Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Philip proposed to Jennifer and she accepted.
--Thomas’ life was on the line after Becky knocked him unconscious.
--Meanwhile, Becky’s life was also put on the line when she crashed her car after trying to avoid hitting a deer on the back roads of Thorne Hill.
--Michael confronted Cynthia and decided to throw her out.
--Ava revealed to Judith that Keith had been abusing her. After a hard talk about Ava and Keith’s relationship, Ava reassured Judith that Keith did not know the secret that Philip was really she and Keith’s child, that was sold to Judith and Stuart for a better life!

Amy and Mimi enter the apartment. Amy shuts the door behind them. Both women take off their coats and hang them up on a coat rack. They set their purses and car keys down on a table by the coat rack.
MIMI: (sighs) Thanks for helping me close the cafe tonight. But, you didn’t need to do that at all. Plus, you’re never there to help me close anyway.
AMY: I know. I just wanted to change things up. I like helping you.
MIMI: Really? Is that the only reason? Or, is there something more going on here? I just have this feeling right now. After all, you’ve been awkward around me all day.
AMY: I have?
MIMI: Yeah. So, what’s going on, Amy?
AMY: Okay. Fine. You caught me. I’m a little nervous.
MIMI: Why?
AMY: Because, I don’t understand why your ex-girlfriend is so eager to spend so much time around you lately.

Philip and Jennifer run up to the front door, laughing and holding hands.
JENNIFER: I can’t believe the bar gave us free drinks.

PHILIP: Well, they’re just as happy as I am that we’re engaged.
Jennifer and Philip smile. They kiss one another.
JENNIFER: Let’s hope Josh and Andrea are glad as well.
PHILIP: I’m sure they will be.
Jennifer digs around for her house key in her purse. She retrieves them and puts the key into the door, turning it.
Seconds later, Jennifer and Philip enter the living room. Andrea and Joshua are sitting on the couch. They are watching a movie.
Joshua picks up the remote from the coffee table and pauses the movie. Andrea and Joshua stand from the couch and turn around.
JOSHUA: Hey, sis. Philip.
Jennifer sets down her purse.
ANDREA: I thought you two were going to be out all night.
JENNIFER: I know that you and my brother wanted to do a little date night. But, Philip and I just have a piece of amazing news to share. We wanted you two to be the first to know.
JOSHUA: The first to know what?
JENNIFER: (showing off her ring) We’re engaged.
ANDREA: (laughs) What?!
JOSHUA: Oh my god. This is amazing!
Everyone hugs and shares a good laugh.

Lindsay is sitting in a chair. She is drinking a cup of coffee out of a plastic cup. The camera zooms in on her blank expression.
PARAMEDIC 2: Before we leave, can you tell us what he was hit with?
LINDSAY: (pointing) Yes, that fire poker. Someone tried to kill my brother with a fire poker. Someone wanted him gone.
As Lindsay takes another sip of her coffee, Michael enters the waiting room. Lindsay puts down her coffee cup and rushes to her father. The two embrace.
LINDSAY: Thank God you’re here.
They come off of their hug.
MICHAEL: Of course, honey. How’s your brother?
LINDSAY: He’s doing good. He woke up in the ambulance. However, they still have to treat his head wound that I told you about over that text. The nurse took him for a CT scan.
MICHAEL: Tell me more about this injury. What happened?
LINDSAY: I kind of don’t know the whole story. I was upset over a thing that Carter and I went through. I wanted to lean on my brother for comfort. Anyway, when I went to see Thomas, his apartment door was slightly opened. I went in and then I found him knocked unconscious. By the time the paramedics arrived, I saw that he had been hit over the head with a fire poker.
MICHAEL: Oh my god. Who the hell did this to him?
LINDSAY: I don’t know. I do know that the police are at his place now.
MICHAEL: We’re gonna find out who did this. And, they won’t get away with it. I’ll make sure they pay.
LINDSAY: I know you will, dad.
MICHAEL: Now, you said you went over there to see him so you could be comforted because of something that happened between you and Carter.
LINDSAY: Yes, that’s right.
MICHAEL: Well, what happened between you and Carter that was so bad?

