Created By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Greg Ziobrowski
--Stuart was rushed to the hospital after his heart attack. Andrea decided it would be best to go through with the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery right away.
--After being hit by a car outside of Mimi’s Cafe, Philip was rushed to the hospital as well. As a result of his severe injuries, Philip slipped into a coma.
--Becky and Detective Roberts began to investigate the hit-and-run incident. Becky found multiple pieces of rubber from the tires of the vehicle that ran Philip over. This meant she was one step closer to finding the hit-and-run driver.
--Mimi confronted Lindsay about the secret Lindsay made her keep. She also blamed Lindsay for the state of she and Amy’s relationship.
--Cynthia told Michael the truth about her being raped by her uncle. She also filled him in on the fact that she murdered him in self defense.

Amy and Mimi are sitting by one another. Judith is pacing.

MIMI: (standing) I think I’m gonna go grab something to eat. Do you guys want me to bring you back anything?
AMY: No. I’m good.

JUDITH: Same here.
MIMI: Okay.
Mimi kisses Amy and then promptly exits the room. She shuts the door behind her. Amy stands and goes to Judith.
AMY: (sighs) Finally. We’re alone. Now, we can talk.
JUDITH: What is it? What do we need to talk about?
AMY: Your betrayal.

Lindsay enters the restaurant. She is on the phone.

LINDSAY: Hey, Mimi, it’s me. Look, I am about to meet Carter for the first time. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you can interrupt this date at anytime. I want you to keep me updated. Alright. I gotta go. Bye.
Lindsay hangs up the phone and walks over to the Host.
LINDSAY: Hi. I’m looking for a Carter Morrison. Is he here yet?
HOST: Yes, he is. Right this way.
The Host steps out from behind her podium. She then begins to walk to the table. Lindsay, who is walking behind her, takes a deep breath. It is apparent that she is nervous.
Becky is sitting behind her desk. She is looking over photos of the Philip Whitmore hit and run crime scene. Then, Detective Roberts walks up to her.

BECKY: Hi.What do you got for me?
DETECTIVE ROBERTS: Well, I’ve got good news and bad news.
BECKY: I thought as much.
DETECTIVE ROBERTS: Which one do you want first?
BECKY: Give me the good news.
DETECTIVE ROBERTS: We’re very close to finding the car.
BECKY: Okay. So, what’s the bad news?
DETECTIVE ROBERTS: Well, a lot of people want new tires in this town. Every auto shop is backed up.
BECKY: Great. I guess we better get a team together and start looking over the list. So, go ahead and do that please.
Detective Roberts walks off. Becky let’s out a sigh.
BECKY: Dammit. I feel like this case is never going to get solved. God better help me out with this one.
Veronica enters her room. She flips on the light. She walks over to the bed and sets her stuff down on the bed.

VERONICA: Not too shabby.
Veronica unzips her suitcase. She retrieves a photograph in a frame from the suitcase. She holds the photograph in her hands.
VERONICA: Oh, daddy, I miss you so much. But, I’m here now. I’m here in Thorne Hill. And, I just can’t wait to make a life for myself here and learn all about the impact you made on this town.
Veronica smiles at the photograph. She puts the photo on the nightstand, next to the bed. As she continues to unpack, the camera pans and zooms on the photo. It is a photo of Nick Jackson, the father of Jennifer and Joshua!
Cynthia and Michael are curled up on the couch.

MICHAEL: I’m sorry that all of that happened to you.
CYNTHIA: Thank you.
MICHAEL: How come you never told me?
CYNTHIA: It isn’t something I like to talk about.
MICHAEL: You realize that you can come to me with anything. I am always here to listen to you and give you sound advice.
CYNTHIA: I know that you are. Anyway, now you know the truth about what happened to me when I was young.
MICHAEL: Indeed I do.
CYNTHIA: So, tell me, does this change anything between us?

Jennifer and Joshua walk over to a more private area.

