Created By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Mike Larry
Written By: Casey Hutchison & Mike Larry
Jennifer and Philip are sitting at a table and drinking coffee. Jennifer is typing up some notes on her iPAD. Philip takes a sip of his coffee.
JENNIFER: Okay, how does the ballroom at The Palace Hotel sound for the venue? They just redid the whole thing and it looks gorgeous.

PHILIP: That sounds good to me.
JENNIFER: Alright. Next up, we need to discuss the caterer. We could go with Mimi’s Cafe. Your sister-in-law does great work for these types of parties.
PHILIP: Yeah, that sounds fine to me.
JENNIFER: Okay. How about I also invite your evil twin?
PHILIP: Yeah. Sure. Sounds good.
JENNIFER: Philip. What is going on with you?
PHILIP: What do you mean?
JENNIFER: I’m trying to plan our engagement party with you. But, I can’t do that when you’re this distant. What are you thinking about?
PHILIP: I’m thinking that our world is going to implode any second now.
Ava is sitting on the bed. She is looking at a photo of she and Keith on her cellphone. As she becomes deeper in thought, there is a knock at the door. She jumps up. She lets out a deep breath, turns off the cellphone, and goes to the door.

AVA: (opening the door) What are you guys doing here?
JUDITH: We wanted to come and see you to talk about Keith.
STUART: We need to handle this situation. (looking at Judith) Together.
AVA: You two are the strangest divorced couple ever. Come in.
Ava steps aside. Judith and Stuart enter. Ava shuts the door, turns around, and goes to them. Judith sets her purse down on the desk.
AVA: So, how do you think we can handle Keith?
JUDITH: I think I have come up with the perfect plan to deal with him.

Keith is sitting on his bed. His laptop is in his lap. He is watching the live feed of Ava’s hotel suite. He also has his earbuds in to listen to what Ava, Judith, and Stuart are saying.
KEITH: Oh, Judith, you’ll never beat me, you weak bitch.

