Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
Quentin and Stuart are sitting at the bar. They are both drinking a cup of coffee.
QUENTIN: Thank you for meeting me today.
STUART: Just be glad I had this morning gap in my schedule.
QUENTIN: I know you’re a very busy man.
STUART: Yes, I am. We both are.
STUART: Anyway, why’d you want to meet up so bad?
QUENTIN: I just wanted to get the low down on the past five years.
STUART: Well, my wife cheated on me. We divorced. I almost died from my heart failing. But, then, I got a lifesaving transplant. Oh, and we lost everything and we were at the mercy of the man my wife cheated on me with.
QUENTIN: Yeah, I heard all about that. I really wanted to know how you’ve been coping with all of this. What’s your heart been telling you lately?
STUART: You’re hilarious. (sighs) It’s been telling me that I’m not long for this world. But, I’m going to make the most out of every moment.
QUENTIN: Very true. You know, Stu, I would like to get closer. I really do want to revive our brotherly relationship. I really want to be apart of the family.
STUART: Is that the story you’re sticking to?
QUENTIN: What is that supposed to mean?
STUART: Nothing. Nothing at all.
Stuart looks away from Stuart and takes a sip of his coffee.
Ava is sitting down at the desk. She is putting a pair of gold, hoop earrings. When she’s done, she looks over at the note she received from Keith last night.

AVA: What is this note all about?
Ava becomes deep in thought.
Ava is in her home she shared with Keith. Her nose is bloody. She is sitting on the floor. Her head is tilted back. She is crying and holding a paper towel up to her nostril.
KEITH: God, you’re so filthy. And, look, you’re getting blood all over the floor. If you wouldn’t do stuff like this, I wouldn’t have to beat you. I love you, baby. You just make it so hard sometimes.
Ava comes out of her thoughts, wiping away a few tears. She stands up, grabs her purse and heads to the door.
AVA: I’m not gonna stand around here anymore. It’s time to take action.
Ava exits her suite, shutting the door behind her.
Jennifer walks up to the side by side grave plots of her parents. She lays individual bouquets of white roses by each headstone. She then takes a couple of steps back and sits down on a stone bench that faces the headstones.
JENNIFER: Hey, mom and dad. It’s me. Your little girl. I know that I haven’t talked to the two of you in a bit. I’ve just been so busy. I know that you two look down on me each day. So, you probably know that I’m close to finding the killer. Or, killers. I don’t know. Not sure. I just miss you two so much. And…
Before Jennifer can get another word out, she hears a twig snap. She stands up right away, alert. She’s quick on her feet.
JENNIFER: (calling out) Who’s there?!
A woman walks up to Jennifer.
VERONICA: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.
JENNIFER: (breathless) Oh, hey, Veronica. I’m sorry. I’ve always been jumpy.
VERONICA: You’re fine.
JENNIFER: What brings you all the way out here?
VERONICA: Same reason you’re here. I came to visit our father. But, if you want to be alone, I can leave. I have some work to do anyway.
JENNIFER: No, don’t leave.
VERONICA: Are you sure?
JENNIFER: Yeah. I would love the company.
Veronica and Jennifer smile at one another.
Judith is sitting at a corner booth. She is drinking a cup of black coffee. She has her phone out and is looking at a picture of Jennifer’s personal notes of the investigation. As Judith examines the notes, Mimi comes up to her with a pot of coffee.
MIMI: Can I top you off?
JUDITH: Mimi, honey, hi. Yes. You can top me off.
Judith hurriedly turns off her phone. Mimi refills her cup.
MIMI: What brings you in tonight? Are you meeting Amy?
JUDITH: Oh...no. I just needed to get out of the house.
MIMI: I can understand that. This is the best place to clear your head.
JUDITH: That’s for sure. How are you doing? I haven’t talked to you in ages. I guess you can call me a bad mother-in-law.
MIMI: Judith, I know you’ve been busy. It’s okay. And, I’m doing okay. In fact, I don’t know if Amy told you or not, but we have an appointment coming up with the adoption agency. They want to do a home visit.
JUDITH: That’s amazing. I’m so happy that you two are one step closer to getting a child. No one would make better parents than the two of you.
MIMI: That means a lot that you’re saying that. Thank you.
JUDITH: Of course.
MIMI: Well, I should check on the rest of the room. Talk to you later.
JUDITH: Sounds good, honey. Have a good night.
MIMI: You too.
Mimi smiles and walks off. Judith then picks up her phone again and goes back to the same photo that she had up previously.
JUDITH: (sighs) What are we gonna do? I have so much on my plate lately. It’s time I try and start cleaning up some messes around this town.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Stuart and Quentin are still over by the bar. Stuart is signing a check, paying for their coffee.
