Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
The camera pans throughout the room. Two empty glasses of scotch sit on the desk. Clothes are scattered throughout the room. The camera moves over to the bed. Cynthia and Carter are laying under the covers. Then, the alarm goes off. Cynthia and Carter abruptly wake up. Carter turns the alarm off. Carter and Cynthia let out deep breaths and look at one another.

CYNTHIA: What the hell did we do last night?

Ava is walking to her car. She is talking on her cell phone.

AVA: (on the phone) Thank you so much for this opportunity. I cannot wait to meet with your agency. Yes, I will bring my portfolio. Thanks again for the interview.
Ava smiles and hangs up the phone. She then opens her car door and enters her car. As she shuts the car door, she puts her personal things in the passenger seat.
AVA: (sighs) Alrighty.
As Ava is about to put the key into the ignition, she notices something odd in the back of her car. She puts her keys down in a cup holder. As she goes to turn her mirror, Keith reveals that he is the backseat. Ava screams.
KEITH: Hello, gorgeous!

Jennifer, Joshua, and Andrea enter the apartment. Philip shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to all three of them.

PHILIP: Thank you for coming over so quickly, everyone.
JENNIFER: You said it was important, honey.

ANDREA: What’s going on, Philip?
JOSHUA: I’d like to know that too.
PHILIP: Well, to tell you the truth, I think I can put an end to this investigation madness today. I think we can finally solve this murder.

Thomas, Lindsay, and Michael enter the apartment. They are all dressed in casual clothing. Thomas’ apartment is almost cleared out.

