Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
--Ava was worried that Keith has discovered she and Judith’s secret.
--Joshua and Jennifer came clean to their significant others about Veronica.
--Stuart paid Michael back and warned him to stay away from the Whitmore family, or else there would be consequences.
--And, Carter and Cynthia kissed one another. As they did, JJ, Michael’s private investigator, snapped pictures of them.
Thomas enters the living room. He has just finished getting dressed for the day. As he buttons up his shirt, there’s a knock at the door. He walks over to the door.

THOMAS: (opening the door) Dad. Come in.
Thomas moves out of the way and Michael enters the apartment. Thomas shuts the door and turns around. Michael takes off his scarf.
THOMAS: Sure is cold outside this morning.
MICHAEL: Well, winter in Illinois is always odd, son. You never know if there’s going to be a blizzard, rain, or even a tornado.
THOMAS: I see you’ve got jokes this morning.
MICHAEL: I always do.
THOMAS: So, what brings you by this morning? I was about to put my coat on, grab my briefcase, and head into the office.
MICHAEL: Sorry to interrupt your morning routine. However, I felt the need to deliver this personally. I didn’t want anyone else getting involved.
Michael hands Thomas a manila envelope.
THOMAS: What’s this?
MICHAEL: What you asked for of course. JJ came back with some information on that girl Becky. Remember, you asked me for a favor in doing a background check on her.
THOMAS: Yeah, that’s right. Sorry. I’ve just been flustered.
Thomas begins to open the envelope.
MICHAEL: Before you open that envelop, I want to know something. Why is this so important to you, son? It just seems off for someone to ask for a background check on their ex-girlfriend who works as a police detective. Come on. Tell me the truth.

A timer goes off and Jennifer opens up the oven. She pulls out a tray of turkey bacon. She takes a sniff of the cooked meat.
JENNIFER: (sighs) That smells amazing.
Her thoughts are interrupted upon Joshua entering the room. She puts the tray of bacon down and turns around.
JENNIFER: Morning.
JOSHUA: Morning. Sure does smell good in here.
JENNIFER: Yes, it does.
JOSHUA: It was nice of you to make breakfast.
JENNIFER: My pleasure. Mom and dad always believed that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. Not just for the nutrition, but…
JOSHUA: But, for the family conversation.
JENNIFER: Exactly. Besides, we need some good brain food to come to terms with what’s been going on lately. First, we found that beautiful diamond bracelet at the crash scene. And, our long lost sister has blown into town and wrecked shop.
JOSHUA: I agree with you there. It’s just so crazy how this Veronica thing happened. Dad had an affair behind mom’s back. It’s insane to say that and think about it.
JENNIFER: You know, I do wonder if this is a sign from God or our parents. Our new sister just pops into our lives out of the blue. It has to be a sign.
JOSHUA: You’ve got a good point. Well, having said that, maybe this diamond bracelet thing is a sign as well.
JENNIFER: I know it is. (smiling) I know it is.
Amy is staring out the window and washing the dishes. Mimi walks into the kitchen and notices Amy daydreaming. Mimi walks up behind her and wraps her arms around Amy’s waist.
MIMI: Good morning.
AMY: Morning.
MIMI: Where were you just now?
AMY: (turns around) I was just thinking.
MIMI: That can be scary.
AMY: It can be. But, I think that depends on what I was thinking about.
MIMI: And, what exactly were you thinking about?
AMY: I was wondering about that woman you were with before me. Veronica. I was just wondering what she was like and why you two didn’t work out.
MIMI: Really? Why were you thinking about her?
AMY: It just popped up in my mind. We’re possibly going to make some big life choices. And, I just…
MIMI: Say no more. I get it. (sighs) Veronica had a lot of trust and commitment issues. And, I just couldn’t live my life like that.
AMY: Why didn’t you trust her?
Before Mimi can answer, Amy’s phone makes a buzzing noise.
AMY: Saved by the bell. I better check that. It could be about my dad.
MIMI: Go right ahead. I get it. I do.
Amy picks up her phone from the counter.
MIMI: Everything okay?
AMY: I’m not sure. It is my dad. But, he wants me to meet him at the mansion. I didn’t even know he was home yet. I better go.
MIMI: Of course. Do you want me to come with you?
AMY: No, I’m good.
Amy grabs her purse and keys.
AMY: I’ll talk to you later. Love you.
Amy and Mimi kiss.
MIMI: I love you too.
Amy walks off. Mimi stares on at her.