QUENTIN: Thanks for the coffee and the conversation.
STUART: My pleasure.
QUENTIN: Hey, on a quick side note, did you hear about that new restaurant opening downtown later tonight?
STUART: Yeah. I think it’s called The Painted Dock.
QUENTIN: Correct. Anyway, the pre opener got great reviews by all the business journals. It made me want to snag a table for tonight. I would love it if you could come. You can even bring the kids along.
STUART: Sure. Why not?
QUENTIN: Really? You’re interested?
STUART: As long as you’re buying. Look, I better get back to the mansion. I have a conference call that I need to take care of. Have a good one. Seya tonight.
Stuart collects himself and walks off. As he is leaving the establishment, there is a dinging sound that comes from Quentin’s phone. Quentin retrieves his phone from the breast pocket of his suit jacket. The text message he has received is from Emerson.
Hope everything is moving along. Remember,
there’s a lot at stake. DA Portsmith and I are
counting on you. TTYL.
QUENTIN: (sighs) Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Quentin finishes off his cup of coffee.
Back at the Thorne Hill Cemetery, Jennifer and Veronica both sit on the stone bench.
VERONICA: You and Joshua both picked beautiful headstones.
JENNIFER: Thank you. It was important for us to send our parents out the right way. We wanted to deliver a loving tribute to them.
VERONICA: I was always saddened that I couldn’t make it to the funeral. I didn’t have enough money. That’s why I saved up my checks from The Chicken Shack for months upon months to make it out here. I had to meet you and Josh.
JENNIFER: I know. I’m glad you did save up. I judged you very harshly at first.
VERONICA: You just couldn’t believe your father had an affair. I understand.
JENNIFER: It was shocking to think that he went against the vows that he said to my mother. But, I’ve made peace with it. I love you, sis.
VERONICA: You just called me sis. And, you said ‘I love you.’
JENNIFER: Yeah. I guess I did.
VERONICA: (smiling) I love you too, sis.
Jennifer and Veronica hug one another.
JENNIFER: No matter what, I’ll always be your sister.
The camera zooms out from a bell being rung by the motion of the front door to the shop being opened. In walks Ava. She begins to look around the shop. She touches inexpensive necklaces and some lovely silk scarves. Then, Mr. Drake walks up to her.
MR. DRAKE: Hi. Finding everything okay?
AVA: Um, I’m Ava McClain. I called earlier today.
MR. DRAKE: Ah, yes. Miss McClain, how are you?
AVA: Great. I’m good. Yourself?
MR. DRAKE: Wonderful. Anyway, if you’ll come this way, I will show you to our selection of guns that you wanted to see.
AVA: Thank you.
Ava and Mr. Drake walk to the front counter.
MR. DRAKE: Now, do you have a permit?
AVA: Yes.
MR. DRAKE: And, are you looking to buy today?
AVA: Of course. Let me see that Colt 1908 Vest Pocket with the Pearl handle.
MR. DRAKE: Certainly.
The camera zooms in on Ava’s determined expression. The camera then cuts to a man looking through the window of the shop. It’s Keith watching Ava purchase the firearm.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Veronica and Jennifer are sitting at a table. Both of them are drinking iced tea and eating a turkey BLT sandwich.
JENNIFER: So, I think Philip and I finally settled on a wedding location.
VERONICA: Oh my gosh. Really?
JENNIFER: Yes. We are going to do a small family and friends wedding in Athens. We’re thinking maybe a Fall wedding.
VERONICA: Athens? As in Greece?
VERONICA: Wow. That is…
JENNIFER: (laughs) We wanted to go all out.
Judith appears from behind and walks over to the table.
JUDITH: Hello, girls. I couldn’t help but overhear. I think it is so great that you and my son are getting married in Greece. That’ll be a great time had by all.
JENNIFER: I hope so. How are you, Judith? I haven’t seen you in awhile.
JUDITH: I’m doing great. I apologize for me being scarce. I just needed some time to deal with my divorce and my sister being back in town.
JENNIFER: I understand.
JUDITH: Well, I better go. I hate to cut things short. But, I do have a facial today. I’ll see you at the engagement party though. Have a good lunch, girls.
VERONICA: Thank you.
JENNIFER: Thank you.
Judith makes her way to the front door of the establishment. As she does, her phone makes a dinging noise. She retrieves her phone from her purse and looks at the text message she has just received.
Hope you’re having fun these days.
Your world may come crashing down
JUDITH: What the hell does this mean?
The camera zooms in on Judith. She has a confused expression on her face.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 51***