Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
Michael is leaning back on the couch. He has buttons on his shirt undone and his tie is loose. He is looking through photos of he and Cynthia on his phone. As he comes across a funny selfie of them on a beach during their honeymoon, he chuckles. He lets out a deep breath and then goes to his text messages. He then begins to write a new text to Cynthia.
Hey. What r u up 2?
Michael sends the text.
Cynthia is laying in her bed, watching on a rom-com on Hallmark.
CYNTHIA: Oh come on! Of course the farm girl falls in love with the tech mogul.
As Cynthia is about to turn off the television, she hears her phone ding. She then picks it up from her bed and reads what Michael has sent her.
CYNTHIA: Wow. Twice in one night.
Cynthia smiles and begins to text Michael back.
Nothing much. Watching some stupid rom-com on Hallmark. I wish u were here to make fun of it with me...like we used to do.
A couple of seconds later, Cynthia receives another text message.
I can come over and watch terrible movies with u. Only if u break out the good vodka. I’ll even bring the popcorn.
Cynthia smiles.
CYNTHIA: Well, I guess it’s time to put on the ritz.
Cynthia begins writing a text back to Michael.

Keith is pacing around the private area of the park.
KEITH: Come on. Where are you, man.
A Man walks up to Keith seconds later. Keith stops pacing.
KEITH: Finally! You’re here. Now, we can talk business.

Carter and Lindsay are sitting on the couch. They are both sharing a good laugh. Lindsay is pouring both of them another glass of wine.
LINDSAY: (laughs) So, let me get this straight? You really put your mother down as a reference for your college job at a coffee shop?
CARTER: (laughs) Yes. And, she praised me so much. It went very well till she admitted that I was her little boy, as she called me.
LINDSAY: Did you even get the job?
CARTER: Yes. And the very next day, my boss taught me how to make a proper resume. But, at 20 years old you don’t even care about that stuff.
LINDSAY: Good point. I’m glad that you told me that story.
CARTER: Really? Why’s that?
LINDSAY: Well, I wanted to get to know the real you again. I wanted to get to know the Carter that was on that dating app. Here he is. Here you are. Thank you for being real with me.
CARTER: Thank you for forgiving me.
Stuart is sitting behind his desk. He is typing up an EMail. Then, there’s a knock at the door. Stuart looks up from his computer.
STUART: Hey, what are you doing back here?
Judith enters the study, shutting the door behind her.
JUDITH: I thought that I would come back and properly thank you for hiring that bodyguard to protect my sister. You didn’t have to do that.
STUART: Yes, I did. I still care about Ava. And, we’re heavily involved in her situation considering how we got our son.
JUDITH: It’s crazy, you know.
STUART: (standing/going to Judith) What is?
JUDITH: Our past has really come back to haunt us lately. Fingers crossed that we come out on the other end. It is my belief that the road is gonna get quite bumpy.

Jennifer and Philip are standing across from one another. Philip hangs up his phone.
JENNIFER: What did Vargas say to you? Did he reveal the killer?