Michael is sitting behind the desk. He is wearing a pair of reading glasses and looking over some papers. Then, there’s a knock at the door.
MICHAEL: Come in!
Seconds later, a woman enters the office. She shuts the door behind her.
MICHAEL: (looking up) Well, it’s about time you get here.
The camera pans up to reveal the woman to be Kimberly.
KIMBERLY: Hello, Mike. You’re in my seat.
The camera pans around the bedroom. Clothes are scattered on the floor. Two empty wine glasses are sitting on the nightstand. The camera pans over to Lindsay. The sun is shining through the blinds and in her eyes. She slowly begins to wake up. As she lets out a deep breath, Carter slowly wakes up too. The two see one another and they both let out a little laugh.
CARTER: Good morning.
LINDSAY: Morning.
CARTER: Last night was fun.
LINDSAY: Yes, it was.
CARTER: Thank you for still wanting to be with me.
LINDSAY: What can I say? I’m drawn to you.
CARTER: Ditto.
Carter and Lindsay kiss one another.
LINDSAY: (sighs) I should get up and make us some coffee.
CARTER: Actually, I would like to do something first.
LINDSAY: (laughs) This early?
CARTER: No, not that. I wanna talk to you.
LINDSAY: About what?
CARTER: Your headaches.
LINDSAY: Don’t worry about me. I scheduled a doctor’s appointment.
CARTER: Okay good. Now, we can talk about something else.
LINDSAY: What now?
CARTER: Why did you make me call you Lacey last night?
Back at Anderson Manufacturing, in the CEO Office, Kimberly and Michael are standing over by the desk. Michael hands Kimberly a glass of whiskey. He has one for himself.
KIMBERLY: Thank you.
MICHAEL: Of course. I’m glad you finally made it.
KIMBERLY: Me too. The business I had in New York tied itself up much faster than I thought it would. But, I won’t complain. I’ve been so ready to jump into everything going on here, that my business in the Big Apple kinda took a backseat in my mind.
MICHAEL: I’m flattered.
KIMBERLY: Same here. I’m very happy you went with me to fill the CEO position. Thank you for entrusting me with your company. I know this place is your baby.
MICHAEL: Yes, it is. We didn’t grow up in a big house. We didn’t grow up on a good side of town. I wanted different for not only myself but my whole family.
KIMBERLY: I know you did. You did it, Michael. You made your dreams come true. You took care of all of us because of this company. You paid for me to go back to college and get my business degree. You have mom and dad in one of the finest retirement communities ever. They’re in paradise.
MICHAEL: How are they? I haven’t spoken to them in awhile.
KIMBERLY: They’re doing good. Mom recovered from her hip surgery. Dad is restoring a 1955 Corvette and having the time of his life doing it.
MICHAEL: I’m glad to hear they’re happy. They fought tooth and nail to give us the best life possible...considering where we lived growing up. Nonetheless, it was my turn to give back to the two of them.
KIMBERLY: Amen. Anyway, when would you like me to officially start?
MICHAEL: (laughs) How’s tomorrow sound?
KIMBERLY: Perfect. I’m excited to get all settled in. My home is ready actually.
MICHAEL: Your home? I thought that you were going to stay at the mansion?
KIMBERLY: I thought about it. However, I saw this cute little house on Riverton Drive that I just had to have. I’ll have you, Lindsay, and Thomas over for a huge feast when Thomas gets back in town. I’ve missed my niece and nephew. I missed you. I missed Thorne Hill. (raising glass) Here’s to fresh starts, brother. And, here’s to the future of the Anderson empire.
MICHAEL: I’ll drink to that.
Michael and Kimberly clink glasses. Both of them smile as they take a sip.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Jennifer closes the case of her iPAD and puts the tablet back into her purse.
JENNIFER: Why do you think our world is going to implode?
PHILIP: We have so much going on. We’re planning our engagement party right now. Shouldn’t we be looking for whoever killed your parents?
JENNIFER: Okay, I know what’s going on here. You’re having fears just like I do. Now, it’s my turn to calm your fears. Philip, we do have a lot going on. But, that should not stop our personal lives and our love for one another.
PHILIP: I know. I’m just trying to make sense of all of this.
JENNIFER: I know you are. So am I. How about we go for a walk? It’s a beautiful day. We can get out. Get some fresh air. Okay? Just me and you.
PHILIP: (smiles) That sounds perfect to me.
JENNIFER: (smiles) I thought that it might.
Back at Lindsay’s Apartment, in the Bedroom, Lindsay is standing up from her bed, and putting on a pink, silk robe. Carter is putting on his jeans. He stands up, shirtless.
LINDSAY: Carter, what are you talking about?
CARTER: What do you mean? Last night, before we started making love, you asked me to call you Lacey. I guess we were roleplaying...or something?
LINDSAY: I don’t know what you’re talking about. I guess I just had too much to drink. But, yes, if you must know, I do like roleplaying.
Lindsay gets closer to Carter and begins to kiss him. She then begins to move down and kiss his chest. Then, she kisses his neck.
LINDSAY: How about we skip the coffee and we play the football player and the cheerleader? That way, you can call me whatever name you want.
CARTER: You got it.
Carter begins kissing Lindsay on the neck. He then lays her down on the bed. She lets out a laugh that sounds like a cute squeal.
Back at The Palace Hotel, in Ava’s Suite, Stuart sits down on the desk chair.
AVA: Okay. What is this plan of your’s, sis.
JUDITH: Simple. We draw him out.
AVA: What? I don’t think that’s a good idea.
STUART: Hold on, Ava. I think it’s a good plan. Hear her out.
JUDITH: Listen. Everything will be fine if we stick to my plan. I think that we should show Keith that you aren’t afraid. If we show him that, he’ll try even harder to grip your soul. But, once he comes out from hiding, we snatch him.
AVA: What would we do after that?
JUDITH: That’s where Stuart’s guards come in. They can ambush him. We will get the upper hand on Keith. We will put the fear of God in that terrible man.
AVA: We defeat the demon. We don’t let him defeat us.
JUDITH: Exactly.
STUART: And, in the process, we protect our secret.
AVA: I like this.
JUDITH: Do you think you’ll be able to do this?
AVA: Yeah. Hell yeah.
Back at Keith’s Hotel Room, Keith is still sitting on the bed, watching the live feed.
KEITH: I’ll let you all have your fun for now. But, boy, all of you are in for a huge surprise. I just can’t wait for you to see it.
The camera zooms in on Keith. He is smiling.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 48***
***END OF EP. 48***