Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry


Kimberly and Michael are sitting on the office couch. Both of them are still drinking an adult beverage as they were in the last episode.
KIMBERLY: Okay, it’s only one and we both have had two glasses. I think we should order up some food…(laughs), or we could get ourselves in trouble.
MICHAEL: I think you’re right.
As Michael gets his phone from the breast pocket of his suit jacket, there is a knock at the door. Kimberly and Michael look at one another and laugh.
MICHAEL: Did someone read our minds? (calling out) Come in!
Seconds later, Lindsay enters the office.
LINDSAY: Hey, dad...I…
KIMBERLY: (standing) Hi, sweetheart.
LINDSAY: Oh my gosh, Aunt Kim? What are you doing here?
Lindsay and Kimberly go to one another and hug.
MICHAEL: (standing) She’s here to help.
LINDSAY: (coming off the hug) What does that mean exactly?
KIMBERLY: Well, darling, I’m here to run this company and steer the Anderson family ship in a much better direction.
Carter is sitting at the desk and typing up an EMail to a company on his laptop. As he finishes up the EMail, there’s a knock at the door. He lets out a sigh, closes his laptop, and walks over to the door.
CARTER: (opening the door) Cynthia.

CYNTHIA: Hi, Carter.
CARTER: Its been awhile.
CYNTHIA: Yeah. It has. But, we need to have a very serious talk.
CARTER: Okay. Come on in.
Cynthia enters the room, brushing pass Carter. Carter shuts the door, turns around, and walks over to Cynthia, who is by the bed.
CARTER: What’s going on?
CYNTHIA: I need to talk to you about my future with my current husband.

Quentin is standing in the living room of his new home. Boxes are all around him. He is currently talking on his FBI issued cell phone.
QUENTIN: Things are coming along nicely.
EMERSON: (over the phone) Do you have your evidence room set up?
QUENTIN: Yes. I also installed the cameras around the house too.
RUSSELL: (over the phone) Did you get the audio set up okay?
QUENTIN: Yes, D.A. Portsmith.
Then, Quentin hears the doorbell.
QUENTIN: Someone’s here. I’ve gotta go. Talk to you guys later.
Quentin hangs up the phone. He walks over to the door.
QUENTIN: (opening the door) Hey. What are you doing here?
JUDITH: Your brother told me you were back in town. I just wanted to see if the rumors were true. Since I now have confirmation, I guess I can ask, what the hell are you doing here?

Jennifer, Philip, Andrea, Joshua, and Veronica all walk into the ballroom.
JENNIFER: Oh my gosh. This place is absolutely gorgeous.

ANDREA: This is a breathtaking venue for the engagement party. You guys definitely picked the right place to host this thing.