JENNIFER: Please tell me you aren’t letting your grudge get in the way of you giving the best care for Philip.
JOSHUA: First of all, I am insulted that you would even think that of me. Second of all, when I became a doctor, I took an oath. I promised that I would deliver the best care possible to my patients. Look, things may not be the best between your boyfriend and I; but he is a patient of mine. So, I will follow my oath.
Then, Joshua’s pager beeps. He looks down at it.
JOSHUA: I have to go. I’m wanted for a consult. But, before I do go, I want you to know one thing; do not ever accuse me of what you just accused me of ever again. Got it?
JENNIFER: Yeah. I got it.
Joshua walks off. Jennifer takes a deep breath.
Still at Memorial Hospital, back in the Waiting Room, Judith shuts the door to the waiting room. She then turns around and walks back over to Amy.
JUDITH: Darling, this family is going through alot right now. Your brother is in a coma. We are waiting to hear from Andrea about your father. I don’t think that now is the time to talk about my past.
AMY: Are you kidding? Now is the perfect time to discuss this whole entire mess. Mom, I deserve to have my questions answered. I deserve to know why you went behind dad’s back all those years ago. I deserve to know why you hurt him.
JUDITH: That is enough! I am finished! I am not explaining myself to you at this moment. Do you understand me, young lady?
AMY: Mom, look, I get it. I do. You’re under a lot of stress at the moment. But, I do not care. You created the drama for this family. Now, you can Slap me if you want, I don’t care. I am going to get some damn answers from you!
JUDITH: You want answers? Fine! I’ll tell you everything. I’ll tell you all about how your father tossed me aside in the name of business. I’ll tell you all about how I was so lonely that I had no choice but to turn to another man.
AMY: Don’t make this all dad’s fault. You wanted that life. You wanted to be the rich trophy wife. Well, news flash, mom, that lifestyle comes with a price.
JUDITH: You have no idea what I have endured in the marriage I am in. Yes, you and Philip know a lot of what goes on between your father and I. But, Your father and I still keep a lot of things private. And, I expect you to honor the privacy I share in my marriage. I think I’ll go look for Andrea. Your father oughta be out of his surgery by now.
Judith storms out. Then, Jennifer enters the room.
JENNIFER: Amy, is everything okay.
AMY: No. Nothing is okay. My brother is in a coma. My dad is having a life altering surgery. And, my mother betrayed my father. So, yeah, nothing is okay. And, I am pretty sure that nothing will be okay for this family ever again!
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Veronica’s Suite, Veronica sits down on the bed. She is rubbing lotion on her hands. Then, she crosses her legs and looks over at the photograph of her father.
VERONICA: You know, I still adore this lavender lotion. You used to send me so much of this stuff when I was a kid. Everytime I would get something from you, I just couldn’t hold back my happiness and excitement. And, don’t even get me started on how happy I was when I would get visits from you. I just wish I could see you one more time, dad. Oh, how I wish that.

Andrea and Joshua are sitting at a small table in Andrea’s office. There are papers spread out on the table.
ANDREA: Thank you for consulting.
JOSHUA: No problem, babe.
ANDREA: For once, I don’t know what to do in a case. I honestly do not know what to do next with Stuart.
JOSHUA: At least you managed to get him stable post surgery.
ANDREA: Yeah. I did. But, I didn’t totally save his life. He can’t be stabilized forever. There’s still a lot of damage to his heart.
JOSHUA: That’s true. But, we’ll find a way to save his life. I know that we will. We’ve got this. Just believe that.
ANDREA: I hope you’re right.
JOSHUA: Have you updated the Whitmores on his condition?
ANDREA: No. I honestly don’t want to update all of them till I have a plan for Stuart’s future treatment.
JOSHUA: Good idea.
ANDREA: You really know how to make me feel better. Thank you. I appreciate it. Especially at a time like this. Truly.
JOSHUA: As your husband, that is my job. And, we’ve all had issues in the O.R. before. It happens. Just be grateful that you stabilized him for now.
ANDREA: I’ll try to do just that.
JOSHUA: So, are you ready to get back to work?
ANDREA: You bet.
Then, there’s a knock at the door.
ANDREA: Excuse me.
Andrea gets up from the table and walks over to the door. Upon opening the door, Judith barges into her office.
ANDREA: Mrs. Whitmore…
Joshua stands.
JOSHUA: Can we help you?
JUDITH: Yes, you most certainly can. I want an update on my husband. And, I want one right this very moment!
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Carter and Lindsay are in the middle of their dinner. It is apparent that they are having a good time on their date.

