Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
ORIGINAL AIRDATE: June 19th, 2019 (Wednesday)
The engagement party of Jennifer and Philip is still in full swing. Joshua, Andrea, and Veronica have all hit the dance floor. Meanwhile, Jennifer, Philip, Amy, Mimi, Stuart, and Quentin are standing over the bar.
PHILIP: (putting his cellphone in his pocket) I just texted Ava a couple of minutes ago. She hasn’t gotten back to me on how mom is feeling. I hope she’s okay.
QUENTIN: Me too. I don’t think Judith would’ve run away from this engagement party for anything. Something more than feeling ill has to be keeping her.

AMY: Though Philip and I have had our gripes with our mother the past couple of months, I know that she was excited to be here.

JENNIFER: And, we were excited to have her here.

MIMI: Stuart, are you sure she didn’t say anything else to you?
STUART: Everyone needs to calm down. She was just not feeling well. She wanted to get some fresh air and then go home. It’s sad that she’s not here. But, everything will be fine. (nervously) I assure you of that.
Judith is sitting on the bench in the park. She’s thinking about all she has gone through tonight. She’s looking at a picture of she and her family on her cell phone. Then, she hears footsteps in the distance. Judith stands abruptly, ready to defend herself.
JUDITH: (calling out) Who’s there?!
Judith continues to hear the footsteps.
JUDITH: (calling out) Show yourself!
As Judith looks on nervously, Ava walks up to her.

AVA: Sis, there you are. It’s just me. Is everything okay?
JUDITH: Yeah. Sorry. I’m fine. I just wanted to get some fresh air before I went home. (sighs) I heard footsteps, but I didn’t see anyone around. I got scared.
AVA: Understandable. I was headed to the penthouse to pack a bag. I was gonna stay at the mansion. I didn’t want to disturb you. Do you want me to call us a car to take us there? We can get you laid down and me out of there?
JUDITH: No, I’m fine. And, you know what? Just go to the mansion now. You’ve actually got clothes in a closet in the master bedroom from when you last stayed with Stuart and I. And, there’s plenty of products you can use in the master bedroom bathroom. I left a ton of never-before-opened stuff there.
AVA: Are you sure it’s okay for me to use that stuff?
JUDITH: Of course. I’ve gotta go. As you know, I’m not feeling well.
AVA: Judith, before you go, I do want to talk to you. Is everything really okay? I mean, you’re not acting like yourself. What’s really going on here?
Carter is sitting on the bed, looking through E-Mails on his cellphone. As he clicks on another E-Mail, there’s a knock at the door. He gets up, shuts off his phone, and walks to the door.
CARTER: (opening the door) Hey. What are you doing here? I thought that we made an agreement not to see one another?