PHILIP: All the credit has to go to Jenn.
JOSHUA: What can I say? My sis has good taste.
VERONICA: Of course she does. She runs her own online boutique and she plans one hell of a wedding so far. Is there anything she can’t do?
JENNIFER: (laughs) Okay, guys. I appreciate the compliments. Anyway, how about we go ahead and look around? I want to make sure that this is truly the right place.
PHILIP: Sounds good to me.
Everyone splits up and walks around the ballroom. Jennifer stays behind with Veronica and walks up closer to her.
JENNIFER: I appreciate you coming along with all of us today.
VERONICA: Of course. Wouldn’t have missed it for the world. And, I cannot wait for the engagement party. I have this amazing dress picked out.
JENNIFER: Good. I’m glad.
VERONICA: Jennifer?
VERONICA: Thank you for trying to make me a true Jackson.
JENNIFER: Of course. I’ve come to terms with what happened between our dad and your mother. Like I said before, it wasn’t your fault. It’s time we all move on.
Jennifer and Veronica smile at one another.
VERONICA: I agree.
Back at Anderson Manufacturing, in the CEO Office, Lindsay, Michael, and Kimberly all take a seat on the office furniture.
LINDSAY: I see you two are remincising.
MICHAEL: That’s my girl. You know what the good alcohol looks like.
LINDSAY: (laughs) Of course I do. I’m an Anderson.
KIMBERLY: You crack me up. So, tell me, what’s been going on these days? I heard about that Carter guy that broke your heart.
LINDSAY: Yeah. About that…
MICHAEL: Lindsay, what’s going on?
KIMBERLY: Do you two need a moment alone?
LINDSAY: No, it’s okay. I actually came here to talk to my father about the whole Carter situation. There’s something I need to tell you.
MICHAEL: What is it?
LINDSAY: We may be getting back together.
MICHAEL: (standing) Are you kidding me right now?!
Kimberly and Lindsay stand.
LINDSAY: Dad, please don’t get your emotions all twisted over this.
KIMBERLY: Michael, Lindsay’s a grown woman. She can make her own choices.
MICHAEL: That man made out with my wife. That man lied to your brother about someone who could’ve killed him. Wake up, Lindsay.
LINDSAY: Dad, I am awake. My mind is fully awake. I am not sure where Carter and I fully stand. However, we’re giving things a second chance. Please, don’t judge me harshly on this. I know he and Cynthia broke your heart. He knows I am not even forgiving him for that. But, I’m choosing to move on. I’m choosing to explore a relationship with someone who I have come to love.
MICHAEL: You love him?!
KIMBERLY: Michael, calm down. Get it together. Lindsay explained to you that she has not forgiven that man about what he did with your wife. She has the right to love him though. Your daughter has the right to be with him...whether you like it or not.
MICHAEL: I’ll tell you right now, I can be pissed about it. And, I will be. Sure, you can show whatever man you want a good time. Just don’t expect me to be okay with this one.
LINDSAY: Good to know where you stand. We’ve always been honest with one another. I expect nothing less. (voice breaking) I should get going.
Lindsay collects her things and leaves.
KIMBERLY: Seriously, Michael?
MICHAEL: What did I do? That man tore apart my second shot at a family.
KIMBERLY: Maybe you should take a page from Lindsay’s playbook. You don’t have to forgive. You don’t have to forget. But, you have to move on. You have to find a way to get on with the rest of your life. I know you’ve forgiven Cynthia. That’s the first step. Do yourself a favor and move onto the second one.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in the Ballroom, Jennifer and Philip are looking around the stage area. Philip is taking measurements with a tape measure.
PHILIP: Alright, it looks like the DJ booth will fit here nicely.
Philip walks back to Jennifer.
JENNIFER: Great. It’s all coming together.
PHILIP: Yes, it is. And, before you know it, it will be our wedding day.
JENNIFER: Gosh, this upcoming night is going to be so magical. I cannot wait to just be in your arms and dance the night away.
PHILIP: We could start dancing now.
JENNIFER: (laughs) Oh really?
PHILIP: Oh yes.
Philip grabs Jennifer’s waist and starts to sway with her.
The camera pans over to Joshua and Andrea.
ANDREA: Your sister and Philip are so cute.
JOSHUA: I am so glad that they’re happy.
ANDREA: Same here. For years, Jennifer has waited to have something that most people have. True love. We have it. They have it now. Your parents had it.
JOSHUA: Very true. Everything’s changing for this family. We’re having a baby soon. Jenn is getting married. Veronica is becoming a true Jackson.
ANDREA: Things are really good.
