Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Jennifer and Joshua tried to make sense of how much their lives have blown up since their parents died a year and a half ago.
--Thomas received the background check results on Becky.
--Amy wondered about Mimi’s ex-girlfriend, Veronica.
--A little while later, Veronica came to visit Mimi at her establishment to talk about their past relationship with one another.
--And, Judith and Stuart came clean to Amy and Philip about their marriage ending. They also came clean about Judith moving out of the mansion.

Philip is sitting at a table. He is having a cup of coffee. Jennifer and Joshua enter the establishment, spot Philip, and walk up to him. Philip stands upon seeing them.

PHILIP: Hey, thanks for meeting me.
JENNIFER: No problem.
Philip, Jennifer, and Joshua sit down at the table.
JOSHUA: So, you said you had some news for us?
PHILIP: Yes, I do.
JENNIFER: Okay. What is it?
PHILIP: I have some great news about the investigation. My contact Greg has some friends at the lab at the Thorne Hill Police Department. Greg got in touch with one of his friends and they agreed to have the bracelet dusted for prints.
JENNIFER: That’s wonderful news.
JOSHUA: I totally agree.
PHILIP: We could have this whole thing solved by the end of today.
JENNIFER: (smiling) Hallelujah!
Lindsay enters the living room of her new apartment. She is holding a wine glass filled with white wine. As she takes a sip and smiles with excitement of her new home, there’s a knock at the door. She sets the glass down on a table and goes to the door.
LINDSAY: (opening the door) Well, hello there.
ANNOUNCER: The role of Carter Morrison is now being played by Redaric Williams.
CARTER: Hello.
LINDSAY: I’m glad you found the building. Come in.
Carter brushes passed Lindsay and enters the apartment. Lindsay shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to him.
CARTER: Nice place.
LINDSAY: Thanks.
CARTER: Did you decorate it yourself?
Lindsay then gets closer to Carter and wraps her arms around him. She begins to slowly kiss him on the lips.
LINDSAY: The bedroom’s nice too. Wanna come check it out?
CARTER: Maybe in a bit.
Lindsay takes her arms off of Carter.
LINDSAY: Is everything okay?
CARTER: No, not really. Lindsay, I can’t go into that bedroom with you till I tell you something. Something very important.
A look of concern comes across Lindsay’s face.
Michael is sitting on the couch. He has a pair of reading glasses on and he’s opening up a manilla envelope. He empties the contents of the envelope onto the coffee table. Inside is a flash drive and a note. Michael picks up the note which says: Here’s what your wife has been upto, boss. Have a good day, JJ.
Michael takes the flash drive, stands up, and walks over to the desk in the room. He sits down and opens a laptop. Right away, he plugs the flash drive into the computer. He begins to click around on the computer.
MICHAEL: Alright, let’s see if you’ve been loyal to me.
Michael sits back in his chair. The camera zooms in on his eager expression.

The cafe is now open for business. Customers are sitting and standing around, enjoying a cup of coffee and some nice conversation. Mimi and Veronica are standing in a corner by the front counter.
MIMI: Veronica, I do not have time for this. I have a business to run. I have employees to take care of. Plus, I’ve said all I need to say about our history.
VERONICA: Mimi, I won’t take up too much of your time. There are just some things I need to say to you. Please, give me five minutes.
MIMI: What do you need to say to me?
VERONICA: I would like to start by saying that ‘I’m sorry’.
Becky and Thomas are standing face to face.

THOMAS: You’re leaving Thorne Hill?