PHILIP: No. He just gave me another clue.
JENNIFER: Great. Perfect! We give that son-of-a-bitch half a million dollars and he just wants to play this mind game with us?! What the hell!
PHILIP: Jenn, calm down. It’s okay.
JENNIFER: No! It’s not okay! He’s leading us on! He doesn’t know a thing!
PHILIP: I don’t think that’s true! I think Vargas knows exactly who killed your parents. I think he knows how it’s connected to my hit-and-run. We just have to follow the clue. We can do this. We can find the missing puzzle piece.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in Stuart’s Study, Judith is sitting on a couch. Stuart walks back over to her, this time holding two glasses of scotch. He hands one to her, keeps one for himself, and sits down next to her.
JUDITH: The interior designer you hired did a great job. The mansion looks fabulous. When will it all be finished? I’d love to see the completed renovations.
STUART: The company should be done next month.
STUART: Enough about that. We don’t have time for small talk. We need to discuss what we’re going to do about our current situation concerning Philip. We have so much on the line. He’s looking into the murder. His real father may be in town. Judith…
JUDITH: I know you’re scared. I am too. I’m trying to lead a normal life. I realize, however, that leading a normal life is not possible. How can it be? (voice breaking) We killed two people. Our son could learn that he is not our’s. Stuart, we have so much on the line! What the hell are we gonna do?
STUART: We’re going to fight this together.
STUART: I don’t know. (laughs) I honestly don’t know. I know it isn’t funny. But, in its own dark way...it is. Honey, we’ll get through this. We’ll get through everything. I promise.
JUDITH: You just called me ‘honey’. There’s another problem.
STUART: Yeah. I guess that is another issue.
Judith leans on Stuart shoulder. Both of them take a drink of their scotch.
Back at Philip’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Philip and Jennifer are sitting down on the couch. Jennifer has a notepad in front of her. She is writing down evidence.
JENNIFER: When you were at the crime scene, the night my parents died, did you ever notice anything? Did you look around at your surroundings?
PHILIP: I’m sorry. I didn’t. When I spent their final moments with them, I just thought that they had been in a car accident. I didn’t know they had been murdered till I saw the breaking news story two weeks later.
JENNIFER: Okay. (sighs) The bracelet.
PHILIP: We’ve already exhausted that whole thing. My guy at the lab came back with evidence that showed that there was no way to come up with a match. It had just been sitting outside and been through so much over the past year. Think about it. Rain, snow, flooding…
JENNIFER: Yeah. Whatever.
PHILIP: Jenn, what are you thinking about?
JENNIFER: First of all, it’s crazy to me that, that bracelet was out there after all this time. Even though it was buried under some stuff, it was still crazy to me. With all that aside, it’s even crazier to me that the lab didn’t lift any prints. Philip, we’ve all watched our fave documentary on NetFlix before. We know that the police can trace DNA back by decades.
PHILIP: You think someone wiped the bracelet clean?
JENNIFER: Or, someone paid the lab to take care of it. I say we get in touch with that lab and we look deeper into this lead left by the bracelet. In fact, I think the bracelet may be our smoking gun.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Cynthia’s Suite, Cynthia is standing over by the night stand and lighting some candles. She is wearing a tight, black, strapless dress and a pair of red-bottom-black pumps. As she lights the last candle, there is a knock at the door. Cynthia smiles, puts down the lighter, and walks to the door.
CYNTHIA: (opening the door) Hello.
CYNTHIA: I’m shocked that you wanted to come over.
MICHAEL: Me too. I just had to see you. You look amazing.
CYNTHIA: Thank you. Would you like to come in and have a drink?
MICHAEL: Yes, I very much would.
CYNTHIA: Then, by all means.
Cynthia steps aside and Michael enters. Cynthia smiles and shuts the door.
Lindsay and Carter are standing by the bed, kissing passionately.
CARTER: Are you sure we should be doing this?
CARTER: You just forgave me.
LINDSAY: Carter, you only live once. Take off your damn shirt.
As Carter begins to unbutton her shirt, Lindsay grabs her head in pain. She then backs up to the bed and sits down. Carter stops unbuttoning his shirt and rushes to her. He sits next to her.
CARTER: Oh my God, are you okay?
LINDSAY: Yeah. I just got this rush. I guess that third glass of wine was too much.
CARTER: Lindsay, maybe we shouldn’t do this. Maybe you should get some sleep.
LINDSAY: Carter, how do you feel about roleplaying?
CARTER: It’s okay. What does that have to do with anything?
LINDSAY: Listen, I’m fine. I’m good. That pain only lasted a split second. Now, take me right here. Right now. And, call me Lacey.
CARTER: Lacey?
LINDSAY: Just do it.
Lindsay goes back to kissing Carter passionately. They then fall on the bed.
Back in Thorne Hill Park, at the Private Area, Keith hands the Man he is speaking with a manilla envelope. The Man opens the envelope and sees a stack of 100 dollar bills.
KEITH: There’s five-thousand-dollars in that envelope for you. When you do what I need you to do, you’ll receive 50-thousand-dollars. Got it, Mr. Milstone?
MR. MILSTONE: I think I got it. All I need to do is just make sure your wife is present near one of your recording devices at all times?
KEITH: You got it. I want to hear everything Ava and her guests have to say. I want to hear what she is keeping from me. You are my eyes and ears. Do what I say and everything will be just fine. But, if you cross me, I will kill you. Understood?
MR. MILSTONE: Yes. (nervously) Yes, I understand.
Keith lets out a laugh.
KEITH: Oh, calm down. I’m joking.
Mr. Milstone nervously laughs.
KEITH: Now, you better get back and get to work.
The camera zooms in on Keith. He is smiling.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 47***
***END OF EP. 47***