THOMAS: Thanks for helping me get this stuff moved, guys.
MICHAEL: No problem, son. When will your things be in California?
THOMAS: It’ll take at least a day for my things to arrive. But, I’ll be staying in a hotel till my temporary apartment is ready there.
LINDSAY: Are you sure you don’t want to reconsider this whole thing?
THOMAS: Sis, we talked last night. I have to do this. I need a break.
MICHAEL: Son, how long will you be gone?
THOMAS: At least a month or two. This business venture with the Channings is really going to skyrocket my company. However, I don’t know how long it will take to get done what I need to. You guys are worrying too much. I’ll be back before you know it.
LINDSAY: We have every right to worry. We love you. We’re family.
Michael, Lindsay, and Thomas all share a group hug.
Amy is sitting at the couch by the fireplace. She is having a cup of tea. Veronica enters the establishment, spots Amy, and goes to her.
AMY: Hi. Please, take a seat.
Veronica smiles politely and sits across from Amy.
AMY: Can I have the waitress get you anything?
VERONICA: No, I’m fine. I just want something from you.
AMY: Yeah? What’s that?
VERONICA: An answer as to why you called me here.
AMY: (sighs) Veronica, I called you here today to tell you to stay away from my wife.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Cynthia comes out of the bathroom. She is dressed in the clothes she came to Carter’s Suite in. Carter is sitting at the desk, wearing a robe. Once Cynthia begins to put on her earrings, he stands.
CYNTHIA: I should get back to my room.
CYNTHIA: Because.
CARTER: Do you really have to go?
CYNTHIA: Yes, I do. I...I...I can’t be here any longer. I have to get out of this place. I have to forget about what we did last night.
CARTER: Cynthia, you told me last night that you felt something too when we kissed. We went on to make passionate love.
CYNTHIA: I was there. I know what we did last night. I just don’t want to think about it. I don’t want to remember what happened.
CARTER: Why not?
CYNTHIA: Dammit, Carter! I still love my husband! I’m still married! Just because you cheated on me when we were married, and felt no remorse, doesn’t mean I don’t.
CARTER: That wasn’t fair.
CYNTHIA: You’re right. I’m sorry. (sighs) My head is just really messed up right now. I need some time to myself. I need some time to think.
Cynthia grabs her purse and coat. She walks to the door.
CYNTHIA: I’ll call you.
Cynthia leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. Carter takes a deep breath.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Amy takes another sip of her tea. She then proceeds to sit the cup on top of a tea plate, that is placed on the table in front of her.
VERONICA: I have no idea what you’re talking about. Mimi and I have gone our separate ways. Yes, I’ve reached out to her since I’ve been back in town. However, that was only so I could apologize about what I did to her. You know, about not accepting her marriage proposal.
AMY: Yes, I know all about you breaking my wife’s heart. I also know everything you’ve done concerning her, since you’ve been back in town. Mimi even had to come to you a couple days ago and ask you to leave us alone. Yet, you sent her flowers last night.
VERONICA: I was trying to apologize for stepping on her toes.
AMY: Bull. You still love her. I think that you regret never accepting her marriage proposal. Mimi’s a good woman. And, I think it burns you to see how happy we are in a marriage together. I think it burns you to see what an amazing person she has become because of our marriage.
VERONICA: You don’t know anything about what I feel.
AMY: I think I do. (standing/collecting things) Here’s a little tip for ‘ya. Stay away from my wife, or there will be consequences. Got it?
VERONICA: Oh, Amy. Don’t blame others for your insecurities and jealousy.
AMY: Oh, Veronica. Don’t think for one second that I am jealous over a piece of off-the-road-trash like yourself. (sarcastically) Have a good day.
Amy smiles and walks off.
Back at Thomas’ Apartment, in the Living Room, Thomas is looking over texts that confirm his meetings with the Channing family. Moments later, Lindsay reenters the apartment.
Thomas looks up from his phone.
LINDSAY: That’s the last of it.
THOMAS: (laughs) Finally. Where’s dad?
LINDSAY: Where do you think? He’s bossing around the movers. He’s telling them to be extra careful, or else he’ll have their jobs.
THOMAS: Not shocked by that at all.
LINDSAY: (sighs) Last chance, bro. Are you sure?
THOMAS: For the last time, yes.
LINDSAY: I thought I’d try.
THOMAS: I love you for that.
LINDSAY: I know.
THOMAS: So, before I go, I left you some files on your desk at The Grape Escape. I want you to update me everyday with an EMail about what went down on what day. Got it?
LINDSAY: Got it. I also want you to call me or text me everyday. Got it?
THOMAS: Got it. Well, we better get downstairs before dad pisses off those movers.
LINDSAY: I think that’s a good idea. But, first…, I want to give you something.
Lindsay reaches into her back pocket of her jeans and brings out an old photo of she and Thomas. In the photo, Lindsay and Thomas are both very young. Lindsay is pushing Thomas around in a red wagon. Lindsay hands the photo over to Thomas.
THOMAS: Oh my gosh. Where’d you get this?
LINDSAY: I’ve actually carried that photo around with me since high school. Everytime I stare at that photo, my day instantly gets better. I figured that you could use some of that good luck that this photo brings.
THOMAS: I love you, sis.
LINDSAY: (smiling) I love you too.
Lindsay and Thomas hug one another.
LINDSAY: I’m sure gonna miss you.
THOMAS: I’ll be back.
LINDSAY: (coming off the hug) I know. It’s just gonna be a long month or two.
THOMAS: It’ll go by in the blink of an eye. I promise.
Lindsay wipes away a tear from her face.
LINDSAY: Okay. We better get down there. If not, you’ll be late to the airport.
THOMAS: You are so right. Let’s go.
Lindsay and Thomas wrap an arm around one another. They begin to exit the apartment.
Back at Philip’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Jennifer, Joshua, Andrea, and Philip are all sitting around the living room.
JENNIFER: So, this guy…
PHILIP: Vargas.
JENNIFER: Vargas. Right. Anyway, he used to work for your family...and many other rich families. And, he’s saying that if you pay him 500,000 dollars he’ll tell you who murdered Joshua and I’s parents? Oh, and he’ll also tell you how that murder is connected to your hit-and-run? Philip, this is crazy. This guy is obviously delusional and he just wants money.
PHILIP: I know it seems that way. But, I think he’s telling the truth.
ANDREA: Guys, at this point, I know why Philip wants to believe this Vargas guy. I get it. We’re frustrated. However, we have to be smart here.
JOSHUA: Philip, why do you believe Vargas?
PHILIP: For starters, Vargas moved far away from this town. In fact, I can’t even tell you where he is. Vargas would never move away unless someone threatened him. He worked for a lot of families in Illinois. Why would he just leave all that money behind?
ANDREA: That’s a good point.
JOSHUA: (sighs) What do we do? Take a vote?
JENNIFER: That may be a good idea.
PHILIP: Sure. Go ahead.
JOSHUA: All in favor of paying this Vargas guy?
Philip raises his hand. After a short pause, Andrea raises her hand too.
ANDREA: 500,000 dollars...we can come up with that. No problem. If this guy scams us, we turn everything we know over to the police and he gets arrested. I’m sure Vargas has committed a few crimes before.
PHILIP: Another good point.
JOSHUA: All in favor of not paying Vargas?
Joshua and Jennifer raise their hands.
JENNIFER: We can come up with the money. But, if he scams us, like Andrea mentioned, then we are out of that money.
JOSHUA: Exactly.
PHILIP: (standing) No one has to worry about helping out. I’ll pay the money.
JENNIFER: (standing) I’m not letting you give that money to Vargas. I know you’re filthy rich. But, that’d be insane to give this man all that money.
PHILIP: Don’t you guys understand? This is all we’ve got. This is our only lead left. What else do we have to lose? Think about that. I know we took a vote. But, I have to go against said vote. I’m paying the money. I’m giving Vargas the 500,000 dollars.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in the Parking Garage, in Ava’s Car, Keith is now in the passenger seat. He is still holding the gun on Ava.
AVA: Please, tell me this is a dream.
KEITH: It’s not. I’m here, baby.
AVA: No, you’re not. I had a nightmare last night about this. You’re not here. Anytime now, I’m going to wake up. My mind is going to know that this is not real.
KEITH: I’m here, Ava. I’m here! I’m here! I’m here!
AVA: (crying) No, you’re not. No. No. No.
KEITH: How’s this for ‘real’?
Keith opens his passenger door and gets out of the car.
KEITH: Get out of the car.
AVA: No!
KEITH: Get out, bitch! Or, I’ll blow your head off!
Ava, shaking and sobbing, gets out of the car. She puts her hands up.
AVA: Keith, please. Don’t do this.
KEITH: Shut up! It’s my turn to show you how much I love you. I want us to be together, in Heaven. Forever. Don’t you want that, baby. Don’t you?
Keith aims the gun at Ava and releases the safety.
KEITH: It’s time. It’s time to be together. Forever.
Keith puts his hand on the trigger.
AVA: No! Don’t!
Ava wakes up in her bed, she is sweating.
AVA: (crying) I knew it wasn’t real.
Ava grabs a pillow and holds it closely to her chest.
AVA: (crying) It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real. Thank God!
The camera zooms out as Ava continues to cry.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 44***