We come off of the car accident and reveal the true extent of it. Police cars and an ambulance are parked on the road. The road that Becky crashed on is being blocked off by a police officer. Detective Roberts is looking around the scene. Becky’s now former partner takes a second to cross his heart in the name of the Lord and in honor of her passing. Then, the Chief of Police walks up to Roberts.
CHIEF: Roberts, I’m so sorry for the loss of your partner.
ROBERTS: Thanks. Have you and the coroner determined a reason for the accident and a cause of death?
CHIEF: Yeah. We have. We determined that Becky swerved off the road. She probably wanted to avoid hitting a deer. Anyway, she died because of the impact.
ROBERTS: Okay. Thank you, Chief.
CHIEF: Of course.
The chief nods respectively and walks off. Then, a Police Officer walks up to Detective Roberts. Roberts turns back around.
OFFICER: Detective…
OFFICER: We need to talk about the Thomas Anderson incident that happened at his apartment tonight. You know, the fire poker thing.
ROBERTS: Yeah. What about it?
OFFICER: We’ve determined a time frame in which Mr. Anderson was hit over the head with that fire poker.
OFFICER: And, we have reason to believe Detective Campbell did it.
ROBERTS: Why the hell would you say that?
OFFICER: Because, we determined from security cameras that she was the last person seen at Mr. Anderson’s apartment in the time frame he was knocked unconscious.
ROBERTS: Thank you.
ROBERTS: (sternly) I said, “thank you.”
The Officer walks off. Roberts turns back to Becky.
ROBERTS: (sighs) What the hell did you do tonight?
Back at Amy and Mimi’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Amy and Mimi sit down on the couch. Mimi crosses her legs.
MIMI: Amy, Veronica came to visit me and wanted to talk about the past.
AMY: And, from what you told me, she tried to do this before.
MIMI: Yes, she did. However, I keep fending her off at every turn. I don’t want to talk to her. I don’t want to be anywhere near her.
AMY: I know she broke your heart. I can’t imagine how hard it is to see her again after all this time. How are you holding up?
MIMI: I’m doing just fine. I’m a big girl. Veronica doesn’t phase me.
AMY: Good. I’m glad to hear that. Well, I know it is really late. But, we have yet to have dinner. So, where should I order in from? Any cravings?
MIMI: How about Chinese food? I would love some General Tso's chicken.
AMY: (standing) You got it. I’ll go make the call if you set the table.
MIMI: Sure thing.
Amy leans down and kisses Mimi. The two smile at one another and Amy walks off. Mimi just stares on at what’s in front of her.
MIMI: (deep breath) What am I gonna do about Veronica?
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Living Room, Philip, Joshua, and Jennifer are drinking champagne. Andrea is having a glass of water.
ANDREA: I think it was an amazing idea of you to pop the question on that foot bridge. And, I love that all those people stopped to see the outcome. That is straight out of a romantic comedy.
JENNIFER: That’s exactly what it felt like.
JOSHUA: So, when is the wedding anyway?
PHILIP: We haven’t picked a date yet. But, I think that we might go with sometime in the late fall. We may even have a destination wedding.
ANDREA: What a great idea.
JOSHUA: You know what I was thinking just now?
JOSHUA: Why don’t we go out right now? We can go have a few drinks. Hell, I’ll even pay. Consider it an engagement present. What do you guys say?
JENNIFER: Philip and I did stop by Martin’s and have a few drinks already. Why don’t we go someplace more intimate?
JOSHUA: Sure. Honey, what do you say?
ANDREA: You guys mind if I stay here? I’m a little tired. Plus, I don’t really feel well. I would just love to crawl into bed.
PHILIP: You sure, Andrea?
ANDREA: Yeah, I’m…
A concerned expression comes across Andrea’s face.
JOSHUA: Honey, are you okay?
ANDREA: I...I...I just keep feeling these sharp pains.
JENNIFER: (going to Andrea) Why don’t we sit down on the couch?
ANDREA: Yeah. Okay. Sure.
As Jennifer is about to help Andrea walk over to the couch to sit down, she screams out in agony and grabs her stomach.
JOSHUA: Okay, that’s it. We’re going to the hospital!
PHILIP: I’ll pull my car around.
JENNIFER: I’ll come with you.
Jennifer and Philip rush out of the room.
JOSHUA: Come on, baby.