CARTER: And, then I told my little brother that he could not drive the boat, because it was broken.
LINDSAY: (laughs) Did you ever get it fixed?
CARTER: Yes, I did.
LINDSAY: Well, that’s good. (sighs) You are so amazing. You run your own company, you have your own boat, you…
CARTER: Well, thanks for giving me the compliments. But, I think you’ve heard enough about me. I would like to hear about you. Your profile said that you are involved in the corporate world.
LINDSAY: At least I used to be.
CARTER: What happened?
LINDSAY: I think me telling you that is more of a fourth date kind of thing. I worked for my family’s company. In fact, I was the CEO. But, there was a major shake-up at the company. And, things have changed. But, there’s more to the story. More drama, if you will.
CARTER: Sorry to hear that you’re out of the job.
LINDSAY: (laughs) Yeah. Me too.
CARTER: I love that about you.
LINDSAY: Love what?
CARTER: Your laugh. It’s beautiful.
LINDSAY: Thank you.
CARTER: So, tell me, did you save room for dessert?
LINDSAY: I think I did.
Lindsay and Carter smile at one another.
Back at the Police Department, in the Front Offices, Becky and Detective Roberts are sitting at a table. Both of them are looking through multiple files.
BECKY: I think I’ll go call Auto Help.
DETECTIVE ROBERTS: The one on Fifth Street?
BECKY: Yeah.
DETECTIVE ROBERTS: Sounds good. I’ll call that auto shop on Mattson Avenue. Hopefully, one of us will turn up with some answers.
BECKY: Sounds good to me.
Becky and Detective Roberts pull out their phones. They both go to opposite ends of the police department. The camera follows Becky.
BECKY: (on the phone) Hello. This is Detective Becky Campbell with the Thorne Hill Police Department. Look, I know it is late. But, I need you to tell me about a car that recently came into your shop. Yes, that’s it, the black sedan. Tell me, are multiple pieces of rubber from maybe the front left tire missing? Really? Okay thank you so much for telling me the truth. Okay. Bye.
As Becky hangs up, she and Detective Roberts meet up again.
DETECTIVE ROBERTS: Did you get anything?
BECKY: I did.
DETECTIVE ROBERTS: Okay. What is it?
BECKY: I found the car that we’re looking for.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Veronica’s Suite, Veronica is laying in bed. All the lights are shut off and she is under the covers.
VERONICA: You know, dad, I’m really excited to meet Jennifer and Joshua. I’ve always wanted to meet my siblings. But, I’m just not so sure when I should see them. I mean, how will they react to a half sibling? How will they react to finding out that you had an affair on a business trip? (sighs) You know, I’m really regretting coming to this town to see them. I just hope that my feelings don’t get the best of me. Well, I better get some sleep. (looking over at the photo) I love you, dad. I really do.
Back at the Anderson Mansion, in the Living Room, Michael and Cynthia stand up from the couch.
MICHAEL: Cynthia, What you did was an act of courage. Someone was violating you. And, you put a stop to that. I am so proud of you. Your bravery amazes me. That is why nothing has changed between us.
CYNTHIA: Michael, thank you. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for being here for me. I love you so much.
MICHAEL: I love you too.
Michael and Cynthia kiss one another passionately.
MICHAEL: (deep breath) Are you ready for bed, my darling?
CYNTHIA: I actually think I’m gonna stay down here for a bit longer.
MICHAEL: Would you like me to stay?
CYNTHIA: I actually would love some alone time.
MICHAEL: I completely understand.
Michael kisses Cynthia on the cheek and leaves the room. Once out of the room, Cynthia hears a knock at the door.
CYNTHIA: Who could possibly be here at this hour?
Cynthia leaves the living room.
Cynthia walks up to the front door. Upon opening the door, a shocked expression falls upon her face.
CYNTHIA: What are you doing here?
MAN: I need your help.
CYNTHIA: I can’t help you. And, you have got to leave this home. You’ve got to leave this town. Right now!
MAN: Now, now, is that any way to talk to your first husband?
The camera pans to the man who has been at the door this entire time. The man is revealed to be Carter Morrison!
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Andrea’s Office, Andrea shuts the door to the office. She then walks back over to Judith and Joshua.
JUDITH: Please, give me an update. I have been waiting. But, my patience is beginning to wear very thin. I just wanna know how my husband is doing.
ANDREA: Okay. You deserve to know what’s going on. Your husband’s surgery didn’t go as planned. There were some unexpected complications.
JUDITH: Complications? What does that mean?
ANDREA: The heart attack caused a lot more damage than I, or anyone else, had foreseen. Because of the damage, Stuart flatlined during his surgery.
JUDITH: Oh my god!
ANDREA: Don’t worry. I managed to resuscitate him. He is now back in his hospital room. He is also, for the moment, stable.
JUDITH: Thank God. Thank you for the update.
ANDREA: Of course.
JOSHUA: Judith, how about I walk you back to the waiting room? On the way there, I can talk to you about your son’s condition.
JUDITH: Sounds good to me.
Just as Judith and Joshua are about to walk out, Becky enters.
JOSHUA: Oh. Can we help you.
BECKY: Hi, I’m Detective Becky Campbell. I called and said that I needed an update on Philip Whitmore’s condition.
ANDREA: Yes. Of course. Doctor Jackson and Mrs. Whitmore were just about to leave my office. However, I do know the state of Philip’s condition. I’ll gladly fill you in, Detective.
BECKY: Thank you.
ANDREA: Actually, Andrea, before you do that, I would like an update on my son’s case. So, Detective, are there any updates?
BECKY: After I got an update on Philip’s condition, I was going to come to the waiting room and update your family on your son’s hit and run case. However, I have no problem with doing it now.
JUDITH: Thank you.
BECKY: Of course.
Before Becky can speak, Andrea’s pager beeps. She looks down at it.
ANDREA: I have to go. Right now.
JUDITH: What’s going on? Is it my husband or my son?
ANDREA: It’s your husband.
Before Andrea can leave, Judith grabs her arm.
JUDITH: What’s going on?
ANDREA: I don’t have time to fill you in. I have to leave right now.
Andrea races out of her office.
JUDITH: Joshua, I saw you look down at your wife’s pager the second she did. You must know something. What’s going on?
JOSHUA: Judith, I’m so sorry. But, Andrea got a code blue page.
JUDITH: Oh my god!
Judith rushes out of the room. Joshua and Becky follow her.
JOSHUA: (calling out) Judith!

