Created By: Casey Hutchison
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Executive Producer: Greg Ziobrowski
--The stress of trying to save Stuart’s life caught up with Andrea.
--Thomas reached out to Michael with a business offer.
--Carter requested money from Cynthia. In turn, Cynthia wanted the truth about what Carter’s true occupation was after they got a divorce.
--Veronica learned more about her siblings, Jennifer and Joshua.
--Mimi and Amy decided to get married as soon as possible.
--And, in exchange for keeping her secret about being a drug lord quiet, Judith wanted Becky to drop the hit-and-run case.

Mimi is wiping down the front counter and various tables. She is also straightening up. Lindsay enters. All Mimi hears is footsteps.

MIMI: Sorry, we’re closed for the rest of the day for a special event.

LINDSAY: And, here I was thinking you were the one who called me.
Mimi looks up from wiping down one of the tables.
MIMI: Oh, Lindsay, hi.
MIMI: Thank you for coming.
LINDSAY: Of course. No problem. So, what’s up?
MIMI: Well, there is something I need to tell you concerning my wedding and my future with the love of my life.
LINDSAY: Okay. What’s going on?
MIMI: Well, Amy and I changed the date.
LINDSAY: Really?
MIMI: Yes.
LINDSAY: Okay. So, when are you two gals going to tie the knot?
MIMI: (laughs) We’re getting married tonight.
Lindsay appears to be taken aback by the sudden change in date. However, she decides to smile, all the while knowing her nerves are bubbling for the surface.
Detective Roberts is standing over by a filing cabinet. He is looking over a file of Philip’s case. Then, Becky enters. She rushes to her desk and sets her purse down. She lets out a big sigh. Detective Roberts goes to her.
DETECTIVE ROBERTS: I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you are 100 percent frustrated over something right now.

BECKY: What gave it away? Was it how I rushed in here not paying attention to anyone? Or, was it the big sigh I took when I flopped down in my chair?
ROBERTS: A combo of both.
BECKY: I thought you might say that.
ROBERTS: Do you want to tell me what’s going on?
BECKY: Well, I guess I should. After all, it does concern you.
ROBERTS: How exactly?
BECKY: What I meant to say was that it concerns the case we’re currently working on. You know, the Philip Whitmore hit and run case.
ROBERTS: Cut to the chase, detective.
BECKY: We need to stop investigating the hit and run. And, we need to stop
investigating right this very moment.
Judith is pacing back and forth. Vargas then enters the room. Judith stops pacing and turns around.

JUDITH: Finally! It is about time you got here.
VARGAS: Sorry I’m late.
JUDITH: Yeah. Save it. We have a lot to discuss. I want to know why you took things to the extremes. I want to know what gave you the right to run my son down with a car.
VARGAS: Do you not remember anything, boss?
JUDITH: What does this have to do with my memory?
VARGAS: (laughs) You said that I could do whatever I wanted to do when it came to stopping Philip from uncovering the truth.
Judith slaps Vargas.
JUDITH: You foolish idiot! I never meant for you to hit my son with a car! And, because you did that, I now have to punish you. And, who knows, that punishment just could mean death.
The camera cuts back and forth on both Judith and Vargas.

Veronica sits down at a table. A waiter hands her a menu. She smiles at the Waiter. The Waiter walks off.

VERONICA: Well, I wonder what’s good to eat here. Let’s see.
Veronica opens her menu.