Joshua takes a hold of Andrea. Andrea stops them from moving. Andrea looks up at Joshua, tears in her eyes.
ANDREA: What’s happening to our child?
Andrea and Joshua gaze into each other’s eyes, both of them uncertain about what the future hill hold for their child.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in the Waiting Room, Lindsay takes a sip from her cup of coffee. She sets the cup back down.
LINDSAY: Dad, I really don’t want to talk about what happened between Carter and I. I just want to focus on Thomas right now.
MICHAEL: You don’t have to hide what happened from me.
LINDSAY: What are you talking about?
MICHAEL: I have a feeling I know what went down between you and Carter. Does it have something to do with he and Cynthia and a dinner they had?
LINDSAY: Yeah. How’d you know?
MICHAEL: Before you texted me tonight, I was in the process of telling Cynthia off for kissing that son-of-a-bitch.
LINDSAY: How did you find out about this?
MICHAEL: I’ve been having a P.I. follow Carter around town.
LINDSAY: I see JJ still does your bidding.
MICHAEL: I hope you aren’t mad at me.
LINDSAY: No, of course not. I’m pissed at Carter. And, I hate Cynthia even more for breaking your heart. I told you she was trouble from day one.
MICHAEL: I know you did.
LINDSAY: Sorry, dad. I really am.
MICHAEL: Thank you. I’m sorry for you too.
LINDSAY: Thanks.
As Lindsay and Michael pause for a second to sink in what has happened to their relationships, Dr. Stevens enters the waiting room.
DR. STEVENS: Hi, are you the Anderson family?
MICHAEL: Yes. I’m Thomas’ father, this is his sister.
DR. STEVENS: Okay, very good.
LINDSAY: How’s my brother, Doctor?
DR. STEVENS: Thomas is doing fine. It does appear as though he won’t need surgery. We did have to give him stitches though. Additionally, we will have to keep him overnight for observation.
MICHAEL: Of course. We understand.
LINDSAY: Can we see him?
DR. STEVENS: Yes, you can…
Then, Detective Roberts enters the room.
ROBERTS: Actually, I would like to see Thomas first.
MICHAEL: And, who are you?
ROBERTS: (shaking Michael’s hand) I’m Detective Roberts with the Thorne Hill Police Department. I’m investigating Thomas’ case.
LINDSAY: Did you find out who did this to him?
ROBERTS: Yes. We just need to speak with him first.
DR. STEVENS: Thomas is mentally and physically well enough at this time to receive questions. However, it is up to the family at this very moment considering that they’ve been waiting a long time to see him.
ROBERTS: I understand.
MICHAEL: Detective, you can see my son. But, I do want you to be quick.
ROBERTS: I will be. Thank you.
Still at Memorial Hospital…
Andrea is in a hospital gown. She is laying down on the exam bed. An OBGYN, Dr. Langford, is giving her an ultrasound. Joshua is standing by her, holding her hand.
ANDREA: How’s our baby, Doctor Langford?
DR. LANGFORD: Give me one moment.
Dr. Langford moves the scanner around Andrea’s stomach. Then, she hits a few buttons on the keyboard connected to the ultrasound machine. She puts the scanner in a slot next to the machine, removes her latex gloves, tosses them in a small trash can, and stands.
DR. LANGFORD: Well, Chief, your baby is fine.
ANDREA: Oh, thank God.
DR. LANGFORD: Now, I do recommend that you take it easy. I know you just got the Chief-of-Staff position not too long ago. However, I believe that the stress of the position did cause these pains.
ANDREA: Understandable.
DR. LANGFORD: Josh, will you make sure she stays home for a couple of days? For once, I get to tell the Chief what to do.
JOSHUA: You got it, Langford.
DR. LANGFORD: Alright. Well, I will send a nurse to get you cleaned up.
ANDREA: Thank you.
Dr. Langford smiles and walks out of the room.
JOSHUA: You doing okay?
ANDREA: Yeah. (getting choked up) Yeah, I’m gonna be just fine.
Joshua leans down and kisses Andrea on the forehead.
ANDREA: I love you.
JOSHUA: I love you too.
ANDREA: And, I love our baby. So, so, so very much.
Back at Amy and Mimi’s Apartment, Mimi is sitting on the couch. She is looking through old photos of she and Veronica on Facebook. Once she hears footsteps, she shuts the phone off. Amy comes around the couch. She kisses Mimi.
MIMI: What was that for?
AMY: Sometimes you’ve just gotta show your significant other how much you love them. And, my love for you is never ending.
Mimi and Amy smile at one another and kiss again.