Andrea is in the middle of giving Stuart CPR. The heart machine is going haywire with a beeping noise in the background. A crash cart is rushed into the room. Andrea grabs the paddles. Gel is put on the paddles by a Nurse. Andrea rubs them together.
ANDREA: Clear!
Everyone backs away. Andrea shocks Stuart with the paddles. Then, Judith, Joshua, and Becky rush into the room. Judith rushes to her husband’s bedside. She is frantic.
JUDITH: (crying) Stuart! Stuart!
ANDREA: Judith, I’m gonna need you to get out of here and let me do my job. Do you understand me?
JUDITH: (crying) I’m not leaving him!
ANDREA: You have to. I need more room.
Andrea holds the paddles up to a Nurse. The Nurse puts more gel on them. Andrea rubs the paddles together.
ANDREA: Someone get her out of here! Now!
Joshua escorts Judith out of the room. Becky follows.
Still at Memorial Hospital, on the 5th Floor, Joshua shuts the door to the hospital room. Becky and Joshua walk off. Judith goes up to the window of Stuart’s hospital room. Lindsay and Mimi see a frantic Judith watching Stuart’s condition unfold through his hospital room window. Then, Amy and Jennifer walk out of the waiting room and go to Judith as well.
AMY: Mom, what’s going on?
JUDITH: Oh, Amy.
Judith embraces her daughter.
JENNIFER: What’s going on?
JUDITH: (coming off the hug) Your father could be dying.
AMY: (sobbing) What? Oh my god! (rushing to the hospital room window) Daddy! Daddy! Come on! Come on! Stay strong! Dad! Dad!
A crying Amy falls into Mimi’s arms. The camera zooms out from the situation that is occuring at the hospital.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 17***
***END OF EP. 17***
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