Amy slowly and quietly enters the room. She shuts the door behind her. She takes a deep breath as she looks at a comatose Philip. She then wheels over a stool to the hospital bed. She sits next to her brother. She puts her purse on the table next to her.
AMY: Hey, brother. How ‘ya doin’? Are you finally getting that much needed beauty sleep? I could use some beauty sleep right about now. After all, I am getting married tonight. (laughs) I can’t believe that this is happening. I can’t believe that in just a few short hours, I will be getting married to the love of my life. I just wish that you and dad could be there. I just hope that soon things will return to normal. (sighs) My fingers are crossed. They really are.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Mimi is now behind the counter. She is pouring two cups of coffee. Lindsay is sitting at a stool behind the counter. Mimi hands a mug to Lindsay. She keeps one for herself.
LINDSAY: So, let me get this all straightened out. You and Amy are going to marry one another tonight?
MIMI: Yes. That is the plan.
LINDSAY: What about the big wedding you both wanted?
MIMI: Amy and I both looked forward to a big wedding. But, after much consideration, we just decided that we would be happy with a very small wedding of just us two. And, of course, two witnesses.
LINDSAY: Am I one of those witnesses?
MIMI: Of course you are.
LINDSAY: Good. So, who is going to be the other witness?
MIMI: Jennifer. Amy called her last night. She actually jumped at the offer. Which made us both very happy.
LINDSAY: Okay. Good. Glad to hear that. Now, let me ask you this. Have you found a dress to wear for tonight?
Back at the Whitmore Mansion, in the Living Room, Judith is over by the bar cart. She pours herself a glass of scotch. She takes the glass with her as she walks back over to Vargas.
JUDITH: I will admit that I gave you permission to do whatever you wanted. However, you should’ve known that I would have never wanted you to put my son in the line of danger.
VARGAS: In turn, I’ll admit that it was a mistake to run down Philip with a car. But, you have to realize that I saved your ass. Philip hired that state of the art hacker to dig into police files. He made up for everything that I stole.
JUDITH: I know. I know. Vargas, I am going to be real with you for just a moment. A lot has gone down in my life lately. And, I am scared. I really am. My affair I had with Michael Anderson came out. My husband had a heart attack. And, now, he needs a heart transplant. And, because of you, my son is in a coma. So, yeah, I have a lot to be scared about. And, I have a lot to worry about. But, the last thing I thought I needed to worry about was someone I hired to do very simple jobs for me.
VARGAS: What can I do to make things better for you, boss?
JUDITH: You can get the hell out of this town. You can forget that you were ever involved with this family. Do you understand?
VARGAS: Yeah. I got it.
JUDITH: Good. Have a nice life, Vargas.
VARGAS: You too, Mrs. Whitmore.
JUDITH: Thank you.
VARGAS: (begins to walk out) Bye.
As the door is heard closing, Judith finishes her drink.
Back at the Police Department, in the Front Offices, Detective Roberts puts a file on top of Becky’s desk.
ROBERTS: What do you mean we have to stop investigating the Whitmore hit and run? This makes absolutely no sense.
BECKY: Look, I am telling you that it is not a good idea to move forward with this case. The least you could do is believe me.
ROBERTS: Becky, what is going on here?
BECKY: Okay. Fine. I’ll be honest with you.
ROBERTS: Please!
BECKY: (standing) A powerful man was hit by a car. And, my guess is that someone ran him down with a damn good cause. So, I’m just going out on a limb here and saying that there are a lot of dangerous things that are bound to happen, as we investigate this case.