THOMAS: Why? I thought you loved it here.
BECKY: I do. But, I’ve gotta go where the money is. You see, there’s multiple positions opened for detectives in New York. All of those positions pay much more than what Illinois can offer me.
THOMAS: I see. Why’d you come over here then?
BECKY: Like I said, I wanted to come and say goodbye. I know things didn’t end well between us. But, I hope we can officially end on good terms.
THOMAS: Becky, you can’t end on good terms with someone when you’re not honest with them. That’s not how things work.
BECKY: What do you mean? How have I not been honest with you?
THOMAS: You know you haven’t.
Thomas picks up the background check report.
THOMAS: That’s why I had to take extreme measures.
BECKY: What’s that?
THOMAS: It’s a background check I had done on you. One that, trust me, is very thorough. I was about to read through this before you knocked on my door. But, since you’re here now, you get the chance to tell me what I might find in here. Go on. Tell me. What are you hiding from the whole world?
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Mimi walks behind the counter. Veronica follows her but stays on the other side of the counter.
MIMI: You’re sorry?
VERONICA: Yeah. I’m sorry that I could never commit to you. You were ready to give me a life full of love. I’m just sorry I couldn’t give that to you.
MIMI: You left me while I was down on one knee with a ring out. I was ready to put a diamond on your finger and you walked away. Then, I never heard from you again.
VERONICA: I know. I know. I know. I know I made a mistake. I know I hurt you. I just hope you can forgive me, Mimi.
MIMI: I don’t need to forgive somebody that I’ve moved on from.
As Mimi and Veronica stare into one another’s eyes, and as the tension builds between them, Amy walks up to them.
AMY: Hey.
MIMI: Hey, honey.
AMY: Everything okay here?
Veronica stands up and collects her things.
VERONICA: Yeah. Everything’s perfect.
Veronica walks off.
AMY: Um…, who was that?
MIMI: (sighs) That was the infamous Veronica Sterling.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Jennifer and Philip are drinking coffee. Joshua has now gone off to work at the hospital.
JENNIFER: How long do you think it’ll take to get the results of the finger dusting back? Will we get them within a couple of hours or…
PHILIP: Probably a day or two. Greg was telling me that the lab can get backed up sometimes. But, he also said his friends will try and put a rush on it.
PHILIP: By the way, now that Joshua is gone, there’s something I would like to share with you. Just between me and you.
JENNIFER: Well, go on. I’m intrigued.
PHILIP: I want to take you away. I want to take you somewhere warm. I want to take you to those places that people go to take pictures for postcards. We deserve to get away for awhile after this whole thing is over.
JENNIFER: I would like that. I would really like that.
Jennifer smiles and reaches for Philip’s hand. The pair holds hands and continue to smile at one another.
Back at Lindsay’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Carter steps away from Lindsay. He turns around to hide his emotions coming to the forefront.
LINDSAY: Carter, what is going on? You’re scaring me.
CARTER: Sorry. (turning around) I didn’t mean to scare you.
LINDSAY: (getting closer to him) Honey, you can tell me anything. You don’t have to hide a single thing from me. Go ahead. Tell me what’s going on.
CARTER: (sighs) I did something bad. I did something that could destroy somebody’s relationship. And, since I did what I did, I’ve been carrying so much regret.
LINDSAY: When did this thing happen?
CARTER: Last night.
LINDSAY: Who was it with? Anyone I know?
CARTER: Oh, yes, you know this person. It was Cynthia.
LINDSAY: (forcefully) What’d you do with Cynthia?
CARTER: Last night, she offered to take me out to dinner.
CARTER: She was happy that I was staying loyal to her and Anderson Manufacturing by turning down your job offer. Anyway, she drank a lot and I offered to take her home. But, before we got in her car, we kissed.
Lindsay slaps Carter!
LINDSAY: (angrily) Get the hell out of my house!
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Michael is looking out the window and drinking a glass of scotch. The pale moonlight is glowing upon his face. Then, he hears footsteps behind him. As he turns around, Cynthia enters the room.
CYNTHIA: Hello, darling.
Cynthia goes to Michael.
CYNTHIA: I am so happy to be home. It has been a long day.
As Cynthia leans in to kiss Michael, he pulls away.
CYNTHIA: Michael? Did you just pull away from me?
Michael brushes passed Cynthia. Cynthia turns around.
CYNTHIA: What’s going on?
MICHAEL: I think you know.
CYNTHIA: Sorry. I don’t know.
MICHAEL: Let me enlighten you. Today, I found out that I am clearly not the only man that you seem to have feelings for.
CYNTHIA: I don’t know what you mean.
Michael throws the glass of scotch across the room. It shatters in front of Cynthia feet. She jumps back.
CYNTHIA: Michael!
MICHAEL: Stop lying to me!
CYNTHIA: What is going on?!
MICHAEL: I finally know.
CYNTHIA: Know what?!
Michael gets very close to Cynthia.
MICHAEL: I finally know how it feels to be cheated on! I finally know the hurt I put Stuart Whitmore through. You kissed your ex-husband. Now, why would you hurt me like that?
Back at Thomas’ Apartment, in the Living Room, Thomas begins to slowly open up the contents of the background check. But, Becky stops him.
BECKY: Wait.
THOMAS: Wait for what? Are you finally gonna tell me the truth?
BECKY: Thomas, there’s no reason to read that. I’ll tell you everything you need to know. My name is Becky Campbell. I’m from Los Angeles. I’m a detective. But, my life hasn’t always been squeaky clean. I was once arrested for shoplifting. And, I’ve also been arrested for stealing money from various people. But, by the grace of God, people got me back on my feet and got me into the police academy.
THOMAS: Really? That’s it?
THOMAS: Somehow I don’t believe you! You are still lying to me! I can tell! Becky, I know you’re hiding something from me. And, (raising up the papers) this report is going to tell me what that something is.
Thomas opens up the file and flips through a couple of pages. Becky stands there, look at him, nervously. She raises her left eyebrow.
THOMAS: Oh my god. What is this?
Thomas reads over something and looks through more pages.
THOMAS: (looking up) So, that’s what you’ve been hiding. You’re a drug dealer. It’s all right here. This report says that you have been connected to several dealers in all 50 states and even some in other countries.
BECKY: That’s insane. Come on, Thomas. Don’t make me laugh.
Thomas throws the papers at Becky. They fall all over the floor.
THOMAS: Shut up! It all makes sense now! The lying. The secretive talks with other people. Hell, even that phone conversation you had that one day in The Grand Piano. This ends now! I am calling the police!
Thomas turns around and picks up his phone from the coffee table. As he begins to dial, Becky picks up a fire poker. As Thomas turns around, Becky hits him over the head. Thomas falls to the floor. He is bleeding and unconscious.
BECKY: You’re not calling anybody.
The camera zooms in on Becky’s angry expression.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 35***
***END OF EP. 35***
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