Philip and Jennifer walk over to the front desk.
JENNIFER: Well, today has been quite the day.
PHILIP: Yes, it has. But, the rest of my days will be filled with my love for you, just like the days that came before.
Jennifer lets out a little laugh.
PHILIP: What’s so funny?
JENNIFER: I didn’t know that you were such a poet.
PHILIP: I can be.
JENNIFER: Oh can you now?
PHILIP: Yes. Of course.
JENNIFER: Let’s go see my brother and his wife.
PHILIP: Okay. But, more poems are coming your way.
Jennifer takes Philip’s hand and leads the way.

Thomas is taking a sip of water. Then, Michael, Lindsay, and Detective Roberts enter the room. They shut the door behind them.
MICHAEL: Hey, son.
THOMAS: Hey, dad.
LINDSAY: How are you doing, bro?
THOMAS: I’m doing good. Who’s this?
ROBERTS: I’m Detective Roberts. I’m with the Thorne Hill PD.
THOMAS: Wait? Aren’t you Becky’s partner?
THOMAS: Why are you here? Did you find out that, that bitch did this to me? She tried to kill me tonight. She hit me over the head.
ROBERTS: So, you can confirm our suspicion?
THOMAS: Yes. I didn’t even know she was under suspicion.
ROBERTS: We checked the security cameras at your building. Anyway, there’s something we need to tell you about Becky.
THOMAS: Yeah. There’s something I need to tell you too, Detective.
ROBERTS: Okay. You first.
THOMAS: Being a Detective wasn’t Becky’s only job.
LINDSAY: What are you talking about, Thomas?
MICHAEL: I’d like to know that too.
THOMAS: Becky was running a world wide drug operation.
ROBERTS: Excuse me?
THOMAS: Oh yeah. You heard me right. She was a criminal.
ROBERTS: Do you mind coming down to the station tomorrow and answering questions regarding your allegation?
THOMAS: I wouldn’t mind at all. I’ll even bring the evidence.
ROBERTS: Very good then.
MICHAEL: Detective, you said there’s something you need to tell us about my son’s ex-girlfriend. What exactly do you need to tell us?
ROBERTS: I don’t know how to say this. So, I’ll just come out with it. We got a call that a bad accident had happened on the back roads of Thorne HIll. Becky was involved. It was her car that went off the road.
THOMAS: Is she dead?
THOMAS: Detective, I’m sorry for your loss. But, she tried to kill me. Therefore, as I see it, I’m glad that this world got rid of that horrible excuse for a woman. May she rest in Hell.
MICHAEL: Roberts, I think it’s best that you leave us now.
ROBERTS: I think so too. Have a good night.
The Detective nods and leaves the room.
LINDSAY: I’m so sorry, Thomas.
THOMAS: Me too, sis. Me too.
Thomas turns on his side. The camera zooms in on his blank expression.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 37***