Veronica comes from the back part of the ballroom and goes over to Andrea and Joshua. Andrea and Joshua turn around to face her.
ANDREA: Hey, how are you doing, Veronica?
VERONICA: I’m doing good. This place is fabulous.
JOSHUA: Yeah, it is. They picked a good space.
VERONICA: I totally agree. Anyway, I just came to tell you guys that I do have to get back to work. So, I’ll see all of you soon.
ANDREA: Sounds good. Have a good day.
VERONICA: Thank you. You too. Tell those two love birds that I said ‘bye’.
JOSHUA: We will.
Veronica nods and walks off. Then, Joshua holds Andrea close. They start to sway back and forth much like Philip and Jennifer.
ANDREA: What are you doing?
JOSHUA: Practicing for my sister’s big day.
ANDREA: Has it been that long since we last danced?
JOSHUA: For me...yes.
Andrea lets out a laugh as she and Joshua continue to slow dance.
Back at Quentin’s Home, in the Living Room, Judith and Quentin walk fully into the living room. Judith puts her purse down on the couch.
QUENTIN: You’re still as frank as I remember.
JUDITH: Good. I don’t care for change.
QUENTIN: I know. Anyway, I’m back in town to make amends and start a new life. I want a fresh start. I want to turn things around.
JUDITH: Its been five years. By now, I think we were all ready to put you behind us. We were comfortable with knowing that you wanted to live your hot-shot life somewhere else.
QUENTIN: Judith, I know I did a lot of wrong.
JUDITH: Yeah. You did. Especially by your brother. His health was deteriorating right before our eyes. He was literally on his death bed last year. Where were you? Oh, that’s right, you were designing jewelry and parading women through your penthouse.
QUENTIN: I’ll admit it. I lived the bachelor life. However, I realize now that I need to change. I want to repair things with everyone. I want to become the family man I always should have been. How about we hug it out?
JUDITH: This isn’t an episode of The Brady Bunch. Our issues cannot be solved in a thirty minute time span with a commercial break. This is real life, Quentin.
Then, Quentin’s phone rings.
JUDITH: You should get that.
Quentin gets his phone from his back pocket and looks down at it.
JUDITH: Go on. I’ll wait.
Quentin hangs up on the call.
JUDITH: Wow. You didn’t have to do that.
QUENTIN: Yes, I did. We are talking. It’s only right I hang up on that call.
JUDITH: Something tells me that you hung up on that call because you’re keeping something from me and everyone else around you.
QUENTIN: You brought jokes.
JUDITH: I wasn’t joking.
Judith picks up her purse and walks to the door. Quentin follows her.
JUDITH: I should be going. You have a good day, Quent.
QUENTIN: You too, Judith.
Judith smiles politely at Quentin and opens the door. She exits the home and shuts the door behind her. Quentin stares out the window.
QUENTIN: What am I gonna do about this whole thing?
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Carter’s Suite, Cynthia sets her purse down on top of the desk. She then walks back over to Carter.
CARTER: Does Michael know about what we did?
CYNTHIA: No. No. It’s not about that.
CARTER: What’s going on?
CYNTHIA: (sighs) As you already know, I moved out of the mansion. Since then, I’ve been talking things out with Michael a lot. Not too long ago, we had a fun night. He came to my room. We drank a lot and watched movies. It was martial bonding at its finest. Anyway, he wants me to move back into the house.
CARTER: I get it. You came here to tell me that you choose him. You should also know that Lindsay and I spent the night together too.
CYNTHIA: Okay. That’s good. That’s fine. You see, everything is getting back to normal. We are going to live our lives the way they should’ve been lived in the first place.
CARTER: Can you honestly say that knowing that our night of passion has to be kept secret? How can we go in two relationships while living a lie?
CYNTHIA: Carter, we have to. Michael is the best thing to ever happen to me. I want to keep him in my life. And, I know that you and Lindsay have gotten serious.
CARTER: Yes, we have. But, I just can’t forget you.
CYNTHIA: (getting closer to him) I know. I won’t forget you either.
Cynthia leans in and lightly kisses Carter.
CYNTHIA: We have to do this.
CARTER: (deep breath) I understand.
CYNTHIA: Goodbye, Carter.
Cynthia collects her purse and walks to the door.
CYNTHIA: Seya around.
CARTER: Yeah. Same here.
Cynthia opens the door and leaves. She shuts the door behind her. Carter sighs once more and then clears off the desk, shattering a vase. The camera zooms in on him.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 49***
***END OF EP. 49***