Judith comes down from the stairs. As she does, she sees Stuart (standing with the support of a cane) and a couple of suitcases at the end of the stairs.
JUDITH: Stuart, what’s going on?
STUART: What does it look like? I’m throwing you out.
JUDITH: You can’t be serious. This is the first thing you do when you return home from a major heart operation? No...wait...they must’ve taken your heart out.
STUART: Very funny. And, don’t act as though you’re worried about my health all of the sudden. You practically put me in the hospital by being a lying whore.
JUDITH: Stuart, what I did was a huge mistake. I am sorry for that. We all make mistakes though. You know, I did sign the papers. However, they haven’t been filed yet. There’s still time to fix this. Come to your senses, darling. Let’s not throw away what we’ve built up for all these years.
STUART: Don’t. Don’t do that. You did this, Judith. You broke our marriage vows. You had an affair. Now, it’s time to move on. So, get the hell out.
JUDITH: (sighs) The last thing I want to do is upset you.
Stuart lets out a little laugh.
JUDITH: I really do love you.
STUART: If you really did, that love would have stopped you from crawling into Michael Anderson’s bed. Or, better yet, it would’ve brought you home that night.
Then, there conversation is interrupted by the doorbell.
JUDITH: Who could that be?
STUART: Oh, that’s the kids. I called them to tell them about the end of our marriage. Better yet, you’re going to break the news.
Stuart smiles at Judith. She is in disbelief.
Back at the Jackson Family Home, in the Kitchen, Joshua and Jennifer are sitting at the table, drinking coffee, and examining the bracelet.
JENNIFER: It’s so beautiful. I can’t get over the style.
JOSHUA: Do you think there’s a slim chance it could’ve been mom’s?
JENNIFER: I never saw anything like this in her jewelry box. And, there’s a better chance of it just belonging to someone else around town who lost it. Maybe it was too loose on said person.
JOSHUA: Yeah. Maybe.
JENNIFER: What do you think we should do now?
JOSHUA: We need to hunt for the person who it belongs to. Whoever bought this has good money. That’s a clue to start with.
JENNIFER: We can also ask around town. Check out all the jewelry stores and even the pawn shops. We can even google the bracelet to get a good description.
JOSHUA: Good idea. Knowledge is power, as dad used to say.
JENNIFER: Right. So, let’s learn what we can.
Jennifer gets up from the table and grabs her laptop.

Mimi is refilling the sugar and other spices at a small counter. Then, Veronica enters the establishment. She walks up to Mimi. She’s shocked to see no one around.
VERONICA: Wow. Is business slow these days?
MIMI: (turning around) Actually, we’re still closed. Didn’t you see the sign on the front door? We don’t open for another hour.
VERONICA: Oh, I didn’t even notice.
MIMI: Okay.
VERONICA: I can leave if…
MIMI: No, that’s fine. I actually need to talk with you.
VERONICA: Okay. About…?
MIMI: Our history.
Back at Thomas’ Apartment, in the Living Room, Thomas sets the envelope down on the coffee table. He turns back around.
THOMAS: I assumed you already look through the file.
MICHAEL: I respect your privacy, son. I knew this was important to you and I wanted to keep out of your business. So, if you don’t want to give me any straight answers, then I won’t stand in your way.
THOMAS: Thanks, dad. I just need to do this on my own.
MICHAEL: I trust you. And, I know you’ll be okay. But, if you need anything else, you can come to me. I hope you know that.
THOMAS: I appreciate that. Well, I don’t mean to be rude…
MICHAEL: But, you need to get to the office?
THOMAS: Exactly.
MICHAEL: No problem. I can take a hint. Have a good day.
THOMAS: You too, dad.
Thomas and Michael walk to the door. Thomas opens the door.
MICHAEL: I love you, son.
THOMAS: Love you too.
Michael exits. Thomas walks back over to the couch after shutting the door. He picks up the envelope and takes out the packet that contains the background check. As he begins to read through it, there’s a knock at the door. He sets the background check packet down on the coffee table.
THOMAS: (calling out) Did you forget something, dad?
Thomas answers the door.
THOMAS: Oh. It’s you.

BECKY: Hello, Thomas.
THOMAS: What are you doing here?
BECKY: I came to say goodbye.
THOMAS: What are you talking about?
BECKY: I’m leaving Thorne Hill. For good.
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Foyer, Judith and Stuart are now standing closer by the front door of the home.
JUDITH: You want me to tell our children the truth?
STUART: Oh, yes, I do.
JUDITH: How can you be this cruel? Why are you rushing all of this?
STUART: I want you out of my life, Judith. I will not spend one more night with someone I do not trust. Now, open the damn door. Don’t keep the kids waiting.
Judith moves past Stuart and opens the door.
AMY: It’s about time one of you opens the door.
Amy and Philip enter. Judith shuts the door and turns around.
PHILIP: So, what’s going on? Amy and I both got text messages from dad telling us to meet the two of you here.
AMY: Is everything okay, dad? Has something already gone wrong with your post-op recovery? Is there anything I can do for you?
STUART: I’m fine, darling. And, no, nothing’s wrong post-op.
PHILIP: (noticing the luggage) I assume the reason you texted us has to do with the suitcases by the stairs? Who’s going on a trip?
STUART: Your mother is.
AMY: I don’t understand. What do you mean? Mom?
STUART: Go on, Judith. Tell them.
PHILIP: What is it? What’s going on?
JUDITH: (sighs) It’s official.
AMY: What is?
JUDITH: (choking up) Your father and I are over.
The camera cuts to all of them.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 34***
***END OF EP. 34***