CYNTHIA: I thought I could keep that agreement. That is until I got bored and wanted to see you. I also brought some damn good champagne.
Cynthia lifts up a bottle of champagne and two champagne glasses.
CYNTHIA: (smiling) So, can I come in?
CARTER: (stepping aside) Be my guest.
Lacey (Lindsay’s split personality) is sitting on the chair in front of her vanity. She is brushing her red-colored-wig and humming a tune. After brushing for a couple of seconds, she puts the hairbrush down and smiles.
LACEY: I look really good. Oh, Lindsay, thanks for keeping us in shape. And, thanks for calming down inside of our head. I was getting a headache.
Lacey stands up and walks over to a small bar set that Lindsay has in her room, on top of her dresser. Lacey pours herself a martini that she had shaken earlier. She then takes a drink from her martini glass.
LACEY: Well, before I go run my errand that begins my plan to protect Lindsay, I’m going to have the best martini in the world. And, I’m gonna have some fun.
Lacey walks over to a stereo and puts in a CD.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in the Ballroom, Jennifer, Amy, Mimi, and Quentin have all walked over to the bar to discuss Judith leaving. Stuart and Philip step over to a corner of the room.
PHILIP: Okay, dad, it’s just me and you right now. Tell me what’s really going on with mom. Is she more than ill? Is it something more severe?
STUART: Son, I don’t know why everyone is freaking out. The world isn’t on fire. Your mother is hooked up to a ventilator. She is just not feeling well. I’m sure that it’s nothing. You know how dramatic she can be sometimes.
PHILIP: Yeah, I do. But, like some people mentioned earlier, I know how much she wanted to be here tonight. She wouldn’t have missed this.
STUART: You know that she’ll make it up to you. (checking watch) Well, the party is almost over. We better get back on the dance floor with everyone else.
PHILIP: Yeah. Sure. Go ahead. I’ll be out there soon.
Stuart smiles and walks off. Philip looks on at him, feeling as though his father is keeping something from him.
Back in Thorne Hill Park, Ava sets her purse down on the bench.
AVA: Honey, you can tell me anything.
JUDITH: I know. But, there’s nothing to tell. I’m just tired. And, how can I be in the party mood when I’m feeling a little sick?
AVA: Okay, I’m gonna say something that I know you’re not going to like.
JUDITH: Here we go. Say whatever you need to say.
AVA: I feel as though you’re not sick.
JUDITH: (laughs) What makes you say that?
AVA: Because, you’re playing the same games we used to play with mom and dad when we didn’t want to go to school. The rest of our siblings would go off to school. But, we were thick as thieves. We’d stay behind and wait until we convinced mom and dad enough to leave us alone and give the house to us for the whole day.
JUDITH: Damn, you’re good.
AVA: So, it’s true? You’re not sick?
JUDITH: Ding, ding, ding. Tell her what she’s won!
AVA: Judith, what’s going on? Why are you faking that you’re ill?
JUDITH: Truthfully, it’s because of Stuart.
AVA: You can’t stand to be around him?
JUDITH: No, I want to be around him. That’s what kills me. I really want to be with him. But, that’s just not in the cards right now. I didn’t want to leave the party. It was just becoming to overwhelming. The kids. Stuart. The memories coming up at a rapid speed.
AVA: I get it. (sighs) I’ll turn your loose. Don’t worry. When I get back to the party, I will let everyone know that you are really sick.
JUDITH: Thank you. I love you, sis.
AVA: I love you too. Be safe getting home.
JUDITH: I will be.
Ava smiles, picks up her bag, and walks off. Judith takes a deep breath.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Carter and Cynthia are sitting on the couch in the suite. Carter opens the champagne and pours it into the two glasses. He sets the bottle down and he and Cynthia pick up their glasses and clink them.
CYNTHIA: Cheers.
CARTER: Cheers.
Carter and Cynthia both take a sip of their champagne.
CARTER: What really brought you here tonight?
CYNTHIA: (sighs) So, tonight, Michael’s son came home.
CARTER: Thomas?
CYNTHIA: Yeah. And, he brought his new wife Melissa with him.
CARTER: He’s married? After that whole mess with Becky…
CYNTHIA: Yeah. We all thought the same thing. Anyway, the party died down and I got really bored. Plus, I can’t handle every single Anderson family member knowing my business and slightly judging me at a family gathering.
CARTER: Understandable. Now, let me ask you another question.
CARTER: What are you expecting from me tonight?
CYNTHIA: Somehow, I think you already know.
After a short pause, Carter puts down his champagne glass and kisses Cynthia passionately. Coming off of the kiss, Cynthia puts her glass down and kisses Carter.
CYNTHIA: Lets make our way to the bed.
CARTER: Sounds like a plan.
Carter and Cynthia laugh and stand up.
Lacey is standing over by the stereo and turning up the volume.
LACEY: I love this song.
Lacey begins to dance, as she takes a drink of her martini. She begins to slightly spill some of her drink on the floor.
LACEY: (laughs) Oops.
The screen fades…
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Carter lays Cynthia down on the bed. He begins to unbutton her white, silk blouse.
CARTER: You sure you want me right now?
CYNTHIA: You ask me that question every time. My answer is always the same.
Carter smiles and finishes unbuttoning her blouse. Cynthia then kicks off her heels. Carter lays down on top of Cynthia and kisses her neck. She breathes deeply. He then stands up and takes off his shirt. Cynthia bites her bottom lip, sits up, and undoes his pants.
CYNTHIA: You’re already har…
CARTER: That’s just how you make me feel.
Cynthia laughs seductively and pulls Carter close.
The screen fades…
Cynthia is on top of Carter. Both of them are nude and under the sheets. Cynthia is kissing him from his lips down to his stomach.
The screen fades…
Carter is now on top of Cynthia. He is thrusting forward. She is moaning.
CYNTHIA: Don’t stop…
The screen fades…
Cynthia and Carter are now laying next to one another. They have finished their love making. They then kiss very passionately.
CARTER: God, I love you.
CYNTHIA: (short pause) I love you too, Carter.
The camera zooms out in an aerial shot, just as they kiss once more.