where I would like to have our engagement party. The Palace Hotel has a beautiful ballroom. We can make it this elegant black-tie evening. What do you say?
PHILIP: I say that you can have whatever you want.
JENNIFER: God, I love you.
PHILIP: I love you too.
As Philip is about to lean in for a kiss, his phone rings.
JENNIFER: (slight laugh) You better get that.
Philip picks up his phone. He then stands.
PHILIP: It’s Vargas.
JENNIFER: (standing) Oh my god. Answer it.
Philip hurridley answers the call.
PHILIP: (on the phone) Vargas.
VARGAS: (over the phone) It was nice of you to comply with my demand.
PHILIP: (on the phone) Anything for the truth.
VARGAS: (over the phone) I love your spirit.
PHILIP: Okay. Cool. Enough chit-chat. Tell me. Tell me who murdered Jennifer and Joshua Jackson’s parents almost two years ago.
VARGAS: (over the phone) Let’s just start by saying that it was never just one killer. Its been two people all along. And, those two people are right under your nose.
A shocked look comes across Philip’s face.
Cynthia enters her room, shutting the door behind her. She is smiling. It is apparent that she and Michael really hit it off tonight. She walks over to her bed, sits down, and sits her things next to her. She begins to take off her shoes. As Cynthia smiles at the realization that her marriage may be coming back together, she becomes very deep in her thoughts.
Cynthia and Carter are in Carter’s suite. Carter is on top of Cynthia. He is thrusting forward on her. Cynthia is moaning.
CYNTHIA: (breathless) Keep going. Don’t stop. Oh god!
Then, Cynthia is jolted out of her thoughts when her phone makes a dinging sound. She lets out a small gasp. She looks over at her phone and picks it up. Michael has texted her.
Had a great time tonight. I love you.
CYNTHIA: (sighs) I love you, Michael. I always will.
A worried expression comes across Cynthia’s face. She is not sure what she is going to do about her future love life, or which man she’ll choose. The camera zooms out from her.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 46***
***END OF EP. 46***
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