ROBERTS: We’re two hot-shot detectives. We’re used to danger. In fact, sometimes the both of us thrive on it.
BECKY: I know that. But, I feel as though this case will lead to more danger than we have ever faced.
ROBERTS: I still don’t think you’re really telling me the truth.
ROBERTS: Come on, Becky! Dammit! Just come clean!
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, the Waiter is now over by Veronica’s table. He is taking her order and writing said order down on his notepad.
VERONICA: I’ll have the chicken salad with bleu cheese dressing. And, some lemonade to drink. Thank you.
Veronica hands her menu to the Waiter. He walks off.
VERONICA: Well, I guess while I’m waiting I can get out my phone and look for a job. I just can’t live off of the money I brought with me forever.
VERONICA retrieves her phone from her purse. She turns the phone on and unlocks it. She then clicks on the internet app icon.
VERONICA: Well, let’s see what’s available.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Philip’s Hospital Room, Amy grabs Philip’s hand. She holds his hand close to her.
AMY: So much has happened to our family lately. It is all just really starting to get to me. And, I wish you were here to make it all better. I thought that all of our family’s troubles were behind us. Our finances were just starting to get back on track. Mom and dad actually seemed happier to me. But, one night changed it all. One night was all it took. I wish that one night would’ve never happened. Can you do something for me? Can you just wake up? Please? Is that too much to ask for? Just, wake up. Come on. Just come back to me, brother. Just come back to me.
Then, Amy hears the door open. She turns around.
JUDITH: Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.
AMY: What are you doing here?
JUDITH: Well, I just got done visiting with your father. And, I thought that I would come and visit my son as well.
Judith walks over to Amy. Amy stands.
AMY: How is dad doing?
JUDITH: Just fine, honey.
AMY: Glad to hear it.
JUDITH: How’s your brother?
AMY: Still in the coma obviously.
JUDITH: I see that. So, what have you been telling him?
AMY: I’ve been talking to him about my upcoming wedding. You know, when I’m not practically begging him to wake up.
JUDITH: I know. And, I also know that I am very excited for your wedding.
AMY: Yeah. Me too. I told Philip that I wish he wasn’t in a coma. I wish he was able to attend my wedding. I really do.
JUDITH: Honey, your wedding is in a couple of weeks. I’m sure he’ll be out of his coma by then. There’s no need to worry.
AMY: See, that’s where you’re wrong, mom.
JUDITH: What do you mean?
AMY: I’m getting married tonight.
JUDITH: And, when were you planning on telling me this?
AMY: Frankly, I wasn’t planning to tell you about it at all.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Mimi pours coffee into Lindsay’s mug.
LINDSAY: Thanks for the refill.
MIMI: You are welcome. Oh, and to answer your question from earlier, I in fact do have a dress for my wedding tonight.
LINDSAY: Is it the one you thought about getting from the bridal shop downtown? The one you gushed over as you looked through the window.
MIMI: Yes. That is the dress.
LINDSAY: Good choice. Anyway, is there anything you need me to do for you before tonight? I am still in the position of maid of honor.
MIMI: I think I’m all good.
LINDSAY: Well, if you think of something, let me know.
MIMI: Thanks.
LINDSAY: Of course.
MIMI: Alright, enough about me. It is time to talk all about you. I want you to tell me how your first date with Carter went. We never got the chance to go into detail about it. So, what do you think of the new guy in your life?
LINDSAY: Let’s just say that he is absolutely perfect for me.

Becky and Detective Roberts walk into the interrogation room. Detective Roberts shuts the door behind them.
BECKY: Alright. Now that we’re alone, I can tell you the real truth.
ROBERTS: It’s about damn time. Go on.
BECKY: Before I do go on, there’s something that you should know. Once I tell you the truth, there is no going back. You will be involved in something you do not want to be involved in.
ROBERTS: Try me.
BECKY: I was attacked.
BECKY: Yeah. Turns out, that the guy who runs the auto shop on Fifth Avenue was working for the hit and run driver. When I found out the truth, he had some guys attack me as a warning sign to stay away.
ROBERTS: My god. Becky, we have to go after them. We have to report this. We have to protect you.
BECKY: No. You and I will do no such thing. We have to stop digging. If we continue to do so, I am afraid of what will happen.
ROBERTS: I don’t know about this. You really want to throw all of our hard work away because of this one attack?
BECKY: Do you really want someone else to get hurt?
ROBERTS: (sighs) No.
BECKY: News flash, Roberts, there is high stakes crime that goes on in this town everyday. It would take a lot more than two detectives to bring down all the crime in this town. People could get killed. And, I don’t know about you, but that is the last thing I want. Do you understand where I’m coming from?
ROBERTS: Yeah. I do.
BECKY: Thank you for listening to me. And, thank you for taking my side on things. I’m just trying to protect this department and this town.
ROBERTS: I understand. But, what are we gonna say to everyone?
BECKY: I’ll think of something. In fact, why don’t you help me think of that something over lunch? My treat.
ROBERTS: Sounds good to me. Where do you want to go?
BECKY: How about you pick. I have some meetings to set up concerning the dropping of this case. So, I’ll go make some calls before we leave. Sound good?
BECKY: Alright.
Becky exits the room. Detective Roberts lets out a deep breath.
Back at The Grand Piano, in the Dining Area, Veronica now has her food and drink in front of her. She takes a sip of her lemonade. She then puts the glass in front of her. She continues to scroll on her phone, looking for jobs.
VERONICA: Dishwasher...nine bucks an hour..., no thank you. I’m not that desperate for a job. I guess I’ll keep looking. Oh my gosh. Is this for real? There’s actually a job available at my sister’s store. This is perfect! I better get back to the hotel and start building a resume. This could be the perfect way for me to come face-to-face with one of my siblings.
Back at Mimi’s Cafe, Mimi takes a sip of her cup of coffee. She then sets her mug back down on the counter.
MIMI: I am so happy that you had a good date with this guy. After all the drama that has gone down in your life the past couple of weeks, it is high time you indulged in a man.
LINDSAY: I think so too.
MIMI: Good for you. So, do you think you’ll be going on a second date with Carter in the near future?
LINDSAY: I believe so.
MIMI: Well, if you’re looking for a quick solution to what you should do for that second date, you are free to bring him as your plus one to the wedding. It might be nice to have one more guest there anyway.
LINDSAY: I think it is a little too early for me to bring him to stuff like weddings and family functions.
MIMI: I guess you’re right.
LINDSAY: I know I am.
Lindsay grabs her purse and stands.
LINDSAY: Well, I should leave you to go get your hair and nails done.
MIMI: What are you talking about?
LINDSAY: When you took that phone call from a vendor a couple of minutes ago, I took the liberty of scheduling you a hair and nail appointment, on me.
MIMI: Wow. Thank you.
LINDSAY: My pleasure.
Mimi comes out from behind the counter.
LINDSAY: I love you, honey.
MIMI: I love you too. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.
Lindsay and Mimi walk over to the door.
LINDSAY: Sounds good to me. Bye.
MIMI: Seya.
Lindsay exits the cafe.
MIMI: I’m getting married. This is all really happening. Today is finally my big day. I just can’t believe it. This is all I’ve ever wanted. I can’t wait to say ‘I do’.
Back at Memorial Hospital, in Philip’s Hospital Room, Judith puts her purse right next to Amy’s, on Philip’s bedside table.
JUDITH: When was this big switch decided?
AMY: Yesterday.
JUDITH: And, why weren’t you going to tell me about this? After all that has happened, I am still your mother.
AMY: Are you?
JUDITH: What is that supposed to mean?
AMY: You betrayed dad in the worst way. Because of you, he had a heart attack. Because of all of the things you did, I don’t know if I ever want to consider you my mother again. I think that is pretty fair.
JUDITH: Don’t do this. Don’t shut me out.
AMY: Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.
JUDITH: Because, I love you. You are my daughter. You are my little girl.
AMY: I was your little girl. I was your loving daughter. But, you changed all of that by making a huge mistake. Then, you kept this huge mistake from all of us for years.
JUDITH: And, I am sorry for that.
AMY: Really?! Really? Are you? Because, you sure as hell aren’t showing any remorse for your actions.
JUDITH: I know it doesn’t seem like I am. But, trust me, I do feel guilty. I really do. And, don’t you think I have been punished enough? Both my son and my husband are in desperate need of some of the best medical care around. Watching them suffer is punishment enough.
AMY: There you go again. You have this way of making things all about you. Well, I got news for you. This time, things are so not all about you. See, this conversation we are having right now is the exact reason I was not going to tell you about the date change.
Amy then grabs her purse off of the table.
JUDITH: Please, do not do this.
AMY: I’m afraid I have no choice.
JUDITH: But, you do.
AMY: I’m gonna tell you something right now. And, I want you to listen to me very closely. I want you out of my life. Got it? Good.
Amy begins to exit. Judith tries to catch up to her. But, Amy ends up slamming the door in her face. The camera zooms in on Judith’s face. A tear strolls down her cheek.
***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 19***
***END OF EP. 19***